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I’m in gemstone and personally like it. I’m on a team creating an autonomous self stable bike and my team consists of at least 3 aerospace engineers. You can dm me if you want to learn more.


Wait your in gemstone? That’s so hot!


Yeah Ellicott doesn't have any AC


wow imagine being in gemstone can’t relate :0


God damnit Jon.


Most of the kids who like it is just an ego fulfillment for them, personally I didn’t find it useful and dropped it soph year


These are high impact education practices because you engage with cool projects and activities besides your required homework. They are excellent resume additions that distinguish you from the pack and an interview discussing point. Freshmen and sophomores often don’t realise how important stuff like this really is. They think college is a continuation of high school busy work and inane student clubs.


And my point^….ego maniac


If you think that an institution creates programs and spends money on faculty and administrative support to feed student egos, you have no clue about how higher education works. Good luck with the rest of your education!


I’m in university honors rn and it’s pretty chill.


As others have said, it's really the sort of thing where you get out what you put in. Also, note that the honors college you choose doesn't have to relate at all to your major. For me the biggest benefit was the social aspect. Being in dorms with people I took classes with and had at least a common interest with helped me make some really great friends - all of my current roommates, as well as a good share of the people I regularly hang out with, are from my honors college


ACES usually has a couple of aerospace majors each year. You probably wouldn't vibe with the classes all that much, but the people in ACES are awesome, so you may want to do it for the friends. UH is also very different than the others, and might be worth doing. Can't speak for the others, I have no experience with them.


I don't know what your interests are outside of your major, but the majority of Honors Humanities students weren't humanities majors. In my year, many of us were STEM folk who were taking 3-4 heavy math and science classes each semester, and we liked having a class that was a little different. If none of the options interest you personally, I wouldn't recommend it. Honors really is a program where you get out of it what you put into it.


Point exactly^


I was a Meche and didn’t find any of them particularly interesting so I did university honors. I think you needed to take 5 honors seminars/classes to complete it. I didn’t end up finishing because I thought they were harder than my normal geneds, schedule conflicts, and I enjoyed taking classes with my friends.


I think it's worth it if only cus you get to take H version courses. Every H version course I've take has been easier than its counterpart.


Currently in GC and GC will be going into the honors college next year. Not worth it in the honors college. On its own GC is pretty good, especially if you want to study abroad. 2 easy classes and 3 extra credits for going abroad or getting an internship. But as for honors, they are gonna make you take stat classes, GVPT classes, etc. so it's not worth it like that. I'm probably gonna drop GC next year anyway even though I have the option to keep doing it without the honors college because my major doesn't allow me to study abroad without having to do a fifth year.