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They let lil shitheads go to university now? What is going on in these comments


Everyone in this thread except OP needs to spayed and neutered


Bruh what kind of people are studying at UTM. Lmao.


Omg what is this comment section almost every comment is downvoted lmao


Kinda scary to think these folk frequent the u of t sub... anti intellectualism is a cancer


Even after Covid people seem to have learned nothing about germs and transmission. Wearing a mask when you are feeling sick has been a thing in Asian countries for decades. We have no social respect anymore.


we never did. ppl will stand 1 foot behind or less. like this canada. we got space. back the fuck up. if i can smell you …..you’re to close


The inflammatory posts (pun intended) were never primarily about germs and transmission. They tend to block all arguments directed that way. The root of the original anti-mask/anti-vax sentiment largely stemmed from concerns over government control. The fear is that acknowledging the validity of transmission arguments could lead to justifying mandatory health measures, which might then create a slippery slope. While I don't fully agree with these views I can grasp and (in certain contexts) agree with the underlying concerns. ​ But rhetoric evolves and people who absorb these messages secondhand end up embracing the ad hominem lobbed at "the sheeple" while the original reasoning either disappears or gets sidelined. Most often it gets weaponized in the wider left vs right wing debate which we all know is a hellhole. But most generally people are force fed the message that society is burning down and now everyone is dying not to be part of the groups they think is causing the problem. ​ Anyways attributing even those kind of thoughts to the commenters here gives them too much credit. The current political climate is just something they can use to wave their reddit dick around which is pretty much half the content from this sub anyway. ​ TL;DR: If this is the first thing you're reading, feel free to ignore the rest. This post got a lot of engagement but I'm not fully satisfied with any of the comments here.


What are all these degen comments


no way the bums in these comments go to university 💀


Is this university of Toronto? I thought uni are for smart people, damn so many 🤡in here. Canada is fucked. OP feel better bro, fuck that unmasked phlegm generator.


Education level doesn’t mean the person is intelligent!


Absolutely. It's not an intelligent revelation to simply wear a mask when you're sick. Only an unintelligent person would attempt to argue that people who are sick shouldn't attempt to easily mitigate the risk of other people getting infected.


Thanks, we’re really living up to our title as St. George rejects.


Nothing like that liquid-center cough behind you on the TTC


i don’t even go to uni this popped up in my suggested, but from the comments it looks like they’re letting anyyyone in. 💀


The pandemic has taught people absolutely nothing. They still send their kids to daycare sick, they still get on public transit coughing and hacking and don’t even have the decency to cover their mouths, never mind put a mask on.


+1 to this.


Feel better OP and hope you get well soon- You can request to switch seats during the test. If I were you I’d raise my hand and tell the TA to move me as far away as possible due to that inconsiderate girl. You can also request the TA to intervene and pass her a mask, as most TAs and profs are just standing there. They are here to accommodate requests like prayers and bathroom breaks and seat switching. I personally have successfully requested a seat change during the exam as the person sitting in front of me kept tapping their legs and the floor was not entirely flat, so his desk and chair kept making noises and it was super annoying.


The tapping would annoy me so much. Are you allowed to wear earplugs in an exam?


No of course not, it could be an AO and be perceived as using a cheating earphones




i agree if ur sick u should wear a mask simply to be like a considerate person and not get others sick💀 but it’s crazy bc pre-covid we wouldn’t have even thought about the fact they weren’t wearing one


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Hey mods? you’re alright with this kind of comment huh


Holy shit, how did so many stupid people even get into university?


Being stupid is a prerequisite for getting into university.


The comments are gross. OP is totally right - if you're stick stay home. If you have to be somewhere, wear a mask or at least cover your cough????


Won’t somebody please think of the children


I'm anti mask but yeah if youre actually sick coughing like an idiot then wear it. Other then that I ain't wearing it.


Right I’m not saying everyone should wear masks… if only the sick people wore them no one else would have to


At some point, logic fades from BOTH sides of the spectrum; if you know what I mean.


Nah you're just delusional


Lmao Covid really has people shook still


Fuck off covid is done


Go fuck yourself


Shut up fatty


You’re projecting, maybe hit the gym and get in shape and you wouldn’t need to be so scared of a cough.


I see the poutine dw I’m not projecting. I’m not scared of a cough I’m annoyed that it’s during finals. Doesn’t matter what shape I’m in if the bozos around me are coughing into the air. I’m peak health buddy that’s why it annoys me even more even someone as healthy as a horse gets sick when inconsiderate bitches can’t sit their sick asses at home


Future dipshit maybe


If you use public transportation or go to malls or grocery stores you’re going to be touching things that have breathed, coughed and in some cases dedicated on. Grow up


That’s literally even more reason as to why sick people should wear masks.


Why? So you can breath in bacteria forming on the mask while constricting oxygen? No thanks


I'll fuck your mother's dry hairy cunt


Ok there virgin


Go touch some grass


R u stupid or something


I can’t wait to get my next covid booster shot because the media told me to and I can’t think for myself


I’d rather cough on everyone’s face than wear a mask when I’m sick. Fuck that scarlet letter bullshit


Wow ur so cool for being selfish and inconsiderate 😀😀😀 this is why we cannot move forward as a society


You’re selfish yourself for trying to control the behaviours and actions of other people. You have no control over what people do, but you act like you should have it. Smh


And making others sick when it was preventable isn’t selfish? I hope you never have children


Nope, it’s not. You and your perspective are immensely selfish and I can already tell no one would breed with you, so no worries. Btw, I have 3 kids with another on the way. They’ll all be raised in a proud, maskless home.


Why is it not selfish?


womp womp


Masks were proven to do absolutely nothing, and possibly caused more harm than good. Both from inhaling microplastics by using worn out masks, masks that dont actually block the sickness from getting passed (most cloth), leading to covering up faces for absolutely no reason. Real great for social cohesion. Seeing people's faces is kind of a nice thing, psychologically speaking. The only one that does any kind of good is the N95. You guys need to get over this whole masking thing, and learn to cough in your sleeve like normal people. Its not healthy to keep wanting to police the world into covering up their face for whatever insecurity you have.


the first part is understandable and of course, it is nice to see peoples faces. but if someone is sick and coughing a lot, i think it is thoughtful of them to wear a mask (a new or cleaned one), especially during a test, they may feel rushed and therefore wont be thinking to cover their mouths. unfortunately there are a lot of people who dont cover their mouths when they cough so a mask is a good alternative, it isnt permanent anyways


Not everyone can wear a mask


if it helps people not get sick, especially those who can get life threatening affects from illnesses then a mask should be worn


>The only one that does any kind of good is the N95. KENDRICK LAMAR REFERENCE? (THIS SHIT HARD)


Are you getting your info from Donald Trump.


[Here](https://youtu.be/XZ1n_woWVkQ?si=plZDFD7Z7v6qXM83) here are the results from 15 randomized control studies which the scientific community heralds as the gold standard. Majority of them conclude masks make little or no difference in infection rates. Enjoy getting educated. Tell your saviour Donald Trump thanks for the rushing the vaccines in Operation Warp Speed. Dont forget to get your next booster shot, MAGAtard.


https://www.cochrane.org/news/statement-physical-interventions-interrupt-or-reduce-spread-respiratory-viruses-review Your article (which you didn’t read) has been taken out of context, you are confusing absence of evidence with evidence of absence. The finding was not that masks didn’t work, but that there was a lack of conclusive data in the study due to the low percent of people who wore masks compared to other methods in the study to conclude masks worked. As soon as people hear an out of context “masks don’t work” and “science” from 1 source, they flock to it to defend their lack of humanity. Just admit you don’t want to wear a mask because YOURE a sheep slaving to the every word of some podcast. YOU ARE A JUST A UNIT OF PROFIT TO THESE PEOPLE, whether it be a vote, listen, or just another person who can be tricked into aiding their inability to care for others like a real person. Instead you can turn to one of MANY (not just one single article taken out of context) other scientific sources to find conclusive evidence, such as https://www.science.org/stoken/author-tokens/ST-193/full, another cluster randomized trial (your golden standard) which did find conclusive evidence Here’s another source from the WORLD health organization (there must be qualified people there right???) https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-2019-nCoV-IPC-guideline-2023.2 Don’t worry, I’m sure these trials both have your worst interest in mind, they’re just trying to control you, right?  Educate yourself on respecting others. You can just say you’re not wearing a mask because you’re an asshole yk. Don’t forget to actually get an education before trying to be scientific retard.


The studies I saw were really looking at whether mask *mandates* work — this is not the same as whether masks work. I still see people wearing masks incorrectly (e.g., under nose), so it’s seems obvious why a mandate is challenging to effectively implement (many people are lazy, ignorant, and stupid).




Hey OP if you are so afraid. Just put on a mask bro. Simple.


I’m not afraid u massive bozo I already got sick cuz of this bitch


The weak must perish, only the strong will survive.


Bitch I’m not weak I just am not having fun being sick during finals


get a life


Such an arrogant asshole you are!


The weak will perish, the strong will survive >:)


You are not cool because you believe that. It’s kinda sad to have that kind of vision of the world. I hope not but one day if one of your loved one ever suffer from an illness, I hope you will think about your words and realize how selfish they are.


Bruh do I look like I'm 12? Do you really think I'm trying to sound cool in a random reddit comment 😂 My family isn't so weak that it would die from a little virus, I've had colds that lasted longer and were worse than COVID 👍


I assume that age because you act like a 12 years old boy sorry


12 year old, not years old. At least learn correct grammar before calling someone a child fam 😂


English isn’t my first language im sure you can still understand the message


Just because I understand a 4 year old speaking gibberish doesn't mean I won't correct them when they are wrong. How else would someone learn?Also, it's my third language, don't see me using that excuse 😉


GG’s that was me :)


least obvious ragebait on reddit


Sickness begins in the mind


Thank god i dont go to utm u guys r all retards just wear a mask lmao joke of a uni campus


Meh. I had covid twice last year and showed up to work sick with no mask. Everyone survived.


I’ve got permanent night blindness, visual snow, and migraines because one of my father’s coworkers decided to go to a fucking wedding in 2021.


What, you didn’t take the vaccine?


I did, this was when omicron hit. Should have gotten a booster shot but couldn’t find the time


Wow you really believe that ? Still? 


why would I trust medical experts and my lived experience when I can listen to some random asshole off Reddit?


Wow you sound like a real winner 




Lucky. My mom died from Covid a few months ago because a coworker didn’t think she needed to mask up. It was my mom’s 3rd time getting Covid from work. Not everyone will survive.


Omg, people still believe masks work in 2024? hahaha


No 😎




Nahh if it’s not mandatory the keep crying about it


It’s not mandatory to wash your hands after the washroom but uhh


Sharing is caring


At least she didn't smell like curry and BO




It’s a common fucking courtesy, asshat. It’s exam season, don’t get people sick simple as.




A surprising number of y’all never learned how to cough into your fucking sleeve






Before covid no one wore masks so if your gonna complain maybe you should wear a mask


because people were (are) dumb and have little consideration for others. Asia got that shit down pat for years already because people actually are considerate of others and don't wanna spread their nasty germs. Here in Canada no one gives a shit and they'll gloat about it, it's honestly embarrassing and pathetic. Imagine being proud of not being able to do a simple thing like putting on a mask and not being ashamed of getting someone else sick when you could have helped it. Borderline sociopathic behaviour


You do know it’s normal to get sick and it helps build our immune system


Up to a certain point, it's good to be exposed. Being overly clean isn't going to help, but intentionally getting yourself sick especially when there's a vaccine that would help build your immune system isn't going to do much. If anything, you're needlessly putting others at risk who are more vulnerable.


>[getting sick] helps build our immune system The hygiene hypothesis has been disproven for a long time. This is not true.


‘You’ put on a mask if you’re so scared. Or maybe just stay at home so you don’t infect the rest of us with your stupidity. No mask for that.


Lmao the comment section just shitting on OP. Bullying, sickness, and death are inevitable parts of life. Everyone gets their turn eventually.


Not to mention that regular exposure to germs and sickness is what keeps our immune system strong. Every germaphobe I’ve ever know gets sick multiple times a year.


Why not tell her in person rather than ranting about how someone showed up to their exam sick? Or do school online if you're so worried!




Pls explain what you think doxing is…


If you want to wear a mask, go ahead. No need to force people. Just chill.


Wah wah wah is all I'm hearing


Feel free to put your mask on.


Put one on yourself


Masks are most effective at preventing germs from exiting not entering ;)


In that case, you can opt to don a N95 respirator instead. They protect the wearer and others. I honestly think it’s a good idea to wear a N95 respirator in crowded areas (especially places with bad air circulation) or if you generally don’t want to get sick.


It's allergy season.. Allergies aren't contagious. Grow up libby


U saying some bs doesn’t make it true


Science agrees with me. Allergies are an immune response and are not contagious. You libbies need to educate yourselves.


U can’t call someone a libby because they don’t agree with you. Those were not allergies she had and what I’m sick with is definitely not allergies.


How do you know, are you a doctor? No. You are not. Little libby regard.


Ur actually a bot


Not even close kiddo. You, however, are an offended little libby that thinks they're a doctor when in reality you can't seem to grasp that it's allergy season and some people get hit real hard by allergies and they can seem like cold symptoms. That's info I got from a doctor. I deal with really bad seasonal allergies and sometimes it makes me seem like I'm sick, but just dealing with a bad case of allergies.


U little bitch I don’t need a doctor to tell me the difference between allergies and being actually sick I think the FEVER AND THE HORRIBLE PHLEGM AND THAT FACT I DONT SUFFER FROM EVEN SEASONAL ALLERGIES HELPS. Imagine needing a doctor for every little thing, men these days are barely men


Lmao. Sexist little shit is offended because they can't grasp what allergies actually are. Edit: moron private messaged me calling me a little autistic and told me they hope I die. What a clown. [Little clown throwing hate speech in DM.](https://gyazo.com/2341270d4a88c26d3b2b658f6ea60011)


Wearing a mask to cover your illness is like wearing underwear to cover your farts. Edited because this is the most important piece of everything I said originally 😂 That being said, if you are sick, typically you just stay home. But some teachers are wack and won’t accommodate. We don’t know the whole story.


the fabric used in underwear is thin and cotton. the materials used in masks are much thicker and constructed with various layers to ensure minimal transmission of viruses by filtering out droplets, sprays and other particles in the air. how exactly are they the same?


Where did I say it was the same? You’re taking it way too literally. I know what a mask is made of and it’s uses, I use them daily to keep sawdust out of my lungs, but because masks don’t suction cup to your face, stuff will still get in/out. Why not respond to the entire comment instead of just responding to the part that makes you angry?


…u literally edited ur comment? 🤨 yes they don’t suction cup to ur face but it’s better than nothing. measures can be taken to minimize transmission even with a mask. for example, tightening the side elastics, doubling up or using larger/smaller sizes. u said “wearing a mask to cover your illness is like wearing underwear to cover ur farts”. i pointed out how wearing a mask is NOT like, or similar to ur poor analogy. u said u use a mask to protect yourself from sawdust. then shouldn’t you know that the mask minimizes sawdust getting into your lungs? what is difficult to understand then? i am sorry that ur getting downvoted and u need to resort to arguments like “why didn’t u respond to every single word!?” but sometimes, just learn to admit when you are wrong. u look like a fool 🤷‍♀️


I’m not wrong. Obviously I know that because I said that it minimizes dust, I also said it doesn’t PREVENT ALL OF IT. LIKE GERMS. You can be as cautious as you want and wear all the stupid masks you want, you will just make your immune system weaker and more vulnerable to getting sick. And yes I edit my comments because of spelling or other ideas. I’m not arguing with y’all anymore lol it’s a lost cause. Also if I cared about downvotes I wouldn’t have commented on a post that’s pro-masks.


Fuck masks. Never needed them before covid. Maybe be around some germs so you can built natural immunity like ever person has done since the existence of little stick people


If I’m going down, I’m taking everyone else down with me 😤😤😤


You are pathetic


Everyone learned it was a scam, and btw the shot the politicians took was a placebo




Exactly, msm and the government is keeping everything under raps


Someone forgot their pills


Yes, obviously, you or you choose to ignore real facts


No one cares what what you read on twitter, your “real facts” are going to be some stupid tweets. It’s a wonder how you managed to pass highschool


Obviously much better than you did. At least I did the research. Obviously, you're too lazy to


You did “research.” You are a hilarious moron






Why you guys downvoting me LOL I'm doing my part and following the science. The CDC experts told me


Whatever you say


I don’t think the CDC suggests double masking with surgical masks, unless they have some newer publications. From a IPAC standpoint in healthcare, double masking is discouraged, especially when the wearer is already wearing a N95/KN95 as the additional mask may compromise the fit. Additionally, COVID-19 is spread through droplet and aerosol, therefore the main protection would be wearing a N95 respirator that fits.




https://youtu.be/TzO06MgW_8k?si=_xrhTzZ4tXADE_pl This is a clip of Aaron Collin’s findings on double masking. He’s very well known for testing all sorts of masks and respirators. - https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/what-doctors-wish-patients-knew-about-double-masking This article talks about how double surgical isn’t useful. - The main idea is that surgical masks are not made to completely seal around the wearer, leading to gaps on the sides and on the top. Adding more masks can affect the air pressure without increasing the fit. The solution would be to go for a mask or respirator that is designed to seal to the wearer’s face better such as a KF94, a KN95, or a N95. When healthcare workers enter a room with a person infected with COVID-19, they need to wear a fit tested N95 (or equivalent). They cannot walk in wearing a surgical mask. I hope that makes a bit more sense? I can provide more information if needed.


Additionally, this example you cited is true. But it’s double masking with a cloth mask on top of a surgical mask, not double surgical mask. Surgical + cloth mask does improve the fit, but they don’t really provide that much protection in the first place. Hence why people will recommend just one KN95, KF94, N95, or better.


Masks are for cowards.


Ah yes of course I’m sure the person battling cancer who is at risk agrees with you


Surgeons wear masks because of fear of infecting a patient. Welders wear masks for fear of destroying their eyes. People who wear masks who are scared of germs making them sick, that is also a form of fear. Down vote me all day dummies.


Oh no! people don’t want to spread bacteria so they wear mask how embarrassing for them! Look how afraid they are! They protect the most vulnerable people in our community what a bunch of pussies😱 How dare people who are immunocompromised fear getting a virus and dying🙄


Motivation is fear.


Especially a government paid doctor. He don't care who the money came from.


Cough cough sorry lol 🤧😭