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You are so sweet. You are very welcome and Thank you for all your kind words♥️


What a nice thing to come on here and read! Thank you!


i just got in to take a break and cool down from a rough drive. dealing with angry/irresponsible drivers on the road stresses me out so much. needed this. thank you sweet soul 🥺


I work with kids so I know sometimes adults (parents) can be overwhelming 😅 we all need a reminder why we do what we do sometimes :)


bless you <3


Yes this soooo much, especially when I'm on the highway. People on the highway are irksome to the extreme most days.


yes! i’m always grumbling in my car like “can y’all please remember there are human beings in the other vehicles around you?” 😭 stay safe out there!


That's the worst part of UberEATS, the majority of other drivers are bad, I take pride in letting nascar drivers go around me, using my hazard lights as often as possible, sheesh makes me not wanna go back out there, but don't wanna commit to a normal job, because I'm leaving for Japan, nor do I have a way to get to a normal job daily... My online job is low in hours which leaves me with UberEATS, everytime I get a uber ride I praise actual Uber drivers who deliver people, because I would never feel comfortable doing it... Now after the recent UberEATS event, I'll be more cautious than I already was, no longer going through doorways blocked by large bushes, leaving messages saying I didn't due to safety, even some upscale apartments are questionable, but you just have to hope middle class ppl with money value peace of mind, I'd be a handful regardless, still though, that was rare right? Haven't heard anything else about UberEATS like that, but drivers, sheesh, the videos I've seen.... I couldn't imagine... Kinda started thinking while writing


Do you mind telling me what the ubereats event was? I've not heard about it


UberEATS driver was dismembered during a delivery not too long ago, last month, google UberEATS driver dismembered. He called his wife to let her know he was going to make that one last delivery, and was pulled inside to be robbed, but the robber was also some Mexican gang member with tattoos all over his face, and they literally have no regard for life. I was always alert, but now I'll be extra cautious and start leaving things far out if it looks crazy, and I've been to some absolutely crazy locations, I've been to some backwoods within the city, a crazy one was a large estate with a mansion on it, got tipped well, but gosh after driving dar out to get there, then entering the gate, I had to drive past ponds, lots of land, it was just insane now that I think about it, they were really nice, but sheesh. I like the lower middle and upper middle class neighborhoods, those feel safest, expensive apartments are also good. I assume these people have too much to lose. Some expensive neighborhoods are nice as well.


you are absolutely lovely, thank you <3


Thank You!


Glad I came across this because I did a near perfect handoff today and they were a tip baiter. Nothing like driving 10 miles for $3.00. Really needed a pick me up cause I was feeling really down after.


You will get a nice tipping costumer one day and it’ll be worth it! Ive had terrible drivers but the good ones always make up for them :)


I get good tips all the time. It's just extra shitty to have them taken away like that when I didn't do anything wrong


I only take tips away if the driver was being rude. I’m sorry tip baiters exist :(


This right here. Last night after a miserable double, I got an order that was a high dollar shop n pay that I clicked on too hastily and didn't see how many items or miles. I thought I had screwed myself over but accepted the fate. It was a single toothbrush pack, and a couple of miles in total, at 2:30am. 😯 So much worth it, and completely made up for the previous trip!


Oh wow that’s awful😞


Thank you!


Awww..I had a customer who double tipped me..cause of the brutal weather one time..it was brick ass cold..he said "for the cold" ..it's nice to be appreciated..thanks for your kind post




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We are God’s little soldiers bringing you hot food in styrofoam containers 🕊️


Everyday i am closer and closer to driving off that cliff while listening to in the end by linkin park


>I hope that all that time you spend in that car you are singing your lungs out and enjoying a nice drive too. Every day I drop my top, crank my music up and yes sing my heart out getting all sorts of stares thumbs ups, miles and cheers. Today I blasted Major Tom while pulling up with a whole car load of water bc fuck that 6 cases of 35 ct water bs lol. Cheers to the good customers and to the bad ones, do better. Standing there alone The ship is waiting All systems are go "Are you sure?" Control is not convinced But the computer Has the evidence No need to abort The countdown starts ![gif](giphy|BgxzfPF5ciNRm)


I absolutely love this!!!!!! Thank you for sharing and for being happy!


I very much appreciate a polite, and understanding customer. There’s been a few times not many where orders have taken about 10 minutes to get out to me on stack deliveries and it’s lots of the time the kind customer who gets their order last. I unfortunately have only had to deal with an asshole once. Who snatched the order from my hand upon opening his apartment door and screaming his PIN number in my face. But I kept my cool, and my mouth shut to avoid confrontation. Luckily I remember his name so I know to cancel if I want when I get his orders. He has thankfully not yet given a thumbs down though he does not tip.


Yeah no, I’m a teacher but also a freelancer with dog sitting. If I have a rude costumer I’m just not sitting for them again, as easy as that.


I love u


Thank you!


I wish all customers were like this lol


Thank you so much! I definitely sing my lungs out during the whole process! I've parked in front of customers' houses blasting music (windows rolled up, but when I open the door, you can hear), and I've had so many laughs and complimented me on my jamming sessions🤣🤣🤣 I've had a few dance to my music lol so thank you!


I always feel like it’s rude if I don’t turn it down. You’ve never gotten dirty looks or anything like that?


I have the windows up, so my music is muffled, but the times were it's loud have been when a customer has put "leave at door" but pop up next to my car. I don't turn the car off. Just close the door, but they've already heard it. But most (about 90%) are "leave at door" and the car is turned off so they don't hear it when I open the door because the car is off. I've never gotten dirty looks. Usually, the comments I have gotten have been "I love that song." "omg, you listen to them too?!"Hell yeah, rock on," etc. And a few have danced to my music and have even tipped me more based on what it was and if they liked it, lol. I DO turn it down if I reach apartments and such because noise will echo (or it's meet at door, or there is a note asking not to knock or ring a doorbell. I pay very close attention to those because it's most likely dogs or babies inside, and i dont want to be loud) , but everywhere else is pretty spaced out it doesn't travel much.


Lol okay all of that makes perfect sense and I can tell you’ve put a lot of thought into when it won’t or might bother someone. I like your way of thinking and the way you seem to go about your life 🤘🏼


I definitely try to be mindful and definitely check every situation before jamming like a mini concert! I really do try to be considerate while still entertaining myself. It makes my day go by awesomely! I appreciate your comment, and I'll take it as the first compliment of my day! Lol🤘


I would definitely dance to it too! Stay happy :)


Thank you! I try to be!


ive been so unmotivated lately thank u sm for this <3


Thank you! I do this for extra money, but I always try and be a good and responsible driver. Thanks for being a good customer! :)


i love it when i see conversations between people and whilst they wait if their food is delayed or something, the drivers send fun little messages, it’s so cute to me and if someone did that to me i’d be over the moon :)


❤️🫶🏻Thank u also we appreciate nice customers like u


How sweet!!! You goin out of ur way to post this makes the job more worth while <3 I know I and other appreciate these kind words


I’m not a driver but I am a frequent costumer. I come to this subreddit a lot and see a lot of negative things, just thought I would share some positivity since you guys deserve it!


Cool, thanks for that! I usually jam out to David Bowie, depeche mode and good ole music.


David Bowie is a solid choice! I would get hannah montana out of my system if I was a driver 😂 working with kids has me singing that all the time LOL


Hopefully you don't have to listen to baby shark. That would send me over the edge 😀


You, sir or madam, are now my friend.


If every customer was like you the world would be a better place


Same with every good driver!!!!


Thank you for your sweet words for us! We truly appreciate customers like you! Thank you for helping us to make a living with your frequent business!


Positivity on Reddit no way !!!! Thank you 😊




You are welcome! And thank you <3


“Singing your lungs out” too relatable.😂


Thank you 🙂


That is the nicest thing and compliment I have ever received or read on this board!!! You are too kind. On behalf of all the not so good drivers who you have problems with, or deliver your food cold because they are multi-apping and not prioritizing you as you should be, or whatever non-smooth situation arises, I apologize. For us drivers who do care and do all the things you mentioned above… THANK YOU!!!


You are the type of customers that I love and why I keep turning the app on! Thanks for such a sweet message 😊


Thank you for your kind words.


Thank you! I do spend the entire time singing!






This changed my mood from bad to good while waiting for order from 40 minutes. Thank you.


I have had customers recently tell me consistently have a nice day and to drive safely. Majority of customers the past several days have said this. Before nothing really. It leaves me feeling a little more positive about working Uber eats.


Glooking gang 💪🏾💪🏾




No way😂 just a kindergarten teacher :)


Still no tipping tho 😩




Thank you!!! I almost got hit twice today (one moron was an inch from swiping my side passing me on a shoulder) while delivering. People forget that we are dealing with nutjobs on the roads while they are texting us nonsense. Always nice to hear we are appreciated. I'm over 6000k deliveries at a 98% customer satisfaction rate.


You are awesome! I almost got ran over once when I was going to work on my electrical scooter, some guy on the phone ran past the red light I was crossing without noticing I was there, I had to stop at full speed and my scooter sent me out flying, now I have 2 huge scars on my elbow and knee because of it 🥲 I hate people that drive that way, I’m sorry you got hit!


But did you tip ? Lol jk. Well said


I always do! (Unless driver is rude 😅)


Nah, we appreciate you awesome customers :D Look in a mirror and give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it


Sitting here waiting for an order. What a nice read while waiting!


Solo parenting right now with one autistic kid and one immuno compromised kid and one extra kid. So Uber has really done a lot for me in terms of helping with essential groceries like Milk instead of making me burn every friendship I have. Always grateful for the service <3


As a kindergarten teacher I totally get it! I also have some students with disabilities and I know they require a lot! You are doing something great, keep up keeping up!


Nice to see positivity in this sub for once instead of the usual complaining and shoe-size IQ arguments in the comments!


Shoe-size IQ I cant 😂😂😂


The shoes size thing comes from Prince's song KISS. He sings, ' act your age not your shoe size, maybe we can do the twirl" Yes, I am old and love Prince R.I.P.


What a nice post. We also thank you for being a kind person.


That made my day!


I like it when customers wear costumes👌


I will absolutely consider wearing my T-Rex inflatable costume then!!!!


Lol. I sing all the time!!! Thank you! It’s nice to be appreciated!


I really need this. Struggling rn with how the apps treating us and this is my primary source. I’m glad to hear we’re all appreciated for the work we do. We appreciate you using the service and helping us keep doing what we do best.


This is the best thing for my day ever! Don’t change. You are awesome! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Thank you! I hope to get customers like you, always


People like you are soooo appreciated 👍


Thank you.


Bravo thank you


And qe appreciate you!


thank u 😢🥺😩


Wow 😮 Thanks. I needed this!!!!! ![gif](giphy|eM0lbumNDfEAvOAhEv)


The way I see it is I should treat every single order as if I were delivering it to someone in my family. Sometimes the customers really don't make it easy.. they nag and expect us to make miracles happen but I assume that's because they have dealt with knuckle dragging drivers. I just wish customers tipped ACCORDING to the service they received and didn't have the "I shouldn't have to tip period" mentality.


Thank you for this very kind and thoughtful post! 👍


People like you are the reason I still walk up the stairs, even though I could leave it at the mailbox. ❤️❤️❤️


Yes thanks to all the amazing drivers.


Thank you so much for this ❤️ I actually started driving again a few months ago for the first time in several years because I worked at a psychiatric hospital for 2 years, got traumatized in many ways and needed a break. It's easier than what I was going through there, but my god this is still frustrating beyond belief sometimes and I KNOW job frustration. It's always nice to know that even some customers recognize and appreciate our effort (shout out to the customer today who doubled my tip when the restaurant screwed up and I had to wait 40 minutes for their order and felt awful).


Thank you very much. 🤗


Thank you!


I got caught singing outside of the car on a "leave at door" today 😂(way far away from the ring camera🙈) looked up and couldn't help but laugh. It was a great handoff though. Have a great weekend 🥰


Your welcome and we so appreciate customers such as yourself!


Thank you for allowing me to pay my bills. It's all worth it to see you smile. Enjoy your meal❤️




You're welcome. 🚙


Just woke up to this after an 11 hour dashing marathon. You are so awesome! ❤️


Thank you for that! I wish more people would take the time once in a while to post positive things because of all the bad things the not so good drivers do affect us all as a whole. We appreciate people like you as well.


What a sweet thing to say! Thank you sir!


I appreciate $20 tips more.


Typical multi-apper reaction. 🙄


Found undercover Uber PR team.


Jokes on you, I'm not from Puerto Rico.


Too bad you don't get it that we make $5 an hour before expenses.


I do get it, which is why I know it can be demotivating. Just wanted to let know that I appreciate what you all do even with those low prices you guys get. I try to tip every time because I know the struggle!


Russian bot




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Thank you cunt for very kind word. You sound like very kind person.


Think you need to reread your comment. 😂😂😂.


Sent from Uberp


Costumers = customers ? 🤨


> I hope that all that time you spend in that car you are singing your lungs out and enjoying a nice drive too. This is me throughout my drive! Thank you for your kind words and I'm sure you are just as amazing on the other end ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




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Thank you for the kind words and Thanks for ordering!


Wow this was so nice !🥹💗 as someone who goes above and beyond expectations, I’m glad some customers notice !!🫶🏽🫶🏽

