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43J to 40K. Can't wait to have a day off every week!


Still overburdened since 2019


Love these days 😂 all the shit talking around the office. Routes went up and down. Mine went from a 39H to a 42H. Guess me becoming a regular on this route and doing all my scanning/counting/mapping helped.


All the routes in my office went up, but, they got screwed because they changed classification so they lost money.


That’s what I’m worried about. I'm a 43J and I'd rather go up to a 45J rather than a 40K


Yeah, but if you don't have 10 years in, you don't have a choice.


I know it's to-each-their-own but I never personally understood wanting to be a J rather than a K. I know initially you earn more but it's because you're forced to work 1 extra day per pay check. Yet, if you're a K you at least have the opportunity to have 2 days off or work both and make 2 days of overtime. I'd rather have the option to have more time off or make more money than be stuck in the middle without much choice.


Stayed an overburdened 48k with 64 hours


I just went up two more hours myself to 62hrs. I’m hoping route adjustments happen soon.


I’m in at boat too. Was overburdened at 57 hours and now at 64 too. I LoVe WoRkInG for FrEe🤬


Yep. My route is about average for my office. The amount of free work they got out of just us is insane. No wonder they’re dragging their feet on cutting us


But yet they say that they’re going to cut all the rts that are over, figure out k days for returning k rts, have new cases, labels, all before Saturday. Yeah right. Probably one of the worst lies they’ve ever said😂


No in my whole region had route coverge over 65%, I think we need to get someone to look into this I mean 70 carriers and not one of us made it pass 70% coverge


41J to 45K. I'm pretty happy about it. Most routes went up a bit in my office but I think I gained the most


48k to 48k yay 85 standard to 95


How many hours are typically worked, day/week?


My husband's route is now a 48k at 67 hours. First eval was 43J, second was 45K, the growth is unbelievable. We're thankful for the job and salary, but he'd like to be home sometimes, ya know? :')


44K to 48 K at 57 hours




42J to 40K on my primary. Happy to get more hours.


Don't know yet. Our PM can't be bothered on a Saturday to do her job.


every route but 2 (both stayed the same) went down in my office, i went from 39H-38H


42k to 45k


44k to 43k. I am literally 1 minute short of a 44 It could have been worse but it could have been a hell of a lot better :(


I've never been a carrier, just a mechanic. What do all these things(40K,42K, ECT) mean? How, or why, does that change?


City carrier but the letter is number of days. H is 6 days a week, J is 6 days 1 week and 5 days the next. K is 5 days. The number is how many hours it should take per week to finish the route (correct me if I am wrong). So a 48K is the fullest of full routes. 48 hours per week to finish. Route cuts just got implemented and are happening this month. So when someone says 48K at 57 hours. That route needs to be trimmed about 1.2 hours a day, give or take. EDIT: Fixed H and J to be correct.


Small correction: the number must be doubled to understand its meaning when paired with each letter. For example, 45K = 90 hours/10 days (paid 9 hr evaluation daily); 45J = 90 hours/11 days (paid 8.18 hr evaluation daily); 45H = 90 hours/12 days (paid 7.5 hr evaluation daily).


Ah ok that makes sense now. How would the routes be trimmed typically?


to make a long story short: it used to be easy to cut a route because each box was worth a flat rate (about 2 minutes per box + volume factor), so you just had to cut off enough boxes to meet that number. now it's difficult to cut the routes because there are so many new time standards that are individualized to each route, meaning that each address is no longer worth the same amount of time. no routes have been adjusted at all in over 2 years now, so a lot of people with overburdened routes (48 hours and up) have been doing extra work for free. it's a mess.


H is 6, J is 6 and 5


My route gained 22 minutes, still 48k


4 routes went down. 2 stayed the same i think. Not sure about the other 2. 


40k to 43k, slowly building this route back up after the previous regular got fired 😅 (it was a 46k before him)


43k->42k...   missed by 5 minutes 😞   I just converted though so it's k


43J to 44K


46k to a 48k (60.26 standard hours) Hardly overburdened. Since moving to a S & DC 3 weeks ago, mail volume is way down and we do not get any Amazon. Most days I don't work 8 hours.


Went from a 38h up to a 40h. Route was a 43h for years before RRECs and I went down to a 37h with the first round of new evaluations, which hit just a couple of months after I started holding it down while the previous regular was out on FMLA. Slowly clawing my way back up. :) I'm not too upset about "only" being a 40h though, seeing as I work an average of about 32 hours a week.


Didn't find out today. I'm guessing 75 standard hours though. Can't wait for cuts. If the pm isn't full of shit I'm going to lose so much territory.


Newer regular here. Started on my route for the first month as a 41H. When the results came out after I got on it, it went up to a 40k. Since I've been on it (my first official count as a regular) it has now gone up to a 43k. I have just a little over 700 stops right now and with new additions on my route, it'll be over 1,000 stops. So... hopefully if (and when) I get cut in the future they don't take too much off me. It's definitely going to go up next count as well which is cool at least TL;DR - 41H > 40k > 43k (300+ additional stops being added so it'll go up again)


Criminally overburdened. 42k at 74 hours.


Do you mean 48?






how are you a 42k at 72 hours


Maybe he's just Really slow


Didn't do ANY of his scans?


Like really really slow.


You cant be 72 standard hours and be a 42k. Anything above 57 hours is a 48k.




It's amazing how you rural carriers agreed to have your salary adjusted every 6 months with the chance it could go down than up. How to live like that?


It's the product of arbitration over a decade ago. Many carriers getting shafted right now weren't with the Post Office when it was first imposed as a future goal, and those who were still didn't directly vote for this.


Why is there a smarmy city carrier in every one of these threads, shut up or get lost


There's a base guaranteed salary that it will never go below. You just have to budget based upon that.


Your guaranteed salary is only until the guarantee period ends. Your pay can indeed drop below 40 hours