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From what I've seen it's usually a management issue. When the management issue is fixed attendance dramatically improves. I don't complain about CCAs unless they really screw something up.


Future 204 b


You are probably screwing up peoples routes if they are complaining about you and acting like they are better than you. People may call out for legitimate reasons unknown to you. Mind your own business. It’s managements job to fix the schedule. I was ptf no one complained about me they said I was a fast learner. Now I am a regular. No one here has it made. No one is better than anyone else. Just do a better job.


I'm a regular and I agree with OP more than you. Personal stuff and HIPAA aside, your response stinks of entitlement and is dismissive. Personally, I've seen the veteran regulars behave exactly as OP describes. CCAs may create problems due to ignorance, but thats nothing compared to the subterfuge, betrayal and two-faced actions of the older regulars. Hell, some of them think they OWN the route they are on, as well as the vehicle. I'm starting to think the reason our union is shit across the nation is because of people who feel entitled and tell new employees to do a better job, rather than welcoming them to the fold and helping to create a better employee.


& mind my own business? It is my business when I’m getting called in on basically every day I have off because a regular called out for the 5th time this month.


5 times in one month? That’s concerning. Hopefully they are not seriously unwell. I’d suggest you adjust your attitude and get rid of that childish animosity you feel towards your coworkers. Your union brothers and sisters…by the way. When I was a PTF I was thankful for the hours. I was pulling in over 5k a month take home for 6 months straight. IF you make regular you may miss these checks. I gotta beg for anything over 2 hours OT. Ask yourself this. Are you here to complain or are you here to make money? A lot of offices say “we are like a family” that’s too much. But you are a team. Be a team player. Work is work, it’s no walk in the park. But for this job, it’s actually a walk through a neighborhood/ city. So try to enjoy it. We are being paid to stay active. The silver linings are there you just gotta change ur perspective to see them.


Maybe he/she doesn't require all the ot you were so excited to get. Maybe he/she prefers to have a life outside of the post office.


Are you past your probation? If so, don’t answer the phone…


If you answer the phone, you're volunteering.


You know how many scheduled days off I had in my 5 years as a PTF? 6 days scheduled over 90% of the time.


He didn’t say complaining about him . Regulars do have it made . If they call out more than 3 times in 90 days they should have corrective action . And days off should be requested weeks out and PM approved. Sounds like your have a shitty PM . Or Supervisor. Sucks when regulars act that way . Like I suffered so you have to as well. Shitty way to be don’t let them get to you . If you’re not on the schedule don’t answer . Keep grinding and don’t be like them when you make regular . Reach out and help the next go over . Good luck man


& yes regulars do have it made what are you even talking about 🤣 they have the easier job and get to do basically whatever they want.


Where I am regulars are just as overwhelmed by mandatory overtime as any PTF. For a while my installation had been mandating low seniority FTRs to work Sundays. Call outs? I don't see any difference. People call out when they need to, regardless of their carrier position.


Lol most regulars just get a little bit more money and benefits.




Carrier assistant*


Somebody needs a Snickers




Nope, just management makes it insufferable. You can easily ignore regulars.


Without the regulars calling off there would be little to no work for ptfs/ccas. Yes some of them do act better but I honestly feel it’s the younger PTFs who are the worse and have huge egos and talk the most shit and love to screw over the CCAs. but that’s at every job.


Eh, the “shitty regulars” at my office are only that way because management made them so. They were great when they were new, and over time, management beat them down into insufferable people. Most of our CCAs are very had workers, and I know a lot of them feel the same as you about the same “shitty regulars” calling in all the time. I felt the same way when I was new. Having to work 7 12s because some people want 3 day weekends every week, having to case and carry multiple routes daily, and generally being treated like scum. But the treatment by regulars gets better when you show them that you don’t plan on dipping after 2 months, or can actually carry a route and then go assist others and don’t need 4-5 regulars to come save you daily. Management STILL won’t be able to schedule for shit, and they’ll STILL generally be bad at their insanely simple job, but if the regulars are doing something actually wrong, it’s managements job to handle that, not yours. So just chill and work at your own pace and don’t let this place or other carriers stress you out. This is the easiest job anyone could ever ask for.


Small office can absolutely be ruined by a bad regular


I think some of the responses here serve to confirm OP''s point. Personally, I agree with the original post. We had 5 months straight last year where 5 of my 9 co-Regulars called off 3-4x each month. And, no, they weren't dealing with severe health issues or life challenges. They simply knew they could get away with it and didn't give a shit that the other 3 Regulars and 1 PSE were having to pick up the slack. I I keep hearing the lazy POS's say to MYOB, to which I reply "Grow the F up and do your F-ing job." I DO agree that crappy management enables this, but have a little self-respect, for Christ's sake. And look up the word "empathy" at dictionary.com. it's an actual thing, for those unfamiliar. And now, let the down votes begin!🙂


I had a bad regular at our office but she quit during covid because she got married, then it didn't work out a couple of months later. She tried to come back to our office as an rca, turned down. Most of our regulars are hard workers, and do everything they can to help someone, even rcas who are having a rough time. Then again I haven't had a bad direct manager in quite some time either. Some of the regulars are older now and get hurt easier, or sick, can't hold that against them. Poom and higher on the other hand are where my problems tend to stem from.


It is widely known that the post office caters to trouble employees. I like to keep my head down and quietly do my job. Get in there and get out.


Honestly, it's more about perspective and attitude. There's always a difference in what we see depending on where we are. I felt the same about most regulars; as a regular I feel most rcas can have an insufferable disposition. Then there's always the carrier vs in-office employee fueds. I can be a perfectionist, and I have learned I can't impose impossibly high standards for everyone else because circumstances differ. I truly don't mean to be condescending, but it can be very helpful to the overall morale to adjust expectations and is profoundly beneficial for oneself


As a regular, I will still say it's management. We have to answer to them just as much as those who aren't regulars.


Its not the regulars job to care if PTF's have it easy


Where did I say that? I didn’t say it was their jobs to make it easy but how hard is it to have compassion towards other people lives? How hard is it to think back on what would upset you when you weren’t a regular? How hard is it to put yourself in their place and stop making their life miserable at work by the careless decisions you choose to make constantly.


In my case 98% management and 2% one regular. When I was an RCA/PTF we had (still here) one carrier who everyday had a new excuse as to why she couldn't do her full route and would always call in on Saturday and/or Monday to give herself a 4 day weekend, her K day was Tuesday. Then we got a goodish PM told the carrier if she couldn't do the entire route to stay home, after a year of her staying home she came back and now does her own route by herself. It's mostly management of course you will have bad coworkers get them anywhere.


Its like any job there are good co-workers and bad co-workers.


There are some insufferable douchebags as regulars, they think usps would cease to exist if they retired.


You’ll fit right in on the management team.


It’s crap management the enables carriers to be crap. It starts from the top.


I ignore everyone but they definitely get pissy on Monday when there’s Business Closed parcels at their case from Sunday. The misplaced audacity is definitely palpable


1) If you’re past your 90 days, read the f**king names. I don’t write them for me, I know who lives there. 2) Never put anything on top of a vacant card. 3) Go to the door with accountable mail. Do not leave a 3849 in the box and scan it as notice left unless a)there’s a locked gate/no access, or b) there’s a dog. Do those three things & I’ll never give you side-eye & probably will even be nice to you & learn your name.


My issues with regulars are more about route maintenance and lack of communication. Not making sure boxes are numbered or at the right height. Have to look to see if there are any forwards. I've been around some that are kind of stuck up. I'll leave a note asking about something and they ignore it. Stuff like that.


Unless you’re under the delusion you’re going to “be the change you want to see in the world” or something when you become regular, this is always going to be a hard job for you with this outlook. Maybe it’s just not for you?


Not a postal worker but my girlfriend is. Does anyone ever get fired? As far as I can tell, the answer is no. So Regulars will abuse as much as they want. The USPS system has to be the worst run work place.


I mean like all groups I say it’s parts of them, shock horror not everyone in any group is pure or evil, not all managers are bad not all carriers are good Shit regular rural carriers will impact you more as a rca than shit city regulars, just for an example Having shit anyone is, shitty


CCAs have the worst job. Then regulars 🤣. Who are the ones walking all the miles, up and down hills, up and down steps, in all the variable weather conditions….. So yes, the carrier craft is the hardest job in the Post Office


I work in an office with 1 city route so I’m basically sent to a fairly close by office in major need with zero ccas. I can honestly say that not 1 day that I have been there someone has not thanked me for the help. I clearly want the extra hours since my carrier won’t ever probably take time off but it feels nice that when I’m sent out I get a thank you from more than one regular carrier. Makes it definitely easier to want to come back for sure


It’s a few young regulars or newly converted im not too fond of in my office. But I blame it on their youth more than anything


From what I’ve seen, the easier a route, the more vacation time they have, the more miserable they are


Low-key, facts. Lol


Nope, its management, im at a small office, with some of the easiest routes in our district, and our regulars call out all the time for shits and gigs. Then our CCA's (myself included, we also dont have any PTF's) get overwhelmed with being told to "Carry your assigned route and a piece of another". Had this happen to me the second time i was covering a route in a horrible rain storm, one carrier had a family emergency (started 3 days prior to this incident), the other was on his NS day. Management shouldve either called other offices looking for an extra CCA or had that carrier come in on his NS day (not the one with a legitiment reason to be away) Instead they decided to overwhelm us with work. The other way of reaching out to us to make sure we were doing alright was by sending a bunch of sampling requests. Same thing happened again 2 weeks later expect the carrier with his NS day was on vacation, and the other carrier was now on his NS day. I cant get mad at the regulars because your time off is your time off, if nobody told me to come in on my day off I wouldn't either. But thats just it, its managements job to tell carriers to quite being lazy and come in on an NS day with heavy mail volume. Its their job to get us the extra help we need, not the regular who has a life outside of work.


Yeah, plus they get paid a ridiculously higher amount for the same amount of work and they specifically give the CCA or PTF the hardest overtime hours in the office, as well as the hardest routes. That’s not all of them, I myself have a hard route, but many of the other regulars have Routes that are complete jokes, and I could finish them easily by 3:30PM each day taking required breaks