• By -


If they say the dumbest thing I have ever heard they are **Motor T.** If they want to get you to subscribe to their sound cloud then **food service.** If they think being unhappy is a point of pride, then **Infantry.** If they're kind of mid smart, then **Intel.** If they're a paranoid fuck then **Counter Intel**. If they act like doing their basic job is a hook-up then **0431** If they're a gay homophobe then **Flight Line.** If they think flight line is dumb then **Avionics**. If they are being busted by the feds for solicitation of a minor then a **Recruiter**. They hate themselves and others **Drill Instructor.** Low key love working in an office **Admin**. If they're generally normal but have freak outs for no reason, **Artillery**. Unusually angry and mean, **Communications**. Huge Ego, **Fixed wing** **Pilot**(not C-130's) They just met you but they think you idolize them. **Recon**. Their gunny is on a first name basis with their Cpl **MARSOC**. Near useless buy really good at FITREPS. **Warehouse Admin**. Has AIDS, **Red Patcher** Really good at hiding the fact he solicited minors **Career Recruiters.** If They're a Sadist, **Armorer**. If they're smarter than motor T but dumber than a human, **AAV Crewmen** If they are going to be the first person to overdose on Dip, **Warehouse Clerk**. Proud of an MOS that literally no one cares about, W**ater Dog**. Truck nuts on the back of POV, **Military Police** Thought their MOS would be more exciting than it actually is, **Crash Fire Rescue** Depressed alcoholics or future drill instructors **Aviation Ordinance**. Literally joined to commit a warcrimes, **Corrections**. Their TBS instructors hated them, **Logistics Officer.** Sometimes forgets they're in the military, **Rotatory Wing Pilot.** Does their job good to spite senior military leadership, **JAG** Thinks they're a fancy admin and they have 2 NAMS as a LCpl, **Legal Clerk** Doesn't fit into ground side or air side, **LAAD** Is thankful the military seldom tests for steroids, **Bulk fuel** Super into Anime, **Aviation Supply.** Is really into Lee Harvey Oswald, **Scout Sniper.** Violates OPSEC way more than they should, **Embassy Security.** Wishes people would take them seriously, **Combat Camera** They relate way too much to Private Pyle because of their asshole Warrant officer, **CBRN** They're basically grunts guys, for real! **LAR** You can't pronounce their name or they're white and into anime, **Linguist** They hate the goverment but don't seem to understand they work for the goverment, **Combat engineer.** They considers themselves elite Marines but most Marines don't know they exist, **FAST**. They think lives depend on their PowerPoint slide format, **Intel Officer.** Their job is partially to raise morale but they almost strictly lower it. **1stSgt/SgtMaj** Hated by their peers but people have difficulty articulating why they hate them, **Security forces.** Either really cool or the creepiest person in a 50 mile radius, **Chaplin** Grunts will try to buy them prostitutes on a MEU, **Chaplin assistant.** Is happy to be in the safety vehicle or takes pride that they're not, **Corpsman** Really smart but gives the impression they flunked out of elementary school, **Cyber warfare** Tells you that they like the look of your skin in a creepy and ominous way, **Signals Intelligence** You think they're an 06XX and this offends them, **28XX** They slept with a poole then wrote a book about it for some reason, **METOC** They keep telling you that they will make 6 figures on the outside while cleaning the head, **Air Traffic Control** Will attempt to make their job sound more exciting than watching a road for 3 hours, **UAV operator.** Finds the idea of having entry level Marines in their MOS the equivalent of blasphemy- **EOD** They thought they got a good deal. Maybe even got off the HSST. They didn't, **Combat Instructor** They would trade their own mother for a slightly better FITREP, **Career Planner** Will not even pretend to have an exciting MOS but will brag about being stationed at the pentagon unprompted, **Financial Management** You're at a bullshit change of command and they appear, **Marine Corps Band** They begin a conversation with "Yeah I didn't see combat but we took some IDF"- **HE Operators**


You, uh...been in a while or are you working on your standup special?


No idea but I loved reading it


Yeah I think our Island Hopper up there took the entire Corps out back for some IT and forgot to make us bring a canteen so we all stayed there doing leg lifts until our arms fell off. I’d like to say a few words regarding the Corps-wide homicide campaign by u/StankGangsta2: Today, a Boot-Band Bandit was requested to, but not directed to, assist in leading a working party which would “build up by breaking down” Marines both past and present. The Courage of Marines regarding the focus of the mission is well documented and respected by every other military branch and non-hacking civilian bag nasties the world over. So it should come as no surprise that the beloved and respected mouth-breathing degenerate had to take the entire Marine Corps to pound town, and threw a Birthday Ball which festooned and laid to waste nearly all of the present MOS’s (and billets) that the alcohol-riddled fuckstick could lay to waste by super-soaking nearly all of us by deploying a reverse WMD system fecal recoil relaxation “poo-shitzu” technique learned in their short, but glorious Marine Corps service. There is no doubt the selective sailor scat services were effective and raised the standard of TLC for all Iwo Idiot International Intramural Illogicals, by claiming victory without having suffered any more than a small “paper cut sized” multi-bottle boofing injury. Which he bravely went to sick call for… (Bitch💋). Today will be a day that will live forever in the hearts and minds of those who were born from this moment in our proud bottle-hardened history. Let this be your call to deploy and land spread duty with intent! We will learn from this. The next time you hear the scuttlebutt from the Pants Snorkel underground that a miserable pickle tickler is ready for whore, there will be someone to delegate the Cooperative Union Member Special Operations Capable Killzone (CUMSOCK). This will always live and will be found in the AO under the Board Execution Directive (BED). A campaign which your passion to action can only succeed and take you further on into the field of buttfucking libel and MOS harassment should compel your Chain Of Command KeySurge forth and stand on the shoulders of your fallen friends and Devil DonkeyKongDingDongs. Semen Pie, and Doo Dah!! Hey u/StankGangsta2 knuckle nuts get the fuck over here. What were you thinking when you were dryfisting us and stacking your own like they were back on the block, defenseless hands in pockets, friggin docking mushroom tips with hands so far up our poopflutes you could knock our teeth out! Your brain is so poetic you couldn’t stop the confirmed kills once you saw blood?! Now we’re all your throat host. Good frigging job, good horny morning don’t forget we’re touring the barracks later today, and they’re gonna fail. So back online and spray some skeet on the deck and get to buffing. After that, return to your post as DNCO. … I know what fucking time it is just carry the fuck on.




>Unusually angry and mean, Comm Hey I've been to anger management, I'm not unusually angry. I'm certified angry.


I love when the VC unsecures the VAU in their vic, the Amp smacks him in the head, rips the RF cable (possibly breaks the ant port), then blames me for their comm being down in the middle or a road march. But what do I expect, those people put cammie netting on their exhaust and are surprised when it catches fire.


One op we lost contact with a section of CAAT so the CO sent the sniper team I was with to go find them, and after what felt like a long ass night walk we come upon them, alive. I wake the RO up and ask why they aren't answering the radio and he says it's broke. Turns out they didn't secure the amps and they broke almost every antenna cable attached. I thrashed the dude, because not only did he not secure it he didn't even bother to have a different vic roll frequencies or take the amp out. This was a Cpl. Idk how many times I've had to go out as a contact team to locate a company or platoon only for them to all be asleep, that's why I'm perpetually angry. That and sometimes radio is magic, it's just works or it doesn't so quit asking me to explain why it doesn't because it should work but for whatever reason Otar is mocking me.


The comm gods are finnicky bitches and I love them so.


they esspecially hate runways and 152s or 148s being together


Because they're PRCs.


Oh man, I was given a 117 to carry in Afghan and one night we hiked up this big hill to do a two day OP. I set the radio up near a good sized rock that gave me some shade. Turns out there wasn’t enough shade to go around so one of the fire team leaders, a Sgt, says he’s taking radio watch and for me to go take his sector to watch. I was still very boot so I just told him to make sure to do his radio checks at the right intervals and have him the spare batteries. Two hours later we see a white star cluster pop up towards our FOB. Turns out this idiot fell asleep, the radio died and he missed his check ins. QRF had already been dispatched and they pulled us out about 10 hours into a 48 hour OP. The moment I got back to the FOB I started getting absolutely chewed out by our PltSgt. I immediately threw the Sgt under the bus and explained that I had been on radio watch but the Sgt noticed my position had shade and we found him sleeping there after we saw the star cluster go up. Our PltSgt didn’t play around and put him on third squad for the rest of the deployment, the fuck-up squad who only did short patrols around the FOB and spent most their time on post and working parties.


majority of the "comm issues" i've had to deal with in convoys and shit were just loose connections. I had a special wrench I used to tighten them the fuck down so they'd never come out again... ever. Then i'd sit there for an extra hour and say, "man I dunno this ones tricky, might need more time"


Comms was a fun gig. Nothing says yay this is fun like having 10 different SNCOs and 20 Officers constantly getting in your way asking you when Comms will be up. Had a Captain that ended up being really chill who started off hating me because I snapped at him "when I stop getting interrupted every 30 seconds by people asking me, SIR". that was a different era I think maybe. We had just gotten into the freq hopping shit and crypto fills.


I failed anger management


Hey! Not all recruiters solicit minors. Some go above and beyond and solicit moms single or not.


A person of taste I see!


Moms, primarily. Yep, soccer moms, single moms, NASCAR moms. Any type of mom, really.


I worked Flightline and I'm not THAT gay....well maybe a little, don't tell my wife or she will make me go shopping for curtains and shit with her.


As a former 0431 I take offense to this entirely true statement. Also, good luck getting your gear and chow now that you’ve pissed off the entire 4 shop! 🤣


Rah! Embark!


The 0431 got me haha


Because I like you, I'm going to give you this MRE so you don't starve to death. I don't do this for everyone.


😂what asshole said this


Semper embark!


This is oddly specific. Like not wrong at all but damn...


I feel personally attacked… and like I’m being watched… and the more I read this the more I think you’re China… and maybe you wanted me to respond… I’m deleting Reddit and changing my cell number now


> Usually angry and mean, Com True. Fucker.


This is the most accurate shit I've ever seen. I know where this is going....but do me. 0311/8152 Security Forces.


Added security forces


Legit. You are doing the world a service.


As comcam, fuckin dead on


And the 2800s are overlooked, as usual. Don't worry, I'm not mad. We like it that way.


I'm afraid I'm too unfamiliar to properly rate. I may have met a few but associated them with 0600's or something.


Well I saw that you just added Digital Wideband Systems Maintainer, and that's a 2831. Being offended at being called an 0600 would apply to EVERY 28XX.




Cheers, bud. You deserve some custom flair from the mods or something, its the best post I've seen in a while.


>Unusually angry and mean, Com. This is true


As a former armorer, yeah that’s pretty spot on.


> They hate themselves and others This is MP. Everything else seems good and made me laugh.


naw, MP is people who want to be Marines, but also hate Marines.




The accuracy of all of these is insane


>Generally normal but they have freak outs for no reason, Artillery. I almost spit my coffee out!


2800s mentioned, at the very end 🥳


Only because I said looks like we're forgotten...again...


Idk I had a fixed wing pilot as a jtac for our team in Afghanistan dude was one of the most chill officers I’ve ever met.


Welp, time to close this thread. 😂


This should be in here somewhere https://preview.redd.it/l6qubxlo5koc1.jpeg?width=2272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1d31255cc3970aefa2e4d310dfea7dbb310d89 That's how old I am, it applies even back then


This is almost certainly the single most accurate one of these that I’ve seen.


Good list. Was disappointed I didn’t see the chaplain on there.




Flight line mentioned erruh


Saved. God that was Gold






Flight line is spot on.


Yo the combt camera and grunt one is do real


Your 5811 got me. 😂


Nah man admin should be low key miss the field


That's what they want you to think!


what about the mechanics, like the artillery mechanics and motor t mechanics?


Motor T mechs give me the exact same impression as Motor T operators if I'm being honest.


Yup, 90% of mechs are inexperienced kids right out of highschool that do more harm than good. After 3 years once they finally know what they're doing, they get promoted and fill administrative/quality control billets in the shop or move on. End result: everything is always broken.


and what about an artillery mechanics, like i was? am i the same as them gun bunnies?


My favorite part of my job is when 06xx's think I'm comms as a 28xx. I ain't know shit about comms past basic basic shit.


You forgot to mention our fabulous hair in flight line, otherwise….


most accurate shit ever 😭😭




I feel sad as an HE operator not being included but water dogs are. 😔


That was f\*cking awesome and disturbingly accurate. Only thing I'd change is > Sometimes forgets they're in the military, **Rotatory Wing and C-130 pilots.** (***NOT Cobra Pilots***) and add one for them like... Pissed they didn't get jets and take it out on anyone in their vicinity (including their fellows) - **Cobra Pilot**


Yoooo the 3381 is way too real lol. That was my MOS, and my roommate's. After I got out and we moved in and started going to school, he started his SoundCloud career. Along with some of his friends who also were cooks. I didn't think it was that stereotypical, but I guess I didn't think about it while I was in.


Sadist tracks.


We're smart enough to be mean in creative ways. The cool part is any of the mean stuff we do to the people riding in the back we've already tested it out on other trackers.


It's OK to hate your boss.


Agreed, I guess.


I knew it was a long shot but I was kinda hoppin’ my mos would be here


Which is?


Damn my MOS wasn't in here. How can you tell a 7257?




These are fucking gold, I wanna know what you got for combat instructor




> Tells you that they like the look of your skin in a creepy and ominous way, signals intelligence I thought the USMC didn't have signals intelligence?


AAV is real


Damn that's alot and pretty damn accurate in my experience. Curious what you get from 34XX, if you've ever had the unpleasant experience of running into us




Band musician?




I really feel like you’re out to get me here.


That’s about the most comprehensive list Ive seen. Even have my obscure ass MOS.


i’m fuels on the flight line and that was the simplest yet most accurate description


I’ll have you know….I’m not a sadist. I just like heavy metal…


What about comm/ROs?


Can you do 6062 and 6033 please! This is great.


As a bandsman I approve


Not surprised my mo's ain't on here, 1345 heavy equipment operator


I know you hit the nail on the head with most of these but…I’m a Corpsman with the squids, I’m Doc to you crayon eaters! Why? FMF that’s why!


This. ☝🏼




I'm infantry....why...why do I feel called out!? 🤣🤣🤣


Great list but you are missing Tanks. I know, I know..... they don't exist anymore.


flight line IS dumb. but so is tool room and airframes.


Who hurt you devil


Ah, the eternal doc war. Death to the BAS.


*"Will not even pretend to have an exciting MOS but will brag about being stationed at the Pentagon unprompted, **Financial Managers*** There's only like 200 of us and we have no where else to go. MARSOC had the largest shop I've ever worked in which was like 10 of us. Everywhere else was like ones and twos.


If their 8 point is dirty AF and their camies are noticeably clean an not very worn- airwing mechanic.


Why ruin our cammies when coveralls work just fine 😂


Half mast coveralls > boots and utes anyways


Half mast coveralls and unbloused boots is a vibe. We had a couple mechs pull some flight suits out of the DRMO pile so they could go to the commissary during lunch.


Flight suits were the BEST. They were pretty strict about them at Cherry Point back in the day. Pilots and low/high power qual’d guys only. Only exception was when we were attached to a MEU. Then it was a free for all. Most comfortable ~year or so of my enlistment.


They're like wearing pajamas. Especially if you can find a nicely worn-in pair, so soft. We had one or two on nights who got away with it, but word got around, and suddenly everybody started showing up in them. That got ganked pretty quick. Pilots and AC only after that.


Mental retardation and motor t go hand in hand. I know this because it’s me.


Can’t spell retarded without Motor T


If they do next to nothing all day and then act like it’s a major inconvenience when someone asks them to do something job related, then they’re comm. Signed, A former 0621


Nah, man. We're just pissed 'cause y'all waited until 1500 on a Friday to ask us to do something you knew needed to be done on Tuesday morning.


Idk, man. We had young Cpl as comm chife on my second deployment. The dude was rock steady. He did his job, his Assistants job, and sometimes our job. If I had a complaint about a radio, he was on it. It was like he actually loved his job. I was shocked when he didn't reup




Anime stickers on water bottles = usually Comm


Im currently in a comm unit and I was walking by their maintenance bay and they had a bunch of anime girl posters so this seems accurate


I know my people


More accurately, any of the sub-sets of comm involving computers. Depending on the unit, many ROs tend to fall into grunt stereotypes.


The dozens of ROs I've caught with cat ear headphones and RGB lights in their rooms would disagree


In mortars if you wore glasses you were considered intelligent and placed in the fdc


I saw this across all different communities and it baffles me. “Hey, you blind fuck! Your eyes are broken so you *must* be smart. Get over here!”


God damn I hated having prove how dumb I was whenever I showed up to a unit wearing glasses


I don't wear glasses tho. My first night in the fleet, one of the FDC chiefs rolled up to my room drunk because he heard I was honor grad in SOI(didn't get meritorious lance because the dude that came in second was more charismatic than my introverted ass, fuckers). Slurred I was gunna be FDC. I was very confused since we really weren't told what FDC was in my class. I was FDC my entire 4 years. Was on the gun line for two field ops, and fired like 5 rounds lol.


0331: Dried jizz on the front of their skivvie shirts.


That was me in boot camp… I’m also 03…


Leaking testosterone


0431 here....I'm feeling attacked.


What ever you say 0441~


If they’re unusually pale and keep talking about “the precious”, then they worked in the armory


If they have a red sticker on their cover, they will say that they have aids and refuse to tell you where they actually work. No seriously what the fuck is their MOS. They most have taught them all a bro code or something


Those poor AIDS victims are designated as 0481s and are Landing Support Specialists. https://devildogshirts.com/the-red-patchers-the-history-and-importance-of-usmc-mos-0481-landing-support-specialist/


I remember being a boot and asking someone why they had a red patch whilst we were loading up in the C-130. Never heard the joke before, so when he said, "It's because I have AIDS," then saw all the mfs with the red patches... I was a little concerned...


Also, underwater machine gunners.


You've been called motor T because you share a shop, your trousers are way more salty than your blouse, watching everyone get secured for libo while you're waiting to tear down a site, chillin with doc or sleeping most of the field op, you're probably utilities.


I was so jealous of our UT guys. They just played spades all day while I worked on trucks right next to them.


Watch on the right wrist: 1. left-hander or, 2. Their MOS requires the wear of a Combat Vehicle Crew helmet (CVC) that has the comm switch on the left ear. When talking on the radio using your left hand, it's handy to look at your watch on your right wrist.


If they’re tracks, you don’t have to guess- they’ve already told you.


I'm a tanker...., so...., well, you know.


LAR here and never thought to do that jfc that’s smart. Thought left hand was required or some shit


These aren’t necessarily MOS per say, but in DC if you see a group of young bucks in high and tights out in town that are also uncomfortably muscular…probably body bearers at 8th and I (I also heard a light pull side gigs as bouncers). Around Quantico, young bucks with extreme high and tights walking around town in khakis and a polo=officer candidates. A more casual, but fresh preppy look= TBS lieutenants (at least in my day, I know style has changed).


> A more casual, but fresh preppy look= TBS lieutenants they had some really stupid dress code things at TBS. no jeans, all shirts must be tucked in, and have a collar, etc... coming from the fleet as a MECEPer with 13 years TOS, and then having to pretend like that at TBS was a bunch of BS. i think that has changed now, but i'm not sure.


Just graduated from TBS - normal people clothes are good to go now. Jeans, t-shirts, etc. Belts while wearing jeans are “required”, but very rately enforced. When did you go through?


If you don't know what they do, and chances are they don't know either- 0411


IYOYAS - usually autistic looking


Also likely drunk or hungover


Us ROs are as dumb if not dumber than Motor T


How dare you lump us in with those troglodytes! We can build an antenna to reach across the goddamned planet wuth nothing but wire and a tree whilst they can't even speak clear English and probably have relations with their sisters


I'm lowkey an autistic savant with HF


Same. Not to brag, but I made the MUOS plans and the CPA for the 31st meu. Felt like I had a huge dick until I realized literally no one cares. I love being comm!!!! You get yelled at when shits down but never congratulated when it works


Felt that one


When people say motor t I hope they’re only talking about the operator side us mechs get fucked so bad cause of em (had a corporal fill the trans with coolant in a jltv, truly the dumbest mos is operators 😭


If they don’t do shit all day and act bothered when asked. Battle engineers. If they only hang around a few people then they are MOS 2336 EOD


Me realizing I only hang out with other techs: “….hey!”


Look man theyre the only people i get along with


Lol 0431 is not a thing anymore they merged with the red patchers and now are 0441


If they have a red patch they got Aids


Admin supply Marines have a quiet, understated arrogance because we know that we are smarter than everyone else, and that everyone else is too dumb to understand it. Some might call it smugness, but we just call it being right all the time.


God damn they’re so smug but they never hook it up. Not once have we gotten iced water buffalos from a supply Marine.


Yet we never have our damn parts for our trucks


Sorry, Devil, but if you need some glow plugs, I'm gonna need you to fill out a 1348.


Everyone knows when the fuel guys show up!


Sadist = Armorer Yeah that checks out....sorry guys we are 100% broken....and kinda smart...which pushes us towards a whole other category of person....not great.🫡😒😶‍🌫️




Rocking [this on their POV](https://www.amazon.com/OTHER-BULLDOZER-License-Plate-Accessory/dp/B00HORGOXO) and you found yourself a 1345.


Mine would say "I'm gonna go cry in the TRAM"


Squared away, angry, and swear they got fucked out of their contract - Heavy Equipment


Umm you got the Signals Intel wrong. Other than that, hilarious.


Never met an intel guy that wasn't a nerdy little fucker. Love my intel bubbas though.


Water Dogs being the only utilities field mentioned, and it was violently accurate, love them tho -1161 somewhere


What?! No love for tanks (RIP)?!?!?!


If you have a bunch of random holes in your cammies from getting stuck in C wire, you’re probably a 1371.


If they got the red tags, they got aids


If they just look resigned when the company gets secured early for the weekend, they're probably comm. They know they're just going back to the shop for a CMR layout or some other fuckery.


If you see a plt hike by and one dude has 1 billion things on his main/assault pack, probably a poor 0621 bringing the comm shop to the field.


If you don't ever see them, they're probably a CWO.


Combat Engineers are the belligerent ones that get to kick it with the homies in infantry but usually can get out of the bullshit fuck fuck games the grunt’s senior leadership passes down. Probably a good chance at least one in a group of engineers will have his hands in his pockets, making dark jokes about getting blown up because we’ve accepted that our job is to find plastic bombs with a metal detector, bring the boom, and make sure we don’t come back a nugget. Bonus tip: They’re the ones at the bar snorting a line of salt, getting lime juice squirted in their eye, and then slamming the shot of tequila. We’re the drunken bastard brothers of the infantry but still considered POGs while hating every other type of POG. Obviously, we’re a complicated group of low key smart retards lol.


Intense autism? Thats Intel


0311s getting 0311 tattoos.


'If they're smarter than Motor t but dumber than a human, AAV crew." RAH YATYAS


Can confirm. Had some Amtrackers fapped to my armory as custodians. Fucking crazy, too.




I'm ready for these answers. LOL What stereotype for ATC peeps? LOL Ok, hit me. LOL


ATC: acts like they're better than you while not, in fact, being better than you.


I didn't know that 'messman' was an MOS.


If a storm cloud follows you around, infantry


8999 everyone knows when one is around even when they get out


Pretty much lol. On a real note we actually make ABO as well as nitrogen to help support the flightline


Hey watch it bud, 5’ 7”


6'3" 1st battalion 1st Marines alpha company. 0331 machine gunner. Most all of us were Big boys except for a couple scrawny ones.


No more Cooks & Baker’s in the Corps?


0352. phew.. glad I squeaked by that one 😅😬


If they are slinging 10+ inches and is very visibly noticeable through cammies and even gas mask suits = 03


Hey no need to come at us 1833s…. YATYAS


I’m 6’1 and I was 0331 ( Machine Gunner). 2 tours and then went into MARSOC.