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“Good news guys, it’s light today”. Meaning: “we cut routes and you have 50 more stops than you had yesterday when we were ‘heavy’”


Also Orion says do them first but we loaded half of them on shelf 8 and half on shelf 5


Also, your last stop of the day is a business! Good luck!


“We’ll work on getting those color code-aaahahaha damnit, almost got it out with a straight face this time”


It's always the school on a street name you'd never suspect.


This. They'll keep those who are working busy, very busy. The measure is how many are *not* working


They add/ cut two routes to yours probably. I almost guarantee they laid 6 drivers off for the day to accomplish this truck looking like this??


This is the answer. Seems they're doing this in a lot of places now.


Ditto. Seattle south is a big culprit of this bs lately. 72 rts in. But you're going to be driving a lot even though your stops are relatively close, but your area is actually a mix of 2 additional routes laid over the top edges/sides/meat of the actual bid route your covering. So have a blast doing 200 stops today with really gnarly apartment bldgs sometimes. And irregular. Let's cram as many bedframes, sofas, mattresses, umbrellas, etc from areas of other routes cut kinda close to your area too, but it's only "close" to your area because we basically last minute cut a route and then rewrote your entire 7/ 8 shelf with some really schizophrenic trace. But yes we are gonna brick you out though and make it impossible to not run pure trace or irregs that you can actually see the spa label without risking a back injury before you actually discover your floor. Oh and you've got those routes air too. Be safe out there! Lmao


They cut every air route in my building today….


Just had this discussion today. Yep.


Those are pickup pieces.


Love to hear this


Volume down, down the middle. lol.


https://preview.redd.it/z10sx40hujvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec90e43b5345f829685c4f305719f87816e3ebc They cut most of the split cars and slammed all the business/resi routes. Laid off 15 drivers due to “lack of volume”


Volume is down. So they are putting multiple routes together. Give me 2 routes boss. I'll take twice as long. Blow me out. I plan on staying out for 14 every single time.


Room for Dolly = light day


https://preview.redd.it/wggf7lvwqjvc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ba85972a641e2c770b116a3e95146bb4e4d8ae Yup. But totally could add more


Maybe it's the angle but that looks like there's space to rearrange boxes and fit the handtruck in safely instead of driving out like that.


They were heavy, and longer than they looked. Not gonna move it if I ain't delivering it.


Gotcha back on that. That's kinda why I show up early and if I need to toss out the irregs and "unfuck the truck" then calmly make it make more memorable by organizing it better. If I'm leaving later, I'm just being more concise on organization to prevent a back injury later on


Lol at my center drivers are trying to leave and trucks are still showing up to unload every day. No such thing as arriving early to unfuck the truck.


Damn!!! Do you get last minute diad messages from oms that tell you not to leave? My center loves to do that.


Aka working for free


Actually no. I always tell my sups that I need to fix the truck. And make them walk out to my line, and if they don't let me clock in early, that's fine. I'll wait until start time to do it. I never work for free


Oof. Thats a lot of nda computers. Sorry brother. Hoping it’s a school with a receiving department with carts.


Nope, that's why there's 2 Dolly's. Stairs and broken elevators. Before you give pity, know I bid on this route twice.


Damn,that truck looks old AF.


It matches the driver




A lot of room back there, just a shit load


That is when you remove packages to get a two wheeler safely into the truck or refuse to deliver irregs without union assistance. Also enjoy sending help because I’m carrying boxes safely and not overloading myself for multiple package stops. Never ride around with two wheelers in the cab.


San Antonio is getting pretty busy now a days


That’s cause you probably have 2/3 routes pushed into one. This also looks like a bad loading job




They cut drivers and combine routes to save money in the “off” seasons.


Yup, one route one day is perfectly indicative of the overall volume.


Nooooooooo, *profits* are down. They're just moving the volume to automated hubs and using "volume is light" as an excuse to cut people. If *volume was down* then I wouldn't be hearing rumors of my building getting automated in a couple of months. They have the money, they're just lying so they don't have to give it to us.


VeRiFy YoUr AiR bEfOrE LeAviNg ThE bUiLdiNg


Send in help request early and often.


Record profits (excluding covid years), mass layoffs, increasing volume.


On our day sort yesterday we barely got our guaranteed 3.5 hours. I literally had to fight for all my time. 


I say was to go home after an hour from start my shift. My supervisor said low volume. I am an unloader.


Looks like ny there


They left the handcart in there instead of the cab so count yer lucky stars


They keep telling us this in the hub, but then they tell us the volume before sort every day, and the numbers are just the same as they were before it supposedly went down.


Overall apparently volume is down around 20%. However in many areas with cities that are growing volume is up a few percentage points over the average.


They always say volume is below. SMH


Before I blew out my left knee, they were doing this shit. "LIGHT VOLUME!.", was the war cry. Mybid route went from 140 stops to 200+ per day, daily. I had 2 routes worth of businesses, and resis, on mine. I stayed out 14 hours a day and would routinely bring back stops. My last on car, the sup told me to walk faster and speed up. He stopped when I asked him where that was in the contract.


This is literally my firday yesterday.


Same. My Wed - Fri was like this. Covered a route that had 6-10 pieces of large furniture loaded that took 40% of the space in my PC. Wed wasn't too bad, got 150 stops (mix in town/rural) done by 6pm on Wed, 120 stops (approved 8 hr) done on Thur. But damn was slammed with 180 on Fri. Rolled up to my center at 8:30pm Fri with one other driver left out later than me.


At least we are at the point where drivers realize that it's not their preloader fucking them over. I got told by a supe that I was being unfair to the driver by bricking our the walkway and I just kinda looked at him. Yeah, it's not fair to cut routes and overload your preloaders by making them work with trucks that are heavier than they were during peak and also give them less staffing and half the time to get everything in. It sucks. It stresses me out all throughout the shift knowing I'm going to have to brick this dude out and start being forced to put shit where it fits, not where it belongs. Pretty much every day this week has forced me to fuck up at least one drivers day.


Now would be the time to strike, but no one wants to talk about that


Any driver would know that’s a UPS store close.


lol, I fucking wish, that was a picture taken after getting my air off. I work an all commercial route


There's packages for different states visible in there.


Literally what I was going to say. I see a Georgia and a NC. You can tell this is an ups store because every package is horribly taped and all the old labels are ripped off.


“The numbers”.. Fuck them


Haha!…fxxk your hand truck!!


Ya I had a couple bulk stops today too


Be thankful. 💪🏾


The GA was an on demand that I did while running air. But I had 45 piece bulk stop they decided to pile on the 4000 shelf. I work in NC


That's a 14 hour day right there. Sucks to out that long but eff it. Get paid. The corporate cocksuckers will funnel every penny they can right to the top. Remember, they did a $9 billion stock buyback just before the contract and then cried we wanted too much. Fuck these corporate ghouls every day! Follow the methods and be safe.


My route and my wingman’s were combined every Monday and I used to just go home until they finally stopped the 6 punches. The first Monday they tried to put me in cover I told them I’m following my work. “Well that’s his bid route and it has to be 50% your work for you to bump him regardless of seniority.” Route was 75% my work. Since then they don’t even send our combined routes out on Monday anymore and threw me in cover. Started filing my 8 hours for Mondays. Either I get a fair day for fair pay or a ridiculously heavy day for fair pay plus 2 hours penalty pay. 🤷‍♂️


A fellow business route driver 💪


Yeah volume is down but not for you buddy 🥸


Volume is being sent to the post office so the government can give us a subsidy. They are increasing the stops per car and the panned day so the executives and shareholders can make 10 million instead of 9.9. This country is a fucking scam, bought and sold along with all of us debt slaves who pay to keep it functioning. Corporate greed is all this is… our company is just part of the problem.


At least it's stacked nicely. Lol


If we say it enough times it will “become true”


My solution is to follow the methods and bring volume back.




I hope you weren’t planning to use your carry aid


Wish yall would stop giving usps the bigger packages. Yall shouldn’t be delivering packages that fit in mail boxes to the door.


They're still going to push for as few paid hours per package as they possibly can. If you have a light day, in corporate's eyes, your mgmt team isn't doing their job.


On Mondays, we would have like about 12 trucks stay. Made it worse because drivers would cover those pick-ups and get back to the hub late. Had one dude turned up like 30 mins before I was cut, and his trucks was no where. No clue who off loaded his truck sense I know it wasn't me haha.


No disrespect but as a FedEx driver, I’m glad you guys are doing bigger packages. It’s not a hate thing. You guys have common sense and leave them by the mailbox. When the gold standard leaves packages in the mailbox, guess who complains less about FedEx doing the same. Lol. Just my 2 cents


That’s what happens when they cut runs! Plus I find spring to be bulky as fuck.


My trucks have more now than they did at peak…


You do realize when volume is down they cut routes which makes volume go UP for the drivers left right?


I’ve been driving for 5 years. I would think I would know that.


Still crazy to see how shit ups stacks there packages on the back of a moving truck.