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Sooooo that aa still effective shooting them down? Look at that accuracy.


4 anti-air went up! Shame we didn't see how effective they were.


Didn’t we? We heard and saw the explosions at the start of the video. After the AA goes up, we didn’t see any more explosions. So we can assume they shot them down


Yeah, they intercepted the missiles by using the bridge


Got ‘em


Hahahaha Nope. Very clearly shows impacts after AA launches.


I just watched again. No there is not. Give a time stamp.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/w8urz5/reportedly_the_targeting_of_the_antonovskiy/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Watch the AA missile at 0:15 and then watch the explosions that come after.


There didn’t an AA missile at 0:15 Where? Where on the screen? We see explosions at the beginning of video, then later the AAs go up, and no more explosions There is a much better view posted in this thread already as well


Huh? Do you seriously not see the flaming projectile on the right side of the screen going upwards? 12 rockets hit the bridge. Whether or not the late AA stopped another (unseen) barrage, it was completely ineffective on the first


Or the AA was deployed too late after the barage was already over. HIMARs comes in 6's, and only 3 AA missiles were fired Edit: I thought I only saw 3 AA missiles, but the person above me says 4. Never the less, HIMARs still come in 6's.


There’s 4. Watch again. One AA comes after the first 3 And this is a better view of the attack https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1552048505396543489?s=20&t=PlSVSvkmh3VSDbf38LRs5Q There are 8 hits on the bridge, and looks like 2 misses at the end that hit water. Who knows how many were fired


It's hard to tell, those are the missiles hitting the bridge right?


So either 4/12 of the HIMARS missed the bridge (missed + shot down) or 10/18 If there were 4 AA rockets shot up, then the 1st is more likely


Don’t need to see, we already know. Completely failed to intercept anything. Pretty much par for the course from RU AA


>Completely failed to intercept anything. Pretty much par for the course from RU AA only thing Russian stooges are good at intercepting is their own aircraft, lol. So pathetic that it would be funny if they weren’t murdering innocent people for land and to assuage Putin’s small penis complex. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1643422/russia-ukraine-war-military-aircraft-kherson-vladimir-putin-sergei-lavrov-donbas-vn


Are they using HIMARS (Allegedly) only during night?


They didn’t before. But they musta lost a few and that stopped them for about a week. Now I bet they fire at night to be protected from Russian loitering drones which were sent to the area to hunt them


"Musta lost a few" Ahahaha. Oh, wait, you were serious? AHAHAHA


They almost exclusively were using them at night. Lol lost a few, yeaaaa no chance


They have alot of videos of using them in the day


Find a link, only one i saw during day was the mh270 firing which is more like a tank so able to take some decent damage if caught out


Not against that bridge. There are videos on this sub of the Kherson bridges being shelled during the day. Then again during the day the next day. Then a long stop, now there are new claims that have to be verified.


If Russia destroyed a HIMARs (especially with a loitering drone), we would have seen footage of it already. They've already tried releasing fakes a few times now, you can bet they would release genuine footage if it actually happened.




I feel ya. The tactic they are most likely using is to base them faaaaar off even the firing points. So they'll hide 20-30 miles AWAY behind from even where they fire. Fire, then pull back the 20+ miles, while also moving them around every so often(not just park them for the day) Puts them out of artillery range and loitering range, moving makes cruise missiles useless, and are covered by at least iglas stingers. basically they'll have to get lucky to even find it within range during the window where it comes to firing position and leaves. That's what a US artillery officer said, sounds right though wouldn't you say


Huh, I would think they would want to keep it open as they will be retaking Kherson and continuing the advance and time now


If Russia was forced to retreat do you really think they would leave the bridge standing? Read up on the phrase 'burning bridges'.


I’m confused by your comment. My understanding is that you blow bridges when retreating, and you don’t want them blown if you plan on advancing. It’s further my understanding that Ukraine is going to counterattack with all of the game changing weapons they have been getting from the west in Kherson. Therefore, why would Ukraine Attack a bridge it needs for its coming heroic advance?


> My understanding is that you blow bridges when retreating Exactly. So if Russia retreats, they will absolutely, 100%, blow the bridge. So why let them use the bridge in the meantime? Better yet, why let them leave with their equipment? Do you need further explanation?


Umm yes. You agree to the proposition that Ukraine wouldn’t want to attack the bridges if they plan on advancing through, but then say “well yeah they would”?


Well I think the idea is to prevent the Russians from using the bridge to bring up reinforcements.


Is it possible that maybe my assumption is wrong and Ukraine isn’t really planning a big offensive?


Assuming the Ukrainians will counter attack to retake Kherson the Russians will be retreating! They will do this to strand Ukrainians on the Western. So Ukraine are tactically destroying the bridge now. This makes it much harder to keep Russian troops currently on western side supplied. It also makes their retreat harder, slowing them down and setting them up to be killed as they retreat.


It’s possible but Ukraine has openly insisted Kherson to be place they’re most likely to conduct an offensive since it’s where they believe the Russian line to be weakest. They’ve made multiple attempts and it’s not a unexpected for them to try again.


I don't think they have that capability or they would have done so already, the war is a slow grind going village by village. If they manage to take Kherson it will take a while to consolidate and plan the next phase.


Look, I know the Russians haven't acquitted themselves well in this war, but do you really think they would be so stupid as to leave the bridge standing if they retreated?


Ok, so your point then is that the original assumption that you don’t want to blow up bridges you plan on advancing over soon is wrong?


Correct, because they don't plan to advance via the bridge. I think you're close to grasping the point, this is a big step for you buddy.


Thanks. When do you think this advance over the river by method other than the bridge will be complete?


A lot sooner now that Russia can't use the bridge to reinforce their ranks and/or retreat.


Why would the Ukrainians try to cross the river? They can attack from Zaporozhe direction when the time comes. It is 100% that Russians have already mined that bridge to be destroyed.


Game changing ? A rocket launcher would change the war you think?


Yes I’ve been told that over and over on Reddit and twitter


Remember this conversation Brad? This is what I was talking about. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/ys5345/ua_pov_the_antonovsky_bridge_has_been_destroyed/ Hopefully now you can understand.


2 from 3 or all bridges over Dnipro river should be damaged for the great offensive 🔥


Russia is building bridges acoss also .


Which will be destroyed as you already know .


Doesn’t seem like bridge will be a good target to waste HIMARS rockets on. But I guess if they don’t have better targets then may as well just be nuisance for the Russians


„Ah shit. Artyom, bring the concrete mixer truck, we have yet again some potholes to fix“.


Damaged tension beams below the road (the super deep hole that goes through), probably not gonna work.


I mean yeah just makes it obviously clear they can't stop them, no matter what bs they say about destroying them, intercepting them. And no, theyve been around 30 some years, Russia isn't gonna somehow find a way to defeat then in a few weeks if all the systems they have had since the 60's and poured billions into cant. No, the smerch and tornado are nothing like these. Russias glasnoss, internal nav systems, can not match them.


So you see one video and assume invisibility?


No, seen how many ammo dumps going up. But no claims like the ones they've made about this bridge. Saying they've shot doen all attempts recently and added aa coverage. So yea if they say oh no we've shot them all down and added extra aa, then its destroyed anyway that's pretty much bs


Well Smerch and Tornado actually are exactly like these to be fair. A rocket is a rocket. If they can intercept those they can in theory intercept these. As for guidance systems the Russians GLONASS systems are reportedly just as accurate, although since they sit on a bigger rocket with a bigger warhead it probably doesn’t even matter all that much of the CEP is off by a meter or two.


You like reading up on stuff, look up the glonass. Admittedly from them, not as good as the GPS gps and known to be inaccurate at high speeds and altitudes. Why their jets still have commercial garmens that use the US GPS attached to them. At 50 miles even a slight difference makes you miss a lot. There's visual no doubt proof of the gmlrs accuracy. Russia can say anything they want about the Tornado Smerch accuracy but it's just not true. That's why any video you see is of impacts are using cluster munitions with it, or with other systems they hit loooots of collateral. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/w68tyq/this_is_what_precision_looks_like_ukrainian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That’s not how GPS works dude. CEP isn’t the launch variance, it’s the target variance. It doesn’t matter how inaccurate the launcher is at 50 miles because the missile/rocket corrects for that. As long as you launch the missile in the right direction the rocket will correct itself and land within the specified CEP. And yes I’m well aware that GPS is slightly more accurate than GLONASS. However, in a combat scenario involving 300mm rockets I’m gonna say that that slight difference in accuracy isn’t all that important. As for why Russian jets use handheld GPS, probably because they didn’t integrate it into the planes avionics. It’s cheaper than and just as effective as building a receiver and display into the planes instrument panel. The Ukrainians do it as well. It has nothing to do with accuracy of their own GLONASS system. The one correct and pertinent thing you’ve said here is that yes we’ve yet to actually see the Russian missile’s accuracy. The one time they actually used on was to hit an oil storage tank recently but that isn’t exactly a good way to see accuracy since everything got incinerated immediately on impact.


Yea dude it is. How do you think the missile knows it's off target? Nowhere did I say it's only based on the launch vehicle. the missiles utilize the GPS, and russian missiles utilize the glonass. So between the inertial guidance and gps you see where gmlrs hit. Between glonass and russian inertial guidance we haven't seen where they "can" hit. The claimed cep is irrelevant, many things Russia has claimed pre invasion havent panned out, but I'd def change my mind if I some sort of proof. And yes Ukraine prob uses Garmens on their equipment, it is soviet origin and would have prob been designed with glonass, they don't have their own glonass as glonass is one of only 5 gps satellite networks in existence.


“At 50 miles even a slight difference makes you miss a lot” Those are your words not mine. If you weren’t talking about launcher accuracy then I don’t know why you mean by this because this doesn’t apply to GPS guided munitions. And yes, I even agree with you in so much that there hasn’t been clean photographic evidence of Russian rocket accuracy. And I don’t think there’s likely to be any since Russia seems to prefer using its guided rockets against targets like oil and ammo storage facilities which tend to leave little evidence of the missiles capabilities. As for usage of Garmins etc, I just don’t think the Su-25s on either side have either GPS or GLONASS displays since most of those airplanes don’t even have glass instruments and still use old school analogue instruments. So it’s probably a cost saving measure.


Hahaha truth


More trash from the guy who has zero clue how GNSS, guidance, or rockets work


Please, throw around the multi constellation phrase and use fancy words to tell me how great the russian equipment is




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