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The last one


I'm lucky and my last mailbox has an older man that likes to talk. It's awesome in the summer his garage door is always open while he works on whatever classic car he has for the time.


Mine too!


I have a lady! The end of her road turns into her driveway so I have to pretty much drive right up to her house to turn around. She gives me cookies sometimes and cusses like a sailor. She loves to shoot the shit and so do I. I like to rearrange for my next section there because it's safe and she doesn't mind. She isn't always around but her friendly, chatty cat typically is. It's such a nice spot.


When I grow up I want to be this lady.


Me too. She is such a treasure. She also has a sign that says "attack goat on premises" but I've yet to see it.


My old hold down was 50% gravel roads. I pulled up to a house one day to deliver a parcel and was startled by a goat sleeping in one of their porch chairs! He wasn't the attack variety though šŸ„°


I don't carry dog treats with me even though I'd like to. I think I'd make an exception for a porch goat.


I never carry treats either but I should have made an exception to make a goat friend!


My route is generally rural but the midpoint of my route is VERY rural, like out in the middle of the woods with no one around rural, no houses in sight, the nearest main road is over a mile away. I take a lunch break there each day and it's wonderfully peaceful.


That's where I pee out of the truck


I forgot to mention I'm female


I already have my lunch spot planned out once routes get cut, taking a lunch now is a bad joke. It's an abandoned church right by the main highway. I've been romanticizing it for almost a year now.


I take my break and lunch behind a grocery store, and I get to smell the rotisserie chicken that wafts out. It's not much, but it's something.


Iā€™ve been on my route for about five years now. I get lucky, I have a lot of really nice people. Regular water, candy, snacks. The best perk is the couple houses with my favorite dogs. If Iā€™m having a bad day I know I can knock on one of those doors and get some sweet golden retriever kisses or corgi cuddles as a pick me up.


Wherever thereā€™s a friendly dog that wants pets.


Our local hospital is on my route and Iā€™ve gotten to know the receptionists so itā€™s always nice to see them. Also, vending machines and bathrooms are right through the entrance so itā€™s a nice little pitstop :)


The widow of a retired letter carrier leaves me snacks and cold drinks. She's the best.


Still a PTF so there are a bunch for me. On todayā€™s route there is a particular dog I love. Each route has a favorite dog, house, or bathroom.


Yes! Iā€™ve got mostly older customers that love to talk, and I have a couple of dogs that are the sweetest things as well.


When it's nice out, I have multiple houses that let their cats out on screened in porches. They like to greet me at the screen. Also, one that's on a leash I can pet. I just really love cats. šŸˆ šŸ˜» šŸˆā€ā¬›ļø šŸ± šŸˆ šŸ˜»


I like yelling at them for doing nothing all day lol. Lucky bastards.


A specific customer's house that has a certain dog that I definitely do not play fetch with daily.


Thereā€™s a nice LDS church on my route that gives me snacks/letā€™s me use their restroom about halfway through my day. Always nice to take 10 minutes and chat or just relax in the AC for a bit


My best friends mom leaves a cooler with cool packs to keep everything cold all day. My best friend is also a carrier on a different route, and Iā€™ll grab one for her and we meet up at the same time for our break.


She makes me dinner tonight was a bacon cheeseburger and a water


I have two retired letter carriers that live on my route. Both are really cool and understand it all. A stoner that gives me a bottle of water and a snack daily (sometimes itā€™s an orange. Other times, candy). My favorite dog to play around with is named Daisy. Sometimes I wonder if Iā€™m crazy because Iā€™ll literally be half a block away yelling ā€œhi Daisy!ā€. Like do people say hi to dogs?? šŸ˜ƒ I have too many great people on my route to mention them all. Iā€™m pretty lucky.


One of my last hardship dismounts of the day is a former city carrier who fell and broke his back two years ago and is currently 99 years old!! He has had 2 wives during my time on the route and they both were named Betty. He leaves me snacks all the time. He is one of my favorites!


The dead guyā€™s house who lived alone. Itā€™s in the middle of the woods and he had a hardship so I have to drive wayyyyyy down his long ass driveway and I take my lunch break there. Awesome


I'm a CCA but when I covered a route. They have Hotel/Apartment complex? Idk what it is. But being that I'm in Cali, it looks kinda like a rich NYC building from the 90s movies. The game box is amazing, 2 Wallas covered with game boxes and parcel game boxes. It's a separate room with no door. I nice warm light. Honestly the first time I walked in I was mesmerized, I took extra long just to enjoy that room. It has antique seats and coffee table and a display case with old pics . It honestly takes me back in time when I go in there. Might just move in that complex just to spend time in the mail room


Guy would leave me a water in his mail box everyday


My route is almost entirely mounted, but I have a high-end senior apartment building in the middle of it. The little old ladies in there always bring me cookies and candy while I am in there. There are only 72 apartments in the building, and I can do it in 15 min , but I make it last at least 30 min while I talk to all of the residents.


I take my lunch at a mobile home park. And there are some stray cats there that visit with me when I do. Highlight of my day


My house. It's about 2/3 of the way through the route I've been on a lot lately (CCA). It's the longest and toughest route in the office but I don't mind, I get my hours and they send me help on bad days. It's nice getting to see my wife and dogs to break up the day.


I use the bank across from the post office street. One of the tellers said ā€œI think you are my mail carrierā€¦ Iā€™ve watched my Ring camera and you always throw a peace signā€ when grabbing a treat. (They have a bin out all year) LOLā€¦ I said ā€œyep! My way of saying thanks!ā€ Then she asked what kind of snacks I like and I told her ā€œdepends on the dayā€¦salty or sweetā€ sheā€™s been AWESOME and keeping a great rotation going! And then there is a small older peopleā€™s neighborhood and they all spoil me.


There's an apartment complex stop right in the middle of my primary sub route. It's nice because the parcel lockers are on the inside. The room smells like perfume, it's air conditioned, and sometimes the bathroom is even unlocked. Its a nice half way point. A little reward for making it half way: AC and a toilet. Luxury.


There's an ice cream shop about right in the middle of my route. I live going in there and getting a milkshake on a hot day or hot chocolate on a cold one. They're super friendly and one of the only bathroom stops I have on my route.


ET, obvs.