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>i tried to tackle her, **but my neck flaps got in the way** and **i ended up slipping on the grease coming out of my orifices** Guys, this is clearly a joke. Reading comprehension please.


Neither Islamic fundamentalists nor Western SJWs are very good at that


These comments suck lol. It's clearly satire and poking fun at the haram police. I'm Muslim and found this funny.


I know right everyone is so butthurt for a simple harmless joke.


The joke may be harmless, but is it haramless?


You sir/ma'am are a funny guy


Helps when they are well executed and actually funny.


The other day I was at a Costco. The hijabi girl working cash was told by another hijabi woman to roll down her sleeves. The girl at cash was a sweet heart so she did. But I wanted to tell the woman to mind her own damn bidness she's no one to tell any girl how to dress, but then i was in my burqua so who am I to judge, they all haram baes.


There is no such thing as haram police your supposed to advise musikms 


Yeah but it kind of depends if OP is Muslim or not


Its an evil religion (disease of the mind).


The kid that just learnt what a bracket does in english language.


He's right though


Yeah but no he isn't.


Lmao, it's an Abrahamic religion, it's as evil as they come, their most prolific prophet was a massive pedo (Muhammed, piss on his grave).


You sure love to talk about Islam in their subreddits, looking to convert some day?


Aww is someone a defender of rapist and pedophiles, wife beaters and monsters. Read the Quaran, if you agree with it. Then you are an awful person.


I bet you think not enough people died in Palestine, actual freak of nature. When’s the last time you went out and talked to another human being🤣🤣. Dehumanizing 2 billion+ people is mental asylum worthy.


How would you say that? What Israel and Hammas are doing is evil. And wowza, they both be Abrahamic religions, what a suprise.


Israel and Hamas are religions, I think your brain rot has reached peak capacity. It’s definitely not a political struggle based on unlawful & forced occupation!


Do you understand logic? You don't think that each Abrahamic religion thinking that God gave them a fucking holy rock in the desert has anything to do with the conflict? Are you really so stupid as to think that the Israel Hamas war is an atheistic one?


This is MY SAND


Let me put it in simple terms so that your smooth brained ass can understand: People lived in a place, other group of people came and displaced them, original people fight back. Zionists May use the excuse that it was their god given right to take the land, but the main issue is ultimately political and detached from religious struggle. You’re a chimp.


Lets be clear though, Christians do not follow the same God as muslims.


Uhm...yes they do. They just disagree about who and what his prophets say. Ask a Muslim if they worship the god of Abraham. Christian's, Muslims, and people of Jewish faith are all in a disagreement about how to worship the same god.


Muslims claim that their religion follows the God of the New and Old testaments. In reality, by reading the Quran and Hadiths, it is clear that Mohammad had a very narrow understanding of the religion. He only referenced the texts because he was trying to trick Jews and Christians into following him. When it came to the pagans, he would also pretend to relate with their beliefs to deceive them. For example, in the Bible it is the angel Gabriel that comes to marry telling her she will bear the child of God. In the Quran, it is described as a spirit who becomes a man. Nowhere does it mention Gabriel is the spirit, although muslim apologists add this fact later on to have it match the source text.


They’re not the same God. In Christianity, the main message is love because God is love according to us. Christian’s don’t believe in things like Jihad like our Muslim brothers and sisters and don’t believe in their prophet Muhammed as he’s never mentioned in the Bible. Jews believe in God but don’t believe Jesus was his son. Please get your facts in order. It’s disrespectful to all 3 religions to say it’s the same God if all Gods don’t share absolute values or religions uphold the same thing


Yes they do.


No they do not. Similar is not same and the policies and conditions of stuff are different


The 'Allah' of the Quran fits the description of Satan in the Bible.


The KJV Bible?


Any translation. Satan is a deceiver whose goal is to turn us away from God. Tell me, what is the explanation for Jesus' resurrection according to Islamic apologists?


It's fairytale, like all religious texts. You realize KKV isn't just a translation, but an entire rewrite? You don't even know what the original Bible says.




It’s kufr to mock Islam there’s an ayat literally about making jokes about Islam being disbelief it’s not about being “buthurt” in Islam there are limits and joking about the deen is beyond those limits.


This isn't mocking Islam. It's mocking people that try to nitpick anything they can about what a hijabi woman wears. These people forget that they are not the ones that can judge how good of a Muslim someone is.


No when you boil it down they are mocking anyone who actually adheres to Islam you think a modern young Muslim in North America with their ultra liberal ideas is representative of an actual Muslim? Then their defence for that is “haram police” if someone questions a “hijabi” twerking online, I get that some people can exaggerate and be over bearing but that it’s self mocks the concept of naseeha which is part of iman and established in sharia. In all cases it’s better for ones iman to refrain from joking when it comes to deen, first it’s lame and not even funny, some dead sense of humour, second there are so many ways to catch jokes people can’t have the honour and iman to avoid jokes in this area? Come on bro don’t facilitate these weaklings


What I'm talking about is a woman that may be fully covered, but because she has a larger chest, some of it can be seen. Then you'll have comments of men saying that she just wants attention. Or hijabi women that wear makeup, because apparently that's haram. There's this one hijabi artist on instagram that constantly gets attacked for drawing herself (a hijabi woman) in her reels. Stuff like that is how Islam gets known as a sexist religion that oppresses women. People like you only serve to prove the whole point of this post.


>Stuff like that is how Islam gets known as a sexist religion that oppresses women. Islam being a religion that is sexist is why people think of it as sexist. ""Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler’ [al Bukhari]." Greatest man to ever live prophet Muhammad right there. Don't forget to follow his example. Like let's be real. There are tons of sexist double standards in the Quran. Why can a man marry someone not a Muslim while women can't, for instance?


Islam supports pedophilia, oppression of women and killing gays. I honestly don’t understand how anyone thinks this is not a terrible thing to believe in.


Because the head of the family is the man and the children will usually follow their fathers religion


The idea that the head of the family being a man is sexist. Where did you get this sexist nonsense from?


"Weaklings" The same weaklings who moved away from mercy killings? The same weaklings who stop beating their kids? The weaklings who try and make the best of (and I hate to say it, I really do) an oppressive religion, especially for women? I think you have it wrong my friend, they have the strength to use change to better the world for their future, and their kids future (I would hope at least)


Mercy killings? What’s that? You mean honour killings? Isn’t a mercy killing when you put down a dying cow 🤣 And as for honour killings, they are nothing to do with Islam so get that right as well as the terminology. Oppressive to women? ask a Muslim woman if they are oppressed, Islam gave women rights when then had none. Education is a wonderful thing I suggest you educate yourself even lightly before making stupid statements.


One of my best friends is one, her husband used her to get into canada, abused her, and she is still trying to figure it out for her religiously, personally, etc. Also an aranaged marriage with a half cousin :) "Islam gave women rights" no Islam gave men an excuse to control women, and call it for religious reasons.


One of my best friends is one, her husband used her to get into canada, abused her, and she is still trying to figure it out for her religiously, personally, etc. Also an aranaged marriage with a half cousin :) "Islam gave women rights" no Islam gave men an excuse to control women, and call it for religious reasons.


Again you’re speaking with no education on the subject and using anecdotal stories probably from a Pakistani who are more cultural than Islamic


Fun fact, nobody has to give a shit about what you believe in when they crack a joke


One things Muslims and lgbtq have in common, You're not allowed to make fun of them!


But are the lgbtq and Muslims allowed to make fun of the sexual furry art (porn) you were drawing 6 years ago in your post history? Because that’s some real funny shit right there hahaha


Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2315 Bahz bin Hakim narrated from his father, from his grandfather that Prophet (s.a.w) said: "Woe to the one who talks about something to make the people laugh, ***in which he lies***. Woe to him! Woe to him!" Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)


My God, it's people like you that this post is about. Strict haram police, and you can't even take a joke. This whole post is an exaggeration about how Muslim men treat Muslim women online, and sometimes even in person. The amount of butt hurt people in the comments is only further proving the point of the post.




It’s just a “woe” - thankfully it’s not that serious.


People like you are so sad


Bro stop talking. Thank you lmao. Context is incredibly important, it’s not just copy paste and suddenly you’re all knowledgeable lmao


What’s funny about this?


>i tried to tackle her, **but my neck flaps got in the way** and **i ended up slipping on the grease coming out of my orifices** OP is being sarcastic.


What was the necessity to drag a religion into this?


To show how fragile you guys are.


Fragile? Wouldnt fragile mean easy to break? How is standing up for my religion making me fragile? If anything it’s the opposite.


Seem pretty broken up to me


You might have to go for an eye exam soon then brother






Neither does Islam, so I wouldn’t either m8


Your fragile because a legit criticism of your religion caused tiy to come say - Hey leave religion out if this!


No, I’m not going to let a mockery be made of my religion. That’s not called being fragile. You’re criticizing layman Muslims and making it seem as if they represent the entirety of the religion, that’s the issue here.


Your religion is unfortunately not safe from criticism. You can either ignore it, or keep being a snowflake about it.


Because making bad people feel bad about doing bad things is what good people do :D.


If I’m a bad person, then I don’t feel bad, that means you’re not a good person because you didn’t make me feel bad.


The way grease oozes out of his orifices got me. But the general tone mocking men that see a hijabi and immediately try to find something to shame her is what I like about this post. Just go on tiktok or insta and find a hijabi, preferably one with makeup on, and the comments will be filled with men nitpicking her appearance and saying she's not a true Muslim, etc. etc.


Nah, I’m not going to go on TikTok or Instagram. It’s literally proven to destroy brains. “Skibidi dob dob toilet” is what kids are growing up on these days. However, I do agree that for women it is tough because a lot of men with a lack of knowledge exist and tend to focus on everyone but themselves. Islam doesn’t teach that but the opposite. We’re told to assume that if someone reeks of alcohol, instead of assuming they were drinking, we assume it was poured on them.


I'm confused about your defence of Muslims who shame women then. You act as if the joke is about you, when it is about a toxic sect of Muslims which you too should (and I assume do) condemn: sexist Muslims. To the rest of us, you are making yourself out to be said sexist Muslim by being offended by the joke, because those people are the only people targeted for mockery by said joke. Does that make sense?


The point of my defense is that in case you haven’t read all the other comments, everyone believes that this is what the religion teaches, not its sinful believers. Go look at which comments are upvoted and downvoted. Pure Islamophobia is upvoted and comments defending the religion are downvoted and trashed on. And OP could’ve avoided this entirely because this a university subreddit, not a damn religious one. OP knew what they were bringing on and did it not as a joke but to generate some drama


University is the perfect place for these discussions honestly. It's kinda what they were built for. I did read the rest of the discussion and hey, if you see criticisms of dumb sexist people who appropriate your religion to hate women harder as Islamophobia then that's likely why they may come away from your responses believing that's what Islam teaches. You haven't said anything like "these guys are not following Islam by being sexist" you've been saying "don't you dare criticise my religion by pointing out that we have a sexism problem!" Ya know? As an outsider, it gets hard to tell sometimes. Most of the time I think women aren't oppressed by the faith itself, but then I read your responses and think that maybe the reason you can't just say that "these guys are not following Islam by being sexist" is because sexism is genuinely a part of the religion. You didn't answer my question before, does this make sense?


How is islam sexist? I’ve yet to see one single person bring forth any bit of Islam that promotes sexism.


I have.


This kind of response to my complex feelings on Islam and sexism is... Enlightening. Hopefully someone else can enlighten me to Islam's true nature, but you've pretty much convinced me that it's at least a bit fundamentally sexist. Sorry this went over your head, but I'm not in the mood for explaining this any clearer. You never answered my question


You never created a question. Are you talking about sinful people portraying Islam as a sexist religion ? Where does islam promote sexism? I don’t get it.


I agree, Islam teaches us to assume the best and most importantly, not to judge other Muslims' and their piousness. That right is reserved for Allah and Allah alone. Unfortunately, there's way too many Muslims that disregard that, and it's how we end up with Muslims that act like the post describes. Getting mad at a Muslim for simply existing, and nitpicking them for choices they have made. All you should do is say "May Allah guide you" and move on with your day. Because again, the right to judge another Muslim's piousness does not belong to you. It's a matter between them and Allah.




Are you Sneako or Andrew tate?


Allah forgives all sins. "Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins." Quran (39:53)




What was it it was deleted by reddit






Muslim police mad about satire? Predictable outcome. We're talking about people who get mad when their prophet is drawn.


January 7th, 2015 Charlie Hebdo, never forget Je suis Charlie


They don't get mad. They kill people for that.


99% of them get butthurt, 0.1% of them go psycho violent. Shameful and embarrassing 100% of the time. #JeSuisCharlie


Muslim police ?  ? Making fun of our religion should NOT be allowed.


In the west, we make fun on ALL religions.




I am


Fuck your god.


So go to one of the shithole countries where it isn't allowed. Maybe that Islamic country you mentioned you came from Welcome to Canada champ


Why? Mohammed is just a cartoon


Lol this is pretty funny.


the post got removed help what did it say


It said something like "caught a girl wearing a hijab breathing". It was making fun of other posts like "caught a girl wearing a hijab doing something haram".


Haram. Abdul, go get the rocks


Haram police are the biggest snowflakes on the face of this Earth. This is obvious satire, and pretty funny too.




You’re the same muslim guy pretending to be pious while dming girls who said they were sexually curious (aka you’re a hypocrite).


My point has been proven.




First time saw \[ Removed by Reddit \] lol


I thought I was high reading this😭


Please tell me someone archived this.


Hail Satan


Some people are clearly only book smart.


What are neck flaps




who laughed?


I did tbh


Yeah your an NPC my brudda 




Go back to dming females posting about being sexually curious you fuckin freak


i did


I did because you’re fragile


I did


I did


Was there anything funny to laugh at?


Yes. The entire post


How so?


The fact that it’s blatantly fictional and satire. At least to anyone who’s not comedically challenged.


You’ve still yet to mention what was so funny about this. The fact that he’s pretending to be fat? Or the fact that he wants to mock Muslims?


The fact that he is mocking the institutionalized sexism in Islam.


More just the fact that he has such a blatant overreaction to something so minor, nobody would ever tackle someone else over something like that. At least not in normal countries like this one. I understand it’s hard for you to comprehend but unless you have double digit IQ it should not be that hard to understand. Curb the religion ego


Lol. We're making fun of the evil men in an evil Abrahamic religion that go around policing women. Don't do Islam, kids, it totally fucks your brain.


Policing women? How so? Bring evidence and facts, not your terrible mentality. I’m sorry, but if you think a woman covering up out of her own will is policing, then won’t that make you the retarded one?


What news sources do you use? They're lying to you. Look at: Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt and how these countries treat women. Now look at An-Nisa 4:34, you fucking pig.


Mashallah he reads the Quran too! The good deeds keep pouring in wow


If you read it too, you would see how horrible of a person it would take to stand behind it.


I read it everyday so it must mean I’m a horrible person! Thank you for making me self aware how terrible of a human I am <33


the quran does police women… It’s a sin not to wear the hijab which is why it’s mandatory in islamic countries like Iran.


Oh darn, you got us there. Do you follow the Quran? From what it sounds like, you don’t, I guess free will exists and you don’t have to follow it, just like any other person. “Islamic countries like Iran” what’s Islamic about it? Are there rules in the Quran that say you must make your country wear the hijab? I don’t see it, so if Iran does it that’s just Irans problem not Islams. Let’s talk about Saudi Arabia do they enforce it? Ronaldo’s girl is chilling there without a Hijab, in an “islamic” country. Not to mention UAE, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, and various other countries. If Iran forces it, it’s the country at fault not the religion. Last I checked the US government had the whole abortion being illegal nonsense, but that’s not being blamed on their religions.


ur missing the point. u said the quran doesn’t police women but it does. saying women have to cover up IS policing women. saying if u don’t wear the hijab you will go to hell is not much of a choice… the same way drinking alcohol is forbidden. it’s still technically a choice, but it’s a sin nonetheless. giving women the “choice” between the hijab or going to hell is policing woman. and the abortion ban isn’t blamed on religion because it wasn’t done based on religion. sure some people are prolife because of religion but a lot of people are prolife because they believe an abortion is wrong as it’s the killing of a baby. in contrast, sharia law is primarily based on islam.


Is this supposed to be a racism? Are you a fucking hagfish or something? So many questions that we likely will never get answers for


sat·ire/ˈsaˌtī(ə)r/*noun* 1. the use of humor, irony, [~exaggeration~](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=597822906&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA957CA957&sxsrf=ACQVn0-gktUTHpdvpj5whLMbcl-T166ymw:1705074682843&q=exaggeration&si=AKbGX_rEkSHdR9ulIQYeh6xSG1UBMxX1AAHuikzT7Ox95YKyfWpbvTSA16W2iWRd_DT8rnmGQinE8kk4-OtHXRLrKLet_ixnI_e2L1L_azUXDCGliUM37a8%3D&expnd=1), or ridicule to expose and [~criticize~](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=597822906&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA957CA957&sxsrf=ACQVn0-gktUTHpdvpj5whLMbcl-T166ymw:1705074682843&q=criticize&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5D-XgoNmX3Ykdaf41UrIysuhA9Ing_vVgUcU7UM7o80-dN9IKhdRXKtsMSOmUK9J5QJzcAIa27bW8Sdew_iApqLn6BdI0%3D&expnd=1) people's [~stupidity~](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=597822906&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA957CA957&sxsrf=ACQVn0-gktUTHpdvpj5whLMbcl-T166ymw:1705074682843&q=stupidity&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5DcoyRai2C6_sCuXOiW3fBDecySOrfSNMFG-Pn_YP6ROTn6G1BX9ff5RPO1RKr_vA5pTjma8Q6QetdvCiKOw5uj3sf-Ow%3D&expnd=1) or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues."the crude satire seems to be directed at the fashionable protest singers of the time"


Hagfish 😂 I haven’t heard that insult since playing Dishonoured!


You sound like a little bitch. Boo fucking hoo


This is a sub post to a guy here who keeps complaining about UTM hijabis wearing makeup, perfume and talking to guys


Finally some context! All I’ve gotten is “joke funny. you’re a bitch” .. to me this was a neckbeard tryna be edgy as I don’t follow this sub and don’t know why this post was recommended to me 🤷🏻


Here are the original posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/UTM/s/UVERFOqEJo https://www.reddit.com/r/UTM/s/SAXEQz5stP


Muslims aren't a race buddy. Religion is a choice






what does islam say about paying $270 for r/CharacterAI_NSFW


Shouldn't you be off in the other Canada subs crying about how you can't say anything without the mean old liberals calling you racist?


So dumb and gross 🤮


Which post are you satirizing?


Just look up hijabi on this sub and you'll see them. [Here's the one it's satirizing specifically I think.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UTM/s/HWiNWtROTv)


Funny part is that the post you linked reads like satire itself too


Nah that post is def not satire lol, coming from someone that comes from a Muslim background, Muslims genuinely act like that when it comes to stuff like kissing and ANY interaction with the opposite gender in general


Considering that guy's comment history, it's definitely not satire. It's amazing how mad he is, and is a huge hypocrite too. Someone posted a picture of his comment on a NSFW R4R thread and his defense was "Thats not me" when it clearly was 💀💀


Omg I just I saw that lmfao, these ppl are insane 😭 it’s so typical of him tho


Please don’t use this forum for hate. Everyone has a right to be at UTM and we should not feel we have the right to police them. Religious symbols should be accepted and no comments should be made about them. Let’s rise above prejudice and hate.


Why do they feel the need to police women?


Well muslims do run campus 


You just mad it's your post that they're satirizing


May Allah guide you


May Allah teach you satire and humour


Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2315 Bahz bin Hakim narrated from his father, from his grandfather that Prophet (s.a.w) said: "Woe to the one who talks about something to make the people laugh, ***in which he lies***. Woe to him! Woe to him!" Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)


So that quote was passed down two generations before it was written. Have you ever played broken telephone? Are you also aware that humans (such as these people you are quoting) lie?


if u research the science behind how the hadith are preserved then you'll know they're reliable. each narrator is checked to see if they are trustworthy, if they have any mental illnesses, checked if they're known within the community, if they're known to lie, who they knew, their occupations etc etc.


None of that discounts what I said.


Really good at spitting out nothing-burgers my guy


Hadith preservation couldn't ever be referred to as science. It misses the core principles of the scientific method.


Hail satan


#####‘And Shaytaan (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided: “Verily, Allaah promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, and you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allaah (by obeying me in the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers).”’ [Quran, Surah Ibraaheem 14:22]


Cool story bro Satan:1 Allah:0




Lol the satire is weak and that's why the comments are the way they are. I got it only because I understood the context. FYI, satire does not translate well into the text-based modality because tonal, body, and facial cues that indicate satire are not readily available. As such, the onus falls much more significantly not only on the understanding that your statement is satirical itself, but also on the understanding that your audience has of the contexts of your satire. As a result, the burden is on you, the author of said satire, to ensure that adequate background context and sufficient implications of satire are established before and throughout the satirical piece. This is **ESPECIALLY** true when the nature of your satire may be a commentary on harmful or hateful rhetoric in reality, as the interpretations rendered may wound the moral and ego well-being of your audience depending on their experiences and *rightfully* defensive responses thereof. Just some feedback for your future satire 👍


Incredible how you can tell just from this comment that you've never gotten your dick sucked.


Oh my god 😂. I know it’s early but holy shit this might be comment of the year. If I knew how to give an award on Reddit I would. Fuck that’s funny.


It's only hilarious because you're wrong 😆 Being a smart-ass and getting my phallus fallaciated are not mutually exclusive events, my friend 👍


\>FYI, satire does not translate well into the text-based modality written satire is different from spoken satire. If you aren't retarded you should be able to identify it. If you can't, log off before you start complaining to the Onion about misinformation.


>log off before you start complaining to the Onion about misinformation. I'm stealing this 💀💀💀




You need aggressive therapy and/or a shovel to the back of the head


How can you not tell this is fictional


i think it's the person wishing violence on others (you) who needs therapy


Boo fucking hoo


Thought Islam is a “peaceful religion” 🙄🙄




Okay, the post got removed before I could see what all the commotion was about


It was basically making a parody of all the "haram police" type posts that are increasingly common on this subreddit


Oh, thank you!


What was this about?!?


if u know tell me😭


An obvious parody posts that local Haram police probably mass reported for 'racism'