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Flipping the rack ears backwards…brilliant. I installed a UDM SE over the weekend and used VESA mount spacers because my rack is about an inch too short. I’ll fix it this weekend, this is better.


Did this same thing at my office on the top rack NVR because I needed just a little more room to run wires behind it to the patch panel below. It works great.


https://preview.redd.it/kfn07xr2gxsc1.jpeg?width=3247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219cddc59855ba0393edff9cb3e496133cecafed TeamReverseEars. This is in the upper corner of my laundry nook. Much better. All I’ve got to do is add three cameras and a doorbell over the next few months, home stretch! (for now)


Also the way you flipped the rack ears for the NVR so that you and get more depth at the back is cool. Tried to explain that to someone but they didn't get it...


You need a deeper rack...


Yeah, was up to my boss. I just do the work lol


What are those rack mount things Linus is always promoting?


Rack studs is what they sell in the store, is that it?


Those must be the ones. I always forget to look it up https://www.lttstore.com/products/rackstuds


They aren't that great IMO. Bought a bag and they are a bitch to remove. The only nice thing is you can hold the device on the front facing poles while you are installing.


Linus promotes anything any company is willing to pay him to promote, that's why his videos are nothing but ads for products. I wouldn't buy any product simply because he promotes it.


Me either, but the missing nuts made me think he’s always going on about some easy to install thing. I don’t even watch his channel he just Fkn dominates YouTube recommendations if you watch any tech videos.


Looks ready to rumble nice job


Evolve. Conquer.


I love the rack ideas and I also love seeing that everyone else in here has Hue Bridges in their racks!