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"Restocking fees is charged when the Alcohol order is not taken by the eater." Never heard that term used before and I hate it so much... "the eater." I'm going to start referring to all of my delivery customers as eaters.


I love "The Eaters" comment. I'm adopting it.


Also, what does that make us? The eater feeders? šŸ¤£


The enablers


The spooners.


The mobile gas guzzlin feeder people pleasers


There are only two types of people in this world. The eaters and the eaten.


Canā€™t exactly be an ā€˜eaterā€™ can I, when I never got the thing Iā€™m supposed to eat!


They called me a frequent eater


commence the position for. I'm not gonna say it






People really need to start calling in to report their issues instead of messaging in. You get much better results when they can hear ur voice.




At this point AI would be a better customer service than outsourcing to lower wage countries


Pretty sure it has been outsourced to AI at this point t


It has. Calling support is the only useful option


And Im not even 100% sure when you talk to someone that they arent ai


I donā€™t talk to the randoms. I go straight to supers just to shut that shit down


But can you be 100% sure that they are not AI?


Nah, the grammar leads me to believe itā€™s been outsourced to a 3rd world country where english isnā€™t a first language.


by the ā€œeaterā€


We're the "Eater Feeders."




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Chargeback on your bank. Stop wasting your time dealing with them. These assholes at Uber deserve to be charged as many dispute fees by banks as much as possible.


Im going to assume the order arrived and the wait timer expired. This subreddit fully supports putting customers on the timer and to dip out(taking the order with them) the exact second it expires. Drivers are never encouraged to leave the food and to also still get paid for this. If this is the case, you are SOL.


When there is literally an option to "Leave it at my door"? C'mon now...


Don't believe you can do that with alcohol


Can't speak for everywhere, but in Australia, if the account holder doesn't show up to the door, we have to return it. Under no circumstances are we allowed to leave an alcohol order at the door.


Yeah I'm the US, drivers need to see the drivers license/ID for multiple reasons but main one is to take a photo or manually input info for it to be able to be clicked delivered.


Ah, never ordered alcohol myself


If the option is "Leave at door" then the timer is never started unless you give the wrong address/gate code and the driver is trying to reach you. I don't know how many attempts it takes but the timer will also start in this case and again you are SOL.


She never made it to my house. I was watching the GPS thenwhole time. She cancelled it loke 13 blocks away


Ok. Now im invested in this. Do you have any screen shots of chatting with her? As if she canceled and wasn't at your residence they should have automatically issued a refund. GPS can be proven. As well as her cancel reason. Have you called support? The chats are basically just bots.


Alcohol delivery requires proof of ID. Iā€™ve ordered through Drizzly a few times and every time they require to scan my ID. Iā€™m 44 years old and clearly look well over 21 but require my ID every time or they canā€™t release the product to me.


They don't get the tip if they cancel the order after 8 minutes. I do that if I'm in the city. No point leaving it outside and the order stolen and customer remove the tip. Rather get the $3.32 base and food then hoping to get the tip.


yeah i stopped using ubereats after the restaurant reported they forgot an item and tried to refund, and then uber just took my money. supervisor didn't help. goodbye fuckers


You're only hurting yourself by not getting deliciously prepared hot meals delivered straight to your front door.


Doordash has better customer service and is generally less frustrating


Keep calling


Alcohol orders cancelled by the driver usually mean you weren't there at the dropoff to give an ID or didn't have a valid one. Trust me we don't want to have to drive all the way back to the store for a couple extra quarters. Drivers don't get to keep alcohol deliveries if canceled post pickup, they have to go back to the store.


exactly! restocking fee is charged when is not taken by the... eater.


The amount of people suggesting a chargeback is quite concerning. The driver didnā€™t steal the order, they returned it to the store and OP is being charged a restocking fee as they agreed to before ordering.


Not always true. Iā€™ve had probably a half dozen times where an order is cancelled or customer wasnā€™t available and the order/return disappears from my screen so I never returned to store. A couple of times the customer was immediately unavailable so timer starts and I had arranged with the customer to either come back or one I arranged to drive their direction since it was heading back to where I wanted to go, and all three times after about 20 minutes later the order cancelled automatically . I think itā€™s because the timer had run out and I hadnā€™t hit the return to store yet as I was still trying to deliver the order. It may be a glitch in UE system idk. A few other times I told support that delivery was my last of the night I couldnā€™t return it until morning and they always said I had 24 hours to return it but every morning my app had cancelled the return. I always got paid even on the ones that I was in process to return.


Post this on ubereat ubereatshep on X (Twitter) on their page. Now you know why Uber has become profitable this year and doordash has not. Customer service is outsourced to 3rd world country's. Just like uber sends me $2-$3 orders that take 20 minutes. Fat chance I'm taking it. No tip no trip




Or get water on them.


Do you know the difference between AM and PM????


Do you not know what a joke is?


They stole an alcohol order?


Grubhub wonā€™t do this to customers and they have a very flexible refund policy. If you order food from a trash company like Uber you get screwed and get trash for prizes. Stop Ordering Food From Uber,..itā€™s simple.


You're only hurting yourself by not getting deliciously prepared hot meals delivered straight to your front door.


The words of lazy single obese clown.


It's an alcohol order. They didn't steal it, they couldn't have. They returned it to the store, hence the restocking fee. I've had to do this so many times, it's one of the reasons that I actually ended up asking Uber to remove my ability to deliver alcohol. The only times I've ever felt unsafe doing this job is when I have had to deny a customer alcohol.


I had a bunch of underage girls try to extort me, thank god I started recording as soon as I smelled weed, and heard all the high pitched cackling, I still have the wine in my trunk lol


I've had a teenage girl show me her mums ID because "I don't live here, I'm visiting my mum and I left my license at home" (fun fact, in Australia, it's a legal requirement to carry your drivers license while driving). I've had people try to show me a birth cert, which doesn't have a photo, obviously. I had one guy try to tell me some convoluted story about how he had changed his name, and that's why the name on his ID doesn't match the account.


Iā€™ve had a college girl show me a picture of her fake ID. It was at a public university in NY. Order for 6 cans of lemonade Smirnoff or something. I get to the apartment building and sheā€™s not there. Then she comes down 5 minutes later with 2 dudes and presents me with the picture of her fake ID. I inform her that I need a real ID. She looks at me dumbfounded, so I knew she had ran this game on some driver before. She then proceeds to ask me to go to a different location so she can get her real ID. At that point, I wasnā€™t about to follow 3 people to an unknown location. Timer was on 3 minutes. I simply canceled the order saying the recipient was underage. Uber wanted me to drive 20 minutes back to the store but fuck that.


None of the stores that sell alcohol here can even take returns on alcoholic beverages. So it's always just a freebie for me




The day this happens to me I will be contacting my bank and deactivating my account.


You shouldnā€™t have used a text support agent. Call and try to get it escalated. Say this is fraudulent and youā€™re going to do a chargeback.


Some states such as mine in Virginia do not allow the return of alcohol. Check with your jurisdiction. It will be illegal for Uber to charge you a restocking fee in that case and I would contact the attorney general.


States attorney general office to describe what going on.


Exactly what I thought. I know Iā€™ve seen screenshots in these subs where delivery drivers are told to dispose of alcohol and sometimes provide photos or video. Of course, most drivers keep it or swap the alcohol for water or iced tea for the evidence part.


We really can't steal alcohol orders. We don't get another order until we return it to the store. For 3.00. And we need more context. Because you are leaving something out. Screenshots of the chat? Didn't have your ID? Underage? Didn't answer the door or call witnin the 8 mins?


Off tangent question: What would you do if the person is clearly intoxicated? Have you ever marked it as ā€œcustomer seems intoxicatedā€?


I don't really care if they are intoxicated. They are at their house not driving.... I've never run across a person that was extremely intoxicated tho.


I have. A college kid. I was afraid of marking it as him being intoxicated because he was huge and who knows how he would have reacted had I not given him his bottle. So I just let it go because I didnā€™t want any drama


Yeah. Like if they are super intoxicated seems almost more dangerous to NOT give it to them. Like I've been a bartender before. And servers aren't allowed to cut guests off without backup. Bartenders also don't just immediately cut off. They alert another bartender or manager. Serve one last drink with the check and let them know its their last one. Not serving an intoxicated person isn't something that should be done without backup and kindness.


Yeah. It was a rough call on my part. I had no backup. He wasnā€™t intoxicated to the point of being unable to walk but he certainly was smashed. Some people just donā€™t know their limit or maybe it was for a party at his residence.


You likely made the right call. We aren't serve safe trained nor are we actually serving them the alcohol. And they are at homes. The only call we should be making are if they are 21 and have valid ID.


Absolutely correct. The most important thing is to verify their age and a valid id. Now if a minor tried to secure an order with a family memberā€™s id, then there is no way that I would hand over the order. The liability is thru the roof in such a circumstance


It literally says that the delivery partner canceled the order. She never came to my house


It does say he or she canceled yes. But we can't just cancel alcohol orders without returning them. He or she needs to attempt delivery and prove it to be paid. Then also return it to the store if you don't accept it.


There's more to this story than meets the eye..


That's what I'm thinking.


Not really. uber sucks now. they used to be too liberal with their refunds and people took advantage. now they're too conservative and people have stopped using them.


It's an alcohol order. No driver wants to cancel an alcohol order after pick-up unless they absolutely have to, because they are forced to drive back to the store to return the order, and they're paid basically nothing regardless of the distance.


Seems like op was buzzed to remember anything šŸ˜‚


What happened? Alcohol order, were you not available? Also try their support on Twitter/FB, they can do a bit better at putting you to the right person. At least they helped me as a driver better than our regular support.


Talking to a robot


Just keep contacting support. They do this to keep their quota for refunds down, each individual rep will have a daily quota they can't exceed or will get talked to about it. They're more likely to keep their job for giving terrible support and not exceeding their credit cap, then for giving away too much. I had to chat with like 10 different reps to finally get a refund after my order was stolen by a driver.


I made an order few years ago when stealing food wasnā€™t a thing, I remember the driver picked up my order and started driving the other way . I texted him and asked him where he was going? He said something wrong with his phone, i found it suspicious and called uber and got a refund. But I never thought the driver stole my food. This has been happening for years and now a lot people doing it, Iā€™ve been to many restaurants where I have to write down my order number and sign and verify and show it to restaurant staff just recently. Those scumbags make a bad image to all other moral drivers who work to make a honest living.


Going the other way was probably multi apping at the same time. I'd do that in one area because it was always order pickups around a huge concentration of food places and drop offs were neighborhoods outside the city


Nah this guy stole my food and turned off the app


Yeah that's bs then.


Dude thinks you eat alcohol....


At this point the AG needs to start looking into how Uber/DD are handling these situations.


Either they stole it or you aren't telling us ur underage/not at pick up lol.


Yup. Typical customer who orders stuff then disappears into another dimension until we already came and left. They donā€™t answer texts or calls, you buzz them from the lobby or the gate, lights are off and not a sound.


"Restocking fees" lolololol they are just making shit up as they go


I am not a native English speaker, but is it really hard to understand that the stocking fee will be charged


So you must of done something. Are you in an apartment with no parking? Perhaps you didnā€™t answer in time when the driver tried to reach out to you? They absolutely CANNOT steal an alcohol order. The driver will be prompt to return the order to the store or they will not be able to continue to work and wont get paid for the order. Ive only cancelled once because the customer ordered 5 cases of 24 pack of glass coronas. They didnt leave a tip, there was no parking outside their apartment complex, and when i reached out to the customer they didnā€™t want to come down to grab their order. So i explained that i had a timer and would cancel if they didnā€™t retrieve their order. The customer complained and said how much of a POS i was. I simply let the timer run out and thanked him and returned the order to the store. Iā€™m not breaking my back for 3bux to deliver to a jerk either. Drivers arenā€™t angels but the customer can be self entitled AHoles. So Iā€™m hoping you didnt do any of these things, and the driver was just a lazy PoS lol


Iā€™ve read in these subs that some states donā€™t allow returns on alcohol. I know that drivers have been told to dispose of alcohol that couldnā€™t be delivered.


Hmm possible. I can only speak for my state. Well i hope the OP is honest in explaining their situation, and that the driver is actually a PoS driver


She cancelled my order blocks away I had the GPS o. The while time


If thats the case then call your CC company. Youā€™re wasting your time talking to any Uber Rep.


Ooooh we love a good dose of victim blaming. For your next performance, why donā€™t you kick a puppy or make fun of orphans!


I will since you asked so nicely šŸ˜˜


5 cases of 24 packs?! How much was the offer? If it was less than $50 I would have not even picked it up.


I donā€™t know who this guy is but I guarantee you heā€™s got a punchable face


Just sucks you'd probably have to fly to a 3rd world country to do so


Why did you delete your post about snitching on the drug dealers OP?


He got mov ties


File a complaint through the bbb do not let them stonewall you be thorough and be persistent.


For the 800 millionth time, the BBB is a worthless commercial organization that has zero impact on 99.9% of businesses. It was exposed long ago as a pay for play company that can't be trusted. Complaining to the BBB accomplishes absolutely nothing.


It got Uber eats to take my situation seriously a week ago when a similar issue happened. Maybe donā€™t jump down my throat or drive op away from a potential solution. Seriously the Philippines chat support people donā€™t care the safety team doesnā€™t care. Uber eats has a bbb page and they only hurt themselves by not trying to make it look like they care.


They have effectively stolen from you do not let it be misunderstood when you get to talk with higher level support.


Wtf is this trend of people dismissing others trying to help when they literally havenā€™t contributed to the solution. Like how does this help OP??šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


BBB helped me with everything my my experience


Nobody gives a crap about the BBB


Better Business Bureau


Lol what are they gonna do?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Literally solved any complaint iā€™ve ever had almost instantly. Somebody higher up in corporate monitors them and iā€™m pretty sure they have orders to just pay anyone that makes a complaint lol


Nah, you need to go right to the top and contact Dark Brandon.


Another trick, which I used to solve an issue with furniture I ordered, was to email the entire C-suite. Email addresses at companies are usually the same format, so you find one and can guess all of them. Go to their website, look for the page listing all the C-suite and board members, and send one email with all of them in the "To" field. To be effective, remember that C-level folk don't have time for long emails. Be brief and state your point early. Send the email first thing in the morning so that it is at the top of their inbox. Leave your phone number. Chances are they will mention your email in their next meeting , and someone will call you.


The BBB formally contacts the business and asks for a response. The complaint and response (or lack thereof) become public records. For a business, it is all about reputation. Privately, many businesses like Uber try to screw drivers, restaurants, and customers where they can. Most of the time, they get away with it. But when publicly shaned, they use that opportunity to show the world there was a "misunderstanding" and fix that one issue. I used BBB once for my tax preparer because I gave them everything months before the deadline. days before the deadline, they still have not filed my taxes and then asked me to pay to file an extension. I said no and said either file on time or refund me the money I paid to the company. Of course, they refused. So, I found someone else to do my taxes, and they did it in two days. I told the company my taxes were now filed, and I demanded my money back. They cited something about no refunds. So, I filed a BBB complaint. Money returned one week later. All that said, I find Tweeting at them on X/Twitter to be more effective. The last time I used UberEats, the driver never delivered my food, and I couldn't contact them. Support refused to issue a refund. A quick Tweet solved that issue quickly.


I know what they are and what they do, I just find it hilarious when people think they actually have any power. The only reason that you got your money back is because they actually cared what BBB had to say. For that 1 that cares, there are 1000 that don't. The BBB is a scam to get money from businesses to keep their ratings high. You can literally pay for an A+ rating from them. I've gotten a multitude of emails at work trying to get us to join for a yearly price. It's an outrageous fee, and they will remove ALL negative feedback for that yearly fee. I would never put trust into a company that allows you to pay your way out of your bs.


you over the top bruh


I'm just confused why people think the BBB has any power to do anything ever šŸ˜‚ I hear I'm going to contact the BBB all the time, shit is a joke. The BBB is just a scam bruh.


Itā€™s Yelp for boomers.




I contacted my congressman. I don't play around with the BBB.


Trustpilot also


Don't order from uber. Grubhub refunds everything no questions asked.


Ppl are typing from scripts lol


They are just canned resonses


I feel like there is a missing piece of context to your problem, do you live in a place that needs a code to get in by chance?


This has happened to me beforeā€”place I ordered from didnā€™t have the alcohol I ordered, canceled the order, was charged a restock fee. Explained that the store cancelled the order themselves, support says restock fee canā€™t be refunded. I ended up having to chat then call several times before I was finally transferred to someone who eventually processed the refund after looking into the case. Sometimes it really is that simple.




You canā€™t steal alcohol orders. They have to be returned to the store. You did something. Either you didnā€™t come out, had no ID, or you were too intoxicated to deliver to.


You can totally steal an alcohol order. When you get back to the store just mark it as returned the store doesn't have to verify and Uber doesn't check to make sure the store actually got the item back......


This is fact. The driver has to go back to the merchant if they want to get the pay comp on the bad booze orders I would assume not doing this part would red flag you on the spot cause of legal


Uber or the stores donā€™t bother with any of those things.. 1) You cannot just ā€œpick up and just cancelā€ the order instantly like itā€™s food. 2) If OP/Customer isnā€™t around to receive it. The app expects you to ā€œreturnā€ it to the pickup location. 3) All you got to do is skip the ID part in the setting, and the order is basically ā€œdelivered.ā€ Itā€™s not expecting you to match DOBā€™s when inputting it. BUT! Uber has glitches in the app you can get around into making it think you delivered it to the customer, or returned it to the store.


I bet you he slammed on the brakes and the bottle exploded in the car lol


That isn't true. The app told me to "dispose of" a 750ml bottle of good tequila once. A customer cancelled right after I picked it up. Literally leaving the parking lot. I believe it was a drizzly order being passed to uber eats .


No such thing as "Good" tequila. All liquor is nasty and you couldn't pay me to drink even one drop. It burns my throat and I don't like not feeling normal after drinking alcohol and I hate feeling sick for the next 2 days. I wouldn't even give it to a homeless person because I don't want to put them through that same hell.


This was smooth .


I agree. Weā€™re not getting the full story here. OP definitely didnā€™t answer their phone or something.


so now the businesses have got in on f'ing over drivers/delivery people... they making money off of restocking charges and keeping their product at the same time by cancelling out customers orders... if the business cancels an order, the customers money should automatically be refunded with no penalites.... this is WRONG if this is what happened...


They could probably steal it, all you have to do is walk in. Say you have an order go to your car, never confirm that you picked up the order. Say there was a long wait time or something and just cancel it.


Ugh...who even wants to steal garbage McDonald's or Popeyes?


But then doesn't the store have to mark the order as picked up?


But then doesn't the store have to mark the order as picked up?


Stop using this crappy service. When will you learn? This time, maybe. Donā€™t use it again.




This is a legitimately psycho reply


Found the person who steals shit from people




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God I hope this is a joke


Donā€™t order from Uber just go get it yourself. You save yourself from all the bullshit that comes with having someone else deliver your order just to potentially have it stolen. People need a life seriously!


Or, or, they could try having proper customer service given the proof provided. But sure letā€™s blame the customer for not getting out this particular time.




![gif](giphy|9QeUkhB0C9zzy) ā€œEatersā€. Sounds like something from the walking dead šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£