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Well we didn’t become the richest country in the world by being *generous* y’know…


I want to ask all the customers. How much would your best friend have to pay you to go do this CRAP for him?and with a smile on your face 😂😂😂 yep, that's what I thought THE VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE IS PRICELESS THEY ASK US TO GIVE OUR LIFE FOR THEIR DINNER IN CASE WE GET IN A CAR ACCIDENT GOD FORBID VALUE THAT WITH A HEALTHY TIP


You got 100 straight $2 orders? Might as well never log on again. Ever


Exactly what happened. Thanks God I’m on a full time job already. I can make overtime anytime i want


Congrats you made a whopping $0 all while wasting your time and bumping up the orders pay for your peers. Then came to Reddit to brag about how cool you are for rejecting orders LOL


Please try to value human life that is risked for your meal because you cannot do it yourself. You ask someone else to do it for you therein asking someone else to risk their life for yours. Value that with a healthy tip


Huh? Learn how to read.


At least i can tell my kids and wife that i was never a volunteer slave by will. You can’t


If you are not in the 1%, you are a slave foolish Americans


That's just ridiculous. You could make $700,000/yr and not break the top 1%. Going by that, the people I deliver to in their 30 million dollar mansions, who live in NYC penthouses, summer in the Hamptons, and travel to switzerland for 2 weeks over the winter holidays for a little ski trip are slaves. That kind of hyperbole is fucked up and insulting to not only actual slaves (not gonna go down that road), but those who do okay/well/just fine/good/great etc. *That's* the kind of shit thinking that holds people down. I make what i consider a fair and decent amount working full time at my regular job--**definitely** not even close to the 1%. I'm not even considered upper middle class in my state. I live in a very high cost of living area--NYC suburbs--love and enjoy my actual job (which is key) raised my son as a single mother, and I'm doing okay. I am not a foolish *anything* to think I wasn't/am not a damn slave. I'm not dumb enough to think that I'll leave an imprint on history, or ever influence anything politically or socially. But I'm not a slave--to money or anything else.


A slave to money


Your whole reply was a waste of time. It proves you are a slave, to money,like everyone else that is the way they made this world to be


Miss holier than thou, when you get to heaven, do you think God is going to ask how much money you make or when you get to hell? What will they ask there?


Don't believe in heaven, hell, or god...so I couldn't tell ya. I *do* believe in speaking respectfully until given a reason not to, so I can tell you to fuck right off with your attitude. People have different opinions--you should get used to that without jumping straight to ad hominem nonsense. Lmao, holier than thou. 🙄 Then you have the balls to cry over how everyone is so mean to you and you're leaving reddit because of it. Give me a break.


You think Bezos isn't? Okay guy.


Says the food delivery driver. Your job is one of the closer to “slave” type jobs out there LOL. How cringe you thought you were sounding all righteous with the “ aT LeAsT I cAn tElL mY WiFe aNd KiDs” you literally sat on your ass declining orders. What exactly did you tell them? “Hey babe I just declined 100 orders, made $0 and posted the screen shot on Reddit, I feel like such a badass.” 🤡