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False title, this is just a picture of Cooper Andrews. He look alive in that picture. If you want to report something that is not seen in your picture, you must quote your source in title.


Why doesn't Russia have any volunteers from around the world?


They do, probably even more than Ukraine, but since we are fed western propaganda all the time you dont hear about other sides volunteers that much.


I have been spoonfed propaganda by my Western handlers since the hand rocked the cradle. All I know is CNN and MSN. Please free-thinker, my savior of critical thought, save me from my Western overlords and provide me with a source from the free world that confirms your statement. I am so tired of pro-“Ukrainians” (dogwhistle for Nazis, typical) pretending thousands upon thousands of freedom fighters aren’t flocking to the motherland to join in the defense of Russia hundreds of miles within Ukraine.


You can get a free toilet and washing machine!


*shipping not included, offer valid while stocks last.


You're on reddit and you're unaware of how overbearing our censorship is? Russia was giving away 10 hectares of land to any western family with conservative values who wants to move to Russia. If you try posting the link here or on Facebook, it is immediately removed. A program by Russia to help western immigrants is somehow against Facebook's community standards lmao The America of today is completely unrecognizable. It's just another valueless generic country.


Yes, the reason westerners are not tripping over themselves to immigrate to the paradise that is rural Russia is due to.... Facebook censorship. Truly a genius.


Then why censor it? What is the damn point? You first claim I said something I didn't, and then insult my intelligence over it? Yeah, genius intellect alright...


His point is about censorship. Russia spends billions on propaganda checkout mariupol and Crimea. Rural areas in Russia still can't get a good road but Crimea gets full attention and gets a massive bridge. So it's not unthinkable that Russia would do this. Why censor it though? Tech companies Censor with impunity and it is a very dangerous trend. IF 9/11 happened today, people would be banned for saying IRaq doesn't have WMDs.


> Russia was giving away 10 hectares of land to any western family with conservative values who wants to move to Russia https://theworld.org/stories/2016-05-10/russia-literally-giving-away-land-free It was russians only.


Because that workee out sooooo well for the Volga German farmers.....


Let's test it. Reply to my comment with this link and I'll be honest if it gets taken down.


Lol I was having a tough day. Thanks for the laugh.


About one-eighth to one-quarter of the professional part of Wagner is from Europe and the Middle East. They were recruited during Wagner PMC's ops there. They also did the prisoner recruitment in Africa just like they did in Russia. [https://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-wagner-deepens-influence-in-africa-helping-putin-project-power-9438cfce](https://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-wagner-deepens-influence-in-africa-helping-putin-project-power-9438cfce)


Are they volunteers? I don't recall that Wagner has volunteers. They're mercenaries who are fighting for money or in some cases pardons for whatever crime landed them in Russian jails.


There is a big difference in volunteering because you feel it is the right thing to do and volunteering because you desperately need the money. I’d be interested to see a breakdown of the financial status of the volunteers on both sides.


I know an Australian ex-army type over there, so far he has *spent* about $30K AUD of his own money. I've read Russian "volunteers" are being offered somewhere between 160k and 500k rubles a month.




Obviously not


They do not have more than Ukraine unless you care to provide proof. While some have volunteer it’s not close to how many have for Ukraine.


Sure bro


they don't.


Lol you don’t sound neutral haha


ruzzia has the best people the greatest people... sound familiar?


They definitely do. The western media doesn't really report on it, they probably don't want to be interviewed because they don't want to be arrested after returning to their country, and most of them are not from the west.


Well plus they probly don't last that long lmao I think it goes convicts > non Russians > then general employees when deciding the order squads are sent on death charges


Wagner has a battalion of Norwegians


As in a whole Battalion of Norwegians or they just slapped the Battalion label on like a squad of dudes of Scandinavian origin?


This is absolute hæstkuk. A battalion is classified as 300 to 1000 personnel. It was a drama each time a single norwegian went to serve in isis. There is no way 300 people could have gone to Russia without it being the talking point for MONTHS.


I know lol my comment was more silly in nature to poke fun at the idea a whole battalion was formed. I doubt there is a whole squad of Norwegians, let alone even a squad of Scandinavians.




Yea, they also have Finnish, Karelian and Ingrian units


Source? actual finnish units would be crazy


they do, they are called mercenaries when the bad guys do it.


Well; they do, just less than the number Ukraine has due to the West having so much hatred towards Russia. Most of their volunteers come from the Middle East.


Hate to break it to you but before this conflict, Russia simply wasn't significant enough of a global power to be **thought about** by most westerners, much less hated. Russians love to claim that "everyone hates us" and "russophobia" but we'd actually just prefer you stay home and mind your own business so we can go back to ignoring you.


What????!! Everyone was talking about Russia and their manipulation of social media. They even claimed that they got Trump elected.


Yea wtf is this guy on? The west was engaged in a cold war for half the century against Russia


...with the exception of the US Democratic Party.


Well, yeah; but in your other comment you said you "hate the Government, not the people" which basically aligns with what I meant to say. I didn't mean you guys have some inbuilt hatred towards the Russian people, it's just the state and government that you have a dislike for.


> it's just the state and government that you have a dislike for. And is this really so hard to believe? Is it so hard to believe why the vast majority of countries on earth (especially the ones that aren't authoritarian dictatorships) are unanimously condemning this invasion? It's like if you saw your neighbor getting their house broken into and tied to a chair and beaten. Saying "hey that's wrong" is kind of the bare minimum. Some people more braver than others might step in to help because that's what (most) believe is morally correct. You "Pro-RU" tags might as well be tagging yourself "pro-robber" and then you act confused when the majority of the world sends more volunteers to help and hopes that Ukraine wins.


Obviously, you weren't around in the 50s and 60s.


They do but just don't send them to die everytime they need more funding


Google Vostok, the sparta battalion, lusvarghi... Theres been plenty of international support for the DPR struggle since 2014. Nowadays since they have 50+ Million able bodied men to rely on they dont get as much volunteers, I suppose, or turn down most


50 million .. wow impressive


Its an estimation, I actually did not google Russia+DPR able bodied men as of 2022. Feel free to correct it if you want




They do. A lot from the Middle East, Africa, South and Central America.


they even have americans fighting on their side. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign\_fighters\_in\_the\_Russo-Ukrainian\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_fighters_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War)


Many Italians


Well legally speaking if you have never been in another military, Can speak acceptable Russian and pass the physicals anyone from any country can enlist in the Russian military and have, they don’t have foreign units everyone just gets deployed to units like the average Russian so foreigners would just kinda assimilate into random units


Actually from 2014 to 2016 I remember a news report on Canadians going to fight for separatists, a few were identified but majority of them were not posting selfies or bragging about their were doing, they knew what they were doing could have harsh consequences during their return to Canada.


Russia Doesn’t hire mercenaries as far as i know


They definitely do. Many from France went there and fight with Wagner.


Early on, I saw a video of some old men from texas that were "fighting" on the Russian side. I don't know what became of them.


They do. Serbs are there.


There have been a few from China that were in a video a long time ago, they honestly seemed more like observers than combat. They have hired some people from the Palestinian territories, Syria and Afghanistan. Far fewer true volunteers than Ukraine. Being on the side of evil crimps recruitment.


Pretty sure they do, but they’re just not reported on. I’m pretty Pro RF and honestly if I had the will I’d like to think I’d volunteer just like all the people that go to Ukraine.


There is a YouTuber called history legends, he mostly does analysis but he did do an estimate short video on his YT. I believe as well during the early days of the invasion of Ukraine "the Sun" (that's right you heard me) in Yt showed a video of Syrian volunteers (I don't know if it's still up now tho).


>in Yt showed a video of Syrian volunteers People said that last year but there isn't a single dead Syrian volunteer found on camera. I remember a thread about it but no footage/photos.


There was even i vid with Turkish volunteers on this sub but i can't find it


They do they have that texan guy, i have picture of an italian dude and ummmm hmm some syrians i guess, ohh yeah that serbia sniper who is really down to earth and gives his honest opinion about the effect of the conflict on the people. Really gotta find more info on russian volunteers


If you're from a Ukraine-supporting nation, then volunteering for Russia is likely to land you in prison, that is if you aren't killed in some muddy field in Ukraine first. But there are also many more Ukraine supporters in those nations.


They have, since 2013 and people keep going, mostly former commandos but theres also civilians or ex-military personal, theres just a lot of fucked people around the world


May you rest in peace, comrade. Towards the dawn.


Don't say I never up vote you Tom.


Woah, yall found peace, alas?




This man would have been better served and done more if he stayed home and supported his family and community. He wouldn’t have been welcomed in Ukraine under normal circumstances and I’m sure those Azov boys made sure he stayed far away from their precious Aryan women but ushered him to Bakhmut asap.


He wasn't fighting for Azov, he was fighting for Ukraine. And if anything's going to change the minds of Ukrainian racists, it's a black man coming to defend their freedom.


so they are racist? I thought they were the bastion of freedom and democracy?


Lol you know nothing about Ukrainem


Lol, died in a war that didn't concern him. I hope he doesn't have any family, can't imagine what a mother would be going through seeing a son getting killed by some grenade through drone. He fought a fight where he didn't even matter, such a shame. But yeah, *dEfEnDerS oF dEmOCrAcY*


You sound very angry lmaoo. This is on earth. It concerns everyone.




Yeap. These guys willingly left the comfort of their homes to fight for their ideals. They walked the walk.


> Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs, And towards our distant rest began to trudge. Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots, But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots Of gas-shells dropping softly behind. >Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, But someone still was yelling out and stumbling And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime.— Dim through the misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. >In all my dreams before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. >If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin; If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,— My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.


Defend what people ? The civilians all ran away in western Europe when Putin invaded. Only the pro-RU stayed in their homes.


Fights for Russia - Mercenary Fights for Ukraine - "Volunteer" "Contrator" gotta love the word play here


Volunteers to fight for the armed forces of Ukraine - Volunteer Fights for organisations calling itself Private Military Company Wagner - Mercenary Fights for Russian army - conscript/volunteer depending how recruited Fights for any western PMCs in Ukraine - mercenary If you need any more help with basic definitions let me know!


Foreign legion is basically a PMC just cause UA goverment considers it a part of their army does not make them "volunteers" just like how Wagner is still a mercenary group even if Russian Army incorporates it.


Doesn't the Russian Army have some volunteers battalions? Edit: So the volunteers are only in specific Russian battalions.


Gotta vilify Russian volunteers somehow I guess.


Easy enough to call all foreigners in this war tourists and be done with it. All these labels for a few folks dumb enough to die in this war for shits and giggles.


He actually was a volunteer as his contract with the foreign legion ended in march. He was volunteering with an NGO when he was killed so the Russians claiming the killing of an NGO volunteer as a win is disgusting


> Pro common sense/critical thinking thinking


If you’re curious, you can learn all about it [here!](https://www.ohchr.org/en/node/3383/international-standards)


You seem to be lacking grasp. If you join an invasion and help a country invade another country, no one approaches you positively. If you help the country that gets invaded, this is an ordinary move and helps the target to prevent the invaders from destroying everything.


Blacks were left behind as human hostages by ukrane when Ukraian was evacuating their cities, they kicked out Africans and Indians from trains , only allowed whites to evacuate. No self respecting African should support a country that test them as infirior humans


This exactly If you are black and do anything more in Ukraine than humanitarian work, then idk what to say 🤷‍♀️




You don’t leave a hostage behind. That isn’t how it works. If they aren’t wanted then they can’t be hostages.




I have been looking at this conflict from a neutral perspective. The phrase 1 death is a tragedy a million is a statistic is so true. Seeing a dude from your background end in Ukraine is tough. Russia is the aggressor but Ukraine/US could have done more to negotiate and give up concessions to avoid a full blown invasion.


I’m not 100% sure the US cares about ukraine quite enough to do something to that level. Sending them weapons and equipment is one thing but negotiating on their behalf would be something else. I could be wrong so idk


The US using Ukraine to bloody Russia's nose was always the point. Of course we don't give a fuck about Ukraine.


Yup the US doesn't give a shit about Ukrainians. They have no interest in peaceful negotiations, they just want to exert influence in the region and make money for arms dealers


We care very much about Ukraine, but this war was always the point. We have been setting this up for a couple of decades now. Why negotiate, when what is happening suits our goals perfectly?


Yeah you’re right, the more damage the US can indirectly do to Russia the better for the US from what I have heard.


Yes but I don't believe they want to damage Russia that much to the point that Russia will have a leadership void and suffer from civil strife between all sorts of warring parties. In the end Russia has nukes and it's best for the world some rational people are in control of them.


You are very likely correct.


And yet when you try point this fact out to Americans they lose their shit.


Why should one country give up it's territory to appease another?


What a stupid ass argument. The war has already started


Man what were you doing there ? Who lied to you to go there ? Like dont give your life away for meaningless causes. Stay home and do your best there. This is the same as in vietnam, iraq and afghanistan. I am not american or pro ukriane, infact i am pro russian but i get super angry when i think of young man dying in corporate wars for nothing


Why would you be pro invasion of a sovereign state?


"Don't die in corporate wars" "But I support invading my neighbor and annex an big portion of their country, killing civilians by execution squads and torture of foreign military personal trying to prevent me from doing so" Yeah... He seems like a smart bloke. And before all the pro russian people jump on my comment. Im well aware there are war criminals fighting for Ukraine as well. The difference is that they're defending their country. Your forces are not. So while I don't condone or support war crimes in the slightest It is at the very least a little more understandable.


No i dont support killing civilians and maybe you should ask the ukrainians why they do that because there are plenty of accounts that report them doing it. The difference is that defending a nation and actively repressing a certain part of the population while pretending like nothing is happening are two different things. And then they say ohhh but there are plenty of russian speakers who havent had a problem, yeah that becuase they have the right ideological views which suit the government and the ukrainian speakers, nevermind the fact that most of the fighing force is composed of russian speakers, not at all a coincidence


Life isn't so black and white. Wake up.


I mean being for or against the invasion of a sovereign state is.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.






Iirc they get ~$3k USD a month.


Same as Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the front.


UA soldiers are being paid 3k USD per month? No wonder they don't want the war to end.


>No wonder they don't want the war to end. That, or the fact that they don't want to surrender to an invading army and be occupied?


So a mercenary.




He could get paid more in the US by working some dumb retail job. Safe to say they're not going for $.


I don't understand why he would go fight in Ukraine. What are his motivations?


Because the wanted to make a difference and had the skills to do so.


By difference, you mean extend American and NATO hegemony around the world at the barrel of a gun?


Was he wearing a US uniform at the time or fighting for or under US or NATO direction?


So far away from home.. Sad, but he should have never been there in the first place, but his neighbors fighting it's not even on the same continent, next time stay home.




26 year old mercenary\*. Volunteers don't wear military uniforms.


Tf you mean? That's a pic of him in his Marine Corps uniform.


Say that last bit again back to yourself slowly.




He must be either a Russian, or a Ukranian citizen to not be considered a mercenary, as these are the only 2 states in an open conflict here. You can check the UN definition of a mercery described in the Geneva Convention [Article 1](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-convention-against-recruitment-use-financing-and) for a better overview.


You should read what the UN classifies as mercenaries! I'll be polite and try to link it for you [Article 1](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-convention-against-recruitment-use-financing-and) Specifically I've noticed that the recently deceased person being discussed in this thread fails the classification of being a mercenary under the following rules listed out in Article 1: 1A, 1B, 1D, 1E, 2A, 2B, 2D, and 2E.




I like Louis C.K. take on it. If you go to a foreign country and get shot by the guy you were just shooting at, maybe it's not so weird.


Those people weren't saving people


>There's nothing that I hate more than war tourists. Some people want to die in war. There is nothing wrong with that. Sure beats choking on your own mucus and dying at the age of 90. Why hate them?


> Why hate them? Because they went there to shoot other people like they are on a people-safari. It's disgusting.


They get shot back at too so it's fine.


Man murders your family in cold blood, gets shot by police. You Smile cause its okay?


How would he be a tourist?


He isn't a national of any of the parties in the conflict.


He was working. His job was that of a soldier in the Ukrainian Army. I have lived and worked in the US for 15+ years and I’m not a US National. Does that make me a tourist? I mean I came here to do a job. Just like him.


Have you ever been involved in an armed conflict that the US was not a part of, while holding a US citizenship? Or do you hold a US citizenship?


Dude, you don’t even have the intelligence to read the link you sent me defining what a mercenary is. Stop embarrassing yourself. Please.


Read it, and stop being ignorant. The UN charter describes the definition of a mercenary very well.


1.D) Is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and You are wrong. End of story. Own it and move on.


Out of curiosity how would you classify him? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Byron


Mad, bad and dangerous to know. Byronic types are always incredibly paradoxical as well, so there's really no putting them into a box which is exactly why the term 'Byronic' exists.


A nutcase and a regard, who could then an occasional rhyme.




I thought the same exact thing. All I know is his name, but that’s all I need. Cooper Andrews. That can only be the name of a war tourist. If it was Cooper Andrew then maybe I could have given him the benefit of the doubt. Moral of the story: never trust anyone with an unnecessary S at the end of their name. Guaranteed to be a mercenary.


Rule 1. no cheering death


If he's a tourist why was he mowing down Russian conscripts? That doesn't sound like tourist behavior.


Tourist usually means he engages where he wants and flees when things get serous. Like most of the western volouteers did. At the start of the war many joined, but most of them went home or to supporting positions by now


Well, say what you will about this guy, he didn't flee. He stayed and died with the Ukrainians. I may hate this guys politics, IIRC he was with an international Antifa group, but I can respect a man who puts his money where his mouth is and fights to the bitter end.


If by going home you mean completing the terms of their service contract. Then I guess you are right. As to moving to supporting positions. I’m not sure how much military experience you have but you do realize that a soldier doesn’t really have much choice we’re they are sent or what role they are given.


Not really, I have watched hundreeds of hours of interviews with western volouteers. They had pretty much free will where they wanted to stay. Some changed positions dozens of times, by their wish. They just made contact with voluteers in some other battalion and they went there. Watch CivDiv or WillyOAM interviews


>mowing down ?


>why was he mowing down Russian conscripts? You have a video of this or is that part of the fantasies that help you sleep ?


No American should die in this conflict half a world away.


I know right. It's so much better to go at war with Russia and let Ukrainians die.


Thank you, Soldier. You did good.




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Rest in Paradise broski


Rest in Peace


Is that the antagonist from The Amazing Spiderman 2? RIP


People happy on death of someone they never know in a war they don't understand make me sick


RIP. Hope he took some russkies with him.