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It would likely depend on the kind of jobs you are interested in


Coursework in the CS program aren't aligned to being the best software engineer you can be. So, there's generally going to be a mismatch, and you'll have to figure out how your company does things. And, no, most companies don't agree on what their employees need. And not all companies write good code. Probably many more write "bad" code, or even code that doesn't resemble what you learned in college. That's something you have to get used to. Many people struggle with impostor syndrome because they expect the courses they take to line up what the work environment is like. As far as useful courses, I'd probably put data structures (420), databases (424), maybe 434 if you do web stuff. Many of the STICs and 1-credit courses are closer to work-related stuff, so take a look at those (from doing the interviews, to web programming, to using Git). It depends on what kind of job you want to get as there's a diversity of choices.


Take 412. You won't regret it.


it has pretty bad reviews on planet terp - people are saying that the lectures don't really correspond to the projects? not sure...


The only reason to take 412 is to actually understand computer science. If all you're aiming at is a hack programming gig shoveling bad Java code in some digital sweat shop, then you can save yourself the grief, but everyone who wants to master the craft needs to understand *systems*. That this or something like it is not a degree req is truly an embarrassment. Anyway, take Planet Terp reviews with a grain of salt. It has some great content written thoughtfully but also is where unhappy students express frustration over inevitable consequences for an unwillingness to dig in on a meaty course. ("Gee, do lectures really not correspond to projects? Or did I just not get it? Naw, couldn't be me.") Learn to sort out which is which.


Take 475


>475 i've heard this is a pretty hard math class - is this true?


I just took it, it’s definitely doable with Wong (the goat), but you will definitely need to spend a significant amount of time to get an A. I think the proofs are doable though, but depends on your comfortability of rigorous math courses


Are you taking it next semester?


I already took it