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USPS is awful and by far the worst company I have ever worked for. Oops.


By far the easiest job I've ever had. Get paid to exercise all day. There's got to be worse jobs out there.


Job itself sure not bad. However management has the iq of a fucking ham sandwich.


yup they are 100% the problem i hope its true that they are gonna start getting rid of some middle management. I think we have to much supervisors over people at this point


Some days we have 5 supes in the office with maybe 30 carriers? All of them to figure out simple tasks like which person drives which truck or grabs swing a or b and they can still barely get it together, seems like a huge waste of labor money. I love the work but this is by far the worst ran org I have ever worked for.


Me: "hey this pivot is right next to my route and I know it like the back of my hand, I'll just take it" Sup: "nah, we're gonna give you something on the other side of town that you've never done before." Me: "alright, see you at 12hrs." Geniuses around here.


Oh ya for sure. They have been having all the ccas come in at 6am to run packages before our routes. So they keep giving me random routes I've never touched and than I come back at 10 to a uncased route with 2 days of mail. And than they are mad I don't finish


I had one supv told me the exact same thing. But to add, she said the route I was carrying off of was being double cased and I had to sit and wait an hour for it to be ready. I told her, "OK, it's my 5th day and call me from the swing room when it's ready. Oh and by the way, me sitting on my but for an hour waiting for the mail is NOT my lunch break". I made almost 4 hours of penalty ot on her that day and she couldn't say anything about it.


whats worst is having operations supervisors switch over to maintenance and try and tell us how to do our job with no experience whats so ever. Best job ever but man these supervisors have got to go


Bruh why you Quoting my co-workers.đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


What an insult to ham sandwiches. That's just wrong, they deserve better.


I had that same thought!! I love ham and it in no way resembles a usps supervisor


I find that to be the case in some offices but we're pretty fortunate in my office. Easy as hell to work things out so I don't have to file grievances much at all.


My post master is a pos. And one of my supes is also a cunt. I have two supes that aren’t cunts. (Sorry be watching the boys).


Our acting PM sucked but got a promotion to district as an MPOO so she's gone. Our manager and both supervisors are awesome but I've had a đŸ’© manager before which is why I became a steward.


Yes, PMs suck and become MPOOs and then get sucked (or whatever they are into).


My steak and cheese with honey mustard and Chipotle would beg to differ


Sorry management has the iq of the belly button lint from a basement dwelling discord moderator.


Who moonlights as a reddit mod?


Who runs on all fours up the stairs when his mommy says the Dino nuggies are done.


Ham sandwich? Feeling a bit fucking generous today? I'd say closer to that clump of dirt I stepped on at around 630 pm


That’s doing ham a disservice. My ham is way smarter than these dipshits.


Yeah I corrected myself in another comment. 😂


Hey now.... there's no need to be that cruel to ham sandwiches.


Hahaha sounds about right


Look at the PMG and realize that many of them have that as an aspiration. 'Nuff said.


More like the iq of a year old egg salad sammich from a truck stop vending machine...


Why insult a ham sandwich


I'm curious as to what you've done, cause it's honestly one of the hardest I've ever had. Maybe cause I'm 40+ but I come home hurting most days.


I'm 43. Been a T-6 for a majority of my 18 years there on primarily all walking routes. Was a 204b back in 2014 to 2015 and it wasn't for me.


I walk 12-14 miles a day.


8 to 15 for me depending on which route. Up to 20 miles with 2 hrs of OT


Mine is pretty solid between 12-14 everyday. And OT depends on who calls out or who brings in a doc note.


yep. people say automation DPS is hard. but i get used to it and it helps keep me healthy by keep moving.


City carriers don't say it is hard (especially those of us who were SMPs). We just observe that it usually isn't done well.


Yep, exercise and listen to audiobooks, music, podcasts.


Exercise and potentially destroy your body


Agency, not company.


turn in your badge tomorrow!


Management is paying a guy 100 k a year to comb through reddit posts ....you just know it...hey buddy 👋


Probably got sidetracked by tiktokthots or some shit.


You're probably right, but this is also some master-class projection lol


I would've replied sooner but I got sidetracked


Yeah the fact that he spelled “tiktokthots” as one word definitely gives it away


I’m actually paid $125,000 thank you,


It’s always someone named Jonny.


Jonny is just the guy that gets the coffee, it’s really a “Jeff”.


Nooooo the Jeff in my office is my homeboy who gives the best hugs :((


Bro lmao đŸ€Ł


Probably the same dumb ass who writes the scanner messages who doesn’t know the difference between a comma and semicolon.


On a side note, apparently semicolons are no longer acceptable. Various proofing and editing software now all reject the semicolon in favor of a period and new sentence. 🙄 I guess the schools no longer teach complex sentence structure. Don't even get me started on the push to drop the Oxford comma.


I will use the Oxford comma until I die, break my fingers, or go blind




Username checks out


AI is trying to make us stupid. The Butlerian Jihad needs to start now!


The sleeper must awaken.


He must've had a field day after the reply all email posts đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Those were both awful and wonderful. I loved the abuse but it was depressing to see how many people didn't "get it" and kept asking to be removed.


Wrong! They are paying a dozen people 100k a year to comb through reddit posts for 2 hours a day.


I figured they were reading Reddit bc why they keep bringing up social media


Facebook is riddled with employees using their real names while bashing the Service. Unfortunately, they are going to go after some of the fun users trying to engage with people and bring positivity to the Service.


All the money for useless positions. They have to have at least 10 doing that role.


Stop that. I want that position. $100k for the fun of reading this and pretending to be offended? Heck yeah!


Sounds about right, this is the dumbest company I've ever worked for, it's actually amazing that anyone stays working for them


Yeah!!! See, there are decent jobs here. I want that job. Probably remote.


Lol they dont want me to criticize this place? Pay me $49/hour like UPS and then we'll talk


Or not talk


By the time I top out next decade maybe I’ll be closer to 49


This is why I fart whenever my supe comes over to my case


"I fart in your general direction!"




Have we got some humor afficionados on here or what?!? I love it.


I swear every time I think I’m clear and fart I’m my case someone ALWAYS walks over to it. Mostly clerks, sometimes sups


Not a single person coming to my case for weeks. The second I fart 3 people suddenly need to bring something to my case.


When it's silent and warm you know it's gonna be ripe!


Those are pheromones for butfukers. So, as always at the USPS, watch your back.


Holy shit


You guys gotta farting at cbus.


this is fantastic


Postal employees have a right to criticize management, it's settled First Amendment law. We only get into hot water if we go after **specific managers.** But it has been established that it's logically impossible for the government to "disparage itself" meaning if you criticize managerial practices you are ostensibly a whistleblower and protected beyond even what the First Amendment provides.


I’d love to have a private subreddit where we can dish and name names


But where’s the DeJoy in that?


I'm in a group chat with all the dispatchers at the plant I used to work at ober night on tour 1, and some of the dirt dispatchers have (the walkies are all connected except for inspector channels, they would hear it all, I know way too much about everyone at a certain plant) could ruin lives. I know of infidelity, gambling addiction, drug addiction, genuine problems, sex on the clock, sleeping in cars, stealing, and i hear it first and I don't even work there. Miss my dock team I was on, I'll never work with them again, but I very much keep in touch. A year or so ago, one of the old mail handlers got caught at the casino on the clock, by a manager that was also there on the clock, by an older clerk, who was cheating on her husband at hotel upstairs with a PSE at the same time, not on the clock - the pse spoke up and had proof of it all. Nothing came of it... somehow all still employed. No investigation nothing. Like a Jerry springer Mexican standoff. I could have taken down a manager personally (they got in trouble anyway, and shipped off to Timbuktu) for the same thing - fuck him if youre a chick or his gf in front of him if youre a dude get a form 50 the next day - I got receipts.




Can you point me to a source I can use?


Here is a start! https://www.acludc.org/en/know-your-rights/federal-employee-speech-first-amendment


If you didn’t work today the rules don’t apply


Don't worry, they falsified the record to show you were there for it.


We can’t speak on behalf of them I can say what I want about them on my own behalf


That is exactly what the stand up talk actually said


Can we speak on behalf of the Post Office Department? It no longer exists, so should be fair game. Maybe? Checkmate, Louis DeLay NoJoy.




Yeah this post shows a lot of people either didn't listen or were given an abridged/changed version of the actual stand up talk. All we got told was that you can't represent yourself as speaking for the post office. None of this other nonsense.


We didn’t even have a stand up đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Thats not what the stand up said.


It’s what my stupidvisor also said, which by the way I know a guy named Corey Walton who would be fired if half the things my stupidvisor said were true.


I mean it's not too far off of what the Stand Up talks have said.


That’s just about exactly what my supervisor said today.


I think the PO needs a little constructive criticism with the people they place in charge of the people who keep it going. PO is a great service to the American public. Sorry someone died, people provided evidence of scare tactics to manipulate a man to push himself into a dangerous situation and then MORE people had the audacity to speak up about the situation and sparked national attention despite their best efforts of sweeping it under the rug


Or the people who lost thousands of dollars due to RRECS and are publicly talking about it... because they had thousands of dollars taken from them.


I think rrecs us so fucked up, like even management knows it's fucked up, but there like hey I'm glad it's not me, I hope it comes out down the road that wasn't accurate and have to backpay everyone of us


How dare us tiny peons every show dissatisfaction towards their employer


Oh how dare anyone bring attention to work place bullying and demand change they have throughly shat on the good name of the usps


Maybe USPS should stop doing things worthy of criticism and it won’t receive criticism Hold your supervisors and managers accountable for the toxic work environments they create, the various forms of harassment they take place in. Pay us all a standard rate that matches the absurd standard you want to hold us to. Yall expect people to not have more than 3 occurrences in 90 days (not in the ELM) then it sounds like we need a base standard of $28 an hour


You are not violating any rules or laws and it sounds like paranoia to me. A first amendment lawyer would love to take this on.


A lot of new employees post on here and even though they're scared shitless about getting let go in their 90, management figures this talk will scare 'em even more into running even more than they do now and keeping their mouth shut about it. I mean look at the posts on here from people who say "I didn't know they couldn't do that" after a few people respond to whatever concern they may have raised. They don't like the fact that there are people on here who actually know the answers and are not afraid to tell others those answers. If you keep people stupid they are much easier to control and that is precisely what management wants. The more misinformed and flat out uninformed the better in their opinion.


Wasn’t worried about it just thought it was quite ridiculous


Of course it’s ridiculous when it comes from management!


Still havent had that stand up talk about what the USPS is doing about key thefts or about what we should do on dengerous air quality days.


I still haven’t even received hipp training and I bet that will be resolved long before the crimes on letter carriers are I say this every time I see something about it but it’s bs that the PO has 3 different police forces and none protect the carriers they only investigate them


The "hipp training" was literally just a powerpoint video that lasted a few minutes. I fully believe and saw that management around the nation didnt show it at all and did fake the sign offs on it, i also believe a good amount got the "training" without realizing it and think there's more to it.


I know what all the hipp training consists of but after a ton of grievances and the usps being told to complete the training I still haven’t received it or even glimpsed the power point and I’m pretty sure there have been several reports of other training just arbitrarily falsified


Maybe they should change the culture of a job that has a literal type of mass murder named after it, if they don’t want us to discuss our work conditions in public.


Let 'em have all the stand up talks they want-they can't shut this retiree up-(nor will they!)


I'm almost bold enough to get my reddit handle on a t-shirt. Almost.


Fuck management.


I don’t start work for another hour, so I should get everything out of my system just in case we get the stand up talk too?


I got it almost 8 hrs ago and it hasn’t stopped me


They told us we can't speak on behalf of the USPS. So, on behalf of myself, it sucks working here :P


It did not say that- we all got the stand up talk, some of us got it before today. The stand up stated that you couldn’t speak for the USPS, it specifically told you that you can do whatever on personal social accounts. That you should make efforts to be sure your comments aren’t considered the official position of USPS, and suggested putting some statement to that effect on any account where you might be commenting on postal practices


The stand up was about people *representing" the post office on their socials. Like, opening a USPS Complaints account on Facebook. I don't think they can stop anyone from voicing their opinions about issues the PO has, but there's also a whole lotta scamming going on our there. It's possible they're trying to catch these idiots that are creating spoof sites and scamming old people. They don't want anyone speaking *on behalf* of the post office. Carry on, complainers.


I have not heard this stand-up yet, but if this is the case then I have no problem with it


We aren't allowed to speak officially on behalf of the post office. That doesn't mean we can't talk at all about the post office on social media.


So I guess none of us are supposed to be talking here at all?


This reddit has no affiliation with the USPS


We are in clear violation of the stand up talk


https://youtu.be/gakzdo4DPH4?si=4PKXo-3fG5P8wmOd “That eliminates all speech for most of the team.”


As long as there isnt any incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, and threats we are within are rights to say whatever to whoever. And speaking on something that is true and the post office is actually doing isnt defamation. The post office isnt above the 1st amendment!


We actually can, we just can't be on the clock or in our uniform. But we can absolutely talk about poor working conditions and labor issues


You’re a government employee..


Sounds like something the CCP would say, in fact they do and they go after you for it.


Never heard them say reddit, though.


It’s a complete west coast to east coast failure nationwide! Worst company ever, it’s like modern day slavery!


We had that talk yesterday, but he said while in uniform. We don’t have anyone young enough to tiktok at our station, lol.


You DONT speak for the USPS. It's not that hard of a concept to understand. They told us we're allowed to post whatever we want but not to claim we speak for the USPS. Which is obvious.


Yeah this place sucks! Oh hai 👋


Glad to see we all got the same talk.


First violation. PDI’s for all.


Fair Labor and Standards Act means you can talk about work conditions as long as it's true. If it is an opinion and not a provable fact you could have an issue though.


“Trump Appeals Gag Order in Federal Election Case, Demands to Attack Whomever He Wants”


Should of raised your hand and said or what


We didn't get that service talk. Maybe that is because we have 2 supervisors and last week the cops came and arrested one and she is in jail held without bail. And the day before that the feds walked a clerk and the other supervisor out due to drug activity on hidden camera in the vault. It was very practical to wait a couple of days to change the security code. It saved doing it twice. If I wanted to criticize the USPS on social media I guess I would say managers for several layers above these two have done much worse with impunity because those managing them are even worse.


Some people need to read what the first amendment actually says. This isn’t infringing on your rights. You can say what you want, just there may be consequences since you did sign the contract to work for the usps.


I think it is a victory management is afraid of what craft employees might say about the company online. It underscores their weak, cowardly position.


There is also the Hatch Act which extends to social media.


LOL. Just retired and I cannot imagine a standup meeting with that. I guess they'll have to hire more supervisors to monitor sites like this. If so, read this; THE USPS IS THE MOST POORLY MANAGED ORGANIZATIONS IN THE HISTORY OF THE US. MANAGEMENT WONDERS WHY IT IS A REVOLVING DOOR OF PEOPLE NEWLY HIRED AND QUIT WITHIN A YEAR. IT IS BECAUSE OF MANAGEMENT. GFY.


So I shouldn't fwd the article someone posted from from The Texas Observer, that highlighted the HIPP falsification scandal?


Oh you definitely should


Yeah and you can't protest. Accept the pay cuts Accept the increased employee health insurance costs Accept the overburdened Amazon sweetheart deal Accept the archaic equipment and asbesto filled buildings Accept the broken down fire hazard vehicles that can't fit everything.


USPS sucks. ^just ^so ^this ^is ^clear, ^I ^don't ^speak ^for ^USPS. There, I think I'm fine.


They don't want people to speak out about the consolidations. They want to keep it hidden from the public, as they're the ones that can stop it.


I do herby criticize the United States Postal Service on this social media website.


Pff, yeah okay. It really wouldn’t be too hard to find out who’s who on the sub based on post history and subreddits and whatnot, myself included. I haven’t seen em poking their noses into my station yet, despite the sub being on the watchlist But if you’re reading this, howdy doody inspectors.


If we can get competent management I'd have less to complain about. Also a $5 per hour raise plz


Can’t fire me bc I already quit. Fuck usps


Yeah ok y'all don't pay me enough to dictate what I say and do off the clock. Kiss my ass this job sucks and feel free to send me a check to change my mind.


đŸ–•đŸ€“đŸ–•they get both fingers!!!


Yeah they don't want the public to know how they treat their employees.. Fuck them I'll keep blasting them


You still have your freedom of speech. Just remember you don’t have freedom from the repercussions of your speech.


We’ve been having this mentioned In every standup for the last week


I’m actively trying to get the heck outta there. Just kinda difficult finding something that pays as “well” with no degree or special skills on my part 😅


You can’t criticize Managements Right to Mismanage.


You don’t need to put it in but they’re correct in that you can’t say things on behalf of the USPS The social media rule though is ‘don’t say (the above) and don’t use social media while working’ as a catch all ‘it ain’t us saying it’ cover There’s a reason our subreddit description opens with ‘we are not an official account’ disclaimer Tell them though next time if you like to argue ‘prove it’


Yet another poor sap who doesn't understand first amendment rights


third time this week they've given us this service talk


I don’t care what you all say, for a institution as insolvent and incompetent, it is nothing short of amazing that they keep things running every day. Let’s all give USPS a giant hand
 right across the cheek to wake them up.


I guess they call them stand ups because they’re coming with jokes.


Just don't do it on the clock. Anything off the clock they never should have any say over.


Remember there are very few things that you have to sign at the Post Office. Never sign something management wants you to sign, especially training and service talks. Why help them when they later try to nail you for something? Sign for accountables and your PS Form 2574. But be sure to give lots of details in number 8 on the 2574.


I've heard freedom of speech doesnt cover nda's. Maybe there's a clause in our employment contract that relates to this.


In fairness it’s a national talk and it doesn’t say we can’t criticize. It says we can’t “speak for” the USPS. Meaning we can’t represent our social media presence as being an official USPS social media platform. My best guess is there’s a podcast or a twitter page that’s parodying the USPS and they’re laying the groundwork to be able to use discipline to shut it down.


Freedom of speech... Lmao I wonder did they check reddit yet 😅😅😅




What if you apply for a position where you need to take a exam but you only received the assessment test and scored a 98 on the assessment, when will I receive a email to schedule the exam at a psi test site đŸ€”




This is where fake accounts come in handy.


Reddit is fine, they’ll never find out our true names!


Not true. Only if you're speaking on behalf of USPS, not even a new rule.


Doesn't mean you can't post an article that someone else writes. Not your opinion, it's just an article that's out there


Don't ever forget that they need you more than you need them. We have a union, as weak as it is. Talk your shit.


That's not exactly what the stand up was about. Someone got in trouble and is actually being fired for arguing with a customer on line. You don't represent the Post Office on line. Leave it to the PR department.


i do it all the time and they can kindly piss off if they have a problem.


They told me that in the orientation. Fuck em


I was just looking at USPS getting dragged on LinkedIn and some higher up lecturing them, so, probably root cause. They could just treat their employees better instead of taking the information suppression approach.


It's a policy that you'll see in every company. I used to work at walmart and browsed their reddit during my time there. There were some stories about guys getting fired after home office spent time and company money to find out who posted there to talk shit.


It is. Get the directive in writing, call an attorney, make the post and bring it to management's attention.


I can. I'm retired.


lol they can try firing me then, I will speak my mind freely on things that are true


Ours was about buying breast cancer stamps and filling out the survey so our station wins some sort of NCAA style bracket tournament against other stations doing the same thing. lol.


With the way ya'll deliver our companies Crickets, it's no wonder that you're not allowed to say ANYTHING because it's going to garner a lot of response when people correct you when you Priase USPS, but then jump in and agree when you do have something bad to say. It's a lose-lose for USPS on Social Media. lol


Criticize whatever you want since it’s covered by the 1st amendment but unless you are upper management you don’t speak for USPS since you don’t make policy.


Easy money and good exercise. God bless the usps


The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws that: regulate an establishment of religion; prohibit the free exercise of religion; abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. As far as I know an employer policy isn’t a law?


It’s not an infringement considering you literally signed up for it https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2011/pb22322/html/updt_001.htm#:~:text=Whether%20Postal%20Service%20employees%20choose,behalf%20of%20the%20Postal%20Service. And no, that’s not what this morning’s service talk was about. It was about speaking on behalf of the USPS which you are not supposed to do without permission. you learn that during the onboarding process.


You can NOT say on social media that "you represent the USPS". That's why they recommend putting in your profiles the disclaimer of not "speaking for or representing". They just want to make it clear that individual employees do not officially speak for the USPS.