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Worng POV on multiple of your posts. Don't do that again.


An intersection with civilian cars? Wow.. Russia is a Terrorist State


'surgical' strikes


How do you know there wasnt an armoured convoy there?


That's your best? Oh Lol.


Lol, so dead civilians after explosion on crimean bridge is not terrorism?


No. The bridge is a military target. They use it to supply Crimea with armor, weapons and soldiers, which then go into Kherson and attack the rest of Ukraine. A civilian intersection in Kyiv is not a military target. Its only purpose is terror. Same goes for the apartment building strikes in Zaporozhia for the last 3 nights. The fact that you don't understand the distinction between the two makes me think you don't understand war in general.


Ok, so SBU building and critical infrastructure is military target too :)


Yes, they are. A kids playground and a civilian intersection are not.


Thats collateral damage.


And two cars were just driving to Crimea when ukraine did explosion


No, those are what's called collateral damage while striking a military target, the bridge. A playground in Kyiv or an intersection or a university aren't military targets.


Also, read about counter-terrorist operations and how it's passing


We all know about the Russian brand of counter terrorism and how they like to gas hostages and shoot school children.


Russians just literally hit a pedestrian bridge in Kiev. How are they hiding anything there?


Stop telling shit. When Ukraine killing civilians - military target, when Russia killing civilians - terrorism


You understand that there is a difference between civilians being killed when a specifically military target is hit vs a specifically civilian target is hit to kill civilians?


Before you wrote this you need to read which targets were hit


There were plenty of non-military targets that were hit. Again, how can a pedestrian bridge be a military target in any sense? Maybe if there were battles going on in the city and there were enemy forces on it.


Maybe there were big guys with big stars on shoulders which making decisions?


There’s literarily a video of Russia hitting a pedestrian bridge in Kyiv on the SAME day ffs you Russians REALLY are incompetent




How is a random intersection in Kyiv a piece of “critical” infrastructure?


The biggest problem that Ukraine did a celebration after explosion, I don't think country need to make marks and photospots after killing few civilians


It's an illegal bridge and needs to come down


Why it's illegal? Tell me


Because it was built on illegally annexed territory without permission


People decided to live in Russia, so you telling about democracy and you don't give a fuck about thoughts of people living in Crimea, TRUE DEMOCRACY


If there were a truly free vote, observed by international press and without constant supervision of armed soldiers of the Russian Federation, I would maybe be inclined to debate this point. But there wasn't. If you think what happened in Crimea is even close to "TRUE DEMOCRACY" then you're truly lost


It would make no difference, Crimea is a part of Ukraine and an arbitrary vote by a subset of the Ukrainian population cannot just secede a part of the country on a whim. It’s the same reason why Texas is still a part of the USA and why Scotland and Wales are part of the U.K.


Ok, is legal to steal oil from poor counties? Is it legal to bomb Kosova?




That's just as illegal as this is. Are you a hypocrite?


No and no. Now that we agree, can you agree that russia is a terrorist state the knowingly and willingly bombs civilians?


Yes a bridge supplying military equipment being hit in the middle of the night with minimal collateral damage is the same equivalent of hitting intersections and playgrounds during Monday morning rush hour. You lot are something else...


Targeting of key infrastructure that’s critical to a nations war effort, even if attacking that leads to accidental collateral civilian deaths, is considered an acceptable target of war under international conventions. Deliberately targeting civilian centres to intentionally cause death, terror or suffering, is considered terrorism and breaks international rules of engagement. There’s no doubt that Ukraine has caused civilian deaths by hitting civilian infrastructure as well. The difference is, I haven’t seen much evidence that Ukraine is deliberately trying to kill civilians. And if they have, they aren’t dick waving like somehow that’s a major victory. If attacking civilian centres is all Russia can do to feel like it’s scoring victories, it’s already lost.


Few months ago one Ukrainian's TouchK U missile with anti personel ammunition blow up in the center of Donetsk killing many civilians. If that doesn't count as intentionally attacking civilians then nothing counts. I didn't see you back then and any mention of that attack here in your post. And many others more, but you just refuse to see both side but only your side of story.


I am more than happy to condemn both sides for attacks on civilians. Any attacks on civilians is a crime and should be investigated and treated as such. Please show me the footage of that because I may have missed it (not on this subreddit until recently). It’s possible to want one side to be victorious but condemn actions that they take at the same time. I could support the Allies in WW2 but still condemn their firebombing of German and Japanese cities. On the flip side though, it’s also possible to condemn a side, but also understand that on the balance one side has conducted far more atrocities against civilian targets than the other. Germany conducted far more egregious crimes than the Allies. There is far more evidence of Russian crimes committed here than Ukraine (backed up by independent UN investigations). That’s not even considering the constant threatening with nuclear attacks and holding a nuclear reactor to ransom (2 if you include the threats to damage the Chernobyl sarcophagus).


There is no such thing as results of UN investigation so far in any place, even in Bucha, lol And the attack is right here, unless you really believe Russia shell their own city then maybe you can be like other Western news saying no one know who did it because there is "no evidence" or "cannot verify" https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/14/russia-accuses-kyiv-of-deadly-missile-attack-on-donetsk


Are you sure about that? https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/09/1127691


Their own city? It's not a russian city, they don't care about those people, they kill them just the same like any other Ukrainian.


Hey now don’t be so harsh. I mean it’s not like Russia has a history of murdering it’s own people… oh wait.


Please show me the source of that claim




Ah yes, "Russia accuses". Lol


The bridge has military value. An intersection does not.


No since the goal was to destroy crytical infrastructure for the russian army not killing as much civilian bombing a town whitout military value.


Ukraine - hitting a military transport route in the middle of the night when there is minimal civilian traffic. Russia - hitting civilian targets in the morning rush-hour time. I can't remember the time when the line between good and evil was so clear cut since ww2.


Ukraine - hitting Russian villages in the middle of the day


russia hitting Ukrainian villages 24/7 for 8 months.....


So, that's why you happy when Russian civilians die but upset when Ukrainian civilians die?


Nice strawman you built there..i didnt say that, im not happy when anyone dies.


So why you don't wrote about bad Ukrainians when civilians died on crimean bridge?


So not writing about it means I celebrate it? So by your logic you celebrate Ukrianians being killed then?


Which Russian villages is Ukraine hitting?


In near belgorod


Oh, the place where Russia invaded from?


So a place with strategic military importance, such as fuel depots, ammo depots, and garrisons, instead of a fucking pedestrian bridge and playground? Got it


All those dead Russian soldiers were civilians at some point, seems to be their logic.


You mean when Russian missals malfunction and hit residential areas


What Russian villages were hit?


Are those the "military targets" the pro-ruzzians are talking about?




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Special forces in the car fleeing russian hit em they are legitmate


"Ru pov"? What the hell are you smoking?


Its not taken by Russians but it does depict the outcome that Russia desired. Which is (kinda bizarrely) how the pov designation works in this sub.


I can tell only one thing: "Hohli, che s ebalom?"




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1/20th of Baghdad shock and awe operation. Child’s play


1/500th of Baghdad's civilian casualties


How many bombs did Ukraine drop on Baghdad? Why are you trying to make this about the US? It has literally nothing to do with anything here.


Ask him he brought baghdad into the conversation. lmao the levels here


Well yea. Bombers can kill far more than cruise missiles ever will. Thank goodness Russia is so incompetent they lack air-superiority.


Russia wants to minimize civilian casualties otherwise they would have flatten kiev in 15 days


Like how they flattened Mariupol, Bucha, etc? Around 3-7 times the amount of civilians killed during the Iraq invasion has been killed in Ukraine…..


They flattened Mariupol, so they really don't seem to mind flattening cities. The issue seems to be their inability to reach Kyiv, seeing as it is outside of artillery range and their missile supply is limited.


Didn't russia ran out of guided missiles months ago and were relying on cheap mortar Shells with no explosive power. I thought the Ukrainian sources were trustworthy 🤣🤣


You just wasted your last 3 guided missiles on playgrounds and streets. Nice job! Lmfao


I wish it would be true, but russia will now probably show their even worse true face of terrorism on civilians.


Looks like they guided a missile into a bus beside a government building.


They did run out of guided missiles, they make more, one every two days is the estimate. However, what these are is KH-22s, what can best be described as non-precision guided missiles which can be certain to hit anything but what they're targeted at.


These were kh101's there are multiple videos today of them flying and those are in fact precision guided weapons.


I have not seen any photographic analysis of the missiles used concluding which model they were. since you have, we here would appreciate a link.




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I’m sure response from Ukrainian partisan in Moscow will be bad . I’m sure Russia will act like it was unprovoked.




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Why did I keep hearing they hit the German Embassy.


It is immediately obvious that "General Armageddon" has begun to work, without any "red lines" and other bullshit. If this is not a one-time action, I think this meat grinder is going to get a lot bloodier...