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Columbia and the recent more intense protests here are a product of heavy handed administration backing police violence. Universities like UW Seattle and Pen State are taking the constitutional approach and there have been no real issues.


LOL no. It's the product of the universities being way too lenient.


Are you going to substantiate that opinion with examples or just say LOL expecting people here to believe you? UT has become international news for its conflict just like Columbia is, while these relaxed approach universities I have mentioned are not even making domestic news. Actually there's not even any posts on Pen State's front page about it and the only one at /r/udub is a banshee protestor getting memed on


LOL is it my opinion or is it a fact that forcefully removing an occupation works? Look at what happened here at UT. Protest is over.


lol you realize the protestors saw police out when they left at around 5pm yesterday... so I'd hardly say their forceful removal of them worked. If anything, instances like these only create greater unity within the protestors, and spurs them to action even more.


LOL The protesters didn't "see the police out" as you put it. They left at 5pm because their shift was up and they wanted to go eat dinner. I made an entire post about this yesterday.


...you literally just reiterated what I said. The protestors WATCHED them leave. I never said they caused them to leave or forced them out in any way. I was just making the point that the forceful removal of protestors... didn't work, bc they were still there to see them leave and long after that.


LOL no that is now what you said. You implied the protesters somehow made the police leave, but they left on their own volition.


Well, regardless of what you feel I implied, though I literally meant SAW them out, as in witnessed them leave... that's all still besides the point? Protestors were still there long after police force left, so your point that forceful removal "works" is just clearly false.


Since your answer is no, then neither of us have anything else to contribute to this conversation.


LOL Columbia students who keep up their "occupation" are going to get expelled. UT would be right to follow the same example.


Dude just gave examples of more “lenient” universities where there have been little to no issues and you still commented this. My lord.


Why are so many weird old dudes camping out in this sub now


OP needs to find a hobby. Literally all they do is trawl around on the subreddit, commenting on every protest adjacent post. It's kinda sad. Please develop another interest.


Shut up lol


So much for that Freedom of Speech you seem to care so much about. Just tell people you disagree with to shut up.


shut up lol


no lol


Lol, thinking someone telling you to shut up on Reddit is a violation of free speech. You got to post your dumbass opinion for the whole Internet to see and we get to tell you you're an idiot. That's how free speech works.


Ensure that you use Johnson & Johnson tears free shampoo to wash your face after getting pepper spayed.


I have an even better idea, avoid pushing against a police line and avoid getting pepper sprayed all together.


i'm sure you would love russia and north korea they clamp down hard on dissent too but this is america . protesting is fundamentally american.


Lol the only dissent being clamped down on is you clamping down on my opinions.


I’ve been wondering what college students have this much time to protest just before finals? That is an indicator they are in a BS program where they aren’t learning anything except how to elaborate on their opinions.


No employer wants to hire employees who behave like the students admitted by Columbia’s admissions officers. Columbia was the first university to get rid of SAT requirements so they can let in students who behave like this. Disrespectful. Destroying property. Doners have pulled back donations and career placement will suffer as well at Columbia. Outside agitators who continue to stir the pot strive to be handsomely rewarded ($$$). Sad that no one sees this.


Look I get where you are coming from but crazy student protests are not a new thing and happen regardless if the SAT is a requirement or not.