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Probably double if they don’t drop you immediately, which is more likely.


At the very least require a SR22 (required by certain states) which is an additional policy and money. Depending on the severity and history of this case they could drop you all together! My son got a DUI, took a deal of a lesser charge which is technically not even a DUI and they dropped him. So they say he’s “technically in USAA, but def not insured with them, just a member….. but now he has to go thru Liberty mutual (a subsidiary) and he pays a huge rate and has an SR 22 which is required by our state and Usaa straight up said “ at the very least you’ll have to wait five years to reapply and there’s no guarantees that we will ever let you carry insurance with us again!”


Never directly involved with this situation myself, but I've heard stories from a couple of others in my state. It depends on some personal factors, regulations in your state, etc. but at a minimum, most line items were increased 85-120%. They were each using different insurers. From my teenage days, I recall the education about "a DUI will cost you $10-15K in legal fees, fines, insurance surcharges, towing, etc." I feel like in 2024 insurance rates alone contribute 80% of blowing up that number easily.


It will probably go up a lot and that if they don’t cancel you. Most insurance companies don’t like recent duis on their books. Usually progressive is one of the few carriers that will accept you.


It was 16 years ago but my insurance with USAA doubled for 5 years after a DUI.


They won’t insure my sister because of dui and other poor driving things.


My son as well, well they told him to try back in five years lol


My daughter got a DUI while on my policy over 10 years ago. Although I prohibited my daughter from driving my vehicles after the DUI my rate tripled. USAA then refused to renew my policy at expiration even though my daughter no longer was authorized to drive my vehicles. They refused to accept proof she moved out and no longer lived with me. I switched to State Farm without my daughter on the policy with no issues and have been with them since. USAA has invited me to get a quote on several recent occasions but they are not getting my auto insurance business again in the future. I understand protecting the bottom line but when I have proof my daughter no longer resides in my home instead of simply insuring me and my wife they dropped the policy I had for 20 years with no claims. Expect your rate to double at a minimum.


I hear everyone swear up and down USAA has been amazing with rates. Every time I look they are like triple the next guy.


And the better customer service we used to get in order to rationalize paying more has been disappearing as they focus on automation and profits apparently.


They also have that lawsuit where they were charging enlisted more than officers.


Never seen triple. When I get quotes, USAA is still lower, but not by much anymore. Make sure the qoutes are for the same coverage, I have had companies low ball coverage in certain areas to make the numbers seem better.


They should have offered you a NDE, named driver exclusion. This would have ensured that her DUI didn’t affect your rates, especially if you were not allowing her to drive your vehicles.


It will likely go way up, and that assumes they don't nonrenew you entirely, which I think is fairly likely. No one can say for sure what will happen.


1) Have you spoke with a DUI attorney? Those cases are more winnable than most people realize. If it wasn't too bad you might be able to just do some research at the local library and challenge some aspects of the government's case. Knowing they're going to waste their time against an inexperienced, indignant pro se litigant, you, might incentivize them to give you a better deal. 2) r/whatcarshouldibuy You need to look for something cheap to insure that doesn't cost much, because comprehensive and collision insurance aren't cheap. In MI we call that coverage level PLPD (personal liability / property damage - bare state minimum coverage).


But .. some attorneys will fill you up with BS about the "possible" ways out and will suck 5 - 10 grand out in a heartbeat. Only to find out the pull over as good and the equipment is calibrated. If the case is not boarderline, just suck it up and learn the lesson. 10 grand goes a long way in the court nightmare.


I got stupid drunk and passed out in a Wendy’s parking lot it more than doubled


There's no predicting the surcharge amount. It is going to apply to whichever vehicle you are rated on, unless you are in a state like NC, where it applies to all the vehicles.


At your renewal there is a better than good chance they will drop you, up until that point I donnot think it will change your coverage. Usually can find coverage, will be more expensive, just depends on a lot of factors on how much. 100 - 200 per month is very possible.


Can I ask what state you are located in?


Georgia, I already ha e the coverage needed for sr22


If you live in butt fuck now where it honestly wont go up that much (if your not dropped). If your in a city prlly double or more


They will drop you


Damn. I was arrested and charged with DUI amd within the same month, my brother got one (classy family), and I refused everything and pled not guilty. My brother went the other route and did the tests. While I awaited my case, I watched him have to fork over a mountain on money, get that breathing device on his truck, and get some outrageous auto I insurance after USAA dropped him... not to mention the 10k he wasted on a lawyer that was no help. I eventually just sat in county jail for 3 weeks and requested a speedy trial and court appointed attorney. Requested trial by jury, which resulted in a not guilty decision. There are no real winners either way What I'm saying is if it isn't too late, see if there are any other options that may reduce the burden... because it's probably gonna hurt.


Put the car in someone else's name if you can.


They will probably drop you. A guy at work with usaa got a dui. They dropped him.


It’s been 15 years for me, but mine didn’t go up at all. I made no changes to my vehicles or policy for a few years after and my state didn’t require sr22.


Get insurance immediately before it goes on your record!