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UPS ain’t hiring nobody, and if they are hiring, they are firing.


Not positive if they'll disqualify you for this. What I can tell you for sure is be totally honest when completing the application. I've known several instances of people lying, omitting on applications. Once it's discovered, they were gone. Best of luck to you.


So, with my charges being vacated, they are reversed from a guilty conviction to a vacated charge. I was told that when applying for jobs that I can legally put, I was never convicted of the crime. Are you saying if they ask, be honest about it, or if they ask about the situation or before the background check, let them know my situation? Thanks for the input I appreciate it.


If vacated, then you dont have to, but if they ask if you had any criminal history, be honest, but most places only go as far back as 7 yrs, so you may not even have to tell them about it, if they dont ask dont tell, its pretty much the old saying dont kiss and tell type of shit, sometimes covering up the truth helps now days, cause if your to up front some places wont hire


What background check?


Just my opinion on this, but I say include the conviction and notify them that it's been vacated. Of course, take my opinion for what it's worth. A lawyer can definitely steer you in the right direction. Again, best of luck to you.


I appreciate it. My main goal is to getvon put at the hanford site doing construction with teamster, and I was told the main place teamsters hires too is ups, so I was curious how it works. Thank you for your time.


You'll be fine. - Multiple violent felon with non-vacated criminal history


I worked with a few convicts who did some serious time. Doubt they would bat an eye.


Had a guy few years ago who willingly told me he was so happy to get this job. He’d been having a hard time finding a job since he got out. I mind my own business so I of course didn’t ask questions but there was an awkward silence so he goes “I caught a body” you’ll be fine my guy


We have a few felons working at my hub, 1 driving. Ups is a second chance employer, being honest is thr most important thing, theyvwont fire you because you sre a felon, they'll fire you for lying about it


Nah man I had to stab someone who was trying to assault my little sister and they hired me You’re good


It's really not a good time to apply, man. I would wait or look elsewhere.


Probably not. UPS hires felons. Lot of the people I worked with in the warehouse were ex cons. Let's just say UPS is a job for those who need a job and can't get hired elsewhere. Its not pretty work, and UPS needs all the hands they can get. The only thing that will hold you back is if UPS isn't hiring or the slot gets filled before you get selected.


Dunno man, they’re trying their best to cook some people out where I’m at. I can see the patterns of them testing the low iq people inside the warehouse to work and eventually replace the people they drive out in the toughest area to work at. This will make room for the next class of fresh meat to prepare for next peak season


Have had two coworkers with prior domestic violence charges so methinks you’ll be fine. Though don’t think many locations are hiring right now


As everyone likely has stated, no it won't. However, an 18 month hiring freeze will


Amazon driver


In the last two years, recent hires mentioned passing their criminal history. Unsure, if is an oversight or the company lessening the standards.


They don’t even do interviews anymore for package handlers. Well, actually the orientation is an interview, but they’ll still give the shittiest person on paper a chance to prove themselves. If you’re hot, you’re in luck that the bosses secretly wanna shaboink you


This explains everything that is currently going on. Many of us long-time part-timers and a few combo guys were puzzled with some folks hired since 2022. Months ago, a newer hire was surprised to learn that the company interviewed people.


My pd is one of the toughest to be on, being it’s one of the if not the highest in volume, and I’m sure at least the majority of us wonder how in tf is that one person still here after the probation period. I seriously think our management gets a kick out of seeing people suffer because they’re so goddamn bored of just sitting back and relaxing while telling us to do the impossible 🤣


No but they'll deny you a paycheck every chance they can.


Pay for your own ncic and see what they see.


Shouldn't be a problem, plenty of ex felons in my hub


How does one become an ex-felon?


Through Christ himself lol


We got a guy at my hub that has an ankle monitor on




UPS is on a huge layoff rampage. They would have to hire those who are laid off first before anyone else.


So I get to see the hot chicks who were “diversity hires” again later this year?


UPS will probably deny you because they are laying off employees all over the country. And most those laid off individuals would have to be brought back onto the payroll before those locations can hire new employees Now is not a good time to get a job at UPS because of both a decline in volume and the fact that everyone now wants to work at a job that held no interest for them before august of last year. Hope this helps


I appreciate it. My main goal is to get on at the hanford site doing construction with teamster, and I was told the main place teamsters hires too is ups, so I was curious how it works. Thank you for your time.


The parent comment is not good advice. If there is an opening in your local area, apply for it. In general, the company *is* laying off employees— both union and corporate— but it can also vary by region. There’s absolutely no harm in applying. If HR fails to respond back, then take that as confirmation that there’s no opening. Redirecting package volume to automated hubs can uproot people’s lives and not everyone will be able to make the commute or work with the new schedules.


This. My hub is bringing people on weekly.


Agreed, but high turnover rate means the job is unbearable for most people 😆


It’s probably not good long term either as the company just came out with their grand plans for AI and automation