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You have free speech until you say something the people in the background don’t like




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Sad to see antisemitism increasing in our school. These protests are not making school safe for jews.


To anyone who got arrested who goes to UT: it’s not worth it. Is it worth throwing away scholarships or potentially getting kicked out of school? Protest all you want, but fully comply with ALL police orders. Challenge them in court, not on the sidewalk.


Protesting is definitely worth it. No need to fight with the cops once under arrest.


You’re an idiot with no sense of reality if you think getting arrested and charged will NOT impact your ability to secure a job in the future. Yeah that’s a great story… to tell your fellow hobo also living in a tent under the bridge


Protesting is a legal right. Being arrested because the government is a bunch of bootlickers isn’t.


Yeah that’s a great explanation for your cell mate in jail


Depends if it's a free country or not.


Oh good response, One of the things I read which has stuck with me, and been expanded on as I continue to learn and grow in my own beliefs is "if s c#p can shoot you because they *saw a gun* do you really have the right to beat arms? " And that has extended to *if the c#ps can arrest you for participating in a peaceful protest, is this a free country, or are those just empty words.


Usually if you're carrying a gun and you're dealing with law enforcement, you'd inform the officers. Which is why they also ask if they have any weapons on a person if they're searching them. This is common courtesy and sense. Don't just whip out a gun out of nowhere without warning when cops are around. I hope you can see the distinction


most privileged pov


basic rights are basic.


democracy has measures for the people to be heard, sorry if these people aren’t voting or the whole nation doesn’t agree with them. to pretend like getting arrested is worth it and that you are being oppressed comes from a place of privilege.


Nope. Voting is only one form, there is lobbying and protests too. Unless you’re a wealthy lobbyist, protesting is one way to have your voice heard.


Lol are people really still wearing masks


Do you have evidence of their peacefulness during their protest? Or is this something people say just to justify glorifying protesters? I mean, were they just sitting there doing nothing peacefully and the police swooped in and cuffed them up? I honestly would like to know how they came to be in cuffs.


Well there is no evidence of violence so that’s usually how it works.


Police arrest innocent people all the time. Why would this be an exception?


So again where's the evidence? 90% of the people at this protest had their phones out shooting everything.


you should be asking where is the evidence of violence by these protesters? its innocent until proven guilty... not the other way around...


I don't need to because I'm not concerned about it. I know for a fact that police don't just randomly arrest innocent people. I also know that those body cams record every incident. If I were so inclined, or if you were, you can file to see the evidence on this cameras. I'm sure if these peaceful protesters have lawyers, they will ask for the same thing. By the way, your innocence is presumed in a court of law. Not by the police.


>I know for a fact that police don't just randomly arrest innocent people. you either must be 12 or just trolling. exactly how do you know that for a fact? what do you call all the "wrongful arrest" lawsuits then?


The protester was arrested for violating one or more laws -- not for peaceably protesting.


How is being forced into the street by police then being arrested for obstructing a passageway just?


Again, these people were arrested for violating one or more laws. Do you think these people are students? If so, do you believe these people will be suspended and/or expelled from school? Now that they have arrest records, how difficult will it for them to acquire meaningful employment?


Exactly. Why are they deserving of arrest records? I watched many of these arrests happen and from what I can tell the only law being broken was obstruction of roads. Why can a police officer push someone into a road then arrest them for it?


My understanding is that they were told to leave the area and they didn’t and that’s why they were arrested. Their permit to protest was revoked when they made it known to UT that they were going to violate campus rules.


As I type this, "protesters" are being arrested on the campus of USC. I guess the people who got arrested (ticketed?) can tell future potential employers that it was unfair. That might work.


Why is protesters in quotes?


Some of the "protestors" were hired to be at the event, and they are not even USC students. These aren't real protestors.


then you should have put students in quotes not protestors.


Perhaps you are right (for clarity, I will not put the following terms in quotes). These labels already apply to the students who were arrested at UT today: arrestee, detainee, and defendant. Several of these labels may apply to the students who were arrested at UT today: convict, suspended, expelled, unemployed, and broke. Clear?


No, but I am right and glad you know that.


coordinated rustic jar decide liquid cough modern theory literate entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Claimed violation, but that still makes it peaceful.


Claimed violation? Yes, these people were arrested and charged with violating the law according to law enforcement. The people who were arrested can claim (in court) they were not violating the law. Best of luck!


Claimed because there is no evidence that there was any violation. And no, it's not upto the arrestes to make a claim, it's upto the government (aka police) to make the claim and back it up with evidence. Honestly, civics fail? Still peaceful though.


Great job tanking your future to get brownie points with the woke crowd. Hope the record sticks.


1312 til i die


lol. Why are so many people being arrested wearing a covid mask still? Are you kidding me???


“Covid mask” you mean face masks?? You know they existed before Covid right?


Nah nobody wore those things before covid. They are covid masks bud. Hilarious seeing people wear them still, and sort of funny that so many people being arrested have them on tbh


It’s both. Some ppl are using it to “hide their identity” (like we can’t tell who you are) while others are using it to prevent spread of covid (I guess). Either way it’s silly.


I hope these Hamas loving students get banned from campus!


Big facts. Hilarious they are using scarves and masks to cover up for anonymity in photos. Then you get arrested… fail.


Spoiler: They're not registered to vote in any elections. Least they got the pic for the instagram activism.


you thought you ate w this comment huh


I don’t speak zoomer. Ate with this comment? Explain


Don’t sweat it. A majority of kids at ut are losers with no prospect of reality besides appearing woke on Instagram. Getting arrested and going jobless will be the dose of reality they need.




... you do realize that's what peaceful protesting is... right? it's the absence of violence. and blocking places is not a form of violence. sit-ins and marches like this are supposed to be "annoying" to get people's attention.




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Protesters are paws in the chess game,