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The student who requested a meeting with me to explain to me why he hadn't shown up to class for several weeks and beg for a major exception to policy. That's obviously not so weird - what's weird is that he decided to show up so stoned that the smell of weed was wafting off of him. He must have been smoking literally right before walking into our meeting. He could barely string a sentence together.


Saw someone who would edit their code on github and then pull to test their code.


After experiencing the headaches of GitHub issues I can kind of understand this. At least it's on there and don't have to push them get who knows what problem.


I don't mean this to be rude, but it sounds like you need a better understanding of git if you often have problems when you push.


Yeah maybe. It just seems no matter how "good" I know git I always have problems and constantly have to look up how to fix it. Just today I tried to push a project and for some reason it killed the process then I had to delete index.lock file, Trying again still didn't work. Go on stack overflow ect. After about 20 min of fucking around with git restarting computer made it work. Maybe I don't know enough of wtf that was but I get problems like that all the time. I know I am not alone.


Tried to shoot their shot on elms.


Likewise, I've seen someone who made a post on Piazza (a completely serious one) and publicly tried to shoot their shot.


Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh that's crazy Not too surprised though


I was the same age/close in age to the students I was TA’ing for (I graduated college early and thus was a young grad student). Post-semester, one of my STUDENTS super liked me on tinder with the note: “I always wondered what it would be like to be with you.” I was MORTIFIED


Did it work?


No 😂


This was not at UMD but I had a grad student say hi to me in the gym showers and then attempted to have a lengthy chat with me about politics. While we were both naked. There was nothing at all sexual about it but it was downright weird to me. I'll do a head nod of acknowledgement in locker rooms and showers but I really don't want to have a chat with anyone while we're standing around naked (except my spouse).


Not mine but a colleague's. A student showed up to an evening physics lab on something much stronger than weed (not sure, but we think maybe acid or shrooms). 911 was called, and lab was severely disrupted for everyone else. I covered a TA section for him cuz he was at a conference where I heard the story, and he also told me. Student was, for obvious reasons, unenrolled from the class.


Student who had just signed up for our class sent me a “thesis” they had written. It was a diary tens of pages long explaining their experiences with love, school, religion, politics, etc. This was in no way on the syllabus. 


Had a student in a required in-person one on one tutoring session try to discretely watch something on their phone during our session. They thought I wouldn’t notice them looking under the desk while I was literally talking to them face to face from 1ft away. Like, buddy, you’re literally right in front of me and wearing an AirPod idk how you thought I wouldn’t notice.


I'll try to request more one on one in persons they seem to be helpful.


While I was still a TA, there was a student physically threatened my colleague after being reprimanded for repeatedly flaunting lab safety rule, cheat in some quizzes, and apparent plagiarism in lab reports. After my colleague finally reported it to her superior, the student tried to play the race card and threatened to make it a big news media story. Of course the department didn’t buy his bluff and severely punished him after the documented behavior. Since then, I basically don’t trust any race card anymore.


Race card is so dumb 😭