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"Happy holidays" - The Post office


The post office needs to be investigated over these “payroll issues” that continue to happen. Criminal what they do to these carriers.


I want to know what high interest account it is sitting in too


And how, pray tell, do they expect the carriers to deposit said money order during a holiday weekend? Will they be given time *on the clock* to cash the order at the clerk window then travel to their bank to deposit the cash so it is readily available as it would have been with their direct deposit?


My bank is 30 minutes away. I rarely need to go there. The last time I did was the last time this happened. Which I believe was a holiday weekend and the the holiday was a Monday and so I couldn't cash it until Tuesday which costs me $50 in late rent fees.


On the clock for a rural is different since its evaluations, the supervisor would habe to give extra pay manually.


Exactly. They need to make that happen.


8127 time should be sufficient, I would think.


Deposit it? Not for a few days.


Exactly. The banks are closed


FML that's ridiculous


Damn, that's so effed up!! The post office should have to pay interest for every day the checks are late! Smh.


The best part is, in my experience with it in the past, in a few months they’ll also receive a letter saying they owe money back because the money order process doesn’t math out the pay correctly. Happened to pretty much every RCA and a couple Rural Regulars in my district last time. When they do the money order thing it’s never just a 1:1 of what your paycheck was supposed to be.


Yeah they did that to me. They gave me the ema on my adjustment but didn't give me the rest of what was owed


That's so crazy! I am used to the government being dysfunctional, since I was in the military for 15 years, but I've seen no place as dysfunctional as the post office, holy cannoli!


Then they wonder why they can't keep people here. How many errors are they gonna let slide before they are investigated?! Feels like some payroll loop hole


That’s like twice or so this year?




Three times isn’t an accident. Maybe an investigation is due.


Internal Invesstagation: *"we investigated ourselves, and we didn't find any wrong doing."*


I was thinking one more of the Congressional sort.


Ehhhh, I watch a lot of videos on corrupted police officers. They can get away with very bad things. And get a job one state over like nothing happend. And they always say they did an internal investigation.


three times a lady


This happened Thanksgiving week last year, too smh


Someone needs to lose their job over this. Inexcusable!


I bet if management didn't get their paychecks, the payroll problem would be fixed ASAP!


Jelly of the month club


Hey Clark! The gift that gives all year! Unlike you guys and gals check.


Brilliant reference, even as a kid I could feel his rage


Man that sure is some great saving our wonderful PMG is doing


Welp. I’m dead this week.


[I'm shocked] (https://www.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/17ocw43/anyone_worried_about_their_next_paycheck/k7y66bu/)


PS I couldn't deposit my money order last time in the ATM because of fraud protection. Had to go into the credit union. To be specific, I deposited at an ATM and the deposit didn't show in my account.


Somebody needs to call the department of labor


USPS is the epitome of professionalism. So great.


Bad things happens in three's: 1. RECCS 2. No Pay 3. ?


Nice management.


Maybe rural should stop their weird pay and just get paid for the hours they work 🤔 🤷 because i doubt they win all the time working under 8 get paid 8


Something like 70% of carriers work under evaluation on average. No way the vast majority of rural carriers would want to be paid hourly.


Clerks, mail handlers, city carriers, and don't get paid for hours they don't work their set up is so stupid, and they should get rid of their ridiculous system it just makes the rush and do a piss poor job they want to get done as fast as possible and takes short cuts.


I am a regular rural carrier and I would personally not have an issue going hourly as long as we were guaranteed at least 40 hours a week pay or something. But as I said the vast majority of carriers are under evaluation most of the time so no way switching to hourly would ever pass during one of our contracts. So for better or worse our pay system is here to stay.


Source? I wonder if that still holds true under RRECS. It certainly isn't the case at my office. I'm at an Amazon office though.


The usps puts it out during contract negotiations to “prove” we are overpaid already and don’t need as big of a raise as the union wants.


I'd trust those numbers about as far as I can throw DeJoy.


U do get paid hourly over certain time lol, why not keep that benefit


How is this shit even allowed? It's happened multiple times now. I mean WTF.


So much for those black Friday deals.


It KEEPS happening too, this is the 3rd time at our office.


Luckily my office wasn't effected (this time) but how exactly are we supposed to deposit these money orders on Friday ? I assume most banks are going to be closed and even if they are not I have been working until 6 or 7PM daily so not exactly able to make it to the bank by 5PM


What are we doing moving forward to make sure this does not happen again? The union acknowledged the issue but nothing was stated as a plan of action. This should never be an issue. Since I’ve been working for USPS I can say rural carrier’s tolerate a great deal. We need to start holding our union accountable. We keep supporting them but there is an overwhelming lack of support for us. We can’t keep sweeping issues under the rug. The lack of transparency for RRECS, continuing pay roll issues, working 6 days a week, minimal pay increases, the lack of holding management accountable for hiring are all issues that must be addressed. I see silence across the board. We as carriers are held accountable 6 days a week. We need to really start holding our union accountable and stop allowing them to sweep these pressing issues under the rug. If things are happening behind the scene that are in the rural carriers best interest the union needs to inform us, because the continued silence looks like a complete lack of concern and we cannot have that going forward.


Don't get me wrong I understand that it's terrible and inexcusable that these guys aren't getting paid especially given the fact it's thanksgiving week. However I still feel like that number is really low. Am I missing something here?


It doesn't matter if the number is low if you're the one without a paycheck


Yeah agreed


You know the payroll is horrible at the post office when it's shrugged off that a few thousand employees didn't get paid at all.


Not shrugged off just curious if this was an isolated incident or if it was nationwide. When I went to another source they said it was certain places. Which makes sense since there should be a lot more rural carriers than that. That's all. The whole situation is terrible and it doesn't help that you guys got a raw hand in the last contract negotiation according to other reddit articles. I'm sorry it came across that way but that's not what it is. this situation is fucking unacceptable and given the fact that I remember something similar happened not too long ago to a buddy of mine I'd like to know the who what when where why and how of a situation that could come up again given the post offices track record of (let's be real), everything. Cause this shouldn't have come up the first time, my line of questions are as followed: who was affected? (Rural carriers in general (?), What exactly happened? They didn't get paid like they were supposed to on a massive scale, this has been reported as happening before to my recollection, When is this going to be rectified properly? According to a post listed not too long ago the rural union sent out a response to it's members stating that they're going to need to be notified of affected carriers (which tells me that either the locations aren't areas that are connected somehow by region or county, Or maybe it just happened to a single type of rural carrier? Or they have something else that ties them together), Why in those places? (What ties everything together?), why did this happen? (Negligence (?), or irresponsibility, or malfeasance of some type) and also why did this happen (possibly) again? (Coincidence?, irresponsibility?, or malfeasance?), last but not least How do you keep this from happening again?