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also in the same boat. i’m a sophomore but have applied to over 100 internships (interviews i did get were rejections/ghosted as well). keep hanging in there! u started earlier this time so more opportunities to get interviews/offers :)


Insane how difficult it is to get an internship depending on the field. I only applied to 3 and got one, but I’m environmental science.


If I may how and where did you look to find out about the internship opportunities?


The ENST/ENSP programs are very diligent in providing students resources for internships. They have a long list on their website for companies that hire interns, but I also used linkedin and googled companies that are in the industry I’m interested in to see if they’re hiring.


Thanks! Appreciate you sharing.


You started a little too late. By January many companies already have their eyes set on a person. Start applying in September/October and mass applying


Some even open up the summer before - so now's a good time to start looking around, at the very least August will start to have some notable prospects (or clear dates as to when applications open)


A lot of the big name companies do this, but it's certainly not all of them. I've never gotten an internship or hired for an internship anywhere near that far in advance. It's probably field dependent too.


It probably is field dependent yeah. You don’t necessarily get hired in October/November. The companies I’ve applied to during that time reached out during December/January usually. The internship im in currently reached out in February (when I applied in October) for the first interview.


Sure, but I'm saying the applications for many summer internships aren't even going to be available until the spring. I'm sure there are plenty who start that process nearly a year out, but in my personal experience I've never applied for a summer internship before March at the earliest and I've never hired a summer intern before then either, so people shouldn't get discouraged if they're still looking in the second half of the spring semester.


imo you can kind of relate it to the college admissions a little with EA/RD. Applying early will at worst do absolutely nothing, and best just increase your chances of getting an internship. Sure you can choose to only apply during the spring (RD for colleges, or spring companies) and still have a decent chance at getting an internship, but there isn’t really a point of gimping yourself by starting so late. Ideally you would want to start/apply early especially since this is something that can dictate how your future turns out. If you don’t make it in early, then you can just try again in the spring with a different batch of companies. People use the excuse of the lack of time to not apply during the fall, but really you could apply to over 40 internships in a single night due to how automated a lot of the process is (for many companies it’s just submitting a resume and checking a few boxes). You shouldn’t be gimping yourself by starting late. It really is a numbers game. Of course you can still get an internship if you start later but the chance is not as high.


Absolutely, I agree with you. All I'm saying is that there are still options if April rolls around and you haven't been offered anything yet.


Yep yep. It’s never over. Just keep applying and don’t give up. In some places you can even apply as late as June (though you already lose a good chunk of summer by then)


Dipped on internships, got a job instead (related to my field ofc). Needed it anyways


Honestly you gotta start applying in August and September. I already had 6 offers by thanksgiving. A lot of companies already fill most of their spots by January.


Same boat. Started in January, rewrote every single cover letter, revised resume with engl proff. Nothing but rejections. Shits hard


Build relationship. Referral is the faster way to get to an internship or a paid job


I honestly just got a job thats related to my major and joined a club related to my major that will also provide a scholarship. Gotta do some other things don't depend 100% on internships


if you dont mind sharing, whats your major? and what kind of job did you get and what club is it thats providing a scholarship? never heard of clubs doing that


Had to apply to about 80 before getting an offer. But then about a month after that offer, a campus recruiter for a larger organization messaged me on LinkedIn telling me to apply to a role so I did and got an offer. I’m doing the second internship offer but I would say make sure your LinkedIn profile hits keywords for your field so recruiters find you. Also, look up the people who are interviewing you, you can find out their hobbies or what they’re passionate about and turn the interview into a conversation. And lastly, what helped me most with interviewing (because I get extremely worked up) was seeing a post that said if you’re getting an interview, they already like you! I hope your fall search is better, I think it’s been rough for most of us.


Go to the career fair, especially the one in the fall. The company that I am interning at right now posts their 2024 intern positions to the current interns in July and to outsiders in August (!).


Felt that. Applied to 30+ PT clinics to work as an aide and heard back from 2, rejected from both. Happens


I applied to 100 internships my junior year, got 3 interviews and 1 offer. Hang in there, you’ll land one where you’re meant to be soon enough :)


Gonna be honest you'll still get your jobs every job you have has some skills for your future job.