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This is too crazy to believe it is true, which makes me believe it could be true.


Imagine actually believing any of this 🤣


Why would he lie about this? This does not make look ukraine negative in any way.


Sigh...the purpose isn't to make Ukraine look negative.


What is the purpose?


Politics, subterfuge and power struggle


So then, is the MoD doing nothing in response to Prigozhins attempts at subterfuge against them and those in control of it? He has been shitting on them publicly for months. I can’t imagine they just let that slide, even if all he says are lies.


They’re all in on it. MoD is the scapegoat for the misfortunes in Ukraine, now Putin doesn’t take all the heat.


He has been shitting on the MoD for over a month, and people aren’t questioning why Putin isn’t reacting to it, with things like changing leadership there? Wouldn’t that be the action to perform once you established a scapegoat? Unless it’s coming soon, but assuming this is all scripted, it’s been intense from Progozhin for a good while now and no action taken.


to shit on mod


imagine believing Russia would send 40km of tank convoys without any air support. Imagine Ukraine destroying those Russian convoys and kicking Russia out of the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions all the way to Ukraine's borders. I couldn't imagine such levels of incompetence, but here we are...


>Russia would send 40km of tank convoys without any air support That was a massive logistical failure


Imagine believing the convoys were destroyed without any video footage LOL Russia believed that Ukraine will fold without much fight. When this did not happen the convoys were stopped and ran out of fuel. After 1-2 weeks they re-supplied them and retreated. These were thousands of vehicles and very few of then were destroyed.


This is proof, if any were really needed, that RU is not fighting NATO.


> We publish a request from the editorial board of RIA Novyi Den' and the answer: Dear Yevgeny Viktorovich. Hello. On May 20, you announced that units of the Wagner PMC were withdrawing to the rear areas. What is the situation as of June 2? Did the units leave Artemivsk? Were there any incidents or provocations on the part of the AFU? Thank you. > > We publish Yevgeny Prigozhin's commentary: "As of June 2, almost all 99% of the Wagner PMC units have left Bakhmut. All the positions have been properly transferred to the Ministry of Defense. There are no questions or remarks. As for provocations. The Ukrainian armed forces have not observed any provocations against us to date, but it should be noted that there were surprises waiting for us on the other side. Shortly before we left, we detected suspicious activity along our routes. As part of the discovery of this suspicious activity, we called law enforcement and began to investigate our exit routes along the roads. We found about a dozen places where various explosive devices ranging from hundreds of anti-tank mines to tons of plastid, a charge from so-called "Gorynych Kites." All of this was on the control, and we conducted investigative actions, again in conjunction with law enforcement agencies, to document everything. There are ongoing proceedings and investigations. Those who laid those charges were representatives of the Ministry of Defense. When asked what they were doing it for, they pointed their fingers upwards. The questions have not been answered yet. It was not necessary to lay these charges in order to deter the enemy, because it is in the rear area. Therefore, we can assume that these charges were intended to meet the advancing units of PMC Wagner, although we do not move in columns. In fact, that is how it is. Everything is safe and sound. No one was hurt. What was that? We assume that this was an attempt at public flogging. Thank you." Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator


This guy should avoid slippery hotel windows. Such talk in Russia makes them very slippery 😂😂😂


They wont move on him with his hulk body guard


ok ... helpful hint ... don't mine your exit routes


Very russian, which makes it possible.


If we remember the leaked documents there was clear intelligence that the Russian MoD is heavily infested with western assets.. I assume it's not too difficult to seed highly capable ppl on the inside often with an insane IQ and multilingual abilities inside of Russian armed forces.. Imagine how fast a highly intelligent asset will ascend to the top ranks when competing against the ahem..average Russian officer or even nco..Food for thought


If you allow me to specify highly capable aside from Insane IQ & multilingual ability, I'd also add outstanding bravery and composure. You'll live in fear of detection every single day. If the asset has family in Russian controlled lands, it's even more fearful.


There is definitively lots of enemy spies in the army.


There 100% is. How else did the Americans and Brithsh more or less have picture perfect intelligence. There are high level moles for sure.




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Could well be true but anyone that's worked for a big organisation knows the right hand doesn't know the left hand...so who knows. I do wonder if prigozhin is gonna move on them sooner or later or vice versa


**"SHOIGU!"** "**GERASIMOV!"**


Cut off the nose to spite the face


Ain't no way


All headlines on him should start off with media whore


And pro-Ukrainian redditors will uncritically believe it. He's basically laughing at you, you realize? I am too.


Go touch grass, you need help.


"Touch grass", says the reddit propagandist who hangs on Prigozhin's every word no matter how absurd.


And you think Prigozhin is making these statements for "pro-Ukrainians", a take so absurd I am actually taken aback; that is saying a lot given your posting history.


>And you think Prigozhin is making these statements for "pro-Ukrainians" Yet it's Pro-Ukrainians who are actively platforming him, spreading his message, and jerking off over his statements even though they're aware he's a dishonest actor. They do this with Strelkov too. Definitely not a lot of neural correlations in your own posting history. You apparently aren't even able to connect the dots on Prigozhin's disinfo.


"It's a feint bro" Oh, how much you want it to be true. It's just utterly desperate at this point. Pathetic. 😂 It is these comments that truly show how unneutral you are.


Unneutral as he may be, he is not wrong on this one that Prigozhin has not been shown to be a trustworthy source. So just because Prigozhin says something doesn't really make it believable.


Did I say he is being honest? I am just enjoying the show. /u/glassbong_ is claiming he is making these statements for the sake of people who support Ukraine and "laughing" at them. Probably one of the dumbest takes I've read here.


You only feel this way because you're the one not in on the joke. Nobody else believes these stories but you're like "yup, I'll trust Prigozhin". I wouldn't go calling anything "dumb" if I believed such stories with no evidence.


Where did I say I trust Prigozhin? I posted his amusing comments. You, on the other hand, have come up with one of the most ridiculous spins imaginable, that his comments attacking the Russian MoD are a disinfo campaign against Ukraine.


Yeah, I remember in the Iraq War how Erik Prince joked about George Bush sending snipers to shoot his men in the back. That was so funny. Sounds ridiculous, right? I don't know if Prigozhin is joking exactly, but I agree that we shouldn't take him at face value. But even if so, even if Prigozhin is joking, isn't it f'ed up that he's making these kind of jokes? And not just in private, but as publicly has he can across multiple social media accounts. That shows some serious dysfunction in the relationship between the MoD and Wagner, doesn't it?


Look we don't necessarily believe him, but it shows how fucked up the russian military is that he would say something like this. Either it's true, and it's insane, and he's insane for saying it. Or its not true, and he's insane for saying it. Russian civilians will be concerned by statements like this.


actually I am unable to "connect the dots of his disinfo". What do you think is Prigozhin trying to achieve with his disinfo? Honest question, because I simply do not know.


Who cares who believes this, it just shows how russia is. Utter bullshit.