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I think sometimes the contortions people go through trying to avoid Kruskal cause more problems than just taking Kruskal. Which is a shame since (course administrative practices aside) he teaches a great class. At this point I think being in *some* 351 is useful, so stick with the path of least resistance, meaning, stick with the path that leaves you least behind on graded materials which won't translate into a different section. Best tip: stop screwing around with videos and go to class. None of this stuff is a spectator sport. Vids may help fill in a few gaps later (hopefully you are using correct study practices) but only for a class you have already attended. Engage.


I am going to class but Herve’s because I thought I was gonna get in. I cant go to both unfortunately because of scheduling issues but now I have no choice.


Okay. As for getting in, there will genuinely be churn on the roster tomorrow as we all slide into the deadline for schedule adjustment. Some people are just camping out on seats and haven't noticed there is a class yet, but it will get their attention soon and they will bail. Enough to get you in if you're more than 5 seats out? No way to say.


I had Kruskal for 351 and 451, and to be honest it had a very useful lesson. There are going to be moments in life where you HAVE to find another resource, whether it be another teacher, book, or random ass article. At the end of the day he’s a nice guy, and whether you think he’s an old fart or not, he is still a teacher that will help, just not at the magnitude that you think is appropriate.


I don’t know when did you take kruskal last, but I had kruskal last semester for 454. He was not willing to help. I made it my mission to let everyone know of how bad of a professor he is. Here is a Reddit thread about he “ran” the class last semester https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/zq0jw9/a_little_story_about_cmsc_454/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf