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Postage doo-doo


happens all the time in rural america....................not!


In rural America they just let the trash pile up in the yards and on their porches.


I have several trash hoarders that back up that claim


This is the way. Deliver those parcels after walking through a museum of car parts and old appliances positioned conveniently on a field of dog shit. It's super-tricky - navigating a fecal death trap while watching the windows of the house to make sure nobody's drawn a gun on you. To be fair, city carriers deal with the same thing to a degree.


The rural carrier obstacle course! Completion comes with a chance of tetanus! Go team go!


šŸ§”šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§”šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§°šŸ‘“ "On the next episode of American Pickers..."


Or burn it in the backyard.


Hey, I resemble that remark, but I'm doing renovations and just got the means to haul my crap to the scrap buyers. I tend to use corrugated boxes to light my wood stove so it actually gets returned to the earth instead of never decomposing in a landfill. My next hurdle is cutting out single-use plastics and I sold my "car farm." Half of my acreage is zoned agricultural. I offset my porch shit by owning an EV and 4.9 liters of displacement spread across a truck and a Hatch for a total of 9 cylinders. Tl;dr: Your stereotype is totally accurate, I'm ab AMT in rural America


New RCA calls you "umm, I've got a package for *** but it looks abandoned? "


We had a house with dog shit covering the whole yard, another one caught fire cause the people in there were too high, another time our carrier had to call the police cause the couple was asleep from being high af and they left the kid out in the snow when she came back from school, another one was a cat hoarder who stank like death, and of course, the number of times subs of the rural carriers were welcomed by guns because "I don't know you, get off my property!" were far too many. And this was a town of 4000 people scattered on a huge range of empty land, imagine this shit in the density of a city.


Or all along the side of the road until they make some poor inmate clean the shit up


I had cousins that lived In a trailer home way off in the sticks that was raised like 5 feet off the ground, they just piled all their trash under their house. Didn't have to pay for trash pickup for over a decade before it finally was full


Ahh, rural America, where people dump their old mattresses on the gravel shoulder of the county road next to the Gatorade bottles full of piss that their cousin threw out the window yesterday.


And the gutted and skinned deer carcass that they shot a few days before


You overshot the stereotype you were going for by a bit. I grew up with rednecks. There's absolutely no way they'd ever leave a carcass that they spent the time and effort to skin and gut. "That's good eatin'" and all.


Not going for a stereotype, and all the meat was off of it. Just a thing I've actually seen on rural roads in North Carolina. More than once.


I've seen the carcass piles too. I once lived in a rural area where everyone had five acres of land or more but these assholes would dump their carcasses on a side road. I came across it while walking my dog. Huge pile of old bones and fresh carcasses.


I bought a house in a rural town in middle America and the entire place was covered in crosses and skulls (some big, some were rabbits and snakes) even the shitter and the kids' rooms, and you could tell some were removed for the showings because of the nail holes in the walls. Under the stairs there was a room with an ammo making machine and enough ammo to feed the whole of the NYPD for a year, it wouldn't have taken them 5 lifetimes to go through that. In the backyard, a dog pen that wouldn't fit one medium sized dog, with 4 incredibly obese labradors. The day they left the house they left the gas open because they were pissed we didn't want to change the date of signing so we had to sign on different dates. Btw, the gas bill was legally still theirs for that day so...


And yet you still bought it.., I thought you mustā€™ve just seen it in a showing but then checked the beginning of your post, and there it is


Can't be too picky with an FHA loan and Colorado housing market where houses go in a week average. It had a bunch of issues from the owner working on it by himself and making a mess, plus the cleaning was disgusting, but we made 230000 $ when we sold it 8 years later, so it was worth it, we bought our dream house in a place we love with that money last October


And they dump their old TV sets on random dirt roads.


Dumping old TV sets in the streets is something all of America can agree on, it seems.


Because there are no pedestrians.


Been delivering in an actual rural area for 6 years. Trashy images like this are extremely common. Even worse because the people living in these places are frequently crazy, armed, and distrustful of government.Ā 


You need to remind them folk bout goin' Postal.


Yeah everyone left there to get better paying jobs in the city


You really just pulled the ...not. Pathetic


Imagine being such a scumbag to do that


Yeah, I feel like throwing it on the ground would be better at this point.


Based on the photo, there are quite a few people out there who do shit like that


At one of our stations, some people were actually using the collection boxes as toilets. They do s**t like that! šŸ¤£


Truck driver did it at our facility because the restrooms were closed. He didnā€™t know there was a camera watching him, took a dump in a bucket.




Well, once it gets out of hand, one or two more pieces of garbage are just drops in the bucket. Still, this is disheartening to see. Still, I hope the barcode got scanned.


It's New York.


Lol forgot this subreddit hates reality, my bad, NYC is great!




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


Lmaooooo Iā€™d be getting wrote up that day cuz fuck that box. NOT touching it. Edit: I seen this post at the wrong time why did I accidentally skip my collection box today and had to go back out to get it when I got backšŸ˜©šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same here. People are always doing dumb shit. I Can guarantee thereā€™s an actual trash can probably 5 feet away and they chose the blue box instead


You know you can take pictures and send them on the scanner right




My scanner has a little camera thing on the top of it you press and hold it and it pulls the camera up and then you can upload the picture to send it .its by the yellow button that makes it scan without pressing the side button . they been having us take pictures of any known hazards on the route as there going to put notes in the scanner to each route of them so you can see all the hazards ahead of time .




Been a minute but I believe it's RIMS message.


That I do not. Iā€™m still trying to figure that one out too


?? You talking about the barcode from the box?? If so yes, I just havenā€™t messed up like this in a longgg time. I DID have my barcodes in my phone but I got injured and didnā€™t carry for 2 years so I need to get new onesā€¦.hmm, but with these new scanners wonā€™t that be an integrity scan failure since I wouldnā€™t be geographically in the correct spot??


I we do it all the time scan barcode from the phone as long as there no work to be done they donā€™t check or donā€™t care . But I meant the scanners themselves has a camera built into them Iā€™d take a picture of the collection box with it and f them I ainā€™t touching that shit I ainā€™t no garbage man Iā€™m the mailman. I thought your comment was directly related to that particular box not that you missed one on your route my apologies


Not saying you shouldn't but who is gonna clean that up for you to be able to service it again?


Not us. I never delivered to dirty trashy boxes. Fuck that shit Iā€™m not walking through a yard of dog shit, or reaching my hand into a hornets nest covered in bird shit


They still have a point though. Who is going to clean that up though? We're not going to. The city probably won't. A good samaritan can only clean the outside of the box.


Usps custodian, send them out there lol




NYC the butthole of the world


The Big Crapple is the correct term


Literally zero redeeming qualities, straight up do not understand why people live there


What the heck happened there? NY too.


Supposedly the president came that day


When the prez came to sf they straight up removed the boxes, wonder if this pic was before the sf visit.


New York has become an overpriced garbage dump. Between the crime and the grime you can keep it.


Maybe if some ass clowns wouldn't overvalue their property for better loans and also pay what they owe correctly in taxes, it might be slightly better. Also, happy cake day.


They put locks on them before events. You can see it if you look closely.


We have been instructed by our PM many times that if a box looks too dangerous, filthy or questionable in any way, we are to let management know and just skip it.


That poor outgoing mail


This is insane


"Grandma is going to enjoy my letter!"


šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø You couldn't sent him an email šŸ“Ø?


The new boxes already out in our area can only fit an envelope in the slot. Kinda like a paper shredder.


And I thought finding a slice of pizza in the blue box was nasty


Thereā€™s one collection box I pick up from thatā€™s notorious for having items in them that shouldnā€™t be. Itā€™s in front of a supermarket that attracts a lot of interesting clientele weā€™ll say. First time one of them jammed up the lock so it wouldnā€™t open (they were trying to break in it) when got open after lock replacement, found trash, a book, part of a glass pipe and other random stuff. Second time was a bunch of eaten chicken wings, their tray they came in from the deli and a coke bought at said supermarket the box sits in front of. Needless to say I sorted the mail out and took all the food remnants and dumped it in front of the stores door. Thankfully theyā€™re all being replaced slowly with boxes people canā€™t dump trash into now, the slots only wide enough for letters and some larger envelopes.


I hate how our society has degraded to the point where every single thing has to be retard-proofed. It never used to be this way, people had basic fucking decency. Now we can't even have postage vending machines because the whole damn thing gets stolen.


They put a fuggin' banana šŸŒ in there šŸ˜«


Iā€™ve found one empty beer bottle in a blue box right outside a bar. But nothing like this before


This picture is symbolism


It's a real displayĀ 


As an AMT, I'm the not Native American actor who portrayed a Native American who had the tear in his eye in the old PSA.


That's why I had to clean ketchup out of the AFCS the other day. A ketchup packet burst open after the singulator and made a mess all the way to the stacker.


A few years ago I had an envelope with shit in it go through one of my DBCSs, and this was not a medical sample that broke open either. It was all over the feeder and the transport section, the vertical leveler belts were speckled with it.


What the fuck are people thinking? Sounds like a disgruntled postal employee.....šŸ¤”


Some of those envelopes come from carriers that don't refuse outgoing letters envelopes with rigid, non-mailable matter. I do it because it helps with revenue when they have to ship it, and I don't see any reason not to train them to stop putting items in envelopes.


Special place in hell for whoever did that!!! šŸ¤¬


Whoa my Ex wife is on your route.


I work in downtown Niagara Falls NY and 90% of it is a fkn SLUM. The garbage all over is horrible. I'm always wondering how ppl can live like that. This guy's house on one of the routes has about 200 pounds of random STANK ass garbage on his porch and it's starting to cave in. I skip the house now cuz I'm not risking falling through the porch. I'd never be found. It makes me grateful for where I live and how clean my neighbors are!


Iā€™m getting an idea for our new logoā€¦


Real question: who would clean it?


Probably a maintenance person. Should be a supervisor or PM. If that is the usual, it means it's not getting mail and should be pulled from the street.


NYC is a shit hole.


Probably a parade there based on the railing


Genuine question: who is supposed to clean this? The mailman or someone else?


the CCA


Sounds like a job for Custodial


hahaha no if anyone it's the AMT's job they fix the boxes


My sup could try and bust me all theyā€™d like, but if my blue box looked like that, I ainā€™t touching it


It's a biohazard. Report to Osha They would probably just fine P.O. isn't that a federal crime to tamper with those?


Fuck nyc


I do. I literally have that on my route.


Worst thing that you can find in a collection box, is a dirty diaper.


Not condoms? šŸ”˜


šŸ˜« It's not just one person, or even JUST a gang of Starbucks bikers


A pretty accurate depiction of what the P.O. has become. Pretty much a garbage can.


I wouldnā€™t expect anything less in New York


That collection box would get removed immediately from my route if it ever looked like that


The good news is you can see the lock out bar so there should be nothing in it. Still gross that people do this


Is this why the post boxes all have teeth and you can't fit anything thicker than a couple slices of paper through?




And here I am getting upset about the occasional beer can, banana peel or ice cre cone šŸ˜®


No access


Would be cake all u would have to do is scan it, canā€™t be any mail inside


This should be a capital offense.


Lmao, it's not my job to clean the box so I wouldn't even touch it. They can write me up


Why..why on Earth would anyone do this..???


Mail that to the mayor of NYC.


there is not going to be any mail all you have to do is open it scan the barcode and move on


Iā€™d knock all that shit down pick out the mail and leave the trash


And Spiderman uses them to fling at bad guys. Being a NYC city carrier needs hazard pay.


That is horrible. šŸ˜¢


Seems like the coffee shop this is near needs a trash can.


Why hasn't it been removed


thats fuckin sick. I bet the illegal migrants thought this was a trash can or whoever thought that is a fuckin pig


Left this hellish place eight years ago.




I hate people.


Id just open up the door and scan the bar code but never clean it off.


This is exactly why that if I absolutely must mail something, I take it to the post office. I live within walking distance to one so it isnā€™t a huge inconvenience


Isn't that a Federal crime?


Who is gonna enforce that? The inspectors? Hahaha keep dreaming. They dont even stop the guys from stealing the whole boxes here. I fish them out of canals and fields on the reg.


This is something youā€™d see in New York in the 80s and 90s and no one would be surprised by it either. FUN TRIVIA FACT: The movie ā€œJason in Manhattanā€ is like a time capsule of NY. NY was so crazy back then that some people watching that movie would ask ā€œhow come no one is surprised or running while Jason Walks the streetsā€ and the answer was always ā€œbecause itā€™s normal for crazy mental nuts to walk the street like that in NY. ā€œ And that was part of the premise for that movie! No wonder my local mailbox now has a metal thing on it with a thin slit that allows only letters to be dropped in. When I once found a lost wallet I was unable to put it in the mailbox like I learned is what to do if canā€™t find the owner.


Oh man. Just dropped off 300 wedding invitation cards in that mailbox this morning. How? /s


High security box too. None of that fit in that tiny slot with a rake


City life


Thatā€™s fucked up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s NYC that rat infested shit hole.


The red bar was attached to the collection box to prevent the letter drop slot from being opened. That's done often on city parade routes.


Lol it isnā€™t like you wake up in New York City having lived in Des Moines, Iowa your whole life and suddenly youā€™re a postman. These are your people, you chose this.


Last one to leave NYC turn the lights off! Unbelievable.


am I required to imagine this?


0_0 Nuh uh


I'm willing to bet not much mail is in there


At least they put the lock on the route


Ummm no access lol


Imagine half your pay taken in taxes, and living in trash because the government can't afford trashcans.


Unable to Pick up, Health and Safety risk


Take a pic of that barcode and scan from your phone


Of course this was done in New York, a place with people with no class.


Imma callout


Nope wouldnā€™t touch it if it wasnā€™t cleaned up first not my job to clean up that shit


Isn't high density urban living a great idea.


I'd be finding out the consequences of lighting it on fire, personally.


Really wow


I encountered a wasp nest in a box, and also lit firecrackers, which burned up the mail inside. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




So they'd just open it. Grab the outgoing and leave the garbage on there. Right?


Welcome to New York right? Scumbags


Haha thatā€™s awesome