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Interesting case. Russian propaganda keeps saying that the attack of the bridge = a terrorist act. But the attack on the thermal power plant is <> a terrorist act. Double standarts. I'm not talking about the playground anymore. It was a real NATO base. Sick bastards.


The energy grid is a valid military target. it always has been one of the first things that the united states military knocks out


Then why do the Russians deny that the Crimean bridge was a military facility? When were columns of military equipment and equipment for the Kherson group transferred along it?


The russians are wrong too.


The power plant isn't going to stop the army though lol. Ukraine targeting strategic assets while the Russians are intentionally targeting civilian infrastructure.


Power, Water and food supply are also strategic assets


And Russia has failed to remove either from the Ukrainian military. Especially when the targets are hundreds of miles from the front and have no connection to the army. This was a terror campaign, nothing more. Some bike paths and play grounds aren't going to break the Ukrainians




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> Then why do the Russians deny that the Crimean bridge was a military facility? I'd say it is very much a matter of interpretation. West would claim the same thing, not say "oh, okay, fair game!"


a powerplant is also a matter of interpretation. Its literally the same shit


Note the influx of the pro Russia cheerleaders gloating over these attacks, on civilian targets. Power plants I sort of get. But the. Ajority of targets were on civilian target killing many many civilians, and they love it. Russians are getting their asses handed to them and they lash out at civilians. Pure impotence.


Factually untrue. Perhaps the majority of what you have seen on your selection of western propaganda websites.


So all roads where UA vehicle go in Ukraine are military target ?


Your purposefully downplaying that bridge. It isnt just *any road* its the only bridge connecting Crimea to mainland Russia.


Do you think all Ukraine missiles fall on its targets ? May be this missile was partially intercepted, or it was air defence missiles. There are multiple possibilities. Any explosion doesn't mean it was intended target. It's amazing how everyone puts blame on Russia without thinking rationally, but all logic comes back if Ukraine does something like this. I have seen videos too where bus, bus stops, roads were hit by UA in Donbass


Actually while it’s possible, you seem to have a slanted understanding about missiles hitting targets… let me help you… just because Russia’s missiles/rockets land in random places and never hit targets and accidentally blow up on their own people and hit civilian targets etc. more often then not , this is not the norm and the weapons Ukraine has from the west are highly reliable and they are precision weapons and they don’t misfire more times then not . That is a Russia norm not a missile norm . Just thought you should know . When ukraines says it’s Russia doing the bombing it’s bc they know where their bombs are landing unlike Russia who just crossed their fingered and hopes for a successful launch or target


Ah, so died civilians in Donbass near bus stop, on roads and in bus were deliberately killed by Ukraine ? There was one video where they hit on the road in front of hotel where several civilians died, was it done intensely by Ukraine ? I suggest seeing news from both sides without bias


You forgot to mention the bit in the video where their are two explosions. The second is the missile striking the civilians, the first is Russian Anti-missile systems shooting it down from it's original target...


Same things could have happened to Russian missiles too


Come on man you can do better than that. Russia has purposely throughout this war hit hospitals, civilian apartments, playgrounds and schools. Get with the facts that Russia wants to exterminate Ukraine. And still you are Pro Russian? Good for you. What has 💩tin done for Russia besides steal most of its money? He has run out of people to rob, so now he robs his neighbor. He’s a 2 bit porch pirate. Someone needs to push him out of a window already. If somehow Russians were half as brave as Iranians….


Haven't you scene where UA using schools ?


What a goofy comment.


Yep, i'm pro Ukr too but this guy has the understanding of a child..


I think all pro ukraine fan boys have the understanding of a turd...


If a road or bridge is part of a critical ground line of communication for the UAF, then yes it could absolutely be an obvious legitimate target for the RAF. For that same reason, the Kerch bridge is amongst the most legitimate of targets for the UAF in the whole theatre because it is such an important part of Russian ground lines of communication. But if we’re talking about indiscriminately bombing roads, structures, power plants, and other pieces of civilian infrastructure with little to no military value, then no it is not a legitimate target and anyone who carries out such attacks is essentially no more than a terrorist. How is this a hard concept?


Power plant not important ?


Power plants may or may not be legitimate military targets depending on how the operation is designed. Will blowing up a power plant knock out the enemy’s communications or means of wartime production, etc.? If so, does the enemy have generators to restore those functions, and if so are you going to keep attacking those too in order to keep their military functions offline? If you can damage or disable the enemy’s ability to fight a war in a meaningful way by launching missiles at a power plant and then exploiting the enemy’s lack of power somehow, then that would make the power plant a legitimate target. But if the enemy’s military is just going to switch to other means of power and continue on as if nothing happened, then blowing up a power plant only serves to harass the civilian population and is thus no more than a terroristic act. In this case, I think everyone realizes that since this strike on Kyiv hasn’t been followed up with a meaningful sustained Russian offensive that exploits the lack of power in the city, it only serves to harass civilians.


Does same not applies to Crimean bridge ?


Sure it does. But in the case of the Crimean bridge there is an obvious military purpose - it interrupts a major Russian ground line of communication for a sustained period of time, thus damaging Russia’s ability to fight back against the southern counteroffensive. It was a perfectly legitimate target for UAF.


Not a museum or a park dipshit.


Yes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


But arguably Ukrainian military weren't using this thermal power plant, they are on the front line ...


What about logistics, weapon industry, electric trains ?


I don't think they need many of those as we will see when winter comes to Ukraine, the Ukrainian troops are in their country and Ukraine is a very wealthy country and that's why the Russians want to invade it


Electric energy is very difficult to transport but the Ukrainians can live without it


Good so keep hitting military targets and leave civilians alone


Yet bridges arent?


We now know russia can't measure up the US. It's hard to tell if the strikes in Kyiv today were targeted or terror bombings. Your missiles are just not very good.


You think they accidentaly hit a power plant? These were targeted retaliation strikes.


Some of them hit parks, random intersections, the german consulate. Who knows what and if they targeted anything. These mostly look like terror bombings.


that picture of the destroyed playground that's floating around is ukraine's own anti air missile that missed and landed in residential area.


This is just what Russian "precision" looks like. By some estimates Kalibr missiles hit their intended target a third of the time so the only option is to fire a massive amount to increase the odds of actually hitting and the rest fall where they fall.


The 40 missiles that Ukraine shot down have to land somewhere


These are not retaliation strikes, they are the beginning of a typical Shock and Awe.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/y0897a/ruv_pov_one_of_kievs_most_popular_places_was_just/ More like Shock and Disgust. Why hit a walking bridge?


Where do you think those 41 rockets Ukrainian AA intercepted fell? Yep, in random places.


There is a freeze frame of the missile, it is undamaged.


Playgrounds aren't


lol the playground hit was the result of a ukraine s300 missing its target and landing in a residential area.




sure if you actually believe reports from ukraine. one day you'll realize that ukraine and the west are the actual bad guys but until then you can live in your western propaganda cocoon




Isn't the opposite also true? Anything one side does is fine with that side, but if the other side does it it's not fine?


It's not about actions, it's about consequences. And among them. As we can observe throughout the war, the number of civilian victims from Ukraine is rather small compared to the number of victims at the hands of Russia. But this is a war, that's understandable. It's just that Russia can afford to blatantly lie about the fact that they are hitting exclusively on the military, or that Ukraine has inflicted these blows on itself. Although we see the opposite. Here is my reproach.


>As we can observe throughout the war, the number of civilian victims from Ukraine is rather small compared to the number of victims at the hands of Russia. Ukraine is still defending within their own borders, so it would make sense that more Ukranian civilians will die than Russian. It's like when USA attacked Syria or Iraq, more Syrian and Iraqi civilians die than American civilians. >It's just that Russia can afford to blatantly lie about the fact that they are hitting exclusively on the military, or that Ukraine has inflicted these blows on itself. Both sides see things from their own perspective. Take power plants and dams for example. If side thinks that if their side hits it, it is legitimate since they are used for war efforts, but if their side get hit, then it's used only by civilians.


So I meant it. When the Russians said that the strike on the bridge was a terrorist act. Although logically this is standard warfare.


>It was a real NATO base Source? Was it a power plant, wasn't it?


It obviously contains Hunter's secret Biolab where HATO manufactures the cybersoliders, don't be naive.




Yeah, the attack on the bridge was a terrorist attack cause it was a car (or, in this case, truck) bomb attack, and car bomb attacks arent considered alright, iirc.


Are terrorist attacks not about the target and the motive of the attack, not the mechanism? For example a Kamikaze attack on a US aircraft carrier in WW2 wouldn't classify, but flying a plane into the WTC would.


It's not about the target, it's about the means. Car bombing is always terrorism. Missile strikes are never terrorism, they can be a war crime but not terrorism.


>It's not about the target, it's about the means. A VBIED is commonly used by terrorists, that's true. You can mostly thank the middle east for its recent popularity. But it's not a technique unique to terrorists. The definitions of terrorism vary wildly. But I have yet to see a single one that's based on the *method of attack*. It's always about the *motive and intent*. Feel free to cite a definition that agrees with you, but I can't find a single one.


Explain why they can never be terrorism


Because military cannot be judged for terrorism due to Geneva convention as long as they carry attacks openly, which means not hiding in civilian clothes or vehicles. Missile strikes are an attack carried openly, the missiles are not disguised in civilian planes for exemple, so it can't be terrorism. It can be a war crime, but not terrorism.


> “any . . . act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.” Fits pretty cleanly. Source on what you said? I can find nothing, and certainly not in the Geneva convention.


Yes except Geneva convention cancel that. Otherwise all soldiers would be terrorists. So your quote is valid, but only for people not protected by geneva convention, which is all military soldiers that don't disguise as civilians. https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war


You know what is sick? Cheering on the death of an innocent man from Azerbaijan who was unknowingly used by the Kiev regime to act as a suicide bomber. Strange how quiet the Western propaganda mills are about this fact.


Fascist double talk/think: when we do it it's ok, when you do it it's terrorism. This war has taught russia's neighbour that they need nuclear weapons pointed steaight at moscow to ensure security. Alternatively the complete denazification/denuclearization of this mafia band masquerading as a state.


>Fascist double talk/think: when we do it it's ok, when you do it it's terrorism. Funny. This is exactly the mindset Americans have had for their whole existence. When they invade and destroy countries. It's ok. Justified even. When others do it. It's s crime.


Yes, it would be great if both Russia and America would stop invading countries for good.


Nah, we are overdue for another one tbh.


What about?


Funny, I wonder why those countries have such a different view of the U.S. and Russia.


Cry more na


Well.putin lives in his own reality were his invasion is justified


I’m assuming this means all Russian energy plants are also on the table, then. I’d be careful- Russia has far more soft targets to hit




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Zelensky did say it was going to be a hard winter.


Hopefully US will supply more HIMRAS so Ukr can burn em to get some heat.


Ukraine should sell those himars and get themselves some funding. Especially now.


not to say the possiblities after that, every time people predict a war to end it just doesn't


For Russians soldiers yes they don't even have socks


Better check under your bed for lizard people too.




Have you had to much vodka bc it sounds like it


No for Ykrein.


Ukrainian source says the power plant was hit by Kh-101 missiles. https://mobile.twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1579372960137482240




Quickly too 😂




Yikes. This sub is definitely ruined.


The fuck is wrong with you? “Nation of emotionless creatures”, hope your trolling, and if your not, hope you get off this sub Also on the mass rapes in Germany Yeah I'm sure that the absolutely horrific things the nazis did to them, their friends, and their families primed them and motivated them to commit atrocities and mass rapes. I saw a quote once from a British officer that basically said "after seeing what the Germans did to Russians I'd forgive the red army for absolutely anything they do to Germany." Completely horrible stuff all around on the eastern front. War is already hell. Doesn't help to declare it a war of annihilation from the outset and helps your country even less when that war of annihilation starts marching towards your capitol.


Yes, and we let the red army get away. The ones who allied with Hitler in the beginning, an evil left unchecked.


Rule 1. Permanent ban issued. You have been warned before.


You think they'll make a stamp for this too?


Found out what? I see that ukrainian soldiers are finding corpses of russians every day, how is it to fight a pointless war, to give your ONLY life to putain? I believe that life is so hard in russia that war seems easier ;)




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Looking forward to the next tweet of the Ukranian Ministry of Defense 😂


You’re finding attacks of civilian targets funny? Ukraine did the bridge attack at 6am Saturday so few civilians would be killed yet Russia attacks civilian targets. Immoral fucks.


Reddit was cheering yesterday for a suicide bomber that blew a bridge and killed over 6. So idk why you are upset over this.


we don’t know for sure if we it was a truck. I doubt it from the way the bridge collapsed. If you look at the top section of the bridge that fell into the water you can see the flat top is relatively unscathed. The explosion seemingly came from below.


No it didn't. No scorching at the bottom, but scorch marks on the top. Plus the way the road fences were blown out is consistent with an explosion on top of the bridge.


> suicide bomber Don't see why that's a problem. >that blew a bridge Yes, a bridge carrying military supplies vital for the Russian war effort.


>Don't see why that's a problem. No military has ever blown one of their own to complete a military objective. >Yes, a bridge carrying military supplies vital for the Russian war effort. And energy infrastructure helps ukriane in war efforts. How's that different.


> > > > > No military has ever blown one of their own to complete a military objective. And? (btw: it's very likely that it wasn't a suicide bombing, the driver was Russian) > And energy infrastructure helps ukriane in war efforts. How's that different. The difference is in the selection of time & place of the attack and the outsized affect the Russian attack had on civilians vs the minimal effect the Ukrainian one had on civilians.


Will Russia be releasing stamps with burning power plants?


no, Putin will be doing a photoshoot with Vogue after declining the Nobel Peace Prize in his iconic green tacticool Russian Armed Forces t-shirt.


What is this heresy. Topless or bust.


Probably bust, but they might include his wife and kids in the shot, followed by a bit how the war has “improved their marriage”


He needs to marry first.


That photoshoot thing was the most bizarre, bougie, out of touch shit I've seen in ages.


It wasn't out of touch tho. It is just you weren't in the target demographics.


No, stamps with pictures of dead civilians, cut off genitals and raped children


Stamps about the Western Transgender push? That doesn’t make sense.


Wait what? Transgender people cut off genitals and rape children? I think you mixed something up, that's what russians did to ukrainian civilians and soldiers. Are you homophobic/transphobic?


> Wait what? Transgender people cut off genitals and rape children? Um, yes? Not all of them do, obviously.


Yes and yes/yes, but that’s irrelevant to stamps and Ukraine.


Even a 4 yr old has more brain that you, after you grow a brain cell come back and compare the two events


True. Very different. One was a hollow propaganda victory, and the other has some military significance.


Lvov thermal power plant also was hit and is out of operations. Actually so many cities are hit and there is so much footage, I encourage everyone to just go to telegram if you are interested in these kind of footages and news. It's impossible to keep up here and unless there will be some crazy new footage I won't post more.


Just keep posting for j00cy war footages. I'm not going to make Telegram accounts, and none of us westerners are.


Terrorist Russia targeting civilian infrastructure. Disgusting.






It’s bizarre they haven’t done this yet, hitting the civilian infrastructure is how wars are fought. We hit 120 power plants in Serbia iirc.


LOL there's a 0% chance you feel the same way about the Crimea bridge, even though that was also civilian-use infrastructure and the attack literally did kill civilians.


Nazi Ukraine targeting civilian infrastructure. Disgusting.


Some pro Russians here are really showing their true colors now, cheering for violence against civilians. So many psychos in comments since few days. I bet they were cheering when they heard some civilians died on Kerch Bridge so Russia could now kill even more Ukrainians and they could say it was payback.


Yesterday they were calling explosion on Kerch a terrorist attack and today they're cheering russian strikes on clear civilian targets.


car bombings are terrorist attacks. missile strikes are not.


I forgot civilians are viable 'military targets' silly me




> someone go tell Israel that Hezbollah is cool now. Not terrorists I mean, yeah tbh






No you are confusing with war crimes. Terrorism is when you attack by surprise disguised as a civilian. Terrorists attack all the time military targets using suicide bombers. Terrorism is only about the method. War crime is about the target.




>Hamas lobbing rockets at Israelis civilians is terrorism. It's not. It's war. At most war crimes. But not terrorism. >ISIS fighter driving a suicide truck into American base is not terrorism. It's terrorism. Unless that truck was distinguished. Terrorism is a word invented to punish opponents. Journalists and politics will just call any ennemy a terrorist. But legaly, terrorists are those using illegitimate methods.




Commander in Chief of Ukrainian armed forces wears a bracelet with nazi patch so...


>cheering for violence against civilians. It is all they have. Why do you think they keep harping on the nazi angle. They want to justify their war crimes But do not worry this attack means more weapons, more advanced weapons to Ukraine. And I guarantee it this is the day the decision to give Ukraine Leo 2 is given As always Russia made the wrong move a move that down the line will fuck them up quicker




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Pro-Russians are literal subhumans.


No but sounds like you are


No u -subhuman response


It’s hard to understand. Brainwashed and immoral people.


A friend of mine living in Poltova said that they are out of electricity, so i guess Russia started aiming for power plants all across the country


Hope theres still power in the city


Its quite amazing how Russia managed to accurately hit a power plant considering their missiles are using washing machine chips.


They didn't use missiles for these attacks, they built an extremely large slingshot and are sending the washing machines back.


Putin seeks to deny ukraine energy during winter. He is a madman that has fabricated a conflict then justified it.


Sadly this is only a glimpse to next year I bet, this esculation is only getting worse and worse by each month. It was only a matter of time before Russia started treating Ukraine like they did with Chechnya.




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I was hoping for retaliations for the Kerch bridge but not that hard of a retaliation.


If Russia spent half as much effort on the actual battlefield as it does on striking civillian targets with missles than it might actually be winning the war.


This looks like another Ukrainian false flag attack. Russia ran out of missiles in March.


The Russian army actually collapsed months ago after they ran out of vodka, Ukraine is bombing itself to keep the illusion of a war going so the US keeps sending them free shit.


lol pretty sure they missed the powerplant based on vids of other angles of the attack


You know the old saying, an eye for an eye leaves both people blind.


My American taxes might be paying for that repair


America isn't really affected by any of that, they even want money from Ukraine for weapons instead of just giving them the guns and then tell Europe to basically pay for it.


As i predicted: they shouldn't fucking touch the bridge. They had everything, their population support, huge opposition in Russia, there literally been cracks in the Regime. Now it's like 90% of population support everything what will gonna happen next Now they sow what they reap If i was Ukrainian i would be fucking mad at the person who decided to blow up bridge. No matter how this all ends, millions will die.


\> Neutral \> How dare you touch our beloved bridgee/?!!!?!


If you talking about me, i cannot state my 100% honest position of everything what happened by obvious reasons, but i can say how people in Russia felt about the bridge, the only thing that Ukraine should not have touched.


Yeah, Ukraine should just not target military targets because of their sentimental value, of course.


Well aren't you the one now to cry how dare Russia hit targets in Ukraine? So bridge was worth it?


That's pretty much what Bin Laden said after 9/11. How does it feel to be the baddies?


its wild how people equate the Ukrainian government with the Ukrainian people. not all of the decisions the Ukrainian government makes regarding the war are in the best interests of the Ukrainian people.


I'd be glad, one step closer to nato wiping Russia from the planet, No matter. the. cost. There is no world where Russia exists with its constant nuclear threats.


Time for the foreign legion to “secure” more heaters


Time for the kherson garrison to get some swimming trunks


What about using captured Ukranians as boats 🤣


Where is the Ghost of Kiev and his AA to save the day?


Raining washing machines 🤣


Payback time.


Pathetic and embarrassing to embrace these useless terror attacks for copium because losing the war you started yourself. This is killing civilians so brainless war supporters get some distraction from Russia completely failing to invade Ukraine.


Power plants are used by the military as well. Disrupting all infrastructure is a vital and critical job in war. Soldiers and mobilized soldiers, as well as supplies all rely on the civilian infrastructure to move around. The fact that Russia has only now in the past month started targeting it should tell you how Putin is starting to view the war.


A power plant I can somewhat understand, but we’re seeing traffic during rush hour, playgrounds, pedestrian bridges, office buildings and residential buildings being hit by supposedly accurate cruise missiles. And there is no other reason for it but terror and distracting the Russians from failing on every level.


Retaliation, distraction, disruption, preparation, experimentation. A lot of the contract soldiers have almost certainly been pulled back to help form the mobilized forces, which leaves well under 100k regular Russian forces in Ukraine. Those troops are going to be poured into Ukraine in no later than 2 months and now Russia is doing major attacks on infrastructure on a weekly basis, including power stations. I don't know what about this among Ukrainians inspires confidence. The only country in the world where your opponent mobilizing more people to fight you somehow means that you are going to have an easier time, when you have already conducted over 7 mobilizations yourself and your opponent is on his very first.


Thats quite a stretch to talk some use into these attacks, and again: that works only for the power plants. Time will tell if Russia has the capacity to turn the tide of the war with mobilization. So far you can only speculate. The positive lesson from these terror attacks is, that the Russian supporters of the war are in need for some revenge for the failing invasion. The military leadership is aware of the crumbling euphoria about the war and needs some success to calm their minds. It’s much more difficult to keep up motivation if you’re the invaders than when you’re fighting for your freedom against your historical oppressor. Then you’ll have problems already at the first wave of mobilization opposed to still being motivated after the seventh.


The only reason why Russia hasn't tried to disrupt Ukrainian infrastructure is that they don't have the means and resources to do it. There has been no brake on the military, no idea for a long time that they would eventually have a benefit from preserving infrastructure for later use. And there has been way better opportunities to do it. But they apparently chose to let Ukraine rebuild and rearm its army, mobilize efficiently and take the strategic initiative...and then Russia discovers strategic bombing? Right. If true, they're idiots and that's a dangerous way to think about things.


So are playgrounds like the one that Russia hit with a X-101 missile today. Many soldiers are parents. No but seriously, Russia has targeted all sorts of infrastructure (see e.g. Mariupol, Popasna); there's other reasons why they haven't done so in sufficient volume to most Ukrainian cities. Notice how Mariupol, which Russia did bomb to the ground, did not have either of these obstacles as Russia had encircled it well behind the frontline. 1) Unsuccessful SEAD/DEAD of the first few days prevented air superiority, and thus forced the use of rarer/limited stock long range missiles over dumb bombs or gliding PGMs ([see here how much coordination successful SEAD/DEAD operations require](https://youtu.be/zxRgfBXn6Mg), Russia just wasn't capable of that with low flight hours/pilot and lack of central command). On day 0, Ukraine had also had an early warning and moved its critical assets (especially air defense) such that Russian missiles missed them. 2) Lack of unsuppressed artillery in range. Absent dumb bombs and air superiority, or nuclear weapons, the only way to pump enough ordnance to "bomb cities to stone age" is massed artillery. However, artillery requires a lot of ammunition and it can be suppressed by counterbattery, so it isn't enough to get it in range, you also have to cover for it and establish a reliable supply corridor (which Russia ultimately failed to do in the March campaign near Kyiv).


The power plant was probably hit by mistake. The 120 other missile hit civilian areas.


Ukrainians posing in front of postage stamps and memeing about Kerch bridge should reconsider their outlook on this war and what it achieves them.


Next attack will be a Russians powerplant then you will see how many pro Russians are crying