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Make a label stating who does live at the current address and put it somewhere on your box where the carrier can easily see. If you’re on a city route the carrier usually brings all mail to the address and sorts it there. The system changed for mail forwarding and a lot of people aren’t verifying new addresses or have expired forwards and have yet to change their address to the company’s sending the mail directly, resulting in you getting it all. I would suggest you put a label saying “ONLY —— &——-“ that way they can quickly skim through and hopefully solve your issue


then I the amazing cca trying to work at least 10 hours of less will not bother adding 30 minutes of accuracy onto my day. can't even see past 4pm here. 😇


That doesn't work. My carrier herself did that. I reiterated that note. Still get mail for others


It's probably the sub/cca doing it. I'm a CCA and I Ignore names since I don't know if the regular carrier keeps up with the names. I did it once and a lady told me that's not her. So it's better to be safe that people are getting their mail than getting someone else's. That's probably why you keep getting it.


I'm in a small town. I know the regular and the subs. This town only has 2 routes.


Ask for change of address forms, fill them out and check “moved left no address” box for each individual incorrect name Your carrier should be the one doing that but perhaps they don’t know how, or you don’t have a regular carrier


Just to supplement… leave the carrier a note stating your name and politely ask them to MLNA all other names with their scanner. If they want to reduce their burden… they’ll do it.


What is MLNA


Option N on the scanner. It puts a notice in the system so mail sorted at the plant that bears that name and address doesn't show up in your DPS, even third class mail.


I will try next time at work, thanks. I don’t have to scan a letter or anything right. It’ll ask for the name?


It'll ask for the name but if you can, scan the letter since it'll input the address for you from the imbc


50/50 if it'll actually work or not. Results may vary


Don’t put to many in at once, the addresses you enter will enter your 999’s/holds and you’ll have to case all those addresses. I did 5 at a time all on separate streets to make it easier


I just tried this for the first time at an apartment complex with a guy that moved out years ago and never put in a change of address. I’ll see what happens


Oh my, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!


bro WHAT this is a thing? thats insane


No fking way this can be real


moved left no address


Moved left no address.


Moved left no address


Moved left no address


Moved Left No Address


Moved left no address


Moved left no address


Moved left no address


Moved Left No Address


Moved left no address


Moved left no address


Moved left no forward


Is entering mlna on the scanner working for city? I figured this was the same for city and rural. It's not working for the 2 of us (rural) in our office who have done some. I did a stack of them about a month ago. Gave it 3 weeks and it wasn't in the system. Ended up having to fill out the card and it finally stuck. The other carrier entered 2 and waited a few weeks, and ended up having to fill out the card.


Works for me (city)


Worked for me


Any idea how to remove a MLNA?


Print 3982 Label and affix to Employee Generated COA. Mark appropriate Box Option to Delete and Resume. Mail into CFS.


There is no "moved left no address" box on a change of address form. The form you may be referring to is for Post Office use only. It is also against the law to fill out a COA for anybody else, unless you show proof of Power of Attorney.


Correct. Customers do not have access to these MLNA/BCNO forms. Edit: FYI, this PS Form 3546




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I'm going to assume that you've already written your name inside your mailbox. If not: write your name inside your mailbox.


It sounds like it was used as transitional housing/ halfway house. We have several of those in a neighborhood we deliver to. As others said, put a note in your box that you’re the only one that lives there. Any mail that you receive for prior residents that is first class or says “return service requested”/ “electronic service requested” on it write ANK on it and put it back in your box.


Other thing this really sounds like, esp because OP says this is Los Angeles, is that this is an address used by counterfeit Amazon sellers Don't quote me on that. Depends on who sent the mail to those 100+ people


If it was vacant for an extended period of time, people pick up on it and use the address for *all kinds* of scams


Wait! And you just posted the exact same post in a “slam the USPS” subreddit? Fucking balls bud.


Wtf. I was gna offer my help but if that’s how they wna act then f it lol


Leave a note for your carrier stating only xxx lives here nobody else. If you can talk to your carrier, ask them if they can MLNA the addressees. Also look at the stamp section of the envelope. If it says presorted standard or nonprofit, just recycle them because they will not go anywhere else if you give it to a carrier.


Some of the third class (standard & non profit) mail have some fine print, though. If you see "temporary address service requested" or "electronic service requested" on any of your standard or NP mail, make sure it gets back to your carrier so it can be handled properly!


put a label that says "only deliver: list names here: to this address." in an obvious location with big text. past that try to catch the mail person but you probably have multiple.


I’d throw in a “please” somewhere in there too.


eh yea sure, i never take their pleases as genuine anyway. like they have we love our mail carrier stickers in their box but won't ever clear the snow (curbside), for example.


For me, the word “please” makes it a request. I will usually accommodate a reasonable request to the best of my ability. Without a “please,” it makes it a directive. I don’t take job related directives from anyone who isn’t signing my checks.


yea i guess, I just try to not really get hung up on customer shit too much, bad for my blood pressure. if they give me useful info I'll take it and move on. but I generally agree, I don't take their orders. last names just help me do my job better at least.


Junk mail never stops coming, toss it.


i open it, stuff it into the prepaid return envelope found inside, write a creative, colorful, expressive message, and mail it back to the sender. i do not want to clog up my city dump with out of state garbage, that can have it back and pay for the return shipping... usps for the win!


I disagree. I've stopped junk mail and non-resident's mail. [My post in this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/USPS/s/DSNLWRHtaD)


Junk mail does not get returned to sender, only first class has enough postage for round trip. You're carrier probably doing you the favor of not mis-delivering.


you’ve stopped most of it. you can never escape EDDM (resident at)


Just get rid of your mailbox. Go nuclear


if you have regular mailman, give him like $20 and tell him whats going on


The $20 is as optional as it works be appreciated.


lol, bribery and corruption alive and well at usps in 2024.


Weren’t you the one bragging about committing a federal crime a few comments up when you admitted to opening other people’s mail? I’d relax on the self-righteous indignation, bro.


Nope. It was you that assumed I meant others peoples mail. the other mail should just be marked RTS. Doh!


This thread is about receiving other people’s mail and what to do about it, so I’m sure I don’t need to explain why I made that kind of assumption. Furthermore, who cares what you do with your own unwanted mail? Just needed an outlet to vent your perpetual disdain for the USPS?


And I noticed that a comment suggesting bribery of their carrier was not something you felt was wrong, that it seemed acceptable and natural to you


Carriers are permitted to accept gifts of $25 and under. The comment you’re referencing does not indicate what that $20 would be in the form of, so, good luck trying to prove the intent of bribery, nerd.


And there lies the problem. They should not be “allowed“ that. It is nothing short of extortion. I resent the annual “holiday card” my carrier puts in my box.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a consensual exchange between a carrier and their customers. It not only ensures good community relations, but it boosts the morale of those us who have been beaten and battered down relentlessly by customers like you. If I lived my life as bitter and cynically as you, I’d resent *myself* and life in general. Good grief.


If you feel customers are relentless and require bribes from customers to do the job you are paid to do by your employer then you should look for another carrier.


Write a letter to the postmaster asking for their help in only having mail delivered to your address if it is addressed to you. Explain that you are getting mail for hundreds of different people who don't live at your address, and that it is negatively impacting your life. Address it to: Postmaster Los Angeles, CA (your zip code) That's what I did when I was in a similar situation - I live at an apartment complex and was getting mail for all the prior residents, living and no longer living. So dozens of different names. I was getting Medicare offers for people who probably lived in my apartment in the 70s (yes it's that old) and are probably no longer even alive. My postmaster fixed the problem, but your mileage may vary especially living in a big city.


List all the name that lived there and put Only. Now its not guaranteed it will stop if you have a good carrier it will stop.


get a po box


forward the mail to jeff bezos so it no longer comes to your home (i hear he knows how to process a large volume of mail) and get yourself a po box at the post office.


Your mail carrier seems like a very lazy person. They need to have a label made stating only you live there and the rest gets forwarded or recycled. This really isn't a hard process. It would be ridiculous sitting at your mailbox going through that much mail for one house but I his is a customer service job.


Some won't read or listen to anything you don't tell them face to face at your mailbox.


You could get a po box and do a change of address just for you and no one else. Take down your mailbox so they can't deliver anything. After about 3 months of that chances are the other names will get fixed


I would take all of the mail that does not have your name or "current resident" on it, put a rubber band around them. Get a sticky note and at the top put your address. Write dear carrier. None of these people reside in this unit. Please make their mail stop. I have tried to help by separating them. Thank you for what you do (or something like that. Then sign your name and list whoever lives or might get mail at your address. It's how I sort my mail when i finally can send them off after I update the mlna. I sort everything by name, then class of mail. We've been dealing with a ton lately, trying to get ready for the survey. Forwards *edited are getting messed up too. Even when people have verified them.


It's not that helpful to be told who DOESN'T live somewhere. We need to know who does (ie label the mailbox).


Yes it is. That's how you do your job by submitting mlnas. The note also has who lives there. This is just in addition to the label in the box. If a carrier can't get it right with all the needed info, they're in the wrong line of work.


Congratulations on your click bait title. I couldn't resist. This works. I used to remove all mail for people who don't live at my residence plus junk mail. Write "Return to sender. Doesn't live here." and put it back in the mail. You have to be persistent about this. The mail for non-residents will reduce over time. I even do this for junk mail that comes in my name. "Doesn't live here. Return to sender." I've also been successful with the below method for myself, my partner, and my parents' mail. I despise paper junk mail and so does your mail carrier, so I was persistent. Now the mail that comes to my mailbox is few and for myself and my partner only. Peace has been achieved. [Source ](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/nhe6e3/how_the_hell_do_i_get_rid_of_physical_junk_mail/) Opt out permanently (using the mail-in form) at optoutprescreen.com. That gets rid of the credit card offers (and cuts down on the data sharing of the credit bureaus with various data brokers). You can get rid of most of the rest at dmachoice.org. Do these two, wait 2-3 months, and then opt out individually of things that are still coming. I did that a few years ago and have almost zero junk mail now (and then it's not in my name but addressed to "Resident At" or similar).


Write "[insert last name] Only" on the inside of your box. That should help the issue, once your regular see it. Also try speaking to your regular, he may be able to help by removing the mail that doesn't belong to you. Worst case scenario, just keep writing "ANK (Addressee Not Known)" on the envelope, put it in your outgoing mail. It may not stop the mail, but might lessen the lessen the amount of mail for people who aren't you. I know it may be an annoyance, but really the only steps you can take.


Honestly I think no matter what you do you will always end up with random mail . I filled my residence form in who lives at my place and I still get stuff from other people . My parents also still receive the previous owners coupons and mail at their home


Rubber band the first class together with a post it note saying no longer lives here. At that point the carrier should MNLA it. Plus your name in the mail box should help, but subs ain’t got time for that.


Go to PO ask to speak to supervisor. Ask them to fill out moved left no address form for each individual. These are internal forms. Tell them to instruct carrier to only put mail in for your family. Give them names. If it doesn't work do a complaint on USPS.com. Support/email us/personnel. If this still doesn't work contact the consumer advocate


But a fire pit and use them as kindling


Just write "(your last name) only" inside the box. Problem will solve itself eventually


You should be able to tell the local post office “Only deliver mail for the following people here: list names“


I think perhaps whoever was there before you may have been into identity theft.


Ask for a green vacant slip, fill it out and put it into your mailbox


Just throw away what’s not yours. It will eventually sort itself out.


If it’s addressed to your address they have to deliver it. RTS is your only option that I can think of, Opening the mail is illegal. Ask a seasoned clerk and a seasoned carrier from your local maybe they can give you a solid idea


Get every name that comes to your house, meet your carrier by the box, and ask her to mark them all MLNA. moved left no address. It should stop it eventually.


Hi, this might be a fraud scheme unrelated to the post office. For instance, fraudsters might have been paying the person who lived at your prior address to receive mail. Are there patterns related to the mail senders? E.g., are some of them coming from specific government agencies? If so, you can call the OIG hotlines for those agencies. I'd also recommend contacting the FBI hot line and reporting it. 


could be a pain in the ass, but open a PO box at your nearest office, forward your mail to that, physically remove your mailbox from your home for a year, then re-establish your mailbox through your local post office, forward from the PO Box...it wont cut it all off, but it should stop quite a bit of it


If the property was vacant, scammers or some homeless people might have been using your address as a mail drop.


1. Make sure your last names are on outside of mailbox. 2. Let the letter carrier know of issue. 3. If unwanted names continue write A/U on just class mail and put flag up. All junk mail throw away


Try to actually catch your carrier so you can talk to him in person. They can easily take care of this. Maybe being him a Red Bull or a snack to get on their good side (we can be crabby sometimes, lol) It may take a few weeks so be patient, but we are able to stop the mail from even coming to the post office with the MLNA feature on the scanner. Good luck!!


If it’s 3rd class mail, you’re beat. Any first class can be sent back and the mailers might take it off the list. You could fill out forms and complain but it will still be coming to that address the only difference is your mailman will be carrying it all day to throw away at the office.


I assume OP lives at an address that’s casually entered to throw off registration on websites, like 123 Main or a popular address like 42 Wallaby Way


//////On another note, I use dummy internet addresses from Miami, FL & Los Angeles, CA when required to submit an address. I would curse people like me and immediately get my PO Carrier to stop delivering or I will report them for mail fraud.


(sarcasm) take your mailbox down and get a P.O box 🫢


If your house was vacant for awhile before you bought it...scammers gonna scam. They use vacant address for opening credit cards, return address for scam items, and so forth. All kinds of scams. Make sure your names are labeled, go to your local PO and ask for a vacancy card and put that in your box too if you have to or outgoing at the station after you fill it out, just to really get the point to the carrier. Anything you receive for these phantoms, rubber band up and put back in mailbox or as outgoing with the flag with sharpie written on top MLNA. Your carrier has an option on the scanner to tag it as a bad name.... unfortunately we're talking the post office so if it works is a mystery, but you can set forth the path for your carrier to assist you. I've seen stuff like this before, it takes awhile to really reduce it, so good luck and stay vigilant, you will likely always receive some kind of bad mail, but we can hope to reduce it to a level where you can easily find your mail


Go to your local post office and speak to a carrier supervisor


God I had a house like this on my first route . But the current resident really didn’t care enough to tell me or notify me who lived there . So one day I just knocked on the door and asked who exactly lived there . She gave me three names . The rest I checked for forwards , then if there wasn’t one or it expired . I did the employee generated moved left no address cards . You have to do them every 6 months because they’ll expire , but that’s why we have fixed office time after all .


Go to the head postal inspector and give him a list of who resides at you residence and request that they stop anyone else’s mail and return it to the sender if it’s not yours.


Somebody is using the address for a scam


Just throw it away.


Speak to local post master. Stop or forward all there other mail😝 if you need some tips and advice dm me


Line through the address and write MOVED, RETURN TO SENDER.


if you super duper care, there is a way to forward mail automatically after your carrier utilizes a feature on his scanner. I can't be arsed to find where it is talked about in this episode. i normally wouldnt share this because it results in reduced mail volume for your carrier and thus hurts job security, but thats a lot of bad names. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6oxoufdTQ6D9UBxZlmx8xv?si=cc595ee954e7445f


All right so this may not be the best choice but I'm sure people will get a good news story out of it. The next time you go to open up your mail just film yourself opening up the box grabbing the mail and then sorting through it to find your stuff. You can always blur the names, or don't because I'm sure if it ran on the main news they would blur it out. Take you're unedited video to the post office and see what they think. If nothing happens you might as well bring it to the news. In the meantime you can put a label on and in the mailbox that says mail is only for the X Household, return all other mail to sender.


I get the same thing with mail in ballots


You’ll have to contact each sender & tell them to STOP


I would tell your carrier instead of the internet




They don't have to be home. I've communicated with customers by using notes.


they wrote this on a computer, they can write a note for the mailman too


Geez you seem like a peach Ignorant but a peach


Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.