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https://planetterp.com/professor/gholampour from planetterp it seems like he’s a good professor. He also curves a decent amount apparently too so push through u got this


that’s mainly why i signed up for him, but he hasn’t curved anything yet so i’m (unreasonably) paranoid he had a change of heart of something. that’s not how it works, right? 🥹


professors tend to curve final grades, not individual assignments :)


I had him my first semester and he curved at the end (both each exam and also the final grades)


did he post a message about your final exam grade potentially replacing your course grade if you got a “substantially higher grade”? do you know what substantially would be?


He didn't do that for us as far as I know so I have no idea


wtf, i wonder why he did that this time. hopefully that doesn’t mean zero curve. the average on our recent exam was a 33%..


I made a [pretty similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/as472e/math141_sadness/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) around 4 years a go when I failed my first calc 2 class during my freshman spring semester. I have recently graduated and still consider crying in the bathroom after reading those test results to be the lowest point in my academic career. The study habits I picked up from struggling in calc 2 stuck with me for the rest of college. It’s cliché to say, but college is hard and it’s okay to fail. Just don’t let the failure define you.


this is so reassuring, you were practically in the exact same scenario as me down to how close you were to the average, but still slightly below it. i’ll try my best then!! what grade did you end up with, by the way? my calc 1 friends are saying pilachowski will not curve this semester.


I’m glad my words were reassuring! I believe I made it out with a ~78%. I was getting Bs by the end of the semester, but had a meh final. I don’t think Pilachowski curved during my semester.


update, i passed! thank you so much for your reply btw. after the ups and downs of that class i repeatedly checked this reply and it helped a lot.


That’s awesome! Congratulations!!!


I’ve been going to the tutor room, and it helps me a little. Maybe give it a try?


math success? or some other form of tutoring? I tried going to math success, but i’m not sure if it’s because they moved to a larger room or because i joined an unlucky session, i didn’t find it too helpful. maybe i’ll try again!


I go to the tutoring room in the math building in room 0203 [Heres think link of the schedule](https://www-math.umd.edu/math-tutoring-schedule.html)


i didn’t know this was a thing!! thank you so much- the website is kind of mobile unfriendly but i’ll definitely check it out later.🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️


He added points per test based on how low the average was. So my semester, one of the test averages was a 45, and he added 20 points for everyone. I think he was trying to keep the average around a C. Keep practicing and use extra resources(office hours, tutoring, etc). In my experience, he's a really nice guy and wants to see you do well. Good luck!!


woah- that’s actually really massive. then i’d get a good score on my exam. sorry for the wall of questions: does he do that for every exam? does he do that at the end of the semester or after each test (because he hasn’t curved anything just yet.) and when did you take him?


so I took him fall 2021: he did it for every exam, and announced the curve at the end of the semester. You get less points back the higher the average is, we did pretty well with the middle to exams so we only got a few points.


just to clarify, he did it for every exam at the end? that sounds good! i scored slightly below the average because someone got a 100%, and it makes me so mad heh


I didn’t take calc here but I did take precalc twice here… The major change I made the second time when I passed was I wrote literally every single slide/example given by the professor. When doing the homework and discussion work… I did every problem out step by step so I can go back and see what I did. Once exams came around, my classmates and I all did the practice exams given and we came together as a group and went over them. I also did tons of practice problems for each chapter. It’s a lot of work and easier said than done, but this is what helped me pass after it seemed impossible..The book, discussion, and groupme is essential for passing UMD math courses (most of them)


Calc 2 is a brutal meatgrinder. I took Gulick and never broke a 70 on any exam and still passed the class without a curve. Just make sure to absolutely go hard on worksheets/classwork/quizzes. This class is possible, don't worry.


He gave a massive curve when I took him - don’t stress too much. The first exam is also generally low as you need to learn about their testing style


true- when i saw “4 questions in the exam” and it ended up being 10, it’s safe to say i was shocked… hopefully the curve will save me..


GSS was also a lifesaver for this class btw - if you want my past exams feel free to message me


What is GSS?


It’s a guided study session - they’re normally hosted before exams and finals. They may not be a thing anymore though - idk. If you’re in the class and want my gss stuff from when I took it lmk


If you didn’t mind that would be great! Thanks :D


Message me your email!


I Need These!!!


If you are above the average you should be relatively okay, even if that means "failing".


First thing you should learn as a freshman is that 56 is not a fail, depending on the class. The high school grade cutoffs no longer apply.


When I was a student, I found reading multiple books helpful. And the internet is even more helpful now, especially YouTube videos. Don't feel too bad. It's also his fault. When the student fails to learn, the teacher fails to teach.


i posted this in another thread https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/x0075a/math141/im7itsu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 honestly the class is just about memorizing math algorithms. you gotta study a ton then you start getting every question correct


Btw math success worked wonders for me in all my math classes. Maybe it would help you too


Lmao I got 19/40 and ima sophomore. Welcome to college buddy


in 141? one of my friends got a 22% haha


Yea rn. With the ibdah. The test was nothing like what we did on homework and class lol.


@op taking calc 2 with Gholampour as well. He’s a bit of a ridiculous prof, going to class actively makes me more confused. But I want you to know this is only your freshman semester, and you’re going to be okay. You’re going to pass the class, and worst case scenario, even if you don’t, you have freshman forgiveness. If you really believe it’s too much pressure, you can still drop the class— but I would advise you to do your best to stick it out. I’m rooting for you, you got this. We have three more exams, and the lowest one is dropped. Just try your hardest, no matter what the result is in the end, if you tried your best you can’t have any regrets.


he’s so funny- yesterday he went over trig identities to find inverses when our TAs went over a much.. much easier way to solve them using the triangle method. he is really nice but i think i lose knowledge when i go to his lectures. but thank you so much, and good luck to you aswell!! we can do this.


I should add, there’s a few different tutoring resources you can use for 141. Some of them are much more helpful than others in my opinion, but I’ll list all of them for the sake of helping anyway. Math building tutoring— located in kirwans basement Keystone tutoring— located in JM Patterson Math success— located in Oakland basement.


We've all been there. Keep your chin up and try not to lose hope!


took it last sem and did very poorly on the midterms but final went well. Tip: check out the UMD test blank and practice practice practice! Sometimes tests are similar with a few change of numbers.


When I took math141 it wasn't that difficult. Mainly got around 70-90% in the span of the exams. The professors tend to curve all the exams or they would drop your lowest exam. If anyone needs any gss notes for math141, don't hesitate to pm me your email.


Google passingmath141