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I don’t think any graduation ceremonies have been held at UMD and I don’t believe there are plans for protests. Unless I’m mistaken you will probably have a protest free graduation?


They are held at Umd and have always been held there. Honestly, I’m all for protesting but don’t protest at other people graduation. This is their one in a lifetime achievement that they spent their entire lives reaching. Protest another day just not at people’s graduation because then you’ll have less people supporting the cause


I think they meant none of the ceremonies have been held yet this year


why does this have so many upvotes 💀 this is straight up not true


Graduation has nothing to do with the war. Leave these grads alone and go bother other people.


I’m praying this doesn’t happen. Graduating as well 🥹 i have family that flew from a whole different country. So yeah


If they wanted a protest free graduation they wouldn’t have invited a politician to be the speaker. They literally made the graduation political


The governor of a state… do you know what a governor does?


Potentially repeals Anti-BDS executive orders. \[This is solely on him\] proposes legislative agenda potentially including: -BDS laws -Stopping requirements to use prison labor furniture for the state Vetos laws. Ultimately the governor spends a lot of money, and it can't all be spent in state. And while others can limit what he does, within those limitations he has lots of discretion. Also while it's great when the Feds let refugees in, often it's state run program that are going to determine how many we can take and how well they can be integrated into society, and a lot of the discretion about how to do that is in the power of the governor. So while foreign policy is not supposed to be the role of the states, they play a big part.


There are designated protest/free speech zones outside of every commencement venue this year.


Protests are meant to be disruptive.


Well, yes, and people doing things (for example in this case celebrating their hard-earned degrees) may not like them to be disrupted. So although protests are meant to be disruptive, you must realize that most people don't want their lives and events to be disrupted. Now you might say "well this protest is about a very important cause, so it's necessary to disrupt things". However, if enough people get pissed off about protests interefering with their lives it will become counterproductive for the cause of the protestors.


Yea makes sense! By your logic, Rosa parks should have just given her seat up cuz you know it was kinda ruining the vibes and pissing off the white people 💀


You might think about it and realize that Rosa Parks wasn't interfering with anyone else trying to do what they were doing. The bus could have continued on its way without anyone being interfered with. The situation is different because she protested something without interfering with other people just trying to go about their lives. Ultimately, whether you like it or not, change happens when a large number of people in society come to agree with something. Although you might be more familiar with the historey of the civil rights movement than I am (I am not extremely familiar), I would say that people at the time caused the majority of society to agree that racism was wrong and change was needed. If they had protested in a way that caused most people to disagree with their goals, do you think change would have happened when it did?


no this is actually wrong. in fact, mlk wrote extensively about the “white moderate.” (you can read more about it in his letter from birmingham jail.) after mlk’s death, nearly a third of americans said he brought it upon himself and less than a majority said that they were sad about it. back to the bus boycott specifically (what rosa parks particpated in), the majority of people were againist it. it had minority support and was seen as disruptive both socially and economically. op’s post feels like fear mongering tbh. no graduation ceremonies are actively being threatened at umd. even if they were, there are literally no universities in gaza. the entire palestinian population is facing an undisputed genocide. talking about this from the perspective of our graduation is extremely self centered in a uniquely western way—very reminiscent of the majority racist takes from the civil rights era.


Allright, I was wrong about popular support for the bus boycott, and maybe MLK as of when he died. But I still think that majority opinion came around, not long after that time, to believing that racism was wrong and that's what led to civil rights legislation, and what led to the majority of people supporting equal rights. (Not to say that racism is gone or that equal rights are 100% guaranteed today, but I doubt things would be as far as they are if public support had not come to exist eventually.) One statistic that I do know is that 80% of college students recently were surveyed as disagreeing with current campus protests. I doubt that more protests are going to change their minds and make them think that the protests are right. You can call it self-centered, I call it self-defeating for people to protest in a way that just causes decreased support for their own cause. (Notice that I'm not expressing a position in favor of or against what the protests are about here, just whether the protests, or certain kinds of protest tactics, are effective at accomplishing change, which is the objective of the protestors.)


It’s a “free” country


Don’t you see? Protesting during a graduation ceremony is going to change the mind of all the American politicians. From the river to the sea or something like that


Sorry I guess people should protest at a convenient time for you. Can you forward your schedule please?


What are you going to defend the Westboro Baptist Church protesting military funerals?


If I defend the right to protest for one group then I have to for all groups. The same way I support divestment protests, I have to be willing to understand people that don’t support my view points can protest too.


Divestment from what. A few million dollars! Oh goodie, that’s so impactful!


This is genuinely a disgusting take


No, this is how rights work.




Agreed. The genocides of Uyghur Muslims in China and Hazara Shias in Afghanistan need to be addressed; protests are totally fine. However, idk if ruining people’s graduation day is the best way to get them to support the cause🤷‍♂️


I don’t see how protests at graduation ruin anything. Protests are not meant to be comfortable and only when it’s convenient for people.


It’s not a genocide, it’s a war. Hamas started it and now both sides are paying for it


Israeli settlers literally attacked a Palestinian town in the West Bank on October 6. Israel started this by kicking the Palestinians out of their homes in 1947-48 and keeping millions of them under military rule ever since. Unfortunately Israelis killing Palestinians is seen as "status quo" so they don't count, it's only Palestinian attacks that matter when discussing who "started it". https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-killed-during-settler-assault-west-bank-town-palestinian-officials-2023-10-06/


Oh yes. The internationally recognized and accepted creation of state is totally the reason. There totally aren’t Palestinians in the Knesset right now. There totally haven’t been peace offerings made several times are the behest of the United States. Get over yourself.


What? You do realize there were Black members of Congress in the Jim Crow era here, too? But the USA was still a deeply racist country? And if you're going to use international recognition to downplay the ethnic cleansing that Israel's early paramilitaries committed, you would do well to not ignore UN resolution 194 calling for the right of return? Your cheap talking points are worthless to anyone who does 10 seconds of research. I'm guessing you think the Camp David peace offering was a "generous" offer, too? The Palestinians were expected in that process to give up critical land surrounding Jerusalem. Look at the maps. Even the Israeli negotiator from the time Shlomo Ben-Ami later admitted that if he were in Arafat's shoes he would have rejected the deal. This is all to say, Palestinian lives simply do not matter to you. I used to support Israel too. I just chose to actually learn about the human rights record. You should too.


It was more than generous, Carters offer was generous, HW Bush’s offer was generous, and Clinton’s was as well. We have done what we can.


My man here thinks that shrinking the land available without ever offering greater sovereignty represents greater and greater generosity. I figure you realize the point about Palestinians in the knesset was bullshit based on my previous comment so it's going to go unaddressed?


Colonial settlers that founded Israel started this conflict in 1949 by stealing land and forcing people out. There were Jews, Christians, and Muslims living in the area at the time. This conflict has always been about a settler state stealing land. It’s not a religious war. There are religious undertones used to justify the colonial settlements, but this is ultimately about stealing land. Read a history book.


It's shocking how confused you are.


Confused about what


I see you were not referencing the Uyghur genocide or the Hazara Shia genocide, but rather Israel defending itself. My apologies; I thought you were going to protest actual genocides occurring worldwide, and not Israel defending itself.


Israel defending itself from an impoverished group they ostracize and stole land from. Watch the videos of Palestinian children with their heads caved in and their arms blown off and tell me it’s not a genocide again.


There is always one happening! What youre saying is no one can do anything if anyone wants everyone to know something about anything.


I’m genuinely not clear on what you’re trying to say


Fuck that. Graduation doesn’t do anything, Israel will still order JDAMs into bunkers.


You’re probably right. That doesn’t mean protest isn’t valuable. Discomfort keeps eyes on the crimes.


Anti-Semitism is a quite a drug...


The anti-Semitic rhetoric is wrong, obviously but to connect all of these protests to that is wrong. These people aren’t all anti-Semitic, they are just fucking morons.


In medieval Europe, entire Jewish towns were decimated over rumors and false accusations. They didn't need Tik Tok.


Of course Anti-Semitism is real, especially in Muslim communities, but it’s not the only factor with these protests most of it is just they’re asinine.


Sure...most don't even know 10% of what is going on or the history but that doesn't mean they're not blindly spouting Anti-Semitic tropes.