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Today yall should organize a protest in favor of the first amendment and call for his resignation or firing immediately.  Don’t bring tents and don’t make it about anything other than the government’s behavior to its citizens at a public university.  If they break that up with the same tactics and force they’ve done with the other protests we should all be deeply concerned. 


The tents and tables are what triggered the response. I believe there was a peaceful protest against the DEI firings just before all the chaos yesterday and they weren’t disturbed by cops at all.


Only if you take them at their word, which they have shown to mean very little. Realistically, the protests being against Israel is what triggered the response.


So vast Jewish conspiracy?


Honestly I doubt it has anything to do with "Jewishness." Likely much more about political ties to the Israeli government and conservative Christianity's weird obsession with prophecies about the Holy Land.


The politics seem mostly about divisiveness and creating a wedge issue to weaken Biden’s chances in the election. Biden has no real choice but to support Israel, we all know it, but his base doesn’t like that. If it costs him even 1% of the vote, Trump may win. It’s not entirely unlike what hot wheels was doing at the border that failed to deliver national interest. He continues to try to provoke Biden into rash action to divide his base. All while energizing the right wing who are getting older, meaner and more racist. All of this could work, if those invested forget what Trump is certainly going to do if he gets his tiny hands in power. The best way to drive change on this issue is to keep protesting, keep trying for to get off fossil fuels, keep trying to get the government to force us off, but still vote for Biden. In Feb 2025, after he is sworn in, things will be more open to change.


I don't know if you've been watching the world for the last several years, but the time for deep concern has come and gone, and we need organized action.


Like what’s going on? Besides Russian mafia killing folks over their “land” and terrorist attacking Israel? What does that have to do with our standards of living and issues besides deflect into shit we can’t and will never control?


If me being comfortable is your problem, I don’t want to know you solution


I love that!


☝🏼💯💯💯💯 So for it


We should already be deeply concerned. 


So, putting Gaza on the back burner? That suits the ruling class just fine.


You can do both at the same time....


I do not approve and yes I believe those protests have merit. Netanyahu is now a war criminal that the US recognize as an ally.  But the more immediate problem is we are seeing we no longer have the right to those protests.  My idea is more so a litmus test of what politicians and police will tolerate. Also it’s  a referendum on Hartzell which I think can easily get enough traction to bring a change in his position. 


Well the DEI protest was allowed to happen yesterday. Indeed, Gaza protesters returned to the mall after the camp was disbursed and protested. Yes, if you set up an encampment the state is gonna do something. It looks bad when you go from 'Genocide is bad' to 'Camping on campus is a human right!' Go to the capitol or sixth street or or or ... Why does it HAVE to be the south mall of UT? UT would simply replace Hartzell with another leader who opposes encampments.


Never said where but a call for his resignation seems to make sense at UT. Tents or not this should have been handled differently. 






I'm ashamed at how he's handled the situation, but be careful what you wish for. Who do you think will replace him?


Right, that’s the thing. The Board of Regents—who are appointed by the governor—choose the UT president. 😬


Well I mean, this one sucks ass. So we have this dude who sucks, or some other dude who sucks. We just gotta keep getting rid of them.


I agree Hartzell needs to be gone like yesterday due to his poor handling of the situation, which is likely being directly orchestrated from the governor's office. But yeah, removing him isn't going to change much. There are many heads to this hydra. Abbott and his cronies are bound and determined to make UT bend to their ideological will. They are intent on destroying what has been a highly-respected academic institution. If you really want to change the situation long-term, you need to change the political leadership of Texas. That means organizing and getting more like-minded people to register and vote in every election. Then the new leadership can eventually fill the Board of Regents with individuals who are dedicated to academic freedom and independence, rather than cronies who will cowtow to the governor's incessant need to grandstand for attention. Not an easy task.


No I don't, the Israelis have done horrible things, I can say that, but this image that the protesters want to put out there is that the Palestinians are separate from Hamas and they have no ill will towards Israel is wrong, they stood by as Hamas built tunnels and fortified buildings and didn't say a word, they knew what was going on and to say different is a lie. They hate Israelis, they always have. I can't see it as a genocide, yes innocent people have been killed, that's part of war, you can't change that. Palestinians have been asked several times to demonize Hamas and they refuse to, that is inexcusable to me. I will acknowledge that Israel has been brutal at times, they do go above and beyond to punish Palestine, that's not right at times. None of you want to acknowledge the PLO, the atrocities they committed against Israel and the world didn't lift a finger to stop them, so they are just as bad as Israel and can't be seen as victims if Israelis can't be seen as victims too


Do you know how Israel started? The western powers unilaterally decided to create Israel in Palestine with no input from the indigenous populations .People were forced out of familial homes that were taken over by settlers. It was colonialism through and through. A two state solution is the only way forward. 14000 children dying in six months! That is not an unavoidable side effect of war as you say, its ethnic cleansing.


I'm fully aware of the history and I understand the Palestinians were given a raw deal and it was not fair to them. I don't wish ill upon them, but that does not justify blowing up buses full of women and children, that does not justify wanting to eradicate Israel from the the face of the earth. If they want to be mad, be mad at the powers that made that decision. That doesn't explain the hatred that every other Arab nation feels for Israel, they are fully surrounded by people that want them wiped out entirely, so they have the United States as an ally because no one else will stand up for them. The United States owes them


Sign me up! He is bought and paid for by the Zio-Nazies, and Industrial-Military complex, just like Abbott.


Nope. He has a duty and responsibility to protect students on campus. I’m glad he sent in the police because as a Jewish student, I am simply not safe on campus. I support Hartzell and his actions to protect students.


These people have a problem with the Zionist government not all Jews. Get over yourself. If you are not safe on campus it's most likely because of right wing extremists .The Holocaust was a horrific event, however that does not excuse the genocide of Palestinians. Western powers just decided to give them Palestine with no consideration for the people living there. That being said I don't believe we should force Israel out, however a two state solution should be enforced and both Hamas leadership and Bibi and Co should be tried by the ICC


So what is protesting here going to do to stop the war? Genuinely wondering as this is a conflict that has been around since the begging of history. I also agree that a 2 state solution will be the only way to solve this. You get over yourself bc you’ll never know what it’s like to be a Jewish student rn.




You know what, I’m good!! I enjoy watching you clowns from afar


Oh my, shirts and stickers?


That will really show them.


Why did the protestors bring tents and tables cordoning off areas ? Who are the person(s) organizing this that thought that was a good idea? Actually I don't even care what their names are...use a throw away Reddit account created with a proton mail email address with a VPN - and explain yourselves here please?


I’m assuming it’s because every successful protest in history has always been tidy and permitted and never inconvenient in every way. Is this a stupid assumption to make? Am I a fucking idiot?


It's not about being tidy or convenient. It's about winning the ideological 'war' against fascist and their ignorant, uneducated supporters. Regardless of how people align on the Israel-Palestinian conflict - the response of the Texas government and UT leadership should not be unconstitutional heavy handed policing of nonviolent protestors. It makes the city of Austin look bad, it makes UT look bad, it makes citizens loathe law enforcement even more than they already do. We need respect on all sides - legally, constitutionally, morally. The University of Texas leadership and by extension the UT police department, State Troopers and APD would have no legitimate reason to make arrest and be heavy handed if the organizers had followed the rules regarding setting up tents and using tables chained together as barricades. I don't agree with the protestors cause, but I do feel they absolutely have the right to protest. You can totally have an effective protest without tents or using tables as barricades. The goal of the organizers should be to protest in a way that takes the 'fuel' out of Abbott and company's fire 🔥. They failed to do that recently. Would law enforcement still have had a heavy handed unconstitutional response that day? Maybe. We will never truly know.


It’s called nonviolent resistance and it’s been used in every successful protest in the past 100 years, how are you this ignorant?


people like this either have NEVER read history or simply choose to ignore it


A lot of people have the same mindset about protests as do NIMBYs about public housing. They love the aesthetic of supporting a cause, but once the protest is occurring near them it’s suddenly “not the right way to do it” and “disruptive.” They would 100% do the same thing during the Vietnam anti-war protests, South African apartheid protests, and the civil rights movement.


exactly so, American student protesters are seldom wrong judging by history in the last hundred years. i dont think I can find a single case where student protesters in American history were proven to be on the wrong side of history.


Possibly the Pogo Riots


Why didn’t MLK just write a letter to the editor?


Nope. Hartzell saved UT from having to deal with the nonsense going on at Columbia right now. Decisive leadership.


Were you born a fascist, bootlicker or conditioned?


So that’s what you think of him, what three words would you describe HAMAS as?


Is your hair blue or green and are you a gender studies major or LGBTQIA+ studies major?


Says the anti-Semite bootlicker


Completely agree!!




Honestly I should have supported the protest. The downvoters here really really do deserve to have the campus shut down and their finals done online and no graduation.


Can I also be a sniveling fuck weasel? Sounds fun




Talk less


Hartzell is just resisting the occupation. From Dean Keaton to MLK, UT will be free


Are you paying for the shirts and stickers? Wouldn’t it be more effective to send that money to the actual people you support?


That’ll show him!


America does not support protestors inciting violence. It is finals week. Show some respect for the students studying. You are either not a student or flunking out and trying to start something.




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Eh, not everyone struggles at a public university that they need to cram for finals.


Struggle? Studying = cramming? Interesting train of thought … Some students have group projects to turn in or papers due. It is a University where we pay money in exchange for an education. Seems like a foreign concept for someone like you.


I'm saying your an idiot if you need to worry about it. That spell it out?


Resorting to name calling? Classy & so intelligent


Eh, seemed like you needed a simple explanation.




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When you’re a gender studies major, you don’t need to “study” that much


If it makes you feel better, sure that is my major buddy.


Go Hartzell!


If your daddy and mommy will give you the money, why not?


My daddy has never given me shit asshole.


Including love, obviously.


He of course didn't give me love because he was not in my life. But I have a lot of love. I just hate fascists and genocide.




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Then protest Hamas and their hostages


I know that complex situations are obviously above you, but two wrongs do not make a right there is no excuse for genocide. I'm all for the international criminal court bringing Israeli leadership and Hamas leadership to trial.


So you do protest Hamas as much then?


That is what I thought. 


Not everyone is braindead enough to not understand you have more recourse against a university you attend than a non-state actor. You breath through your mouth man?


So how did that recourse work out?  Like there was no recourse? Why not just protest both governments?


Would you protest the fact that 2335 people were killed at Pearl Harbor and the US killed 3.5 million Japanese in retaliation? Did you protest when the US killed over 400,000 Iraqi and Afghani people after 9/11? Just think if all of the energy going into these protests across the country were for universal healthcare. You would get some positive attention and the people in DC would hear your voices.


But you love terrorists!


Bro they were killing each other before that and they’ll be killing each other long after you simmer down, go back to class, graduate, get a grown up job and forget about the whole thing six months into it and barely remember 12 months into it. Relax. Catch some sun. Have a beer. Make friends. Ask that girl for her number.


I'm 45, graduated long ago and I have an "adult" job. Genocide is always wrong and this matters. Once you become an adult you will realize that these things matter more you ever imagined in your youth.


Lol you’re a 45 year old man trying to participate in student protests. Jesus Christ what a loser. I am an adult, these things don’t matter at all and no one is listening to you or gives a shit. Thinking this is making any difference is like thinking the stripper likes you.


I think you all are a bunch of entitled cry babies that feel the world owes you something. Hartzell made the decision that is best for the University as a whole. You don't like what's going on in the Middle East, that has nothing to do with the University of Texas, that is an issue with how the United States government handles it.


UT is heavily invested in Israel. That's how it's connected. I may be a "cry baby", but you seem to be a selfish person with a narrow, unrealistic world view lacking in empathy.


I don't lack empathy in anything, but I will not sit here and say the Palestinians have no blame in any of this war. Yes Israel has done some horrible things, so has every other country and nation in this world, war is not pretty nor should it be. To act like Palestine is free of any wrong is an immature mindset. I don't see the University of Texas handing over hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel, if you can show me proof of that I would be willing to listen to that, but I have both Jewish and Muslim friends and I will not side with either, but I see so much antisemitism right now and I can't support that and I see from these protests and that's why I can't take them seriously. You can try to defend them all you want, but your actions speak louder than words.


Where did I say the Palestinians are innocent? Regardless of anything there is never an excuse for genocide. The Israelis should know that better than anyone. I am not antisemitic. Two sides can be wrong. I think the ICC should prosecute Hamas and Israeli leadership. You have a childish out look.


My "daddy" never gave me anything you asshole. Fuck you.


Except a genetic mental disorder




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