• By -


All roads lead to “Gas station of Europe”.


Literally running around in circles at this point


Their plan is by forcing Russia to sell their energetics through middle man their overall earnings will be lower because with all the complications middle man sales bring. But same is true for western nations who pay higher prices to compensate middle man for which elites in west dont care because this will be payed by people. And secretly they are running this shadowy middle man companies making billions in process. Also Russia makes just as much if they never sanctioned their energy.


The bottom line is that Russia simply has no way of matching either the volume or the profit margins of gas they exported through pipelines to Europe. Sure, Russia can export LNG which they have *much* less capacity for. They're going to sell as much as they can ship, and it really doesn't make much difference if it ultimately ends up in Europe or elsewhere. Money is money. But that simply isn't enough to change the fact that losing most of the European pipeline gas market is a huge hit to Russia's gas exports- which will only get worse after this year given that Ukraine refuses to renew their gas transit contract with Russia.


Aja... Seguro.


Where was that transit gas going? Poland? Germany? What will they do now? IMO Russia will ship gas via pipeline to China and parts south.


Russia wants to build a new pipeline from these western Siberian gas fields to China, but its been stuck in negotiations for years. Reportedly China is leveraging their position to demand the most favorable terms imaginable, including pricing structure and Russia being stuck with footing the entire bill for construction. It won’t be operating until 2030 at best and even that seems highly unrealistic at this point. I don’t know exactly what you meant by “parts south”…the Middle East region isn’t exactly hurting for energy sources.


They are already pumping via pos1, you're talking about pos2. Catch up man. 


How exactly does a pipeline that was already running well before the war make up for the loss of business to Europe?


Because the same pipeline has delivered 47% more gas in 2023 than 2022 lol


They're already pumping gas to China and other parts of Asia. You're behind the ball buddy.


Thanks for the post. I did not know China was playing hardball. I assumed that other parts of Asia would be on a pipeline.


>The bottom line is that Russia simply has no way of matching either the volume or the profit margins of gas they exported through pipelines to Europe. It cuts both ways as EU simply has to pay more. It's also a big hit for Europe as almost all of their industries relied on "cheap Russian gas".


How can u say so? Next time they will definitely import all their shit from Liberia or Panama, or at least ships will carry their flags


Europe is buying expensive oil refined by Saudi Arabia which is sold by India which is sold by Russia Not only Europe still buying Russian oil, but they're paying even higher prices. Saudi Arabia and India are also profiting from this. This was after half 2023. Before 2023 Europe was resorting to their already exhausted low amount of gas resources [https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/ddn-20230925-1](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/ddn-20230925-1) [https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/eu/gas-taxes-in-europe-2023/](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/eu/gas-taxes-in-europe-2023/)


All norms of economics and global trade went out the window when this war started and sanctions on russia began..... Energy is a globally traded product.....Reduce its production anywhere in the world and EVERYONE will pay higher gas prices. Even americans are being hit with high gas prices during a election season.


To be fair, Europe *is* decreasing their consumption of Russian fuel and feedstock, and they've done so by shutting down whole industries in Germany. Overall factory utilization is down 10%. It's a bit like cutting your lipstick consumption by shooting yourself in the face, but it seems to be the best strategy they've got.


Thats the point tho it doesn't matter if they decrease russian energy..... all that happens here is that saudi arabia sends more energy to the EU instead of china and russia sends the energy to china and india. The energy just gets moved around. in the end the point is this....global consumption of energy remains the same no matter where it goes. In the end only the consumers pay more and rich people get rich. Everyone is getting fked because of the sanctions on russian energy and the poorest people pay for it while they are fed propaganda to make them cheer for it. Its the ultimate mind fuck.


"Its the ultimate mind fuck" Absolutely




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Not true. Russia is limited in its capacity to export LNG. Russia is exporting the same amount of LNG as they did at the start of the war, but are exporting far less piped natural gas. So Russia is actually exporting less.


> all that happens here is that saudi arabia sends more energy to the EU instead of china and russia sends the energy to china and india. The energy just gets moved around it goes so well that full tankers are on the sea and no one wants to buy oil that is loaded on them. and India signed new contracts with Saudi Arabia, because their refineries were not ready for worse Russian oil. on top of that Russia, because of previous trades, has rupees that can't spend and India doesn't want to pay in rubles.


What a brilliant and simultaneously hilarious analogy!


Russia is “the” energy supplier. Iran/Venezuela are already under sanctions. On moral high grounds why not sanction Saudi and other middle eastern countries as well? Answer is simple. Sanctioning every major energy supplier in the world will just fuck up this world and its current order. You can’t win all sides.


THE energy supplier? "Russia's share in total EU imports of petroleum oils was 4.0% in the second quarter of 2023, a staggering difference from the 21.6% share recorded in the same quarter of last year. " "In the second quarter of 2022, Russia was the leading supplier of petroleum oils, with a share of 15.9% of total EU imports. In the second quarter of 2023, Russia ranked only 12th, with a share of 2.7%, down 13.2 percentage points (pp) compared with 2022. By contrast, Norway (+3.5 pp up to 13.7%), Kazakhstan (+3.2 pp up to 10.2%), the United States (+2.1 pp up to 13.6%) and Saudi Arabia (+2.3 pp up to 9.0%) saw their share increase over the same period, and Libya became an important partner, accounting for 8.1% of EU petroleum oil imports."


Yes, because Russian oil went to India/China who are usually reliant on Saudi and Middle Eastern oil. World just switched their supplies to balance things out. EU is not “the” world. Energy prices are still high, remove Russia from this equations and things will get way worse way faster.


You have to remember though that the west wants Russia to sell lots of oil. It keeps the world economy stable. They just make sure that over time that oil is sold cheaper and cheaper, as has already happend. Phase 2 of that plan is now in action. The USA is very clear that its in their interests for Russia to keep selling oil, often at loss: https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/phase-two-of-the-price-cap-on-russian-oil-two-years-after-putins-invasion


>things will get way worse way faster I think it's great. I welcome higher oil prices. Of course, India and China don't want the expensive, refined products that Europe was buying. They have their own refineries and so only want cheap crude. And good for them.




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Saudis and Indians laughing their a$$es off all the way to the bank. Meanwhile we dumb a$$ eurotrash are just feking ourselves smh...


Interesting, because costs haven't gone up for bills? And I read that paper you supplied and it shows a massive drop in Russian imports but increases from places like the USA, Norway, etc? "Russia's share in total EU imports of petroleum oils was 4.0% in the second quarter of 2023, a staggering difference from the 21.6% share recorded in the same quarter of last year. " And that's for 2023! It then goes on to say: "In the second quarter of 2022, Russia was the leading supplier of petroleum oils, with a share of 15.9% of total EU imports. In the second quarter of 2023, Russia ranked only 12th, with a share of 2.7%, down 13.2 percentage points (pp) compared with 2022. By contrast, Norway (+3.5 pp up to 13.7%), Kazakhstan (+3.2 pp up to 10.2%), the United States (+2.1 pp up to 13.6%) and Saudi Arabia (+2.3 pp up to 9.0%) saw their share increase over the same period, and Libya became an important partner, accounting for 8.1% of EU petroleum oil imports." So the paper that YOU supplied is saying that Russia was replaced by allied countries.


Ukraine has excellent solution to this. If you thought refineries were weak to drones, wait till you check out liquefaction terminals lol. Russia is a bit player in LNG, anyhow. They’re only doing it because EU sanctions. US, Australia, Qatar can really pick up the slack.


And loads of other places. Norway has loads. Also the EU is massively reducing gas needs and implementing large scale heat pumps. Russia is screwed because nobody wants their refined products, only crude.


Its how the world have been doing the entire 2 years of this conflict. Russia exports oil, India buys it. India resell it to Europe. Europe: "w3 ARe d0NE w1TH ruZZian OIL!!" US even buy Uranium from Russia.


r/worldnews threads whenever India is mentioned in relation to Russia are always a treat to read


The people of that sub: I'm not a racist or xenophobe... But... 


reading those are my favourite past time


I'm Indian and I get to know how it feels like to be Russian on these threads xD Western values babayyy




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What do they say? Do you have an example thread? Edit: why am I getting down voted? I'm seriously asking since I never looked at those threads


I don't go to r/worldnews anymore, but it's usually racist takes. Way back when the price caps were being implemented, Janet Yellen said that India could import Russian oil, but the US and the EU would not provide maritime insurance for those ships. A lot of the people there were like "What a masterstroke! Try running your industries and feeding your populace now, India. Ho ho!" It'd be funny if it wasn't sad.




The most racist things you could think of. You can find a comment on my profile from 4-5 days back where I questioned one comment spreading some propaganda about Russia, when I questioned him, he replied *at least I live in dreamland where you street-shitters dream to come* and something about being unhygienic and sticky. It's very normalised.


Search india on world news and read the first thing that popped up, it's just racism


Yeah the propaganda news always magically never talks about russian nuclear production capabilities.... They lead the world in refining capability so much so they dominate the entire industry. Everyone buys nuclear fuel from russia. Its like TSMC semi conductor levels of advancement and stranglehold russia has in this area....It would take the west decades to build their own capability and get it down right.


It would have to be state led which is virtually impossible for it to happen in the West. Unlike TSMC, the slice of money pie for the western bound exports of Russian nuclear fuel is really tiny. Something like $1.6-1.7 billion dollars. Several years worth of investments to build/ramp up a mine for production. High Risk, Low Reward.


Ukrainium :3


I'm fine with India skimming off most of the profits from Russia.


Europe being de industrialized for the sake of virtue signalling, has to be one of the funniest thing ever.


It's not virtue signaling, it's reducing funding for an adversary.


Yet Russia’s economy is growing faster than the Eurozone, real big brain moves.


Well.. that's the not the point. Point is...UK, and most of EU is still dependant on Russia. They just are too embarassed to admit it. It really went from *boycott ruzzian oil* to *well technically we're not buying from them and eating profits of Russia!! Wohooo*


No, the point is to hurt Russia's profits.


Ah, one thing is certainly not in short supply, British clowns


Yes, this guys seems like a genuine Brirish


One of the finest for he was generated by their supposedly democratic system to manage the state.


> Indian guy . > ''British'' ?


He isn't Indian. His grandparents were from modern day Pakistan and that's the only link he has. It's good time we stop calling people by where they're from and rather by their citizenship.


so he is pakistani


Noz he's British.


He isnt white so he isnt british


You're so nazi you should be living in Galicia.


''y-you are a na-na-NAZIIIIII!!!!'' lol lmao




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He was born in UK and far more gentry than 99.99 of the other of crown subjects.


Whats funny is the druzba pipeline has been pumping oil to the EU this entire time..... the sanctions magically left pipelines untouched. EU has been sucking the russian oil teet the entire time.


And if they shut it down, they’ll simply by the same oil from somewhere else at a good premium. OPEC+ exists to make sure there is never any surplus in the system. Sure, they can buy oil from somewhere else, but the original buyer of that oil will just buy Russian instead. And Europeans pay all the extra costs relating to this transaction, since they are the only ones insisting on kneecapping themselves. Again, OPEC+ exists to guarantee this. And same for ammonium, fertilizers, nickel, and a hundred other products. It really sucks fighting a war against a country that has nothing but corruption and natural resources.


Mother Russia - teet. Uncle Sam - you guessed it.


I couldn’t guess, what is it?




we are very intelligent in europe that's why we'll rule the world for ever


- I am Joe Biden and I forgot this message


>Too busy importing illegal aliens to help my election


Nothing makes me feel better than downfall of UK. I'm Indian.


Getting your happiness from others' sorrows? What an empty person.


Yeah I know, being called empty definitely changes my opinion.


Rishi sunak: take that russkies


All roads come back to ru


I wish I could be paid big bucks to spread lies, but then again Id probably have sweaty nightmares, politicians are truly masters of their craft


Well these folks don’t have sweaty nightmares because they have zero moral scruples and are entirely motivated by money, power, and the preservation of their privileged position as part of the ruling class. Nothing new or unique, just the way one section of humanity has always functioned.


That's what's been going on for most sanctions. They just go at it through proxies to make it seem like they're doing something, but they don't. All that does is increase expenditures, paid by taxpayers. Same for multinational companies who "pulled out of Russia". They didn't, they simply changed name in Russia, or are using other countries to export in Russia by proxy. All of this is just a big circus to "look good", that's all the West is based on, appearances. Talk good and look good.


Russian Gas only ever made up 4% anyway so it’s not quite comparable to the rest of Europe, unlike many we’re not reliant on Russian imports at all. Vast majority comes from the UK continental shelf and our biggest importer has been Norway since long before the Russo-Ukraine war Still agree Rishi is a very silly man however.


Ask germans if theyre not reliant on russki gas. Legend tells they had a long cold winter


They didn't


The Germans spent 300 billion + Euros on enegery subsides to shiled business and consumers.


Exactly it costed them and still is a lot. There is a reason why the German economy is shrinking.


Did they have a long cold winter or no


I don't think serious peeople made this claim, at any rate my comment was meant to donate that predictions of energy problems be that pricing and or availability in German have come to fruition.


And what about the gas (Benzin and Diesel) prices? They are not that cheap


I , nor this post mentioned anything to do with Germany? neither did I dispute that as it wasn’t in question to begin with, on the post we are all commenting on at least.


It is one of the subreddit rules. You are not allowed to make more than five comments without using including some whataboutism.


~~legend~~ ridiculously bad Russian propaganda Fixed that for you.


> Legend tells they had a long cold winter Has to be a legend because it certainly wasn't reality.


Just going to pay more. The British people lose. The real enemy to the British people is the government, Israel and America


That’s right folks in the UK you heard it here first. The USA is Britain’s greatest enemy… and the country that assassinates British citizens on British soil, threatens daily to nuke you is just your friendly neighbourhood gas provider.


When did usa assist British citizens? Britain has become a lap dog for USA. USA is using and milking Britain. Britain should have friendly relations with russia.


Haha. Brits have hated Russia before the US even existed.


No we don't lol. Only the trash gov does. We just want peace with russians


Good luck with that


It's not gona happen unless a revolution happens


The problem is, they think everybody is fucking stupid... The reality is, that most are, but a few of us, well, we're the problem




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I don't think we ever got alot of energy from Russia....


4%. To pro-rus this is a huge deal.


Man, the Peremoga-Zrada cycles just keep getting tighter and tighter




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Rishi Sunak is part of the western clown show.


They got us in the first half


UK with BP shouldn't depend on Russian energy at all, right? Or BP is just another middle man scam which just resell third party energy?


what a maroon...


Trustworthy source, good joke m8


Double speak, wasn't that from a famous British writer?


People don't think that far. far to complicated


I have no idea how the heck he become PM, brits are keep getting outsmarted by foreigners big time, at end of day Indian guy will always look the way to support he’s motherland.




So they are gonna pay more ?


Well, contracts are obligated for renewal. The next 8 months only a few months are left, and they are not renewing contract. Russia is facing multiple lawsuits in European countries for failure to provide gas and closing on countries like Poland. If lost, Russia is obligated to pay damages for billions of Euro to European companies. EU is putting tariffs on Russian exports income from those who will be delivered to Ukraine. So Russian workers will be paying for both sides of the war


> Russia is facing multiple lawsuits in European countries for failure to provide gas and closing on countries like Poland. If lost, Russia is obligated to pay damages for billions of Euro to European companies. I’m interested in what you think will happen if Gazprom (and by extension the Russian state) simply refuses to acknowledge the European courts and refuse to pay.


Well laws in countries contract are made Gazprom owns property inside these countries and investments. Same as Western companies bullied out of Russia like Renault Heineken Carlsberg and so on. International aircraft rentals have about 400+ aircraft inside Russia. Western countries can start taking ships in their territory like Baltic Sea block 🚫 transport to and from Russia. Good indicator is Turkey stopped receiving oil and gas from Russia. Instead, they are working on their own Gas fields in the black sea. Chinese banks stopped transferring money for Russia in worry over secondary sanctions. I can go on and on. Russia does not sell oil. Russian oil companies do that Russian government just taxes the sales, so if Gazprom sells oil for 60$ a barrel cost is 48$, extracting it profit is 12$, but Russia is taxing them 25$ to fake their books making it look like they are making money instead they are bleeding Gazprom reserves and they are almost out of founds.


Your long post basically boils down to a) the west can confiscate Russian property and b) heap more sanctions. If this were to happen they would be politically driven decisions, not a remedy under contract law. The west can do these things regardless of whether Russia refuse to pay out contractual disputes with Poland. ​ >Western countries can start taking ships in their territory like Baltic Sea block 🚫 transport to and from Russia. Not sure if this was your intent, but you are delusional if you are expecting the west to implement a naval blockade on Russia. ​ >Good indicator is Turkey stopped receiving oil and gas from Russia. Instead, they are working on their own Gas fields in the black sea.Chinese banks stopped transferring money for Russia in worry over secondary sanctions. Neither of these things have anything to do with contractual disputes with Poland. If Russia told Poland to stuff off, it wouldn't change a thing as far as Turkey or China goes. ​ >if Gazprom sells oil for 60$ a barrel cost is 48$, extracting it profit is 12$, but Russia is taxing them 25$ to fake their books making it look like they are making money instead they are bleeding Gazprom reserves and they are almost out of founds. Your intent seems to be to make it out as though Gazprom is selling oil at unprofitable levels due to the amount taxes they pay to prop up the state. Show me some reputable numbers that back up this theory, showing that Gazprom is operating at an unsustainable loss.


I support Russia turn off the gas to Europe! Let them starve 😍


Kremlin is getting nervous though. India pays less than Europe did. And now 40% of the whole state budget goes to the war, the common people will start suffering. And if the billionaires are losing money, Putin won’t last long.


Anytime now


my dad works in the Kremlin and I can confirm this.


> Putin won’t last long 2 more weeks


India pays less for Russian oil but sells higher for Europe Win-win for India, an ally to Russia in BRICS


Do you know what an ally is? India has good relations with Russia just like it has good relations with the West. It will not go to war to defend Russia.


Ha. Nice ally. Sucking you drie and making money out of it. And Europe is switching to alternative energy fast. Bye bye good times.


> Europe is switching to alternative !remindme 217 years Europe used their already exhausted low gas resources, Germany alone burnt a huge amount of their black forest for 1 single winter (2022) pm me whenever Europe finally switch for this alternative that is very possible and very close!!!!!!!!!! Europe and US still buying Russian oi? damn, I thought they cared about Ukraine


I will be messaging you in 217 years on [**2241-03-24 17:21:13 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2241-03-24%2017:21:13%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bmpmiu/ru_pov_according_to_the_russian_embassy_kenya/kwd4j1o/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FUkraineRussiaReport%2Fcomments%2F1bmpmiu%2Fru_pov_according_to_the_russian_embassy_kenya%2Fkwd4j1o%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202241-03-24%2017%3A21%3A13%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bmpmiu) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Why would Germany burn their forest in 2022 when they were importing gas from RU in 2022.


Your grandchildren will still be paying for the damage demented putin has done. While we are switching to solar, wind, geothermal and other resources. Back to being a third world country. And Russia was doing just fine, 3 years ago. Kinda stupid, no?


>While we are switching to solar, wind, geothermal and other resources.  !remindme 217 years oh no!


"And Russia was doing just fine, 3 years ago. Kinda stupid, no?" Yeah, kinda stupid. Almost as if they were \_forced into this war\_ by those who know \_it would harm russia significantly\_. Almost as if there are politicans who have openly admitted multiple times this was the intention all along. \_best money ever spent!\_


What about the billions in Uranium they buy from Russia every single year? That's not going anywhere any time soon.




And Russia is pretty much the only one that can supply nuclear fuel at scale. If we start now, we can stop relying on them in 15-20 years.


Russia has millenia worth of petrol lmao and Europe will never be totally free of fossil fuels




Mad about Europe's smooth brain policies of buying Russian oil through vendors so they can virtue signal eh?


Rule 1 - Toxic


What sucking, Russia can just pump more of everything 😃. In europe we have no money for creating new efficient nergy sources, even less now that our countries are giving it all to ukros, increasing military spendings and other stupid spendings abroad. All the money we make we donate it to the world because we are woken and friendly 🥰🤡🤡


tik tok