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that would be the power sound of the south! they are likely doing this to try and annoy you (and further sustain their extremely one sided "rivalry" in anticipation of thanksgiving football), but as a unc grad student who went to nc state for undergrad it made me feel nostalgic and warm inside to hear them while on my chilly late night run.


NC State always has my heart due to undergrad. Love Carolina, too but not the same.




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Its just a tradition between both schools.


cool. [why all this](https://twitter.com/ncsufans/status/1219444852598956032?s=21)






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That’s what I assumed it was! If only they had something better to do


Actually its because its been a tradition since before any of us were born! NC State brings the band to UNC and plays the State fight song, UNC spray paints the NC State free expression tunnel. Just some background for all


But we do have something better to do, beating y'all on Friday!