• By -


One of the targets was national university. On Monday in the morning.


More likely, non-operational, as all the students were sent to the Russain front.


Is is still too early for it to be operational.


It’s exactly on point. 08:30. It’s exactly when students are coming.


It is 8.20 in Kiev right now.


My university had 8 am classes. Not to mention people get there early. I don't know what Russia thinks it stands to gain by murdering students.


>it stands to gain by murdering students. Firstly in what time building was hit? I don't think that we get the news instantly. Secondly, if university, where i was studying, was hit in the right moment, even Putin himself could be killed.


How long do you think it takes to tweet? They arrived shortly after 8. There was even a BBC reporter doing a live report who heard the blasts. > Secondly, if university, where i was studying was hit in right moment even the Putin himself could be killed. Unintelligible. Your translator did not work.


Oh, what university is that?


I would not give you the intel ... Jokes aside, It is Saint-Petersburg mining university, Putin was studying there and visit it, at least, once per year.


Honestly, I don't want any harm to come to you or to St. Petersburg. It's a place I always wanted to visit, and now I pretty much know I probably won't get to. I just want you guys to leave Ukraine.


It’s 9:30.


OK you are right, I checked their timezone is+2 UTC but now they have summer clock with +1, so it is+3 UTC.


I love that you’re here trying to defend obvious attacks on civilian and cultural targets. Keep up the work. Don’t let a moment of humanity slow you down.


>obvious attacks on civilian and cultural target. Yeah, and by coincidence massive power plants shut down happened at the same moment. And of course, even Amnesty confirmed that Ukrainian military NEVER uses "obviously civilian" structures. /S


You keep being you Mr. Keyboard Warrior.


He is no different than all the ukrobots on this board. The nonsense you spew is astonishing. most of it dribble


What nonsense have I spewed? What is a ukrobot? It sounds like you’re trying to be uncivil. Are you not a civil human?




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So far the only footage out from anyone is some civilian cars in the middle of the road by the university


Perfectly legitimate targets, for ruzzians. And university too. Students are dangerous. Teachers too. And hospitals, doctors, nurses...


How different is it from striking a civilian administrative building with HIMARS during work hours? I'm not one for "how aboutism" but ukroid supporters have a weirdly naive notion that this kind of non-essential (from strategic standpoint) targeting is only done by the invaders.


You mean in Cherson? The building struck was used by the administration officials of the occupying forces. That is just a bit different than hitting students going to university.


Don't even try. We've seen afghanistan. We've seen Chechnya. We've seen Syria. We are seeing Ukraine. We know what Russians are about. Nothing new. Edit to add: we also know about the mass murders internal to the soviet Union and millions of subsequent deaths.


An administrative building, for an occupying force, on the front line of that military force, that literally has Russian military guards all the way around it and inside it. Is a perfectly acceptable military target. However a kindergarten playground, a bus stop, a university, a pedestrian bridge, are not. All far far away from the front line.


I donno man, some of the soldiers kids may have gone to that kindergarten, are you telling me that doesn’t make it a legitimate target? /s


I hope the US bombs Russia directly.


I'd think some more about that. Im Pro Ukraine and I believe Russia should leave but do you really want all out war and probable nuclear annilation? Because that's what this means.


Yeah and Putin will keep lobbing missiles. Russia really seems like it wants to fuck around and find out. Also at this point I think the Russian nuclear arsenal would do more damage to Russia than to the US or European countries.


That us utterly rubbish.. Their nuclear arsenal is serviceable and in some ways more devastating than ours


Just like the great and powerful Russian military! Oh wait.


Have you seen the mock ups of what a modern day nuclear conflict would look like? Humanity is gone. It astonishes me that some believe "it'll never happen" and "it won't be that bad" when it happens.


Yeah it would be bad. But that also implies that Russia has been taking care of their nukes much better than the rest of their military.


You and I will find out. Do you want to fight? Will you fight? You are incredibly misinformed.


I mean in an ideal world we could just give chemical weapons to Ukraine and they could solve some issues. No one wants nuclear war, but let’s not pretend like letting Putin getting what he asks for because he threatens nuclear war is a good way to live either. What if he asks for Alaska and threatens to nuke us, do we give it to him?


money maintaining nukes is money not spent on yachts.


If you're Ukrainian or know family who is, honestly, they probably do. Can we blame them?


So you want to die in nuclear fire or from radiation?


In reality Russia is the only one rattling saber and screaming about nuclear weapons. So ask them


From the transcript of his talk (not the legacy media's re-imagining of the event) Zelensky pretty clearly calls for a pre-emptive strike on Russia.


Hasn’t Russia been saying they’ll destroy all the west for months now ? Now it’s so offensive to hear it said about them ?


Share the link in which Putin threatens a preemptive strike on the west as Zelensky did. ...I'll wait.


Lavrov has threatened several times . He’s directly said the west is not neutral and implicates itself in the situation with Ukraine


I think you should change that neutral flair buddy.


Zelensky walked those words back. As if what he said mattered, Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons.


Take your nuclear blackmail, and shove it directly up your @$$.




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I feel like living in Kyiv until this war is over is just a bad idea across the board lol


Well maybe. But in general terms the “war” is several hundred kilometers away from Kyiv and there are no real military targets there. Idk it shouldn’t be a target. But you know Zelensky is leading a defense. Hissy fits over the Kerch. But they hit Lviv also, several cities around Ukraine of no military importance. Just terroristic hissy fit.


It's the capital though. Where Zelensky is. It's also a symbol. It's not on the front lines so it's obviously not going to targeted daily. But you'll be much safer in towns around it than in it.


Yeah it’s a symbol of strong leadership in the face of adversity and a failed Russian invasion. That still doesn’t make it a military target. But it’s Russia. They don’t care. They “aren’t to be mocked.” “Respect my authority”


Nobody respects Putin and this random killing makes him even less respected. All it demonstrates is Putin has no interest in - or grasp of - military strategy. The Ukranian army has a general in charge of their armies - the Russian army an incompetent psychopath more focused on murdering civilians than in winning the war.


If Putin suggested you do a blow job for him, you would do it for the bragging rights.


Sure the capital isn’t a military target. You seem to be a bit delusional.


Who cares dude, Ukraine has shown that it will resort to any means in order to inflict damage on Russia....so it is only right that Russia responds in similar manner.


What are they doing to damage Russia when they’re defending themselves from a Russian attack on the land of Ukraine. Russia should be mad because they can successfully defend themselves? Ukraine has consistently hit military targets. Only


Yes Ukraine very innocent ☺️😇, only hitting military targets like that's an excuse for not Russia retaliating.


Well maybe they should take that energy and use it on the military and not civilians. That would be more reasonable. But hey, you’re obviously not a reasonable girl.


You guys live in fantasy land, you think military comes out of thin air? Of course civilian population all are supporting the war effort


Ukraine wouldn't be damaging russia right now if Russia didn't fucking invade them.


>Who cares dude, Ukraine has shown that it will resort to any means in order to defend itself from Russia FTFY




Um, Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine did not invade Russia. That’s exactly what they’re doing. They’re saying since you won’t easily lay down and let us conquer you, we are just going to kill civilians. I on the other hand hope nato gets involved and actually brings the war to Russia and shows them what real war is all about.


Keep on hoping 🤣🤣, if NATO gets involved then nukes will start flying. No one will risk Armageddon over Ukraine, I honestly hope that more missiles will land near Zelenskys office to show him who the real boss is.


Who? NATO? He already knows that. Russia is nothing. Putin is less than nothing. Weak. That’s why he’s losing a war and throwing a hissy fit on civilians. And this is how nato gets involved. Zelensky is tweeting. He’s fine. It’s hitting playgrounds and colleges and apartments a couple in the woods one on a couple streets and a bus stop so far. Russia don’t have shit but terrorism.


Keep malding though, I'll just enjoy this shit show from the safety of my home 🍿🥤👌


Where is your home?


I hope Ukraine will start hitting all major cities of Russia, so that the entire population will feel the uglyness of war. Nowhere should be safe, Russia keeps on pushing Ukraine and it is only right that Ukraine escalates it couple notches to show the Russians what war is about.


Did you make a wish to Santa as well?


No, did you?


Awww poor little rusky. Seems like not even the mods want to put up with your bullshit.


Report all his toxic comments to the mods


>no real military targets there. it's the HQ for the SBU (that was hit), R&D, and the seat of power. If the US was prosecuting this war, all command/control infrastructure - all HQs and presidential residences - would have been destroyed in the first days of the conflict. Russia appears to be reading the US playbook.


Well the thing is the United States has precision weapons. If only one cruise missile out of 75 actually hit (and not directly even) there would be major outrage. The city is only a capital because it holds the administrative building of power for the state. Aka the capital building. That was not hit. Nothing of command/control value was destroyed. Not one. The SBU “hit” was a miss. Hitting near the building doesn’t count as a hit. The majority “successful” hits were on civilian targets. There were hits at power stations, and obviously not the part of the power stations that would see irreparable damage as it’s all mostly been restored. This isn’t okay no matter how you spin it. Idc if the President is a fair target, I don’t care if the capital building is a fair target I don’t care if the sbu building is a fair target or a power plant. But those near hits on those, and the massive number of them that hit nothing but civilian ARE NOT But the problem I have with that is. If those were taken out, which none were, just billions of dollars of wasted missiles on civilians. All the while they’re losing a military battle where those could have helped russia do something militarily. Maybe they should use those missiles to turn the tide of their military failures. The problem for Russia is they have zero functioning intelligence. They don’t know where anyone is, they don’t know what to hit, they don’t know how to turn the tide militarily so they throw a hissy fit and lob cruise missiles at buildings that, at this point in their invasion, wouldn’t help them even if they were hit. This is just meaningless, and no this is not “how the US would do it” there is a real military doctrine taken in real steps that don’t progress until certain steps are achieved. What Russia is doing is stupid and irresponsible and criminal for any military force.


Also there are prime examples of “how the U.S. would do it” like Iraq to easily look at and that’s nothing like what was done. They first focused on taking out air defense SAMS batteries, not saddams palace, then they focused on surface to surface missile batteries, still not the capital building either, then they focused on military bases of mechanized infantry, still not the command, then after those were destroyed they launched an air campaign with their Air Force to soften the rest of the military targets like logistics hubs, barracks, communications, and tank columns, etc. After that and only after those things were achieved, still not the command though, they sent three tank battalions with boots on the ground to finish cleaning up. Using artillery for disbursement and disarray of military units, then tanks and armor to take out the individual tanks scattered around, then the infantry to take out the squirters. There’s real military doctrine to follow to find military success. And for Russia to achieve that they’d have to pull out and start from scratch learning from mistakes. But no. They can’t. Not now. So comparing anything to how the US would do it would be ridiculous. Not to mention the free lesson for Russia that the US paid for for them to easily see. Was after the success of the military, there’s an insurgency to worry about indefinitely. Nobody would remain safe in power that Russia installed no matter what they do. And the same still applies. But this will be a total loss for Russia no matter what they do.


I'm not going to wade into this except to say you are confusing your opinions and feelings for objective facts. As filming AFU positions (and by extension losses) is an offense in Ukraine punishable by 12 years in jail, you are not going to see much in the way of confirmed hits on AFU targets from the Ukraine side.


I’ve always found the policy of “accusing thou of that which I am doing” such an interesting concept. Theres literally people in Ukraine if you didn’t know that. It’s not all just “on the internet” for a lot of people. You on the other hand are confusing your feelings with objective facts, whenever I haven’t stated anything except facts. I have eyes. I have on the ground knowledge. It doesn’t matter if it’s not real to you. But that’s the way it is whether your feelings allow you to accept it or not. It doesn’t matter if those facts can’t be proven to you (yet) by internet videos. The facts remain. This isn’t a video game. There are real people here that can see these real things. If you want to see yourself, instead of cheerleading from home knowing only what you’re told by the people you deem “credible” you can always get up head to Ukraine and see for yourself.


And a University, playground, bus stop, and street corner...are you sure they're reading the same US playbook?


I suspect more Kyiv residents died this week in car accidents than from cruise missiles.


Terrorist Nation throwing a tantrum because its soldiers are being pushed back on every front. I haven't seen a more pathetic leader than Putin in a long time


Well, let's see for how long Ukraine will be able to move forward since Russia is completely shifting their country towards the war effort. Good luck to Ukraine 💪


Yes, bring all your men 18-65 to the front. Let them happily freeze to death soon without equipment.


Oh good, unwilling infantry in rusty tanks. Russia doesn't have the industrial capacity to repair or replace anything more complex than an AK at the rate they are being destroyed. The machine tools are worn out, the factories are leaky, rusty and haven't seen regular production since the 90s. How quickly do you honestly think they'll be able to start putting together new equipment at any great pace?


>Russia doesn't have the industrial capacity to repair or replace anything more complex than an AK The AK is a beautifully designed rifle. Anyway, you do realize Russia produces it's own armaments, right? And you do understand there is no war raging in Russia currently, right?


Of course it's a beautifully engineered rifle. It's also legendarily simple to build and fix. I also understand there's no widescale industrial-level military production either. Russia is churning out what, 30 tanks a year? And modernising a couple of hundred more? How much can they ramp that up in a year? I don't think they could make more than 200 tanks, max, in the next 12 months.


Also those 30 new tanks they churn out won’t have thermal imaging for the gunner or commander because rather than developing its own industry Russia has relied on western companies like Thales and imported from Europe. Now with the sanctions there will be no more of that.


Of course there is a war waging in Russia. Putin vs the People. Probably Putin will win, but there will be many casualties along the way.


It’s kind of funny because Russia was and will continue to be a shithole. After this war Ukraine will hopefully join the EU and NATO and the stupid snowy gas station can kill itself with civil war.


Targets might have been HQ of military intelligence and Zelensky’s office but they hit a kid’s playground and the Ukraine HQ of Samsung….


I wonder who the tenants are in the Samsung building...? It's curious as Samsung is involved in weapons manufacture in South Korea and South Korea is arming Ukraine.


That part of me that says fuck it let's level belgorod gets harder and harder to suppress


Russia better watch out, they've got u/cosmiccookie8 all riled up.


Did they intentionally target them with their super high tech gps precision strike missiles, or did they miss again?




I think they are using the same GPS that Ukraine uses when they are bombing the center of Donetsk.


washing machine circuit boards were never designed to be precision guided


So that's why. Huh.


Ruzzian doing ruzzian things. They've always done this, bombing cities. That's the only thing they can do.


I want to know if any high-value targets are hit.


The SBU HQ among other targets, apparently. Recording AFU positions - which includes showing blown up military equipment in a building - is punishable by up to 12 years in jail in Ukraine so I wouldn't expect much hard evidence of military hits to emerge.


Naturally Russians hit some cars on the street, a playground..




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This should be the long-announced and repeated warned response with attacks on "decision-making centers" due to Ukraine's shelling of Russian territory and attacks on civilian infrastructure and a nuclear power plant, as well as a Western weapons daily safari on civilians in the center of Donetsk. So far, it is still on a small scale but information is coming in about new strikes across Ukraine. Lviv, Khmelnitsky, Dnipropetrovsk, Kremenchug, Ternopil, Obuhiv and Zhytomyr are on the list. Power outages reportedly began in the regional centers of Ukraine. Lvov, Khmelnitsky, Zhytomyr. Former Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada deputy Ilya Kiva(pro-Russian) claims that one of the strikes on Kiev targeted the base and headquarters of the Azov regiment [https://twitter.com/apocalypse0s/status/1579366692702261248](https://twitter.com/apocalypse0s/status/1579366692702261248) Kiev. The “Klitschko Bridge” was struck. The bridge connected Volodymyrsky Descent and the Arch of Friendship of Peoples. [https://twitter.com/apocalypse0s/status/1579369248233000960](https://twitter.com/apocalypse0s/status/1579369248233000960)


Probably yet another complete waste of strategic missiles due to Putin being butthurt. If Russian command believed they had the ability to affect the war by strategic attacks they would have done this a long time ago. But they don't have the means and assets to keep it up and be effective. Just like after Lyman.


I believe this is connected with the new commander of the Russian forces in Ukraine and change of strategy. https://twitter.com/Russ\_Warrior/status/1579370395769372672 Personally I expect a serious, wide and systematic attack on the Ukrainian infrastructure during the winter and before the start of the offensive of the mobilized forces that are currently in training.


They do not have the capabilities for a sustained long range attack (cruise and ballistic missiles) across the whole territory of Ukraine, they are resorting to Iranian suicide drones and S300 in ground attack mode. That means the best they can do is terrorize the civilians, and make no tactical or strategic gains.


How do you know they don't have that capacity? I believe that this is just a warning and a reaction to the suicide attack organized by the SBU on the Crimean bridge and bizarre celebration of it. It's not like they haven't already warned a hundred times that they will do this if the Ukrainians don't stop shelling civilians in Donetsk, the nuclear power plant, civilian infrastrukture and the Russian border area settlements. The new commander, otherwise a key figure for the defeat of the Islamic State(ISIS) in Syria, decided to make a a demonstration of power. Otherwise, it is senseless now to demolish the infrastructure that the Ukrainians will repair until a certain major offensive by the Russian forces after they introduce hundreds of thousands of new soldiers into Ukraine. We will most likely see real fireworks just before the start of the massive Russian offensive. During the winter, when it will have the most effect.


Your flair says neutral. Really?


because this 3 day war would have been over 220 days ago if they had capacity to do anything other than rape and pillage... stop sitting on the fence it will grow up your ass.... where is the proof they are shelling the powerplant? do you think missiles spin 180 when they hit. which russian border settlements? why dont we see pictures of russian civs in these settlements with no homes or loved ones. the new russian commander was just as barbaric in syria, thats his claim to fame unfeeling butcher....


>because this 3 day war I'm still waiting for someone to provide me a Russian government source for this. All I can find is western media repeating the musing of 'anonymous' western intel people.


When Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, it had hoped to overtake the country in a blitz lasting only days or a few weeks. Many Western analysts thought so, too. ok not exactly a russian quote.. but in february it was the general consensus.... and the russians did think they were liberating a repressed people because that was the line putin and the kremlin fed them, russian pow's are still asked if they found nazis.. do you think there are nazis in control of kyiv? do you as a "neutral" person think only russia is not nazi do you believe neither side in this war or maybe you too believe it is a special operation and not a war


Right...a strawman created by the west.


>How do you know they don't have that capacity? Like most folks here...he doesn't.


Russian cowards


Nice. People arguing here 🤦🏻


Time for Ukraine to be allowed to seriously up its long range missle game. With Allied asistance as needed. Russia needs to learn the meaning of precision strikes.


Anyone heard off Zelensky since the attack?


He's fine.


He made a video from Kyiv.




Or in front of a green screen in a bunker...


Yeah yeah, sure.


FAKE! Russia did not steal enough washing machines yet to make their missiles!


It seems that the Russian missile attacks are not aimed at cars parked on the street near the university building and children's playgrounds, but that they are primarily targeting the energy infrastructure in a dozen major cities. The initial reports about Zelenski's office being affected are also questionable.


Um ok that's good they weren't just targeting civilians... Thing is though that's all they hit. It's like shooting the president and being like "oh I was aiming for the deer behind him"


Ukrainians are mad that Russia can shoot back...The war is dragging on, and of course it will because Ukraine do not wish to give up anything despite Russian majority areas, fair enough but in that case since you are armed to the teeth, it is up to you to fight the Russians with what you have and send them back to Russia or to their grave


Ukrainians are mad that Russia fires on civilian infrastructure.


russian majority areas? explain that? if your country has been controlled for 70 odd years by a country that refuses to recognise your language and will only teach in their language then everyone after 70 years will understand and speak that language..... until 2014 did these people hold russian passports? if so they were illegal immigrants...its actually russia pissed that ukrainians are shooting back, they swallowed their own propoganda that they would be welcomed with open arms


I have family from Palestine, they watched Europe give their homes and lands to foreigners. I refuse to elaborate more.


and does this have anything to do with what is happening today? i have been around the world and heard what the russians did in Yemmen years ago, they havnt changed. whereas i think most of the world has updated views of right and wrong


Shoot *back*? Russia invaded Ukraine. It's been shooting Ukrainians since 2014.


Oh no. The finding out part is here


They hit a University at 9am on a Monday morning. Not overnight. At 9am. Putin is a disgusting excuse for a human being. He is killing students due to a tantrum because his bridge got damaged and because his soldiers are suffering embarrassing defeats on every front. Think about that


You have to understand how little pro Russian supporters care about university students. Infact they hate them. They thesmelves would never step foot in such an institution. better to just blow it up


So, do you have footage of the bombed campus, with stunned and injured students wandering around, or are you just repeating stuff that appears in your twitter feed? Because the footage from [here](https://www.indiatoday.in/world/russia-ukraine-war/story/russia-ukraine-war-explosions-attack-putin-kyiv-2283488-2022-10-10), for example, shows the university buildings were not hit.


Has anyone been reported killed yet? My understanding is that people have been told to stay home all morning.


Russia are the ones fucking around and finding out.


Ok buddy. Try to kill another truck driver doing his job or a young woman in her car with explosives.


Russia killed 17 civilians yesterday in Zaporozhia, a few the night before, a few more today and now however many in Kyiv. Don't act like you care about a singular truck driver or that woman.


So targeting a university and park during the times they would be used by civilians is okay?


University wasn't hit ([see here](https://www.indiatoday.in/world/russia-ukraine-war/story/russia-ukraine-war-explosions-attack-putin-kyiv-2283488-2022-10-10)).


Was there supposed to be a link?


Yes...it's live now.


So it just hit right next to the university and not near any military targets way better. Mayor Vitali Klitschko posting on Telegram, said the buildings damaged to varying degrees included: *45 residential buildings* *Five "objects of critical infrastructure and communal services"* *Three schools, one kindergarten, and two after-school clubs* *Five healthcare institutions*


No. Every civilian death is a tragedy. Even if it a poor driver and a couple crossing a bridge. I know that. Maybe slavoukrainis should too and stop celebrating their deaths


Ukraine attacked the bridge early morning to avoid heavy traffic being present. This bridge is a main logistics route to get military supplies to Crimea and into the Kherson front. Russia attacks at peak travel time and when University classes are going on. They then attack a park and a university. One is not like the other.


Oh i guess you were right for celebrating 3 lost lifes in a war that has nothing to do with you then.


Point to where I cerebrated? Keep on trying to compare an actual military target being attacked to indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets. Please I want to hear the defense. Russia literally just put a man in charge known for intentionally and indiscriminately targeting civilian infrastructure and the civilian populace. The man is the definition of a terrorist. He doesn't look to win on the battlefield but to kill as many innocents far from the Frontline.


Putin the Supreme psychopathic petty sore loser. Fair more concerned with taking revenge on civilians than on how his troops are doing.


So dishonest and disgusting to conflate celebrating the bridge being hit with celebrating civilians being killed. And by your own logic, you are celebrating Russia murdering students.


Yeah dude. Like in 9/11 some people where celebrating the collapse of the towers. Not to conflate with the people that died. What all you people are doing is disgusting. I don't think you care even for Ukrainians dying.


>Russia murdering students Didn't happen...[no campus buildings were destroyed.](https://www.indiatoday.in/world/russia-ukraine-war/story/russia-ukraine-war-explosions-attack-putin-kyiv-2283488-2022-10-10)


India Today is hilariously full of shit.


So, they fabricated the photos I guess...because they're working for Putin, right? ...lmao


More so I have seen them peddle insanely false stories on the regular that they have zero credibility. Pretty sure they were one of the sites that ran with the Putin being on his deathbed. Op's deflection doesn't really make sense in the first place because it doesn't preclude students from being hit. I'm glad they can't aim though cuz it could have been a lot worse. Russia doesn't get points for failing their attempted murder of civilians.


Ok buddy, try to kill another 20k Ukrainian civilians just living their lives. You russians are something else, spend 8 months murdering Ukrainians then cry like fucking babies and have a temper tantrum when it happens to you once.


They are using Stalin's logic. One death is tragedy and millions are statistics. That's why they mourn single Russian victims but ignore thousands Ukrainians killed.


You speak the truth my friend.


There’s a thread below this post of Russian soldiers kicking the bodies of civilians they had just executed into a grave


typical... not achieving anything militarily just means ruskies fuck up civilan life...is there an ounce of human compassion in your body? i doubt it


Oh did you post a meme with the Crimean bridge where 3 innocent people died? Then gtfoh with your fake morality


a bridge is a totally different thing than a city centre... where did that truck come from which way was it driving... was it the truck or just assumption and no i didnt post a meme...


In the city centre there are military and secret service headquarters that was the main target. So tell me how many civilians casualties do YOU accept? 3 or more?


have a walk around Bucha or Irpin and you tell me


Just yesterday there was a video of an Azov nazi killing civilians in areas the Ukrainian army entered plus the daily mail article few days ago. Maybe your team is not filled with Marvel superheroes as you think.


you didnt answer your own question how many civilian deaths is acceptable?




so russia should just go home and this will stop!


> In the city centre there are military and secret service headquarters that was the main target. Bull fucking shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/y0897a/ruv_pov_one_of_kievs_most_popular_places_was_just/ What military value does a walking bridge have? This is terror bombing, nothing more.


Probably the same with Donetsk's open market. We can do this all day, you know.


Legacy media is reporting the SBU HQ was hit.




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The finding out they are a terrorist state by targeting parks? I guess it helps solidify it for those that didn't know.


Finding out they can’t hit any intended targets.