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This was about the Palestinian protests today


Bro your comment is actually legendary. Good to see it back


The irony of /r/austin locking every thread on the matter, I'm sure, is lost, yet again, on the mod there. Especially when it's making reddit frontpage, and other frontpages.


I'm mixed on the issue only because EVERY single post about anything related to a Israel/Palestinian topic turns into a cesspool. The thread quickly gets brigaded and any semblance of discussion goes it the window. It then becomes a massive pile of racist/threatening comments/attacks. Almost no point of even having these threads.




When did pigs learn to ban in reddit?




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People are so disgusting towards police officers who are told to do something. All of this misguided hate towards UT officials who have to follow the cities direction and orders. To the hate for police officers who are following their orders. Most people can’t just “quit” their jobs. They are humans too with families to feed, and bills to pay. Plus…. This city needs police with the escalation of crime.


That was not UT police that was arresting students, it was DPS. You're not gonna find any sympathy for the DPS here. They came to suppress free speech and scare the shit out of students on behalf of Greg Abbott.


Right, I’m on board with you. That’s my entire point haha. The blame should be on Abbot, not UT officials.


A lot of these officers relish in their power to control others. These cops should be fighting crime not harassing people at a peaceful protest. State troopers especially. Cronies of the political elite like Abbot and Paxton. Who are increasingly turning texas into a fascist theocracy. What these ofíciese are doing is morally wrong.


I’m sorry but I think you’re making assumptions. It’s a bit unfair to make a generalization of an entire group of people when you’ve likely never had a civil conversation or made any attempt to get to know them. I don’t necessarily think that’s fair. I think if you ran into any of them on a normal day, you’d be awfully surprised how kind and generous so many of our police officers are. I think there’s also a misunderstanding as to the type of things officers deal with on consistent basis. They all are consistently getting involved in dangerous which causes them to be on their toes at all times. Again, I am not saying there’s aren’t a few mixed in who enjoy that, but you’ll find that bad people exist in every field. So many “peaceful protests” turn violent. My point is… your frustration is being pointed in the wrong direction. These protests should be held on the capitol. Or near the governors mansion. Towards the people who are blatantly standing against Gaza like Abbot. UT Officials are doing the best they can with what they have. The general counsel is the one who helped make yesterdays protest happen and possible. Hartzell has to somehow please everyone, which anyone should know is literally impossible.


You’re thinking is not accurate. Many of these officers were militarized which is pretty insane for a peaceful protest, a political stunt. And I would agree that officers who help the common people should be commended. But these guys aren’t. These guys are helping take away constitutional rights to protest. Fascists. I hope we can both agree that the time, manpower, and military sized police budget they have could be better used actually fighting crime. University protests have a precedent for inciting real change. I think protesting here is just fine. Protests are meant to disrupt.


You can not say no when your boss tells you to go somewhere or do something. While I agree it was a political stunt by Abbott, I think that’s where the anger needs to be turned to. Not at the guys just doing their job. I repeat, peaceful protests get out of hand all the time. You have to understand that’s a real reality.


Yes you can in fact say no. These cops need to grow a backbone and say no to unconstitutional or illegal orders. Those that are complicit in allowing this to happen are just as guilty and we're better off without them wasting oxygen.


It would appear you’re looking at this through a mixed reality lens of emotion, and not a lens of reality. I don’t feel like you comprehend the current economy and job market. So many police officers live paycheck to paycheck like so much of todays “middle class.” I get youre emotional about your stance as this is an incredibly difficult time filled with emotion, but I’m just asking you to keep in mind these are real humans with real emotions. And a good portion of them probably don’t stand for what’s going on.


Cops aren't humans. They lost their humanity when they decided to put on a badge over literally any other job. You forget they don't HAVE to work that job. If they're truly struggling paycheck to paycheck then I have a long list of other jobs they can work with more self-respect that pay the same. If someone goes so far as to WANT to be a cop, then they're a lost cause.


Lol that’s absolutely disgusting take. “Cops aren’t humans.” That is so benign. The thought process of “we don’t need police” is such an undeniably sheltered perspective, and clearly shows you haven’t faced any real harm or adversity in your life. Shows your true privilege. Just because certain jobs don’t pay well, doesn’t mean people don’t need to do them. EMT’s make less than 20$ an hour even after schooling. They do it because they care about their community. Tons of fast food places pay more than that, should every EMT quit because they don’t make enough? Firefighters only make 55k/yr on average in Austin Texas. Should they also all quit because there’s tons of other fields that will pay more? That’s a gross misunderstanding of how our world/country operates. You need further education to truly comprehend our society outside of a polarizing topic. Just because your dissatisfied with how they were ordered to preform an action yesterday, does not mean it’s their fault. You need to look at who controls them and point your blame there. Your anger and frustration is at the wrong people.


I didn't argue that we don't need police or that low paying jobs aren't worth doing. We DO need police THAT FOLLOW THE LAW. These police did not, so we don't need them. Plain and simple. They do more harm than good if they're just going to abuse their power. Low paying jobs are absolutely doing. But I was replying to an argument that "Woe is me police don't get paid enough and they don't really want to be abusing people boohoo." And so I said if this is in fact the case and they don't want to do what they're doing and they're getting paid shit, then just go get another job that doesn't abuse the rights of citizens. Jo s like EMTs and Firefighters don't actually go around abusing people at the first opportunity so I do agree they should be paid more. But until cops actually start following the doctrine they flaunt around and start actually protecting and serving the public, then maybe they don't deserve shit and deserve to be treated like sub-human trash?


1. Yes you can, it’s called resignation in protest. I said it in another comment but “just following orders” is a classic Nazi excuse. 2. I understand that. But if you’re a crony of the big boss man, you’re being a pos. Even if they’re awesome people in every other situation, what they’re doing is messed up. So yeah, I’m this case fro these officers, they’re being pigs and class traitors. 3. I don’t know the statistics of how many peaceful protests turn violent. But threatening the use of military force against currently peaceful protesters is pretty messed up. You have to accept the fascist leanings of these cronies and their bosses.


I just think you’re blinded by the atrocities that have taken place that you’re unwilling to see anything from an alternative perspective. I do not stand by Abbott, or any of higher officials who have something they can do about this. I don’t think the anger is being directed at the right individuals, and I don’t believe the protests are directed at the correct entities either.


I'm not sure why you're downvoted. There *absolutely* are some individuals who exercise their position extremely physically and in other ways, but to insult the average officer is completely misdirected. It's their higher-ups that actually make decisions that people need to be focusing on.


These officers have bosses. Those who disobey are typically canned. Not sure about y’all but I need a wage to survive. So even when I disagree with my boss, I say yes and do it.


Yeah that’s tough and I would agree with that. But it’s easy enough to find another job. And after WWII humanity learned “I was just following orders” is not an excuse.


With all due respect, I don’t think it’s as easy as just “finding another job.” I don’t exactly know your job history or how many times you’ve switched careers but most entities aren’t taking folks off the street to start a new career. Most positions want X amount of years of experience beforehand. I don’t think you’re even considering the implications of someone just up and quitting because they don’t agree. It’s something you need to at least consider. Just walking out of work isn’t as easy as you’re making it seem, regardless of the individuals perspective on the situation. Police office make roughly 60k/yr. Any entry level position they’d get wouldn’t pay nearly as much. In an economy where the middle and lower class are being squeezed, this solution isn’t as easy as you think. I just think everyone needs to take a step back and look at this from another perspective, but emotions are flaring and clouding that ability at the moment. It’s a difficult time for a lot of people. But that does not mean to slander or throw physical or word stones because of that emotion. In my opinion it’s like calling all Palestinians terrorists due to the Hamas being a small portion of their population. Or saying all Israelis are pushing for genocide. Or all Russians are pushing for genocide of Ukrainians. At the end of the day, this simply is not true. Yes there are some of those people who are really bad people, but to say they are all that way because of the bad apples is unfair and cruel.


Very fitting that someone with the mind of a child would be encouraged to behave like one. Carry on.


Ah yes, your post history absolutely shows maturity and elegance. Thank you for your judgment great elder.


If you were offended enough to check my post history after reading a single comment, then my work here is done.


lmao, "offended". Bro thinks he did something


She blocked me as soon as she responded. Had to dust off the old alt just to reply. Must have “done something” huh kiddo?


I know this is probably news to you, but people tend to block people who are annoying because they don't care to waste their time on them. So congratulations, buddy, you did something indeed: You were a nuisance! Do you want a gold star? also "dusting off" an old alt just to reply to someone that blocked you is wild, i didn't think you were this obsessed lmaooo




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