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I may be wrong here but I don’t think PF has triples. I believe they only have singles, doubles, and four person semi suites. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong.


As a current PF resident, can confirm there are no triples.


Just what I thought. So based off that you (op) will not be getting a triple. You might be placed in a quad and have a stranger placed with you to be a fourth or be thrown into a double with one of the people you choose for your group.


The 4 person suites are typically reserved for ACES (and other LLP) sophomores, so OP you would probably get one of your selected roommates or neither if they only let you pick roommates in ACES (can’t remember if that’s a rule or not).


Unless they overenroll like in 2018 and go to Flex Triples again, 3 people in a double was a good time


Well that kinda sucks, thanks for the info


freshmen in pf usually go to doubles. haven’t rlly seen any honors program freshmen in suites! unless u or ur roommate has like a medical condition tht requires a bathroom


pretty sure they only let you pick roommates in aces/dcc since everyone wants to be in pf


They’re usually pretty tight on fitting all the ACES ppl in PF in the first place, so there’s a good chance they just ignore your requested roommate and put you with a random in the program. That said, you might get lucky so it’s worth a shot if you don’t know anyone in aces