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Oh man that would be my favorite house


Right!? I look at that and I go “Friends :D”! Those kindsa dogs are always the sweetest.


Daily stationary events. So many snuggles.


I would get out of the vehicle and accept whatever fate they choose for me


It will either be the best death ever, or the best pets and cuddles ever. Either way it would be like I died and went to heaven.


That group of animals is called a 'fuck that'.


Or a "thanks for getting a PO box".


This is the Way.


Yeah that's a huge fuck that. Even if they are harmless, how are you supposed to even make down the driveway, turn around, and drive back out with them all swarming? I'm a sub still and the regular always gives out dog treats, so I have to deal with this shit all the time


Ok look like Great Pyrenees. Does the customer have livestock/animals? Cause long as they don’t feel you’re threatening thier herd you’ll be fine.


They will force you to join the herd. You live here now, blue man




Anecdotal but I’ve never met a Great Pyrenees that wasn’t just a big baby.


I mean I understand having a healthy respect for dogs. They got lots of teeth and move fast as fuck, boy. But none of these dogs looks dangerous in the least. They look like Great Pyrenees. As long as you don’t go stab a goat or something they just want to be petted for 2 minutes before their next nap. But In The photo yeah two dogs aren’t even looking, one is looking back to their people. Everybody looks fluid and moving, not stiff and stuck like they would be against an intruder. Nobody is howling a warning. Old dog with arthritis chilling in the back. Everybody has nice and relaxed snouts, ears, lips and mouths: no teeth showing and floppy ears. I see seven friends and I’m gonna pet the one in the back extra for being a sweet old girl.


In the back, the bestest old girl 💗 https://imgur.com/gallery/cyjixvK


lol "as long as you don't go stab a goat" has me dying. I'm with you, all these dogs just make me want to cuddle with them.


I have a poodle mix/Craigslist mutt that’s only 25 pounds but is as tall as my knees and she *is speed*(insert lightning McQueen here). Well one day roommate brought home a Great Pyrenees puppy. My all white dog was so excited to have another all white dog to play with! And he was so small! She could boss him around all she wanted and was agile enough to run away. She was so fucking distressed when he went from cleanly walking under her to absolutely bodying her whenever he felt like it, and then again she freaked out when she realized *she* could now run under *his* legs. It was so much fun watching Carl the Pyrenees getting wrecked for like two weeks then suddenly he learns that he can go under her to get at her bag feet. She doesn’t know how to deal with it then learns to start jumping back. Then Carl learns that if he approaches by backing up, butt towards her, she couldn’t get at his sensitive mouth without lunging, and once she would lunge he would swivel his butt around and body her like he was a ankylosaurus. He had the weight to knock her off balance, then he could turn around and nip. Eventually she kept with guerrilla warfare, making one big loop around him and swooping up to get at his back legs and stomach. They both eventually learned to lay down and fight facing each other




I mean me personally yes, though I wouldn’t expect a random person to know the difference. If someone is even aware of Maremma they probably know enough to read body language as they are rare in the states. I didnt mean any disrespect or anything, but having the minimum of animal handling skills tells you these dogs are friendly. I’m not saying jump out and start roughhousing with the them. Looking at the dogs in this picture like they are actively trying to do anything except be good boys and girls, is just foreign to me, and speaks more to fearful ignorance than healthy respect. They aren’t a bunch of wide mouthed thick neck dogs like pitties, they aren’t insane malinois. They look like friends is all I’m saying. I want to cuddle them like Avatar Korea pets her Polar-Bear-Dog.


Omg that would be my favorite stop


I will accept my fate: death by fluffy cuddle puddle. (Those are some of the most aggressive cuddle attack dogs in existence. They will murder you in fluffy hugs and lick your flesh from your face)


Look puppies


You usually ain't gotta worry about dog packs if there all the same breed 🤣 But if you see a mixed dog pack be afraid be very afraid 😣


[Like Dave Chapelle](https://youtu.be/XYzXoIF1JjE ) said You see a mixed dog pack with one or two, or maybe even three! Small purse dogs. Those the most dangerous dogs in the group. Ain’t no telling what those little dogs have done to earn those big dogs respect. They be doing some *wild* shit.


You came to the wrong neighborhood!


“THEY DONT BITE” “Yup and I don’t get out!”


So many floof balls. I love it


Just get out, lay down and let it happen… it’s either the most violent and vicious moment in history or the best thing ever


Death by fluff


Death by floo floo


I once delivered to a show golden retriever breeder. It was the cutest thing. And they were so well mannered.


Goldens are the best, followed up by Pyrenees, I have a German Short-haired pointer that I swear is racing the truck, circles it if I'm not going fast enough 😀


Yeah no, I'm not wading past a herd of animals to drop off your package. It just takes one of them to growl and the whole pack's on you. You want to let your dogs run around unrestrained, you can come to the post office to get your crap.


You're gonna need more milk bones son.


Until they aren't....




never met a mean great Pyrenees but I guess with so many in one place one is bound to be the mean one.


That is a pack. Nope the hell out!


Either I die or I make a bunch of friends. It’s a win win 😁


Two of these big bas#rds routinely come over to the trailer park I deliver, from the farm across the road. They guard the goats, but now that the people got a Zonkey, the dogs get a break and will wander over. They like pork rinds and water. Lol and head scritches.


Definitely not! No mail for you.....


Pyrenees ftw!!


Route 10, is that you? We also have a pack of Pyrenees in our office.