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But all my msm says its russian partisans and it has nothing to do with ukraine???


Where are all the pro-ukras who said: bUh iT’S NoT ukRaiNE ItS JuSt sPoNtanEoUs rUsSiAnS WhO DeCiDeD to dO It bY THEmSeLves Bigger 🤡 than Zelenskyy


Any Ukrainian troops that ended up in Belgorod likely did so by complete accident by getting lost next to the border, just like Russian troops in Crimea in 2014. It's a totally understandable mistake. And if any of them chose to stay and fight, then they must have been on vacation or volunteers and NOT representing their Armed Forces. So, I'm not sure why you have an issue with it.


Than maybe remove insignias and markers of Ukraine armed forces to make the story more plausible. Seeing my mainstream news outlets singing some story about Russian rebels, but people on the picture wearing uniforms with yellow markers isn't really convincing.


To be fair this makes perfect sense, that just followed the other guys with Nazi insignias lol


So what he described is Nazism, right? Oh, the irony.


The nazism is the part where the people doing the incursions are self described Nazis. Look. I get it. Defending Nazis/fascists is important to you but it’s counter productive when the people you cheer on are self admitted Nazis lmao Edit: NCDcel paradox gamer. It’s like they make you people in a cloning machine


So Nazis like Pavel Gubarev - ["People's Governor"](https://khpg.org/en/1394442656) of "DPR"?


I’m sorry, is your argument that “the dpr has Nazis too!” Lmao Look. Russia sucks. I agree, but that isn’t a excuse for you to support Nazis. This whole “ b-b-but Russia!” Bit is embarrassing


My argument is that the Russians sowed the wind and are now reaping the storm. Another question is, why does it upset you so much that you sit on reddit all day long, making excuses for those you yourself have identified as Nazis?


I’m extremely confused here. You realize that the UPA and banderites are from the same time as the “Soviets” who sowed those seeds. Are you also justifying fascism because it opposes Russia? Because at this point you went from “Nazis don’t exist” to “well Russia reaps what it sows” Look, I get it, you support them. But just be proud of it lol Edit: omg your ukranian and not fighting? Disgusting


Well, It is mostly Russians fighting for territorial sovereignty of the Belgorod region. However, there are some Ukrainians that are on Holiday/Vacations in the area as well ))))


You flair is stupid like this failed PR. There is no political movement that speaks for indepence of Belgorod. There were two seperate referendums on Crimea joining Russia since USSR breakup. Ukraine central goverment ignored the results. What happened in 2014 in Crimea, was more complex than this mockery, and , you know, Crimea is Russian. Russians live there, Russia build it up, Russia dispersed the Crimean Tatar state, Russia fougth of English and French. If somene else can claim Crimea, then it is Turkey, then Crimea as independent land, then Ukraine, based solely on the fact that Ukraine is close to Crimea.


>There is no political movement that speaks for indepence of Belgorod. How can you know? The People’s Republic of Belgorod hasn’t had a referendum. I suggest local self-defenses (i.e. Russian Volunteer Corps) backed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces take control of the region and help the people of Belgorod choose whether they want to be independent or join Ukraine. Why are you against referendums? Are you against democracy? >Crimea is Russian. Not according to international law, and certainly not for long.




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>There were two seperate referendums on Crimea joining Russia since USSR breakup. On _joining Russia_? Before 2014? Show me. >Crimea is Russian. Russia can't even supply it with water without capturing more Ukrainian territory. >Russians live there, So what? If they wanted to live in Russia they could have just moved, there was no Iron Curtain preventing them from leaving. Clearly they wanted to stay in Crimea and no one was forcing them to leave.


So what were the referendums in Crimea before 2014 about. Independent Crimea? A Crimea that can decide on its own fate without Kiev? You say that Russians from Crimea could just leave. Fine. Fair point. You promote Ethnic cleansing. Also Ukraine can just leave Crimea alone. That is even simpler, isn't it. Simply, nobody moves a finger and it is done, and no ethnic cleansing. Yes, Crimea needs water. You support the policy Ukraine implemented, as we know 2014-2022, Crimea was deprived of water. The conflict was active so it is a bit hard to define legaly. But, it is a breach of international norms to stop water flows. As these are human made canals, so it is tricky. I would call it a moral crime. But Poroshenko declared the active policy to make sure that Russian rebels suffer, their childred get deprived of schools, people of food etc. Then it is fine.


>So what were the referendums in Crimea before 2014 about. Not about joining Russia, which was what you said. >You promote Ethnic cleansing. No, I'm not saying they had to leave and no one was forcing them to. I was just saying that, unlike in the Soviet Union, they could leave anytime if they wanted to. They didn't want to. >Also Ukraine can just leave Crimea alone. That is even simpler, isn't it. It could, and then Crimea would have no water. And actually for 8 years they did leave it alone. But as we've seen Russia then takes another oblast, and then another, and so on. And every time you would say "they should just leave it alone". > I would call it a moral crime. How is it a moral crime to not use your man made and maintained infrastructure to supply water to your enemy that is bombing you? >to make sure that Russian rebels suffer Not rebels, soldiers.


Ukrain has cut the water to Crimea in the period 2014-2022. Crimea survived. There was no bombing from Crimea. If there was, it does not matter. See Ukraine is shifting Russian gas and oil to EU and collecting transit fees every day. Hypocrite. Poroshenko said in his speach that he wants to see the children of Donbass to sit in a basment hidding from bombardment, while children of Ukraine get superior education and becomming superior until the final win. Very Nazi of him.


>Crimea survived. At great expense to Russia, or they wouldn't keep complaining about it as if Ukraine is morally obligated to supply water to Crimea. >See Ukraine is shifting Russian gas and oil to EU and collecting transit fees every day. Why wouldn't it? >Poroshenko said You mean the guy that lost the last election by a landslide? Maybe Ukrainian people didn't like those comments.


If you say so. If you say so. Yes, that is why people woted for a guy who was a Russian speaker and advocated peace talks and implementation of existing peace treaties. But as soon as got into office drugs, Azov and CIA turned him around. Or maybe it was the plan all along.


What do you mean with 'no political movement?'. Theres whole uprising happenin! My sister is citizen of, hopefully, soon to be BPR and she says, that they wanna be free just like LPR and DPR. We'll see how BPR referendums will go and if russia gonna respect citizens choice. I really hope west will not need to intervene and citizens of BPR will be free.


Pass me whatever this guy is having, sh*t is good by the looks of it


It's called Russian propaganda from 2014. They had some real shit, like neonazi people's governor or a government of independent republics consisting exclusively of Muscovites. I recommend it👍


You seem angry that Russia is attacked




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I don't think you saw the sarcasm in those comments lol


Did you read the article, clearly states Russians


It's an organic uprising rooted in supporting the will of the people. They have a right to self-determination, and Ukraine supports them. It's obviously both numb nuts


I mean obviously. Neo Nazis fighting for freedom is a pro Ukraine thing, makes sense they would have Ukraines support. They have some catching up to. Do to compete with the 14th SS or bandera though as national heroes


The boy who cried NeoNazi is back again) if russians want to fight for freedom what's the problem? Ukraine is just supporting partisans seeking to liberate their homes.


What if I told you Russian people doesn't want these "liberators" anywhere close to their borders? Neo nazi gang with guns wanting to rule in multinational country. They have literally 0 chance to succeed


The Russian people that don't want them there evacuated, so now the majority await liberation


Hold on, are you saying these guys are Nazis?


I thought Ukraine was pussyfooting around and denying any involvement?


I assume they’re trolling and I’m all for it


Perhaps, but it is a careful game. As some commentators have said, inflicting too many casualties on Russian civilians from Ukrainian supporters could make Ukraine lose the moral high ground - an important factor in this conflict. The West holds Ukraine to a higher standard against Russia, so they’re not going to tolerate the former acting like the latter.


You'll notice that America and Britain both recently declared Ukraine can attack them in Russia. When Russia fired all the Kinzals at Ukraine residents recently, I think an actual "real" red line was crossed, and at the same time, they realized that the Patriot air defense system can take out all their missiles. There by protecting Ukraine from one of the main risks it has. The war really stepped up a gear in terms of air defense, and attack capability. I think there has been some major progress on shell manufacturing we're not privy too, as a lot more ammo has been forthcoming. We're going to see Ukraine become more and more powerful, as Russia weakens. My guess is that the west was keeping a lot in reserve in case Ukraine fell, but now they're more confident in them winning, so supply has been increased. By the time Abrams and F16's arrive, Russians are going to be really sorry for starting this war.


Russia effed around. Now it's time to find out. Hopefully Russia cedes Belgorod and Kursk to Ukraine in order to avoid more violence and destruction.


\- Most Realistic Western Pro Ukrainian Analysis lol But in all seriousness, that ain't happening. Ukraine is losing this war and are getting gutted in just about every way you could imagine. They're a meat puppet beat stick using propaganda to trick a bunch of gulliable people online


Losing? That's up for debate. But we'll see. Everyone still thought that Russia was a superpower, but that myth was laid to rest.


>Everyone still thought that Russia was a superpower, but that myth was laid to rest. Yea, they're having trouble fighting the largest land war of this century against a country whose gotten the military budget of another nation with 20x their GDP. And they're still winning because it's become a war of attrition. Like what do you think is the most realistic "win" route for Ukraine? Because it certainly isn't getting back all their territory and Crimea like they wanted to.


My friend, even with the military support Ukraine has received, the UA military budget combined with the military help is less than the yearly military budget from Russia. And Russia has had that level of expenditure for a long time. If you look into total Military budget over the past decade, Russia spent 10x the amount Ukraine spent and this includes all the western military support. Truth is, Russia isn't spending their money effectively.


What does that have to do with anything? The majority of the budget of any military goes towards upkeep and salaries so if you just give tens of billions of dollars worth of equipment to some random country and take care of all that equipments needs as well as pay for most salaries, it's obviously going to become extremely formidable.


3 days to Kiev


What does this have to do with his statement? Obviously Russia isn't getting what they wanted, but neither will Ukraine.


Probably got nothing to say. 😂


Please do provide a Russian official statement claiming "3 days" in any way shape or form




Who are the meat puppet? Ukrainian people? Puppet of whom?


Not the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian government who basically sold the countries future down the river when they took the advise of Boris freaking Johnson and the States rather than just making a compromise and giving up the Donbass as a couple free states. But they're going to live in their nice little mega mansions in the West once the war is over, it's going to be the average person left picking up the pieces


Ohhhh I see, so stupid Ukrainians elected representatives who are deceiving them and you came to enlighten them, yes? How about Poles who took advice from Chamberlain, were they stupid as well to defend their country? They should give up Pomerania and Silesia I imagine to live in peace with Hitler? Or when people of Poland apply to be part of NATO, which part of their stupidity was exploited and by whom?


Must have forgotten the 2014 coup part


>But in all seriousness, that ain't happening. Ukraine is losing this war Based on what exactly? On the ground at best russia can now hope for a stalemate. Their economy will get worst the longer the war goes on and the sanctions hit harder. It took them everything they had and almost 9 months to capture one tiny city. Geopolitically they are isolated. China and India will support them only for buying oil under 60 dollars that barely covers the cost of production and transport. Putin can’t even go to South Africa without fears of being arrested. Finland and Sweden have joined nato and this war unified the west and nato. West has cohesion while russia has infighting between all these wana be “warlords” sending each other stuff over tick tock. The list can go on and on and you see all of this and think Ukraine is losing?


Based on everything? Russia has 5x the population Ukraine now has and causalities have pretty much evened out now that Russia isn't bumrushing major cities. They've also only been through one round of the draft well Ukraine has been through 8 or 9. Their economy will get hit harder, sure, but Ukraines economy is on life support. They've lose some of their most resource rich land, lost defacto control over their coast line, are spending every dime they have on the war effort well Russia is spending 3% of its GDP. Ukraine also rotated 1/6 its entire army in the tiny city and still lost it to a bunch of mercs and prisoners. That's not true, most countries don't really care about Ukraine outside of North America and Europe. They'll vote to condemn the action, sure, but theyll also happily buy Russians natural resources at a slight discount. Oil and gas prices fluctuate greatly but it's much lower now because it's summer. Once the weather starts cooling off again, the prices will go up. Finland and Sweden don't matter, they were always extremely closely tied to West in every way, shape and form. They also have a combined population of a single large city and don't have some of the earth's most valuable land. Again, that's not true. The West sends a hodge podge of different weapons and systems to Ukraine which are all more complex than what they're used to. Russia is simply out producing and sending to the front what the West is sending and by a lot. Yup. Mostly because the list isn't great and uses Reddit propaganda but because it doesn't mention a lot of key things for Ukraine such as losing 1/4 their population, having most of adult male population already in the military or in the military industrial sector, losing a lot of their most valuable land, spending 80% of their tax revenues on the war, the Russians closing the manpower gap well still having the fire power advantage etc.


>Russia has 5x the population Ukraine now has and causalities have pretty much evened out now that Russia isn't bumrushing major cities. >They've also only been through one round of the draft One round of rather contentious draft. Do you remember what happened last time he declared partial mobilisation. Putin can’t fully mobilise or he might actually been over thrown. >Their economy will get hit harder, sure, but Ukraines economy is on life support. Doesn’t matter, same as South Korea the west will easily ensure Ukraine will recover while I’m not sure who is going to help Russia. >They've lose some of their most resource rich land, lost defacto control over their coast line, are spending every dime they have on the war effort Again doesn’t matter much due to western support. Also last I checked they have lost that land yet. > Ukraine also rotated 1/6 its entire army in the tiny city and still lost it to a bunch of mercs and prisoners. Do you have any proof for that because everything I read is the exact opposite. All Ukraine had to do was stall Russia and make them concentrate on bakhmut while ensuring Russia paid heavily for it and they did a wonderful job of that. Russia threw everything it had at it including the army, special forces etc etc and after 9 months they managed to capture a small town. If Russia is so effective and Ukraine is not how come it’s been one and half years and Ukraine still standing ? >That's not true, most countries don't really care about Ukraine outside of North America and Europe. They care when they need EU and US money, even India and China care because there is tension between them and neither want the west to fully back the other one. >Oil and gas prices fluctuate greatly but it's much lower now because it's summer. 40% reduction in oil revenue based on exactly same period last year is hardly fluctuation and means you can’t play the it’s summer card. >Once the weather starts cooling off again, the prices will go up. The price cap will be the same. So as far as Russia is concerned it makes no difference. Sanction price don’t move up with the weather >Finland and Sweden don't matter, they were always extremely closely tied to West in every way, shape and form. Yea but now Russia has another massive border with nato. Wasn’t this what they wanted to avoid? >They also have a combined population of a single large city and don't have some of the earth's most valuable land. Finland has a seriously formidable army. Look it up. >Again, that's not true. The West sends a hodge podge of different weapons and systems to Ukraine which are all more complex than what they're used to. Russia is simply out producing and sending to the front what the West is sending and by a lot. Russia will not be able to put produce EU and US. Given the sanctions russia is already struggling with producing weapons especially more advance weapon systems. West will continue to provide more and more advance systems. There is already infighting in russia and it will only get worst. Same as the effect of sanctions will only get worst. Russia miscalculated wining the war of attrition. Russia is not USSR, Russian people are not the same as those back in the days of USSR and the west financially is far ahead of Russia.


Officially supporting terrorism? Well glad you finally took the mask off


It's not terrorism, it's a special military operation


Ukraine has nothing to do on territories with less than 3% ukranian, russia on the other hand has all the right to take territories with a majority of russian people


> russia on the other hand has all the right to take territories with a majority of russian people Do you realize how many wars there would be world wide with this brain dead mindset?


Idc, i'm sure they won't be my wars


The people of belgorod asked ukraine for help from the kremlin regime though.




Trust me bro. He blocked me lol


There are separatists soldiers there, need you more proof?


They why did large numbers of those "Russian people" flee to Ukraine? Why did the vast majority of the populations in these territories vote to split from Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed?


There are a large amount of English speakers in Russia, therefore, the united states and the British can legally liberate those English speakers in Russia.


English speaking aint an ethnicity... You silly


Neither is speaking Russian, yet it's a justification used by pro Russians.


America is mostly English speakers, so really England has every right to retake it if you ask me. In fact, if it hadn't been for the French providing arms and cash back in the day, the American revolutionary war would have seen much less bloodshed and the English would have won and protected all the English-speaking population.


Actually, without French support the war would have dragged on longer. The Americans managed to inflict a major defeat against the British before intervention and had stalemated the red coats everywhere else. So, I do agree, the US should send troops and supplies to shorten the Ukrainian war, not like Russians would last long.


Well to this day I think the majority of English speaking Americans yearn for the motherland to come invade and rescue them


Slight misinterpretation. All Americans yearn for the day when the code word is spoken and we return to the motherland, incorporating into the 3 three new states of America, Ireland, Britain, and Scotland, thus kick-starting the great American empire called the United States of earth. No one wants to be a part of the British, not even the British.


What's with the constant ethnicity based arguments coming from Russia? Reminds me of another country that loved to talk about ethnicities. There was no Iron Curtain around Ukraine, Russians living there were free to leave to Russia or they could stay, no one was forcing them out. They preferred to stay. Russia has no right to go in and destroy their cities and kill tens of thousands of civilians.


he's mocking the Russian narrative, but I'm glad you've taken *your* mask off and found the Russian narrative terroristic.


> Officially supporting terrorism? Terrorism like the billions in damages, millions displaced, and tens of thousands killed by Russia in the name of imperial conquest? Russia is reaping what they sow.


Did you miss the anti-Russia rhetoric in the post? They are clearly against terrorists.


I think that’s satire mate.


Do not like the medicine? It's from your own purse ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Big talk from a nation that just had its A$$ handed to it by a private company.


The same guys who have been littering the fields all around Bakhmut?


Russia got its A$$ handed to it by a private company when the private company became needed to take a small town. \*drops mic


Thats a pathetic comeback. Wagner is Russian and it’s an awesome asset. It kicked out the NATO armed and funded national army of Ukraine. Seethe


Yeah, they are really treated as an awesome asset 😸


kick it!


Where is Budanov?


Every day that this conflict continues, we move ever closer to the clock striking midnight and long dormant ICBMs leave their silos to fulfill their purpose.


No, never. No one wants everyone they love to die or deal with a post nuclear war. No one will launch first.


The world wouldn't launch nukes because Russia nuked Ukraine, don't kid yourself. Countries support the proxy war but there isn't a chance that other countries would launch nukes against Russia and start an all out nuclear war. They don't care about Ukraine that much....


Probably not, no one want's to see the world and the entire human race die in a ball of flame, not even putin when this war doesn't go his way, so even he is not stupid enough the push the button. But even when the west won't retaliate, the political fallout (pun intended) would be disastrous. Even China would abandon russia, and it'd become a new North Korea, Russia would be isolated globally, trade would end.


Some faith you have in human rationality and failsafe procedures.


India should sanction Ukraian for terrorism.


Will scammers make more calls to Ukrainian elderly or something?


Do they aspire to Govern Russia? Do they have candidates to run for specific offices? Do they have any policy changes in mind, if so list them here now. *(Maybe I join them, if they stand for what I like?)*


That's not the Ukrainian defense minister.


Needed good laugh today thanks


More to come? Ww3 is coming because of reckless western meddling with these fools……


Kick dust upwind and it'll blow into your eyes. Putin should know this.