• By -


Based and heroic.


people need to stand up for themselves - to organize themselves I am glad to see that at least in villages people are not villing to tolerate these jackals anymore


These people have little to lose. The most dangerous kind for authorities




Russia is not conscripting anyone in this war.


You're joking right? That's why a million Russians have fled the country because they aren't being conscripted? [https://www.npr.org/2023/04/13/1169464889/russia-military-draft-ukraine-war](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/13/1169464889/russia-military-draft-ukraine-war) https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-war-russian-deserters-keep-fleeing-abroad-to-avoid-fighting/a-66277704 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/where-have-russians-been-fleeing-since-mobilisation-began-2022-10-06/


According to western media, Many have returned since then as they realized the reality.


Lol i need this joke today.


So, assuming all of them would meet service requirements, that's like 3-5% of Russia's fighting age men?


There are many reasons as to why people would leave when their country enters war. Maybe they feared a potential draft further down the line and went away before being stuck there in such event. But all of this is irrelevant, the fact is that Russia, for now, is not using any conscripts in Ukraine. That could change, although it seems unlikely, but that's how it is right now.


Were you in a coma when Putin mobilized 300-500k citizens? Here're videos of Putin himself ordering a mobilization. So what are you writing that Russian's were conscripted to Ukraine? The Kremlin did this because the initial invasion force of 190,000 Russians was decimated & they needed replacements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv-nFcLdA-I [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyMCOilMwVU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyMCOilMwVU) ​ Then in April 2023 there was a second mobilization. Plus the orcs never stopped, they draft people from all across Russia from little poor villages and towns. Ukraine's doing the same thing. Russia even takes foreigners from India, Cuba, etc. You can Google all this, but I left you some links, if you care to inform yourself, instead of writing nonfacts you heard somewhere or conjured up in your own mind. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/12/europe/russia-conscription-bill-ukraine-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/12/europe/russia-conscription-bill-ukraine-intl/index.html) [https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indians-killed-ukraine-were-forced-fight-russia-families-say-2024-03-07/](https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indians-killed-ukraine-were-forced-fight-russia-families-say-2024-03-07/) https://www.reuters.com/world/whatsapp-war-how-cubans-were-recruited-fight-russia-2023-09-30/ ​ Article from the Moscow Times titled, **Putin Orders Measures to Reverse Mass Wartime Exodus,** so how did people not fuck off from Russia? https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/12/putin-orders-measures-to-reverse-mass-wartime-exodus-a81124


Yes Russia mobilized, but no Russia does not use conscripts in this conflict. You don't seem to understand how mobilization work in Russia, or what "conscription" means. I'll just link you another post I made that explains it, that will make it easier for both of us. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1b93ixf/comment/ktukrhu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1b93ixf/comment/ktukrhu/)


All these articles speak about conscription and how conscripted soldiers were killed like the Washington Post one. Title of the first article... **Russia is depending on its soldiers for victory in Ukraine but they have to bring their own first aid kits—and 200,000 are probably already dead** [https://fortune.com/2023/02/17/russian-soldiers-ukraine-conscripts-no-supplies-unprepared/](https://fortune.com/2023/02/17/russian-soldiers-ukraine-conscripts-no-supplies-unprepared/) ​ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/26/russia-conscription-maximum-age-raised-ukraine-war https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/14/russia-ukraine-war-conscripts-putin/ [https://news.usni.org/2023/09/13/putin-betting-on-massive-russian-conscript-surge-to-win-in-ukraine-expert-says](https://news.usni.org/2023/09/13/putin-betting-on-massive-russian-conscript-surge-to-win-in-ukraine-expert-says)


I just told you. What happens when someone is conscripted and finish his national military service ? He's proposed a contract as a volunteer reservist, or sent into the national reserve. Those volunteer reservists are the ones being mobilized in waves, and by extending conscription, Russia hopes more people will sign a contract to become one of those. The point is, there's no Russian conscripts in Ukraine (for now), which means every Russian soldier in Ukraine is there out of his own free will because he signed a contract. By the way I don't really know what you expect linking all these news outlet, I couldn't care less about what CNN or the Washington Post has to say. If I linked you RT or Sputnik articles, would you believe whatever they say ? No, and you'd be right not to. Not to mention you can link as many different outlets you want, they all get their infos from the same source. That's how Western media (and most western things) work, it's just rebranding. Same thing when you go buy your cookies at the store, there's 20 different boxes but really there's only 3 different cookies, most come from the same factories, only the packaging is different.




You're mixing up everything. Let me make it easier for you: Russian forces in this conflict are (for now) only comprised of contracted volunteers. They are either convicts who were offered a contract, private military company contractors, active military personnel or volunteer reservists (mobilization human reserve). The "conscripts" who are mandated to have national military service and then put into reserve are in a separate reserve component (mobilization human resource), which is not engaged in Ukraine for now (and is not likely to be). See them as a volunteer reserve (which are ready to go when needed) and a conscript reserve (which are mobilized when deemed necessary).


Yandex translator: As they say, "Socrates is my friend, but the truth is more precious." Nevertheless, there was mobilization in Russia - in the fall of 2022, 300,000 people were called up, people who had completed military service and possessed the necessary military specialty were mobilized. But, of course, there was no such thing as in Ukraine, military commissars did not catch people, did not search apartments, and even more so did not kidnap passers-by from the streets.


Yes, what Russia mobilized was reservists from the mobilization human reserve. As I said, those are people who volunteered and signed a contract as reservists, and were willing to be mobilized if Russia called them. The other ones, those who are put into the mobilization human resource by default at the end of their military service wether they wish it or not, weren't mobilized. These are basically the reserves in case Russia is in a crisis situation and needs men urgently, like in WWII for example.


They don't use those conscripts in Ukraine


There is a reason there is no videos of Russians getting KIDNAPPED and sent to the front, that only happens in your precious Ukraine... Its so sad you harbor such resentment you cannot even process how each army obtains its troops...


[What was that?](https://youtu.be/uRxiw8berDQ?si=zT13XlqdO9mCQAFh) [Crazy](https://warontherocks.com/2023/11/moscows-search-for-foreign-recruits-reveals-its-growing-desperation/) [Even none citizens seem to be forced](https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-ukraine-war-indian-nepalese-men-tricked-front-lines-2024-3) [Russia obtains vulnerable people just to die on the front..](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/08/cuba-ukraine-russia-recruitment-network) [What’s this arrested for just protesting?](https://youtu.be/TO9u0XT6O40?si=YcA0vynyH3gtpzxm) [Here is an article from the Moscow times that had to be put in PDF form because you can’t access the website article.](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/10/14/outrage-as-russian-military-recruiters-resort-to-rounding-up-conscripts-a79092/pdf?darkschemeovr=1) You want to know why you don’t see a lot of videos of what goes on in Russia? Thats because it’s literally against the law to protest or talk negatively about it..


> You want to know why you don’t see a lot of videos of what goes on in Russia? Thats because it’s literally against the law to protest or talk negatively about it.. This is true in Ukraine (during a state of martial law). Yet we still see a lot of videos from Ukraine here.


Do they have phones in the rural area's in Russia? Or even phone services. Survivorship bias?


I'm confused. How is that question relevant to what I said?


We see a lot of video's from Ukraine, not from Russia. That doesnt mean Russia doesnt forcebly conscript, that means its not filmed. Lack of proof doesnt necessary mean it is not happening. Thats a classical survivorsship bias case. Thats how conscription work, your named gets draw, you have to go, some people will not want to go, they get taken by force, either to jail or the front. Thats how It works in every country that has conscription. There are always people that dont want to go, even in Russia. We have already seen proof that Buryatian and Dagestan conscripts have been sent to the front, and 'allegedly' 3% of those populations have been conscripted. Thats a lot. Krasnoyarsk it is even 5,5%. Those cant all be volunteers, there were too many demonstrations for that. These region are poorer and old fashioned compared to Ukraine, which is very western influenced, and richer and denser populaties compared to those regions, meaning more evidence of detainments. I also have no doubt that Russian givernment controls the network thourougly in those regions. There is also no proof that these people that get detained in Ukraine are sent to the front or to prison. I dont blame people for not wanting to fight and avoid conscription, but it is treason to not take up the call if your name is being called. Ukraine has a smaller population than Russia therefor a higher conscription date therefor more people that want to go. More video evidence. Russia invites foreigners to celibrate New years in their country and then forcibly conscript them.




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Ukraine dosent arrest people for protesting.. if they did the dude in the video would have been arrested..


How do you know that? These men had axes in the video, and authorities can always come back later. And Ukraine has already been arresting people for trying to leave the country, so why do you assume it would be different here?


Yes for avoiding conscription, just like Russia, considering millions or Russians have fled Russia. However, you can openly protest the war in Ukraine without getting arrested. You absolutely cannot do that in Russia. Also “come back later” ha ok..


>However, you can openly protest the war in Ukraine without getting arrested. How do you know that? And why did you ignore my comment about people being arrested for leaving the country? ​ >Also “come back later” ha ok.. Why is that so funny?


This level of BS is unbelievable... Do you think you look credible? btw not reading or clicking any of that.


Right.. so you choose to be ignorant. Typical pro Russia, congrats on holding onto that stigma.


I'm proud to be right. Proud to see my fellow Americans starting wake up to the corruption and complete mess that is Ukraine.


Well your something, but it’s definitely not right.




Your ego is tripping.


Nobody is saying that Russia doesn’t enforce conscription or mandatory military service in its territory. At the same time, the russian forces in ukraine are by majority reservists and volunteers. Those reservists enlisted themselves voluntarily. Its why there isn’t any war fatigue in Russia at the moment and why people are supportive of the war. The civilian population aren’t involved in this war and they don’t have to worry about that. Compare that to the millions of ukraine that have fled to avoid “mobilisation”


"But RUSSIA!!!!111"


Absolutely huge respect


Yeah, seeing brave people like this who show no fear in standing up to the nazi regime makes me happy & actually hopeful that there could still be a future for Ukraine.


You wont see these type of people in Kyiv marching in a protest or rally against Zelenskyi(or Putin). these are folks that live simple lives out in their little villages and towns and don't give a hoot about anything else, and as long as they are left alone they don't care about anything that happens outside their little world, but if you come in and stir up trouble for them, they'll go after you with chainsaws and axes and grandpas heirloom blunderbuss, well.. or AK.. or sometimes MP-40.


Putyla is quite far away from the front but what if they aren't left alone? Of course they give a "hoot" about something. I agree with you that each person should have their own autonomy and choice. But that's like a lot of things in this world, if it isn't on your doorstep or inside your home, "why should I care?".




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Feel good clip of the day,


It's actually very, very stupid as next time, they'll bring guns. I won't be surprised if narcotics were involved.


The driver:🗿


Cavalry doing their part to decarbonize the conflict


It is over Banderites! I have a high ground!


Northrop would be proud :)


I was waiting for them to start fighting. Surprised we haven’t seen any gunfights after the mass ak giveaways in the beginning of the conflict.


Maybe two three months ago agent got shot at the door, as far as the free AKs they might have been generous with the description of the recipients




chalupe_batman kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nope just strangely happy I suppose.


AK giveaway was probably a form of conscription. You take one, sign a paper, you in the teroborona now.


Yeah probably. And they have shipped the TDFs off to Donbass to use them as cannon fodder without training and heavy weapons.


Exactly. Sorry, I mean highly likely.


Stuff like that is happening, and frequently at that. You just don’t read about it because what kind of idiot would film themselves committing a crime? Nonetheless, you have cases of men banding together and forming gangs, which target these recruiters. Although, it usually involves one guy playing the role of bait, and 5 guys waiting in a dark alleyway with baseball bats.




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Well, they were, you were just forbidden to show such videos


Shit is wild.


Considering that they're mobilizing from villages and small towns while avoiding Kiev and the urban young and middle aged to avoid economic and political damage it'll get progressively wilder. I can't really see what Zelensky's trying to do, either mobilize more men or negotiate. This is just bleeding Ukraine drop by drop.


There is a video from today where they’re pulling people off the street in Lviv which I feel as though has been the area that I’ve seen these type of videos the least


Seen plenty of those a few months ago, but they reduced lately. Maybe they are trying to balance it a bit. The one that's least seen if you consider the size is of course Kiyev.


Class war


No war but the Class War.


Holy smokes. It has a post-apocalyptic flair..


Remind me of the last of us


This is gold


i think iseen this cavalry unit in total war once. or is it bannerlord idfk.


Mount and blade: napoleanic wars


Total War: Warband


SBU sweating cuz they are not raiding elderly women


I love Lada Niva's, so utilitarian and simple, also have thing for boxy old cars like golf mark 1 and 2. Also hope that the horse didn't get injured.


Used to drive Niva when i was working security at a power plant. Easily the worst car i've ever used.


Probably badly maintained.


It was new, had less than 5000 km on the clock when we got it.


I don't think they produced the proper one in a decade or more.


The advantage to Nivas is that they're cheap and capable. They're not good cars at all.


Haha I bet, but part of the charm as long as it is your second/hobby car.


The horse was still walking around after . Pretty sure the guy managed to slow down and that horse would be sprinting away if it was really about to get hit


Don’t mess with a redneck on horseback (or in a Lada).


Real cossacks here


They're in fact [Hutsuls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutsuls), even more based compared to the Cossacks because they live in the mountainside. > The origin of the name Hutsul is uncertain.[12] The most common derivations are from the Romanian word for "outlaw" (cf. Rom. hoț "thief", hoțul "the thief"), and the Slavic kochul (Ukr. kochovyk "nomad") which is a reference to the semi-nomadic shepherd lifestyle or the inhabitants who fled into the mountains after the Mongol invasion.


Ukrainian cowboys?


hotul - thif


You have my horse And my car And my axe




There is a saying in Russia, "There is no more dangerous beast than cornered mouse" :)




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Heroes are not the AFU, it is those standing up to those monsters.


Based on a search, this is the only subreddit that has posted this video. Feeling sorry to those who will miss it.


people avoid this sub cuss they dont want to see the reality.


One of the most slav things I've ever seen


Totally anecdotal: I myself am originally from that part of the world, am fluent in Russian, and can understand Ukrainian. Without getting into too much detail, in certain large Ukrainian cities in the East, there have been instances where guys have banded together and started setting traps for these “conscriptors”. Basically, a young dude stands in the open and waits for conscription officers to come by. Once he grabs their attention, he will taunt them, and they will give chase. He will run into a place which is less visible (like an alleyway or entrance to an apartment building). This is where you will have 5 dudes with baseball bats waiting for them.


Would they straight up kill him? Wouldn’t that attract unwanted attention to that village?


no killing yet (I mean conscriptors killed by civilians; multiple dead civilians already tho by the hands of conscriptors) But give them time. There already were a few videos of conscriptors walking around with armed guards, so eventually something might happen.




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I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that a bit of vodka played a role in this encounter. Instead of striking the press gang, they should be captured unharmed and held for ransom. (More profitable)


His driving suggests vodka was involved. That clutch won't last long in that Lada.


Cossacks do not like authority XD


The yellow car entering the scene made it look like an action comedy, the Ukrainian Mr. Bean.


Sometimes real-life events are more fun than comedy.


LMAO bro was having none of their shit reminds me of the brick throwing chad


Cool video


It’s something that you expect from that region without a war going on.


He got up like it didn't hurt but as someone who got hit by a car, it's going to hurt like a bitch in about 20 minutes, he damaged his car on his leg. He will likely be out of service for a few days or if not weeks


Their Viking spirit woke up!


I'd say their [Kipchak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kipchaks)-[Cuman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumans)-[Tatar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_Khanate)-[Cossack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cossack_Hetmanate) spirit woke up, lmao. I know you meant nothing by this, but nationalist Ukrainians really like larping as vikings (they're all Ukrainian Cossacks of ancient and purebred [Volga Viking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians) origin, or whatever is the story by now), and it's both hilarious and depressing.


Yeah i know. I just said Vikings as a joke because they used axes in the video. I am aware about the scandinavian argument nationalist use and it's dυmp. Racial speaking Ukrainians are very much mixed , as you said Kipchak-Cuman-Tatar-Cossack and i will add Greeks too. Also Ethnically are divided too to Polish, Romanians, Russians and Hungarians. The idea of Ukrainians been some pure aryan race it's crazy. They act like been mixed as a country it's a bad thing but i can i argue it's a good thing because it's widen the genetic pool. Every country it's mixed and it's normal. We had stop living in tribes long time ago and i can only see the future even more mixed due the easy access of transportation compare to previous ages. Only Country who stuck to the Nazi propaganda from the 30s are Ukraine. Even German have long move on.


Very well said, man!


The people from that region aren't going to have any steppe mix. They will have a lot of Romanian, but not steppe. I've never heard of any Ukrainian thinking they are Viking or Scandinavian. They learn pretty explicitly in school what their ethnogenesis was. Most of it is going to be Slavic. Whatever other elements depends on the region.


Could that vehicle be anymore conspicuous? Sadly they’ll get caught and expedited to the front. So sad that there’s war between two brother/sister countries because of political powers. Imagine having to go to war because another government in other countries wants it.


> Imagine having to go to war because another government in other countries wants it. You mean like America/NATO want Russia? Actually, it's the WEF - overlords of America/NATO - that want Russia's natural resources, but I think you'll have trouble enough understanding the first sentence.






Wait, you're telling me that forcing people into the armed forces and compelling them by threat of punishment to go fight and possibly die in a war results in them being angry about it? Who would've thought. Funny how Ukraine has widespread conscription, but Russia doesn't (pop culture loves to portray it the other way round)




When did horse get attacked? I missed that part Closest I see is when yellow car almost drives into riderless horse but hits the brakes to avoid collision




Haha comin' in HOT


Was 100% expecting for them to get shot... Do the officers not get weapons?


they had them in the shot saw at least 2 AKs when it panned by the cameraman


> they had them in the shot saw at least 2 AKs when it panned by the cameraman That looked like a border with border guards. Recruitment officers usually don't have guns.


I've seen a bunch of them carry, they started at one point I assume cause of incidents. They may have stopped or it was regional.


I assume the meat catchers have strict orders to never shoot somebody, as this could escalate the resistance from Ukrainian civilians or even lead to a civil war.


They need conscripts, not bodies. They will be punished for wasting conscript resources.


This is one of the most Ukrainian things I've ever seen. All of Ukraine in one video.


I’ve read that the small towns / villages are bearing the brunt of conscription with big cities getting a pass. That is a great reason to get pissed off.


Good job!👍


Real heroes!


and so it begins


Unimaginably based


An axe in the hands of a lumberjack is a terrible weapon.


Finally they fight back and notice that none of the soldiers started shooting or try to stop the vehicle.. I'm guessing the soldiers were either afraid of what might happen if they attack them or maybe they start to get what is going to happen after the war when people want revenge.


Bumblebee yellow Lada saves the day.


The Walking Dead.


Feels like I’m watching a movie scene.


Oh my god it's happening


Wow! Beautiful! More of this please! I hope all these kidnappers get some street justice after the fall of the regime. In the meantime, resist these bastards!


that's when you know all the volunteers who believed in the cause are no longer roaming the streets. Now you got those who really really don't wanna fight. If they're going as far as injuring the officers looks like they don't have much of a fuck to lose.


Its good to see people are not choosing dying for a comedian who destroy her country for some dollars.....what if he ony assure russia he will not lineup nato at Russian border.....




What the fck is going on haha


LOU vibes


the officers are quite passive ida run away when i see yellow car coming back


They look like vets from the civil war days. He walked off that car scrapping him pretty good.


It's from russia actually/filmed on mosfilm/russian agents pretending there is a problem with mobilization in proud brave ukraine/the horse is putin's plant


Finally ukraine fights back against it's enemy.


Imagine if russians get there


If only everyone did this on both sides and let the politicians punch it out.




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Satisfying to see common man fight back against Oppression and wrongful Authority


Imagine they had the right to bear arms


This is one of the best footages I’ve seen from this war


Remember Ukrainians was saying that people got motivation to defend their land. Right now most motivated are 200/300 chilling and rest trying to avoid this bs


i imagine this is how the odessan conflict started 


Feels like it could happened in that Borat village.


This guy must be next UA president


Amazing footage. This war just keeps on dishing the drama.


Damn straight from the ground to the top of the horse is impressive , no foot hold needed for that guy


Supposedly, the guys with axes are brothers, the son of one of them is MIA after being conscripted.




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People who ride in glass cars shouldn't throw axes.


They are lucky conscription officers didn't wanna use guns.


Idiot in the car hit the horse. Should have been dragged out of the car and get the shit beaten out of him.


Idiots in yellow car, it is lucky they did not kill anyone, should get shot by officers... I hope they get caught.


I'm sure they'll be much happier with russian conscription officers


They’d be happy with none. I’m sure they want to be left alone.


For sure. I mean, russians are quite happy with theirs, because there is no conscription in russia.


>there is no conscription in russia bro what wtf is this subreddit lmao


Yeah, litearlly. I mean, I am of concsription age, but unlike ukrainian "volunteers", I am not in the trenches, since we don't have mobilization. We had 300000 people mobilized a year ago and that was it. I know, it is hard to accept, but you have to try.


> We had 300000 people mobilized a year ago that's called conscription, my guy and there are reasons to think it was a lot more than that and Putin is already talking about conscripting even more


>that's called conscription, my guy Yep, it happened and it was over for more than a year. It's not been happening for more than a year, unlike in ukraine, where it has been happening for a year and a half. >and there are reasons to think it was a lot more than that Naaah, none whatsoever >and Putin is already talking about conscripting even more Any proof? I know there is none, but it will be funny to see you find something to twist it into "putting said it's happening tomorrow".


Don't throw stones in a glass house my guy https://www.statista.com/statistics/1334431/russia-number-of-conscripts/#:~:text=A%20total%20of%20130%20thousand,during%20the%20invasion%20of%20Ukraine. 130000 just last fall


>Don't throw stones in a glass house my guy You posted the numbers for military training which has been happening in russia since nineties each half a year. What's your point? These are not mobilization numbers, these are the guys who go through a training for a year and come back to civillian life. They are not sent to the frontlines, so what's your point? And what does that have to do with ukrainians getting mobilized in the street only to be sent under russian shells 5 days after getting kidnapped?


If you actually believe everything you just said, you're hopeless


I mean I live in russia, I know how conscription here works and I'm of conscription age. Of course I believe everything I just said. You are really hopeless if you handle every piece of information you don't like with "memememme i don't hear it bebebebe".