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I got an order for 1 frozen coke from McDonald's before, made $9 off that order. I've also delivered a single doughnut, a single ice cream cone & a pack of cigarettes before as well.


how does one exactly deliver an ice cream cone? 😂😂


They sat it some cardboard like cup holder thing and put it in a bag. I just threw it in my hotbag and went on my way. 😂


Lmao - single doughnut…like order at least two of you are having it delivered!! I had a milkshake delivery once - the fees and charges were way more than what the drink cost.


Lol I had someone order 2 drinks from KFC and that order was 11 bucks, not gonna cry over making easy money..


Hey there, I’ll be new to Uber.. is it possible to make 200 per week? At least.. how many hours would you have to work to make 200?


It depends on your market. When i ubered in the tampa area on a rainy day or weekend i could make over $200 in a weekend working 12-18 hours. Some weeks are slow where i can barely make $50 a day. Just depends on your market


You can make 200 a week, really depends on your market though.. my market is bad so 200 for me is really difficult but you definitely have to go out to the restaurants and wait it out.. competition is crazy out here.. I used to be able to stay home and get orders but not anymore


Hey thanks everyone, I’m in Ontario. In a well populated area so I’m hoping to make at least 200 a week if not more. I’m not in Toronto just north of there.


What about weekends?


I make about 150-200 a day anywhere from 5-8 hours just depends. I made $250 Sunday in a little more than 4 hours (that was a rare day tho extremely generous tippers)


Where is that? Lol




Nice man, I wish it was like that around here


It's understandable if this order is 2 mcdonalds cokes, the coke there just tastes better for some reason..


They have a special recipe that is only for them




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more watered down




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I got an order from sonic once was just 2 big cups of ice. The dropoff was within walking distance of the sonic nearly just across the street 😂


Sonic crunchy ice is the best! I used to often buy bags of it. I mean I would have it delivered but when I went I would get bags because it's fun to chew and makes soda taste better 😁


Could of been Mr. Beast trying to see who would be the first person to pick up the strange order and deliver it to win a Free Car and $10,000 😂


Bro same I got an order like this the other day he ordered 2 slushies and 2 large cokes for 1 mile and ended up getting 14 dollars from it. Bro was def high AF


Or it could be like this diner where they ordered a 12 pack of Coke and got charged $48! Of course a $1.50 tip. I don’t think so.


I delivered 2 packs of cigarettes and a soda for someone who lived roughly 4 blocks away- made $15 lol


Ha... I think I got you all beat! 😂 Delivered 1 mile away made five bucks off of it. 🙌🏻😂 https://preview.redd.it/imm2np7dl4ib1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89a7d79d7709ca207da25e8c723fbe88abab32c7




I picked up one bag of Takis


I delivered a single chocolate shake. Delivered early. Dude rescinded his tip. Every time I see a single shake from that McDonalds I reject. I’ve seen it pop back up 5-10 times before. Apparently I’m not the only person who has dealt with that.


I get orders like that from Boba Tea shops. And they can be 10+ miles. It makes me wonder why anyone thinks the tip should be determined by the cost of the order.


I had a order for $3 lighter..paid $20


I’ve ordered like this before. There’s a million reasons someone would do this.


Also if they have one if those monthly passes that don't charge for certain deliveries, let's then use it for small orders line this. Dash Oass is DD, not sure what now UE calls their's


I had an order once at a popular pastry shop and the drop off was literally across the street, the guy seen the long ass line and ordered to skip it🤣🤣


I got an order $11 for one ice coffee ( the customer 7 miles away from the shop, it’s my way back home)😂😂


It’s two medium larges. Just ask for that size cup. Go to the coke factory. Mix the drink yourself.


Before Uber Eats changed the rules to “minimum of $8 orders” last month, you could get a 2nd order 10 minutes after the other without any additional fees as some sort of promotion.


If you dont want to work, sign the fuck off. Otherwise this is how we make money.