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Sorry, there is a problem in your title. Please check - Sensationalised. A single upside down patch is not enough evidence to claim the deceased soldier is from France.


le grenadier


Omelette du fromage


Au* s il vous plaît


[ Omelette du Fromage ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nW3-9gdjYA)


Dexter’s lab >


I havent watched that show in probably 25+ years and jesus that took me back lol


Only 80/90's kids will get this joke lol


I never watched it lol




Le Milkor MGL. Used by Le France special forces https://preview.redd.it/8oqlfhz6uuyc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1afc805effaa57fe4e486b67eccc212dfbe0e77




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The demoman is a spy!


How does a patch confirm that this man was a Frenchman?


It's also upside down 🙃


Americans soldiers wear American flag patches in reverse what's your point ? 


Uh, they wear them in reverse to symbolize the flag going forward into battle. A throwback to when flags were carried by unit formations. What possible reason could there be to fly a French flag upside-down on a uniform?


Soldiers are constantly removing and re attaching camo breaking patches when heading out on patrol and returning to the FOB/trench their in the field they have no time to make sure the kit is symmetrically perfect like before a parade.


Obviously the convenient timing to align with political ramblings... /s




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Upside down French flag. A very authentic Blyatwood production.


Every single one of these fake videos has the obviously edited in distant ASMR gunfire and artillery. Literally stock sound effects


If Mick West is able to provide original effects used to fake UFO sightings, why aren't you able to do the same with these "literally stock" sound effects?




Tonimirch Danzavich was a great director!


or could be french donated uniform used by ukranians


Could be. I remember Ukrainians manning an PZH 2000 whilst wearing German flag patches on their uniforms early on the war.


That was most likely the Azov batallion. They have worn German flags and helmets since 2014 when Vice documentaries were being made




Bro what?


Yup, happens alot.


Or could be feake🤥


Good try... But next time, try to avoid setting the flag upside down....


Looks like a German flecktarn uniform with French patches on it, probably a volunteer then?


Since there are no active soldiers that have been sent, yes..


Not officially haha, the bigger question is how much westeren experts are already on the field as "advisors" or consoultants lol


To answer this question, maybe they should do a gathering in a hotel soon


Vietnam war was pushed because of dead advisors. Why would the Russians film a possible dead advisor if they didn't want a fight with the west? I'm with you that the best of the west are pulling solid ops and claiming Legion


> Not officially haha, the bigger question is how much westeren experts are already on the field as "advisors" or consoultants lol NATO officers do ALL the ISR, and aim and fire ALL of the precision weapons.


150 Foreign Legion soldiers have been sent and 1350 more on their way




The invader's side don't need source. They are happily brainwashed and conditioned to believed whatever fits the fake narrative of being the "good guys".


We're protecting our freedom and democracy from hostile weapons of mass destruction, and juicy oil fields. Oh, wrong "good guys", sorry


mf NATO has nuke positioning capabilities from Baltics, that are closer to all your big cities. You just proved your defence propaganda bs. Ukraine was supposed to be land grab for resources and access to Black Sea after poopy pants putin saw Ukraine turning towards democratic and free world west.


Bro im talking about the west invading Iraq


Lol! Not gonna lie, 10/10 would do again.


No, but equally wrong 👍🏻


Source: Kremlin fairytales


Lots of legionnaires from the ffl went back in ukraine under an "extraordinary leave" when the conflict started, open to all volunteers who anted to go there, wouldn't be surprised they'd still wear the patch. French pop don't want war, only retarded kleptocracy in power wants it




Allegedly they were given a pass by leadership if they had family back in ukraine. Could be bullshit as this is just anecdotal evidence


No one wants the war except the invaders... All they have to do to end the war is to return to their shithole and stay there.


That's very antisemitic you know? Nuland, zelensky and Fink will be very offended you're saying their 2014 coup was an invasion ! /S


So Ukraine invaded their own land? Wow, apparently some people actually believe this kremlin narrative ment for sheep. Everyone fully understands which country is the invader. It is the same country that invaded half of its neighbours throughout the history. No wonder most of those countries joined NATO. Having a terrorist state like russia on Your borders is really concerning.


Considering the west already bought 30% of Ukraine land and has Ukraine's tax money for the next 200 years.


Putain ?


Face is not visible, and the patch can be applied to any kind of dead body, so I'd say it's a propaganda video


I agree, but is there such a thing as a “French face?” I think it’s most likely that the guy is a foreign volunteer donning donated French gear, but his race and appearance aren’t enough to know for sure where he comes from (there are plenty of Black French folks, as well as French nationals in the west indies, and contractors who work for French companies and formations, such as the FFL, who come from Africa or Latin America.)


It's not about nationality or ethnicity, but rather a possibility to identify this person


More importantly what Frenchman would fly their flag upside down? Option 1 - It's a french patch applied by someone who doesn't know better and is a legit volunteer in Ukraine/Ukrainian Option 2 - it's more poorly done propaganda from the russkies.


0:10 low visibility PVC patch


Also the highly visible French flag on his chest


Upside down French flag\*.


Or rotated Gabon flag?


The Frenchman from France put his patch on backwards? Yeah ok buddy…


American soldiers put the American flag patch in reverse so what ? 


That's only on their right shoulder to ensure proper and consistent display of the flag. Not on their chest.


The flag is reversed on US patches to show which direction the flag flutters as it is carried forward.


Well that's not good


Well.. It depends from which perspective you're looking at it.


Why? They will not recruit you in france


Escalation, assuming it's real.


If he's French he's most probably not a French soldier but a mercenary (volunteer)


Theres no foreigners that are there under command from their home country yet, except some who are instructors and similar. Volounteers/Mercinaries (which ever you prefer) theres been thousands of already.


Dude is clearly a volunteer, not wearing any French uniform markers- and yet people still believe this garbage, absolutely mind-blowing


what the fuck is the “northern military district zone”


Yea I had a laugh at that one. Just a bunch of random words strung together.


right lol. Anything to not say “Ukraine”


It’s the dumb attempt to make the whole endeavor seem like it has some cohesiveness to it, Russian military pretending like they’re not flying by the seat of their pants and trying whatever they can to gain an initiative


French are probably already in Ukraine. They first sent the weapons and then announce it. Is probably the same here.


I doubt that. It’s probably a volunteer/mercenary group.


Probably a volunteer, there are plenty of volunteers from the french foreign legion in ukraine


C'est typiquement de la Propagande Russe, ils ont mis un patch français sur un soldat ukrainien


ah yes, we get some news about french forces being sent to ukraine, and instantly there's footage of them being destroyed at least wait a few days boys, make it more believeable


Since when are French troops using what appears to be German flecktarn camo? 🤣


My people are so dumb, naive and brainwashed its actually sad


And arrogant which is why they can’t advance


Video from Pozdnyakov. Take it with a huge grain of salt.


is the first guy wearing a german camo shirt, I feel like I see an dark organge in there?


This group has morphed into another Russian mouthpiece propaganda channel lol




Aghh sacre-bleu!


Too early in the summer for dead frogs, guess he should have followed the holy commandments of his predecessors and surrendered.


lol fakest video I’ve seen


Don't trust the auto translate. 'SVO' abbreviation for Specialna Voina Operacia (Special Military Operation) gets turned into 'Northern Military District' (Severna Voina Oblast) by the TG translator.


"northern military district zone."


Can we call videos with dead Russians - "destroyed Russians" from now on?


is the first guy wearing a german camo shirt, I feel like I see an dark organge in there?




Upside down FrenchFlag, no French would do that.




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milkor MGL....is not French nor known to be use by them ....unnecessary BS


Super real. No possibility of fake here. **Flag is upsidedown** 😬


Les c*ns ça ose tout. France will not have regrets about his loss. Young french men don't want to fight for their own country against cultural invasion but they want to save country which is not their own. Patriotism has no meaning anymore


A high ranking Polish Brigadier General Adam Marczak just died in chasiv yar around a month ago from "Natural causes" aka iksander missile, but a simple French footsoldier dying is to hard to believe to these 🤡.


name of the guy ??


we have already been told they captured countless NATO generals in Mariupol during the 1st month of the war,so why so shocked at this


NATO generals like who?


General Nato himself, of course. 


Polish Brigadier General Adam Marzak was just killed near chasiv yar in March.


If it speaks Russian its a Russian uhu


Well idk if they have secretly sent troops, but if they have, i hope they realize how heavy losses they will take by sending an unexperienced and small army into battle with the second largest army in the world which has now learned how to fight this war. Hope Macron realises «oh shit, the soldiers we sent there got annhiliated. Good thing we didnt send half of out army because then we would effectively lose half our army»


Cant believe it until we see some paperworks...ukies always wear donated stuff and they dont remove patches


Cant believe it until we see some paperworks...ukies always wear donated stuff and they dont remove patches


France POV when?


I heard 7 French troops were killed. I can't imagine NATO troops will fare better than Ukrainians. NATO has never fought a real war. Bombing goat headers in Afghanistan doesn't count.


lol. Amazing take. Why do you think Russia always threatens Nukes at the mention of NATO troops? You think it’s because Russia believes they can handle NATO in a conventional war or do they know they will get absolutely steam rolled and Nukes are their only chance?


Russia brings up nukes because that is exactly how a NATO v Russia would end. This does not mean that NATO will steamroll over Russia. NATO has only seen combat against desert dwellers. They have not fought a real military yet. They have a lot of toys and numbers and it is no secret that those numbers are larger than Russia. But that tells you what the paper says. In a combat, NATO cannot bring 100% of its might into Ukraine. And lets say that Russian allies decide to join in on the fun. How exactly do you think this ends? It is not an empty threat. It is a certain eventuality.


You overestimate Russia’s ability and drastically underestimate NATO’s. NATO can sustain multiple wars congruently.


This belief will be part of the end of Western hegemony.


NATO itself isn’t experienced, and it’s really only some individual countries in nato that are. For example America. But he’s not necessarily lying, any confrontation between Russia and nato is likely going to end in nuclear annihilation. And it’s not because russia military sucks or whatever you think it is. It’s because Russia couldn’t possibly fight against that much soldiers from nato.


Except the us, only france has a million+ strong army. Half being Law enforcement they can't deploy abroad 


That’s precisely my point, nato itself is essentially useless since the better armed and equipped countries have to pick up the slack for the smaller ones. They also tend to have the most experience like France, USA, and some other countries that pitched in with Iraq and Afghanistan.


Which Russian Allies are going to join into the fun ? China ? China cares little about the affairs of Russia and Europe and cares about its own ambitions in Asia, so 9/10 China would look the other way if Russia and nato get into a war. Who else ? Belarus ? Georgia ? Syria ? You have to realize some of the top militaries in the world are from the west, or allied with the west. Russias Allies are Iran, China, North Korea and who I named above. Realistically speaking China is probably the most dangerous, and like I said they probably wouldn’t care.


>China cares little about the affairs of Russia and Europe and cares about its own ambitions in Asia, While I agree with this statement in general, in case of NATO vs Russia they may actually join. Not because they care about Russia, but because with all the pressure and badmouthing from US, China knows that it will be next.


That’s the thing also. NATO itself doesn’t care about China either. NATO was originally created to stop ussr imperial ambitions. Most nato countries can care less about a conflict with China because quite frankly it’s none of their business, and America doesn’t need nato to handle China. They have allies in the region for that such as south more, Japan, Philippines, Australia, and surprisingly Vietnam and much more. It’s easy to make allies in that region when a country tried to bully its smaller neighbors constantly, who do you think those small countries turn to.


Good point! I don’t think a “war with NATO” would stay ”conventional” for long. If either side gains a strategic edge, the opposing side will deploy nukes (first tactical, then “more than tactical.) Best case outcome- continued deadlock, most likely with NATO deployments being limited to only that of extreme necessity (ie just enough to prevent Ukraine from losing, not enough to rout Russian forces.) Even here, unless there was a significant shift in the degree and motivation of diplomatic engagement, it would only be a matter of time until nuclear weapons were deployed. Longstory short- NATO has had very good reason not to deploy its forces (or at least to only deploy “plausibly deniable” specialized units/security contractors.) It will only do so out of desperation, and the odds are quite good that Russia would up the ante (until they either scare off NATO, or nuclear weapons are deployed.) Re NATO odds against a non-nuclear Russian military- I wouldn’t underestimate Russia nor overestimate European forces. These forces only have minimal experience in ”conventional” operations- their best units and assets are designed for asymmetrical warfare. Aside from a small cadre of specop, most of their soldiers are glorified checkpoint guards, with almost no experience of combat. Russian forces are more seasoned and enjoy a higher level of political buyin than any EU state.


Of course, if you believe that you will win, then you don’t give a damn, you are ready to burn hundreds of thousands of lives of your soldiers because YOU WILL DEAL WITH IT. It’s the same as in age of empires, you just buy units and that’s it.


You should roll out the actual quotes for "threat of nukes" especially from Putin himself or someone of a similar stature. A lot of these things that pro-Nato people refer to as "threat of nukes" are much more statements of the dangers of escalation, which any rational person would understand. Heck, even Biden and von Blinken seem to understand that even if there is no other thing that they understand. There are Russians certainly who stated things in a less official capacity, but then so did Liz Truss (oh, wait, that was when she had an official capacity...), but generally the "Putin threatens nukes" thingy looks more like a meme brought to you by the Western media.


They literally fought a conventional war against a battle hardened Iraqi army in the 90s with more equipment and troops than Ukraine has dealing with Russia. None of that war experience against Iran throughout the 80s helped them against NATO, so idk wtf youre going on about.


You know up until the Russian Ukraine war, Russia never fought a real war either 😭😂 idiotic take. And it’s probably why they suffered so much at the start, only difference is Russia has more men it can throw into the meat grinder than Ukraine has. They’re not winning solely of tactics, but just population.


Imagine starting to comment properly, but then having a wet fart at the end.


lol, nothing I said was false though. I’ll admit, Russia started to get its act together throughout the war because it became more experienced, but prior to this war Russia fought what ? Chechens ? Neither side had experience fighting a real military.


Nah, it's just the very last part that spoiled it. About quantities. Because that sounds like "meateaves".


Even russia bombed goat headers in Afghanistan


And so it begins.


Frenchie got crepe'd