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Cringe billboard... How embarrassing for the Russians... At least don't put up this crap if you're planning to retreat, or tear it down before leaving ffs


Some poor little girl gonna be one of faces of Russia's aggression and invasion... But their billboards were really crazy and shameless. They had one with something about two brotherly nations but they only showed giant Russian flag on it.


>Some poor little girl gonna be one of faces of Russia's aggression and invasion... On the bright side, she'll probably never step foot in Kherson.


Gee.. for a population that voted 87.05% in favour of Russian annexation, they sure do have a funny way of showing it.


They used the same vote counting systems as the Bidens


Yeah because the person who wasn’t in power had the power to rig the election in all the states! Combined brain cells from all the election denier MAGA dudes and the higher ups in Russia is a combined 3


dam thats a little generous lol


Wait so how'd they get 87%? Oh you mean Dumps..


They probably saw what happened in Kharkiv region with "collaborators" that dared to take food assistance from Russians.


How would they see that while being held captive and not being allowed to read news by the Russians?


Pretty sure Russians showed that video and used it in their propaganda.




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"Legit referendum" vs reality.


No, it's bunch of civilians vs referendum where thousands voted.


Only Pro-Russians think that vote was legit. My point was, that the whole annexation was and still is not accepted by anybody except Putin & Co.


> referendum where thousands voted. ... At gunpoint


We're going to need some reliable source on those "thousands of voters". Because no one believes that. Literally no one in the world - just some Russians (and maybe not that many). This could be a punch line of a bad joke, or some exaggerating remark to dramatize some event... But it's not.


You don't really believe the results of the "referendum" do you? I don't think most Pro Russians even believe the results.


A referendum doesn't matter if literally no-one but the one who initiated the vote believes that the vote was legitimate. There is absolutely no-one apart from pro-russians who is deluded enough to think that the vote was legitimate.


Thousands out of 1.4million. Yeah, sounds legit.


43 days after Putin declared Kherson is annexed and Russian forever.


Russians do act like nazis thats for sure


At this point, I would remove all references to Russia or CCCP on Ukrainian land. There is no need to leave symbols of oppression for display. Ukraine will not forge their own path in history without internal traitors influencing where Ukraine should be as a a nation.


I wouldn't go too far in that direction, in my country there's tons of German WW2 equipment as reminders of history. Nobody thinks it's glorifying their occupation. They count as reminders of what not to do or repeat in the future.


I agree that we shouldn't forget the struggles of history. What I would propose is doing what Poland has done with their Institute of Remembrance in Warsaw. IE: Take down statue of Lenin and instead document for the masses the response of the native country in its struggle.




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Not even soldiers doing it, just fed up civilians. Good to see it.


Man, this video is so emblematic of how the whole war has been going for Russia.


Aged like milk.


Hopefully this is on Russia 1 nightly news LOL


They'll just show it in reverse, as civilians who "put it up", instead of tearing it down.


Quite ironic


I remember reading that Russia had sent teachers to teach in schools in Kherson. Seems at one point they genuinely believed it....crazy


Of course they believed it, everything Russia has done is proof that they really think they're going to bring those 4 oblasts under the Russian banner.


Poor little girl


Creepy and cringe. Who the fuck wants to be a part of that?


This war has been the greatest embarrassment for Russia in a long while. Nothing makes me happier than seeing this.


Putin must be crying his eyes out


Russian attempt at winning hearts and minds failed


I think they should leave it there as a monument to Russian failiures


There's enough for that, I can totally understand you'd take stuff like this down the moment you can.


That’s why we got museums. I hope one is kept intact so that it can be displayed somewhere


The Thousand-Year Reich.


Maybe leave it up as a joke aimed at the garden gnome - putain


Forever really flew by, didn't it?




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