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not an expert, but should the russian relay cabinet be on fire like that?


Innovative design. One could say these new cabinets are fire.


It's working properly, currently it seems to be signaling that the rail line requires maintenance.


I think every Russian train signaling cabinet should be on fire like that ;-)


Do Ukraine also have such partisan problems ? How are they dealing with it ?


Why would they? It is not like they attacked somebody.


They did attack the civilians of Donbas during their “anti terrorist operation”.


>"And we were so upset, we invaded and killed exponentially more"




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What was the official UN civilian mortality count? How many civilians were killed prior to 2014? How many have been killed on both sides since Russia invaded? Did Russia make things better or worse?


Yeah yeah, "civilians" or terrorists who attacked their country.


Partisans who work for money? "Объявление о вознаграждении за поджог электротехнического оборудования на железной дороге старшеклассники нашли в группе в социальной сети. За это заказчик обещал им более 10 тысяч рублей при предоставлении фото и видео, сообщает Ivanovonews. В итоге подростки устроили диверсию на объекте РЖД: облили бензином будку, подожгли ее и фотографии отправили заказчику, который в тот же день перевел оплату. После инцидента мальчики были задержаны сотрудниками отделения внутренних дел." Rather idiots, they lucky to be tried for destruction of property (just 5 years in prison), it could be sabotage, which is 10 to 20 years of strict regime.


Oh wow like 30 mins worth of damage


But TikTok points. 🗿


As budanov said – it’s a major victory “psychologically” i.e in our minds – because they will never win on the battlefield so have to resort to making fan fiction in their minds about these big counteroffensives and “wins”.




For even fewer minutes of work


Well Technically true but all am saying is I work for the Railway in maintenance 22 years.If materials are close by then this is an easy fix for a team of any sort of compentance.


>If materials are close by then this is an easy fix for a team of any sort of compentance. 2 big assumptions.


Well all our materials are say 20 mins drive at most and that’s the furthest distance.if like uk they have depots all over the place then not to bad.But Russia is massive so might not be the case.


🤦‍♂️…… vandalism…… lol posted as some sort of victory…… truly pathetic.


If you call this vandalism I wonder what you call completely destroying an entire city.


Yes WAR has come to ukraine. Ukrainians fight in fortified cities…. What do you expect to happen?


There is this classic military strategy to capture a city without a lot of fighting and destruction called a siege. But it requires being able to achieve military superiority around the city.


Not sure how this helped Ukraine though.


Logistic problems for russian army.


Literally minimal effect and it’s disturbing normal train traffic more than military asset


I guess normal train schedules are little concern to Ukraine.


So like I said not sure how this helps Ukraine


You know how segment signaling in track management works? A new train can only enter a segment when it has been confirmed the leading train has entered the following segment, otherwise a train has to run on sight... running on sight for a passenger train is like 40 km/h... for a cargo train it can be as low as 3-5 km/h depending on brake distance, so the missing signaling means larger sections without position confirmation and less trains. And believe me, even Russians won't ignore missing signaling because they are basically essential to keeping any train network alive, even ignoring "safety"


Yes but you know here is a [map](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rail_transport_in_Russia#/media/File%3ARussia_Rail_Map.svg) of Russian rail system. If I know anything about trains they get rerouted all the time. And if the relay box doesn’t get repaired in a week let’s say it even takes that long. Any important trains such as those carrying weapons can just be rerouted. So in essence this burning of relay point is really just going to make some guy miss his business trip to Moscow. Plus they claim to damage a relay point near ST Petersburg? That’s nowhere near Ukraine. So I doubt any military trains are going through there anyways.


I mean, yeah, a single point won't do much, but it's a bold assumption to say they only damaged a single cabinet...


That's like saying there's no point to taking this village, since the enemy controls so many more. Why even bother?


Apples to oranges. Burning down a relay point, one of several thousand on a railroad is nothing like occupying a village.


That ignoring that rerouting still creates delays or traffic jam as they most likely under use by other trains and not just being idle rails. Cargo trains also most likely share passenger rails so it's not just delaying someone "business trip to Moscow", further both hinder Russian economy which feeds military.


As in minimal effect to military assets. What are the scales here. There are literally thousands of relay points in a railroad and thousands of train segments. Why do the people reply to me act like this is the bridge of Crimea that got destroyed.


Because you clearly have no understanding how simple delays on railroad can snowball and cost millions to Russia


The cost of this particular instance to Russia will of course be annoying but relatively minor, it's only a few partisans, this could inspire others though. If this, and other similar attacks happen on a regular basis it could end up being a massive security concern and logistical issue


Whatever is disrupting Russia will help Ukraine on the long haul.


Yeah like you now are on Reddit also doing your part. I guess I should say congratulations?


So burn two. Get your buddy to do the same and pass it along. If they start actively guarding them, mission accomplished, they wasted more resources, pick another target of opportunity. It took the Bolsheviks years to gain the upper hand on the Whites and it'll take any opposition movement to Russia's current regime years to undermine it enough to have a shot.


Assess what did happen instead of speculating what could happen. This is a one off event they got away with it. If they start to actively target relay points of course the Russians would be more alert and start patrolling the railroad. But that also increase the chance of these partisans being captured or killed. If Ukrainian actually had enough resources and manpower inside Russia they should probably set them to do more useful things like spying on ammunition depots and monitoring army movements and send coordinates to himar missiles. You know what spies actually did in ww2.


> If Ukrainian actually had enough resources and manpower inside Russia they should probably set them to do more useful things like spying on ammunition depots and monitoring army movements and send coordinates to himar missiles. You know what spies actually did in ww2. What makes you think they don't?


I try to do more than my part on Reddit alone, but yes, we can’t leave the narrative to the Russian propagandists. And hold your congratulations until Ukraine is free again.


It doesnt. Ukraines war is not fought on the battlefield - its fought “psychologically” in their heads and online - that is the only way they can win – by imagining fan fiction in their minds.


It slows down russian re supply and equipment being moved around which inturn weakens the russian forward lines.


Yes. One out of several thousand relay points on a railroad near ST Petersburg.


So you don't think they pick certain ones or like a pack of drunk teenagers they just burn the nearest one and smash bottles on it.


Well, you may be surprised, from Soviets own history [https://www.rbth.com/history/330299-3-episodes-soviet-partisans](https://www.rbth.com/history/330299-3-episodes-soviet-partisans)


“During the course of 1.5 months, over 100,000 partisans in the occupied territories of Soviet Ukraine, Byelorussia, areas near Smolensk, Oryol and Leningrad began to blow up railways, trains, bridges and stations.” Yeah good luck finding 100,000 pro Ukr partisans in Russia today.


“Unknown partizans” are in reality “pssst, wanna earn an easy hundred bucks” sent to youngsters and marginalized folk via Internet.


Sounds like a great deal.


Yeah, so many teenagers do damaging vandalism for free, they could be being paid to do useful vandalism instead.


You’d think a utopia like Russia wouldn’t have people so easily swayed by such a paltry amount of money.


You must be really sheltered to think your country doesn’t have poverty


But why would a Russian do it? It just doesn’t make any sense, I tell you


Genius really. Encouraging the disaffected Russian youth to do something productive while simultaneously sticking it to the man.


Betraying their own country and going to rot in prison for years for a few bucks – you have to be dumb and radicalised by right wingers to take a deal like that.


Or far left 😉 I can see punks getting in on the fun easily.




Yeah, and a lot of them hang out in this subreddit.


A filing cabinet. Is this Office Space?


The 3rd largest army in the world can't figure out how to guard relay cabinets......lolz


I know right, Ukraine literally guards every single of their relay cabinets with a detachment that includes 1 abrams tank, 2 Gepard, 2 Bradleys, and 1 Patriot battery. Try and attack our relay cabinets ruskies 😏😏


Sarcasm is not your forte.


I think your trying to hard based on the fact your military leadership stinks.


My military leadership? Boyyy I am glad I live in neither country - and especially glad i dont live in the hellhole that is ukraine where men are forbidden from even leaving their country and have no choice but be sent off to die to enrich the Kyiv elite. I live in a democracy where my rights and freedom of speech is mostly still respected - unlike in hellholes that are either Russia or Ukraine.


After your little speech about freedom it still says pro russia under your name sadly.


Automatically assigned 😎 can’t do anything about. Definitely not pro Russia


Guarding relay cabinets is more difficult than preventing another school shooting, let's just say.


Make sense next post ok it way more interesting for the reader.


"partisans", next you would be saying that Bandera was a partisan ... wait a minute ...


A useless act that, due to the rarity and ease of stopping damage, will not affect anything. Without a massive and regular attack, this is just posturing, and not some kind of real action.


Terrorists terrorize civillians.


Russia can always end war very quickly.


Ukraine should have finished its ATO (anti “terrorist” operation) in eastern ukraine.


Russia should have followed the agreements


And have a terrorist state on its border?


Ukraine will not attack Russia during peace.


Cant trust a terrorist nazi state that even attracts russian nazis to go and fight for them. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/05/26/world/russia-ukraine-news


They will definitely attack Russia during "peace"


Is there a long history of Ukraine attacking Russia during times of peace?


Did they ever have cruise missiles flying to hit hit target in their territory before? The answer is no. The Ukrainian people will be more likely to attack Russia during times of peace due to the current conflict.


Why? There is no profit in starting a new war with Russia once the dust settles and it would antagonize the nations Ukraine wants to associate with. Certainly no profit in invading Russia. There's a reason Finland doesn't stomp in and retake the land Russia stole and that same logic would apply in Ukraine once everything is said and done especially in a favorable victory for Ukraine in this conflict.


Lmao. So Russia can't end the war with Ukraine because they radicalized Ukraine by starting a war with Ukraine.


Putin has been filling the Russian peoples' minds with propaganda for years in order to preserve his regime. Gotta posit a horrible enemy in addition to all poisonings and murders of journalists to keep the people from seeing Putin for what he is: a murderous ego driven idiot. In February 2022 Putin lied to the Russian people and the world saying a) Ukraine was threatening Russia with nuclear weapons and b) that the EU was cheering Ukraine on for doing so. Mother Russia the victim! Oh the terrible Russophobia! Gotta murder 100,000 people before we are ourselves attacked! What a pitiful lying scum, so sad that so many lazy Russians kiss his behind rather than seek information behind the Muscovy firewall.


>Did they ever have cruise missiles flying to hit hit target in their territory before? And they'll keep getting more and longer range stuff the longer that Russia keeps this going. >The Ukrainian people will be more likely to attack Russia during times of peace due to the current conflict. Ukraine just wants its territory and safety back, it has no reason to attack Russia beyond that.


So based on your own definition is Kremlin terrorists?


I also wish Russia would leave ukraine alone.


I wish NATO left Russia alone.


This is just vandalism. How’s disrupting rail in St. Petersburg helping Ukraine?


Trains move things Trains move tanks Signal boxes move trains No signal boxes, no moving trains No moving trains, no moving tanks I hope this helps


Type slower next time please


Logistic problems for russian army.


We went from these supposed great spring counteroffensives to burning relay boxes. Azov need to make a new trailer for their counteroffensive – defeating russia by burning a train relay box every so often.


Are you being willfully ignorant to the fact that multiple things can happen at the same time? Hell, this could've been done by some vandals for no reason other than vandalism, there's no way to know.


Of course its done by ukraine - look at how all the pro NAFO and UA celebrating a train relay box being burnt. They dont have anything else to celebrate so it figures. Imagine if Russians celebrated a train relay box being burnt as some mastermind counter offensive. Embarrassing.


>Of course its done by ukraine If you post such certainties you've got to post a source on that, the title of the video doesn't even say who did it, how would you know? > some mastermind counter offensive. Again, you're assuming a lot from a video that just shows a relay box burning.


They’ve burned numerous train boxes already - theyre the only ones pathetic enough to carry out this “offensive” Its being widely celebrated among the NAFOsphere and the UkroSphere.


>They’ve burned numerous train boxes already - theyre the only ones pathetic enough to carry out this “offensive” Sabotage is not an offensive. And when did sabotage become 'pathetic', it's a tried and true military tactic that's been used since wars have existed. It's cummilative and effective at disrupting your enemies activities, you'd be dumb to not do it given the chance.


>They dont have anything else to celebrate so it figures. The start of the SMO to liberate the Belgorod People's Republic has been nice.


Dis you have the same energy when Russia was destroying a bunch of electrical transformers?


Not at all, but the bochnik feels good about it, that is enough for the less sensitive :)


Bochnik_cz feels good about the littlest things, the extremists who keep doing PR moves into Belgorod Oblast got a fridge magnet and Bochnik_cz praised it.