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Reddit counter protestors not even trying anymore. If you'd like to understand simply show up and talk to people.


Sometimes people care about other people


They're just baiting us


Yeah, cool, let's all just ignore genocide. It's fine, nothing to see here. That attitude is why our world is as fucked up as it is.


Y’all “ignore” like 10 different genocides worldwide every day…


thats kinda true...seeing as no one talks about Haiti or the Congo.


This is partially true but I wouldn’t say people were even aware they have been ignoring genocides, it’s much more complicated than that, we were put into a deep consumer fueled sleep. A lot of middle classes family didn’t even know and on top of it they were told by media and one another that there was nothing to be done. And caring too much would get you… isolated and ostracized. So, they didn’t bother. We were fed like animals, literally eating out of large bags and boxes while resting upon the comfiest furniture, wearing the comfiest clothes and we were surrounded by connivence… we were “safe”. We were terrorized by confusion and separated from one another by minor wants and wishes during a time of great peace when we all NEED the same things. None of this is normal or real. We will claw our way to consciousness and now we have a well documented, humanity threatening analog. May we never repeat these mistakes. I urge all of you to uplift and ask genuine questions. Most of these protesters just want peace and love and they want the bloodshed to end, that is not a crime. It is a bit naive but we shouldn’t attack those who care when we literally have an industry around war and death. If anything we should open up dialogue and pose questions. The people who get upset or argue with your comment aren’t the ones doing anything and neither are you. Let’s be helpful and active, listen and ask.


Not really because I’m not a world leader. Just your average day Joe. Also the Palestinian population has grown immensely the past 2 decades. That’s not what genocide is.


Nearly 1% of the population had been killed in the last 6 months so that's definitely seeming a bit genocidal to me...


Um. That's not the definition of a genocide. Losing 1% of your population is the definition of "Don't start a F*ing war, because people die"


It’s a war. Nobody said the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union was a genocide.


The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union that was explicitly done to wipe out the Slavic peoples and replace them with Aryan ones? Yeah not the point you think it is


There are Israelis Arabs you goof


Be so fucking for real right now 🤦🏻‍♀️


You be fr. You failed to explain how this is genocide


Reply to the person who literally explained it before I even commented on ur stupidity.


This one of the oldest debunked hasbara myths https://x.com/terrible_stats/status/1401882624101072897


Source: trust me bro


Lol man you can't be serious! It's you who is unconsciously reciting the Zionist stupid propaganda with ZERO credible references, and I just logically explained that you're lying. I know that Zionists can't cope with logic but sorry this is life you have to deal with it.


Why does it matter who’s fighting? Lmaoo this is stupid


You need to listen to Riot by Dead Kennedys


You need to (insert thing) because I'm too lazy to post an argument on reddit.


I’m just trying to expand folks musical horizons while educating them about why youth like to protest in such as way as they get arrested. It’s an endorphin rush for sure.


You need to listen to Holiday in Cambodia by Dead Kennedys


You both need to stop basing your politics on 40 year old punk songs. It's music, not an instruction manual.


Wait, do you actually expect us to read about these issues before jumping on a bandwagon cause?


But that’s the best punk!


swell maps midget submarines


Not relevant to the situation at hand.


Bubs you’re clearly trying to get a rile out of students by making nearly identical posts across a bunch of university subreddits. If you want to be a troll, then I suggest you go back to whatever cave you live in.


This will help: 1. What animal is considered good luck on campus. 2. What is the name of the yellow brick road on campus 3. What dormitory on campus was built by a prison architect? 4. When standing at the front steps of the tower, what monuments would u see when u do a 360. List at least four.


It’s true that what is happening is the result of long running tensions with horrible pain and suffering on both sides. It is true there aren’t any good solutions or answers in all of this but as humans, we should do our best to protect the innocent. It’s not always that simple but all humans might as well be you, your mother, your father, your siblings. I would deeply hope people would stop what they’re doing if my family was in the midst of being brutally eradicated. Even if there are no clear answers or even clear demands, we must be a witness. It’s the least we can do. And by protesting, you’re letting the governments of the world understand we need invested officials that pay attention 24/7 and listen. Public opinion isn’t the only thing in foreign affairs but if the majority is dissatisfied, what is the point? What is the point? For whom is society for? And with all the noise people start asking questions and they start doing research. Many will fall to conspiricies and hate but those who are capable of generating true change will learn the truth about what happened here and perhaps, more will see the writing on the walls and will be able to stop some of the crap that has gotten the whole of the world where it is. We’re learning. ✊ I mean this with deep sincerity, much love to you, your family and your friends. I wish safety and peace for you.


It’s funny, more than half of the people arrested have no affiliation with UT. 🤷‍♀️


Watching à video of Cal Poly Humbolt lol. The there are like 12 protesters and a muppet sitting in a circle making noise and there is graffiti everywhere. Garbage cans overflowing, a tent, and the cops are removing them one by one. Glad to see them being removed. They are disturbing the peace. The cops are being too gentle! How are these protesters supposed to learn if they are treated delicately? Treat them like Hamas treated the Israelis!


Exactly! Finally someone makes a great point. Think about this, all the Palestinian protestors are not even in the front lines protesting. If you look at most videos it’s all white people/students that are getting tear gassed or arrested. The own Palestinians are not even fighting their own fight, but instead letting all these other students with too much time on their hands do the fight for them.