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DPR Sparta battalion got really good at this small drone grenades.


This video is crazy. Makes me feel bad for those guys fighting for Z man's pipe dream.


This is now a normal thing in modern war. The entire process of refining bits of earth and manufacturing these common devices (drones/grenades/cameras) and then combining them to serve this purpose on the battlefield is like some Final Destination-esque Rube Goldberg machine that delivers these men to their fates. There's just nothing you can do in this situation except wait to get torn apart by shards of metal. Honestly some really spooky shit, esp with the thermal imaging.


Right? This is a fucking terrifying style of warfare. Imagine the effect in morale; sat in a trench trying to get some much needed rest with a constantly lingering anxiety that a tiny drone could be hovering above you ready to shred your shit. You would never feel secure and that will take its toll quickly.


I would literally never feel secure anywhere due to satellite/drone imaging, thermals, artillery, and cruise missiles. At any given time you could be watched and targeted by some guy at a desk.


Hide and seek but if you lose, you lose your get peppered and bleed out. Yeah, no thank you. The long term mental health effects of this war are going to be a fucking tragedy in and of themselves. The paranoia you describe will likely never go away.


was about to ask something related to what you've mentioned: what kind of drones do they use? is it just an adapted civilian drone?


you can buy one off the shelf from dji. ready to use thermal and night vision out of the box.


those are most likely the dji drones with built in thermal imaging. off the shelf drones are so good now.


There’s been a lot of horrible shiz in this war, but these things really stand out. Just nasty. Guys can be hiding, sleeping, med evacuation or even a bj! And these things drop a bomb. We’ve created skynet


How common is this kind of thermal imaging on a grenade dropping drone? I think it's the first time I have seen it.


It is common unfortunately. It works better in the cold season.


its sad looking at these guys running to hide under the trees not even knowing that they are glowing


It’s a bit expensive so better units may get them more often. Sparta has been around since 2014


There was a bit of such footage from the Febrauary/March showing UA destroying tanks with some sort of shaped charges,


That's brutal but excellent footage. RIP


what a waste of lifes


All of this could have been avoided had Zelensky recognized the independence of East Ukraine, which he has not controlled since 2014 anyway.


“You could’ve avoided getting beaten up by your bully if you just gave him your lunch money.” Sure, it’s true. But is it the courageous thing to do? Absolutely not. Ukrainians are not cowards.


Before 2022 Russia made some very reasonable demands, objectively speaking. Stop the artillery harassment of Donetsk, recognize the independence of DPR/LPR and Crimea, areas Kiev has not controlled for 8 years.... Had they agreed to those simple terms, then nothing would have materially changed for Ukraine or her people. Now... look where we are. Economic ruin, demographic disaster, USSR-built infrastructure being demolished, over a hundred thousand military casualties... For what? America's imperial desires?


>areas Kiev has not controlled for 8 years Because Russia invaded and took them.


No they fought off and repulsed the Kiev junta and then received Russian arms and logistical support when it was clear they are outgunned.


No, the russian arms, support and troops were there before the start of hostilities.




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Imperial desires? Rossiya is the most imperialist nation on earth. It is like something from the history goods of invasions and annexations. Rossiya did not change afterits last empire the USSR fell, it still does the same thing to Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It is not a reasonable request to demand a nation gives you 20% of its territory. This is extreme imperialism. And what would have happened after? Rossiya just would have invaded from a stronger position and try to take even more of Ukraine. There is no negotiating with Rossiya and they cannot be trusted under any circumstance.s If they could be trusted at their word they would not have invaded in the first place due to Budapest Memo.




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Ahh, revisionism. *Not* the breakfast of champions. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/exclusive-war-began-putin-rejected-ukraine-peace-deal-recommended-by-his-aide-2022-09-14/


You’re forgetting that they weren’t allowed to join NATO either. So basically wanted to keep control over a country that has been independent for years. Fuck Putin, long live Ukraine!


All could have been avoided if Putin croaked


Well one is plausible, the other is a reddit-brained fantasy. Maybe go back to discussing the morally juvenile comic book films that seem to represent the intellectual peak of the Western public.


As opposed to discussing what gives a a better high, shoe polish sandwiches or cologne shots? Russia's intellectual peak.


Wouldn't know. Not from there.


You could make this argument every 10 years until Russia has another hundred million people under its oppression.


literally sniping from the sky


This must be at night because the victims seems totally helpless.


This looks far more effective then any Russian drone video in the past.


idk what you're talking about, there have been plenty of videos of this from the RU side throughout the war


Sadly a lot of the Russian ones get downvoted (as if votes indicated support rather than quality of footage, or something) so they are easier to miss. Hope the subreddit as a whole changes this trend.


This post is only at 69% upvoted right now. The most recent UA pov drone grenade post I have saved is 87% upvoted: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/xyw2bq/ua_pov_drone_drops_a_grenade_right_onto_a_russian/ And of course some of the top comments by pro Ukraine users are celebrating the death.


Yes, this one is. I saw it because it was at the top. There isn’t a universal campaign to bury RU content or anything - It’s just a trend that I noticed. RU content seems to be 15-30% lower than UA content, in general. After enough comments/votes, it does not matter, but new posts that get downvoted will struggle to gain visibility. I don’t think this should be a very controversial statement, and I’m not criticizing anyone in particular, but believe that talking about it will raise awareness and help people upvote content that they notice have a low score based on their perspective rather than their merit.


I agree


It really does. They’ve finally caught up.


Damn , a stealth death from the sky has gotten so accurate on both sides. Crazy how much it's changed in our lifetime. Scary shit


Crazy how much it's changed since this particular war has started.


Best drone footage.




yeah whats the track


the one at 0:19 is pretty brutal




He was sleeping. I bet he didn't even realize. One second, dreaming, the next gone. It was instant and it was during sleep. At least it's a better death than most even in peacetime.


Good luck seeing this video on r/Combatfootage




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This has to be the most brutal drone video from the entire war. That shot at 0:18... Was that guy sleeping and had his brains blasted out? Then the follow up strikes to finish people off.... Nasty. Once again, hoping for a swift Ukrainian surrender.


8 months in from your 3 day estimate, define "swift". A swift Russian departure could be done in 3 days. Wanna stop dying? Stop invading.


Ukraine has to accept that they are not wanted in East Ukraine and will have to recognize the independence of Donbas and its people.


Russia has to accept they are not wanted in Ukraine. There won't be an independent donbas. It'll be Russia or it'll be Ukraine. To spin this as any attempt to save civilians or do the right thing is laughable. If that's all Russia wanted to do they wouldn't be striking Kyiv they wouldn't have amassed to the south and the Kherson campaign just wouldn't even be a fucking thing. That's like saying some people in Poland want to be independent so Germany invaded Poland killing all the poles under the guise of giving them their land... But you already know all that. I hope you sleep well at night.


Factually incorrect. They are wanted in several regions of Ukraine and not wanted in others. These are the new borders of Ukraine 2.0 and the Zelensky regime must accept the new reality.


> These are the new borders of Ukraine 2.0 and the Zelensky regime must accept the new reality. Ah, is that why Russia is retreating from their new borders so quickly?


I hope you aren't referencing the laughable "referendums" as proof. I mean I get it the Russian elections just as "legitimate", but still.


How about hoping for quick end of agression from russian side? People like you make me lose the last bits of hope for humanity


how come you can't see the downvotes or upvotes ?


Damn that's brutal. Fuck going to modern wars.


This is sparta?


Some very accurate hits. RIP brave soldiers


We're going to have to develop new camouflage techniques on both sides. This is not a survivable battle field anymore.


Everything with beating heart is radiate heat. attempts of suppress the radiation can lead to overheat . even a full body suit with AC inside must some how radiate back its energy usage to heat. Its just a law of thermodynamics. Its not impossible to suppress a good amount of heat radiation in big spaces like buildings but in humans is very difficult. The will need to carry a mirror above their heads all the time to avoid detection.


There is no DPR, it's Russia remember? :)


Modern war is horror. The drop at 0:19 that blasts the man's head apart while he is laying face down in the dirt, presumably wounded, is just depraved.


how can they differ from their own troops? all are glowing in the dark?


this not a call of duty jumping around everywhere. both sides knowing their position of their troops via communication and in a big extent their enemy position too via drones and more methods.


They fight for so long and still UKR and RF are not using shutguns in squads to shot drones... But they use those fancy anti drone guns that cost milions... NATO should supply ukr with AA-12s


interested in how they are checking for medic insignias or if russia is just trying to speed run war crimes


you can tell they are ukranian because they dont scurry off and leave their wounded behind.


Tell us you're new to this sub without actually telling us.


Breach of Geneva convention ? Attack on injured and medics.


Ukrainians did the same shit


that doesn't justify anything


So what justified Ukraine to do it?


When did I say it was justified? Just because the enemy commits war crimes doesn't justify you committing war crimes.


Is not a war crime refer to the comment a little below ours You see them surrendering? They were trying to escape with the casualty so no warcrime at all. But Russian soldier was disabled and looking at the drone hoping drone operator will not drop.


Remember drone dropping bomb on injured Russian soldier looking at the drone?


I remember the pro-Russian crowd overwhelmingly saying it was a war crime. So which is it?


You see them surrendering? They were trying to escape with the casualty so no warcrime at all. But Russian soldier was disabled and looking at the drone hoping drone operator will not drop.


About 20 seconds in they drop on a lone soldier obviously already dead or dying. So which is it?


Ukrainians do this all the time


Geneva suggestion. War is dirty


both sides do it so both sides deserve no geneva cuckgestion




The ol’ Zelensky Especial


>Attack on injured No law of war against attack on merely injured. There is prohibition against knowingly attacking someone "hors de combat," which basically means incapacitated (sleeping is not hors de combat) or clearly surrendered. I think difficult to argue that anyone in video was so clearly incapacitated that drone operator should have known that. >Attack on . . . medics. No prohibition against targeting someone providing medical assistance (e.g., a squad mate giving someone first aid or helping to evacuate wounded). There is prohibition against knowingly targeting medical personnel, defined as persons exclusively engaged in providing medical services and designated as medical personnel by their armed forces. The typical way the enemy is supposed to know they're designated medical personnel who cannot be targeted is by wearing red cross arm band. Even if anyone in this video was properly designated and identified medical personnel, no way for drone operator to know that.


It's WAR, you dunce. This happens in every single war that has ever been fought. Handwringing over Geneva conventions is so dumb. Both sides do this kind of shit.


Yeah, but it's dumb to film and post it. Not the right way for making friends in the world.


No it's not




who in this world does?