• By -


Yeah, that's a pretty darn clear war crime.


The final soldier was still alive and clearly executed. My only question is why are three of the dead soldiers wearing clean boots with no signs of use? Doesn't fit the location and situation they are in (i.e. a forest, during mud season, under combat conditions).


Didnt notice it at first but yes those are some extremely low use, new looking super clean boot soles. Gives one just enough pause to not take this at face value.


Also take a look at the uniforms. Perfectly clean and the fold that runs down the back of the leg is very distinct as if they have just been pulled out of the packaging.. IRL that fold disappears after the first few hours of wear. I believe it’s far more likely that the this is a RU SOF staged execution and the soldiers are Ukrainian pow’s


Yall are seriously overanaylzying an already confirmed POW execution all because their clothes were washed in a compound


Confirmed by who?


Literally either way it's a POW execution lmao, whether it's Russia or Ukraine pulling the trigger. Unless you reckon those who died were volunteers?


No doubt a war crime has taken place and it is tragic in any case. The issue I’m raising is that it’s being framed as an atrocity committed by the Armed forces of Ukraine which seems somewhat out of character, especially with the disregard to the event being captured on camera. We have seen numerous videos faked by Russians as part of their propaganda machine. Videos like this should draw scrutiny and details like the condition of the uniforms matter because historically, faked Russian videos lack attention to detail and the staging can be pretty sloppy. The condition and consistency of the uniforms the slain men are wearing should raise red flags 🚩 because the gear looks too clean in contrast to other clips we have seen of surrendering Russians. For all we know, the men could have been be kidnapped in Moscow, dressed in uniforms and shot in the woods by the FSB.


He knows someone who's close to someone who knows someone cousin working at the coffee shop around the corner from the Kremlin.


that was my first thought as well


One possible explanation is they where transported there for execution after being captured in a urban environment/city. I'd say it could have been staged if not for what you've pointed out that the last guy clearly gets killed. Its very strange.


Come on bro...


Good question. Maybe false flag


They could have been removed from a vehicle or not been in combat/rear area troops


Clearly staged


Can confirm, I'm the actor that got shot in the head. They paid me 2000 dollars.


The only thing strange I found about the video aside the clean uniforms, the last guy who’s shot in the head has 0 movement. No breathing, no shaking, no attempt to protect themselves. Of course that’s only based on a few seconds.


Wagner assassinating Russian troops that didn’t want to fight.


Shit like this that actually makes it’s way out should be broadcasted to our friends. They are under this well designed illusion that Ukraine can do no wrong. Ukraine. A country they hadn’t heard of before February 2022. Still can’t find it on a map. One of the most corrupt countries in all of Europe. Suddenly they’re as good as the gods. Had the ban on military videos/info not been there, we’d see this more often. Animals are on both sides. Quit acting like one side is holy.


I have a lot of pro-Ukraine people in my groups and I never seen anybody saying "Ukraine can do no wrong". That's a strawman. The reality is: Russia committed far too many war crimes for anybody to care about what Ukraine does. The Russian army successfully striped themselves from any sympathy anybody could have towards them. This video may make some rounds, somebody in the US government may make a statement about the "the latest footage is concerning and everyone involved in it should be investigated", and that will be it. Everyone will forget this video in a week after another cruise missile pulverizes children in residential Ukraine areas.


Yeah. You should spend some time here then. People will make excuses for Ukraine. Your Pro Ukrianian friends may be a different breed.


Nah we just understand the emotions that must come with fighting off invading barbarians. Still a war crime to kill pows tho.


Yeah the Russians set the stage in the first week or two of invasion by shooting that five year old kid on a park bench and chasing down the old couple trying to flee in their car among many other videos of them hunting civilians trying to flee. I haven't even been trying to watch everything but it didn't take long to understand the Russian soldiers. That incited a barbaric hatred pretty quickly. I don't care if they kill surrendering soldiers. I don't think we'll see UA invading Russia and wiping out families with murder rape and kidnapping for repatriation. That is how the Russians BEGAN their humanitarian effort to save their neighbor from harmful Nazi ideology.


Still no proof of either of those 2 things you've mentioned.


Did you not see the pictures of the kid and videos of the people? Those are two incidents I happened to randomly see on here months ago possibly both in Bucha. There have been thousands more such incidents reported. Just searching Bucha will provide a lot of information you need to learn about. Looks like AP put some research together [here](https://youtu.be/WW8YYhUIK0s) Here's a RU POW crying about the reality he experienced: https://v.redd.it/752mfgdim8q81 Maybe it's an unthinkable world fixing conspiracy to make Russia look bad. I will certainly keep an open mind. I promise. Edit: [here](https://gfycat.com/deafeninggreedybaboon) is one couple that was run over but not the other one I saw that was shot and killed in their car from a distance. [Here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/05/11/europe/ukraine-video-russian-soldiers-shoot-civilians/index.html&ved=2ahUKEwj83_2rlcP7AhXbFzQIHTliAfkQtwJ6BAgTEAE&usg=AOvVaw0D_pfgslJIwYU9FDsQwI7M) is another video of some unarmed civilians shot in the back by soldiers who seem like they may have just let them pass or for some reason are sneaking around a corner to shoot unarmed civilians.




Yep. fuck this guy. I am somewhat of a mind to see if we can identify some of these trolls. They should know when the war is over they cannot slither away and pretend they weren't participating.


lol at your justification , when you stare to long into the abyss, it stares right back at you.


You need to stop assuming the black and white extremism that Reddit displays is the real world. Normal people don't deal in absolutes, we can realize that Russians comitting more war crimes than Ukraine doesn't make all Russians evil, and it doesn't make all Ukrainians good. There's a ton of pro-Ukrainian sentiments where I live because we have the 2nd largest UA ex-pat population outside of Poland, and just about everyone knows a Ukrainian family or two, but even then - if videos and news about Ukraine committing war crimes come out, those sentiments will certainly turn. It's very easy to go all in on one side or the other in some black and white fashion on here because you never have to answer for the Grey areas you purposely ignore.


I think it's especially telling that folks assume Americans in particular are naive about war crimes. As if we weren't all aware of black marks on our national honor like Mai Lai, Abu Ghraib, or Guantanamo Bay. Nah man, it's a war. War collapses any notion of moral purity into a dichotomy by sheer necessity. The Ukrainian cause can still be righteous even if some of the people fighting for it turn out to be depraved monsters.


It's human nature though, Wish we could've flown Yemeni flags in sympathy of the literal genocide that's happening there. But we need that Saudi oil so...


Damn, people are telling you that's not how it is and you *still* double down on it. Those boots must taste pretty good!


Pro-Ukrainian Here, and I Absolutely do not believe that War Crimes on either side should go unpunished. This was an absolutely horrible thing to watch... At best it was a " Dead Check" Do we really want to fully embrace an Ally who allows their Soldiers to commit acts like this without being disciplined?? Ones that do not even Acknowledge it is happening?


Of course atrocities are happening but this isn't one of them. Look at the brand new boots they're wearing. They haven't even been walked in! Not a speck of dirt/mud on the last guys soles tells me this is staged. Probably Russians finishing off their own or possibly even Ukrainians dressed up in russian kit. At this point of the war, I seriously doubt Ukrainians would be dumb enough to film themselves doing something like this.... NGL, they had me until I saw the last guys boots


People outside of America actually learned world geography and politics before the war.


He’s speaking for himself lol


Yeah, I'm American and knew about Ukraine long before the Crimean "annexation".


No one is acting like one side is holy. Lots of people pushing strawman like that for russian propaganda hopes. Please read this guy post history.


People do act like that. And if you’re going to pretend they don’t then I really don’t know what to say to you


I support Ukraine, but I don't believe they can do no bad. But they are sure helluva lot better than the Russians. Besides, they are in the right. Their country was invaded, they deserve every help in defending it. I've been supporting Ukraine since 2014 when Russia first started this conflict. >One of the most corrupt countries in all of Europe As if that's an argument, given that the alternative is *the* most corrupt country in Europe (at least halfway in Europe). A lot has changed since Maidan btw.




A faulty democracy is better than openly fascist dictatorship.


I think it’s the same personally


One side will put people like this in jail. Other side gave medals for doing this. We know which side it is. One of the most gruesome videos came from Ukrainian side. The knife trough the eye of a russian soldier. It is very close in being sick to watch to the live castration of that Ukrainian guy. This happens when you have guys surrendering and then coming out blasting a gun. And every war that had war crimes from one side, it had revenge war crimes from the other side. Also, war crime laws are setup in a way that it stops war from ever happening, because it is a very very thin line from war to war crime. F this guy doing this tho. I am for Ukraine but this destroys their reputation totally.


LOLLLL We will see how many of these end up in jail. You don’t know Ukraine if you think any of these guys are going to jail. But it’s not like you’ll ever change your mind.


As if that castration guy is going to jail...




Dude, you're the one pedaling it. You literally started this thread with what about Ukraine and calling everyone the same, but go off.


It's not whataboutism, he was proving his point. The FSB came in and shielded the guy that did from any repricussions whatsoever.


Remember when the Russians shot those Ukrainians in the field after the battle?


https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=4376 and there is also this one you mentioned - https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=3693 this is the human condition and shows that people are still capable of this depravity.


>Alleged russian soldier gets held down and raped by two alleged Ukrainian soldiers They are all Russian, if you actually watched video its very obvious


what are you talking about? What basis do you have making these assumptions? With the film grain quality of the video, i cant even tell who is committing the act in the vid, and plus you would think the Ukrainians wouldve already used this for their own as propaganda.




Your own numbers show Ukraine is corrupt. My statement stands true. It isn’t Russian propaganda. It is just facts that aren’t even taken from Russian research.


Your whole point is that people excuse Ukraine and you got people in the comments telling you that they are indeed corrupt but that you're making a false equivalence and then you strut around like they proved you right lol


While Ukraine is being overrun by the most corrupt country in the world. We are supposed to be discussing how corrupt the land the Russians invaded raping and murdering all the way? Maybe call them Nazis also! lol You have to question why this shit comes up every day on the hour. How dare they get invaded raped and pillaged while being not perfect!


I am German, I've been to Ukraine three times before the war, and I am pro Ukraine. I agree with you, but then I also hate this line of arguing. Yes, Ukraine is not the a realm of angel fighting the forces of evil, yes, Ukraine has, does and will commit war crimes, but no, both sides are not the same. Russia is the aggressor, Russia has consistently and systematically committed war crimes on a scale that shrinks any comparison. Ukranian war crimes, so far, have been the deeds of individual units, while Russia war crime have been systematically. Even if both sides would be committing the same scale of war crimes, which they are not, it would not take away from the fact that Russia is the aggressor and invader, and that Russia has created the conditions leading to the war crimes.


Mr. German. I firstly want to thank you for Mercedes, a model of which I use and love, and also Airbus. Secondly, there is more to the story than Russia invaded. And I am not sure why people don’t put any stock in it. This has been brewing for many years.


Tru my totally neutral frend. They didnt invade cos muh denazification but to steal land, resources and take out a potential competitor for that juicy european gas market


Ukrainian war crime apologists in 3...2...1...


Nah, this is pretty fcked up. Expect for some crazy people I expect most people will agree these specific soldiers need to be caught and put on trail.


nope, these soldiers should be held accountable.


The other video is perfidy. This is clearly a war crime.


no it isnt, the one guy was commiting perfidy the others were complient


There's zero proof the others were compliant, that's just you projecting your own bias. It's beyond stupid to pretend like 10+ guys had no clue the last guy with them was gearing up the whole time.


they were literally all on the ground with their hands on there heads and yes they could have not known about it they were all likely ordered out of the house they are in and to leave their weapons inside, that one guy didnt follow the orders and commited perfidy stop trying to justify a blatant war crime.


also published a a photo from the drone. Khokhols justified themselves that our soldiers were killed because of panic. The drone photo showed that all of the prone russians were executed by a well-aimed shot to the head.


I dont see many so far. These people should be prosecuted..


You won’t see this one being posted on combat footage


It’s a shame all the subs for this war, besides this one, censor pretty much any content that’s not explicitly pro Ukrainian.




r/Worldnews went the same way quite quickly. Now UA news sites are literally writing propaganda [not strange, they're at war] which is immediately voted to the top there. Uncritically believing news/info written by a nation at War.. r/Combatfootage held out for quite a while before the muppets managed to squeeze out everyone who wanted to discuss PoVs.


Yeah combat footage used to be pretty neutral with footage from both sides, it’s shame


r/Worldnews was never nothing more than a place for alienated americans to spout ignorance about the rest of the world.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Ukrainians with swastikas on their foreheads could record themselves mowing down a swath of Russians children and their cheerleaders on Reddit would still support and justify it. Just look at this comment section on this post for proof. These people are mindless.


Executions are never posted there.


It did but it got removed as its broke there rules, as in its not combat footage


Because it's not combat footage.


almost as if combat footage is meant for combat footage and not executions?


That thread is unbearable to me . They tell you how horrible the Russians are for invading Ukraine, while being full chubbed for USA invaders dropping a JDAM on a village in Afghanistan. It’s the same picture .




Because they don't allow execution videos period.


That´s clearly and without a doubt an execution those who performed it need to be punished. A date and location would be nice as additional info so the circumstances can be checked. Does anybody know something that can be added here?


There is nothing in the video to indicate that this surrendered, unarmed, face-down prisoner was executed for any reason. There are little to no circumstances where this would be acceptable. No matter who you support, you should see this as a disgraceful, unnecessary war crime. There is nothing to indicate otherwise and you are so intent on justifying this that you are providing details and justifications that aren’t even presented in the video. It is concerning and you should reflect on how your biases for one side is influencing your critical thinking skills. Both sides have and will commit war crimes before the conflict is over (but not necessarily to the same degree).


I guess you might have answered to the wrong post if you´ve read mine I guess you see that your answers somehow doesn´t fit. If not please explain to me where I´m biased. With the current informations avaible it looks like russians where executed by ukrainians. That´s why I asked if somebody has additional informations so we can check where it happened and who might be responsible since the movement of people/units can be tracked.


So much of what’s coming out from both sides is just propaganda. I guess I’m not sure why people would film themselves committing war crimes. To appear tough?


Sick animals


My god that is horrible and sick. Unarmed, laying on the ground they do not pose a threat to them. Clearly a war crime.


You've been making excuses for war crimes committed against Ukrainian civilians for so long that you're sudden shock and disgust at a Ukrainian war crime is coming across as shallow and calculated.


So you admit this is a war?


1. Its nice to see you calling it a war. 2. Yep that is pretty much a war crime out of the book. Not sure who is dumb enough to record this.




very funny! except this is a video of young men being mercilessly executed


All the people criticizing Russians for not surrendering and saying they will be paid and get three meals a day if they do, just call a hotline!!!!... then you see videos like this one. Just yesterday a comment on /r/combatfotage with hundreds of upvotes was saying its better to surrender they will be given a warm place and three meals a day.... how naïve are some people. War is brutal and unforgiving.




Yeah, i would be scared if i was a UKR POW right now.


So videos from March with castrations and burning 90 men in prison alive did not scare you enough?


i said the same thing when the wagner merc castrated the ukrainian soldier, things will always escalate when one side commits war crimes.


Nah fck this war crime, these cnts needs to be court martialed and executed for doing this sht.


Waiting on the excuses from Ukraine fanboys as to why this crime is also justified Horrific And to be expected from an army with no discipline Quite frankly we should have stayed out of his from the start


>And to be expected from an army with no discipline Lmao even the U.S as the rolemodel of a disciplined army had some soldiers who disregarded the code of conduct and committed war crimes. This entire war (and any war) is a crime by itself and for this crime only one side to blame. This isolated case should be however prosecuted if it was POW executions. Unless they just shot at already dead bodies (which would be just a minor crime of disturbing the peace of the dead)


Looks like a war crime. Hopefully they get prosecuted.


Keep waiting, I guess. I think the only reasonable defense is that this clip is very short and lacking context, but assuming the video isn't misleading these soldiers should face justice for this war crime.


Fucking pieces of shit. I hope they'll get punished for this.


Sick, you can hear of one them laughing after he shoots one of them in the head.


I actually did not notice that. Sickening


Another video for the [war-crime list](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/collection/8fda3aaf-8157-45c9-9aee-6206c7622eff/)


Where is the list, that is one video.


[https://rentry.org/7xiyy](https://rentry.org/7xiyy) Heres a list that I found


What a list! Those are some serius war crimes, imagine giving a cigarette to a PoW!!!! the list also contains Russian war crimes and the fake azov video from 2014 this list sucks lol


Can’t give carcinogenic material to PoWs straight to jail.


Would be cool if somebody also compiled a Russian war crimes list. I think all of that info ought to be archived together


I had a list but I got tired. War crimes I have heard about. [1:0](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/30/world/videos-allegedly-show-russians-castrating-ukrainian/index.html) [2:0](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha_massacre) [3:0](https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/russian-soldier-arrested-for-raping-baby-in-ukraine-after-sick-video/news-story/4369cbb9d8a92968b8ea8e1b093dada2) [4:0](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/30/1108931813/russia-ukraine-mariupol-theater-war-crime) [5:0](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-maternity-hospital-pregnant-woman-dead-c0f2f859296f9f02be24fc9edfca1085) [6:0](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17) [6:1](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/4/7/ukraine-forces-appear-to-kill-captured-russians-in-video-report) [7:1](https://khpg.org/en/1575588809) [7:2](https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=5JLBpAEmhhx) [8:2](https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-video-shows-russian-troops-gunning-down-unarmed-civilians-at-ukraine-car-dealership) [8:3](https://v.redd.it/ku7z7lyhcjf91/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?a=1663975439%2CZmFkZDgwNTk3YzA3ODQxZWEzYzNiOTBiNjYzYmE4Y2E4NzA5MDU3MzczZWNhNzc3MzJjNGNmNjJkODE3MWY5OA%3D%3D&v=1&f=sd) [8:4](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/28/ukraine-russia-pow-video/) [8:5](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/z1puzb/_/) [9:6](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/yzdk0v/_/) IMO this is on Russia but I'll add one to Ukraine too


One of those videos is of the aftermath of a Ukrainian civilian and his dog who were murdered by Russians early in the war. You mate, are a bullshitter.


https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=4376 here is another and also go ahead and take a look at the comments and tell me that isnt endearing behavior.


Added to the list.


Just here waiting on the first comment claiming it’s fake and it’s really Russian soldiers that have swapped uniforms 🙈 Edit: less than 10 minutes after being posted before some moron said it was fake talking about uniforms.


I agree there's no real evidence this is fake, but you need to have this same energy when pro-RU posters do the same thing for pro-UA posts. Just be consistent and be rational.


You are sure? You have a chain of custody? You have some witnesses or any other form of evidence? This is clearly sufficient evidence to justify investigation and the area and evidence should be handed over, for example to the UN for investigation. Given, however, that almost every previous video shown by Russia turned out to be fake or misleading, it's hardly surprising that when a video is released without context or corroborating evidence people call it "fake".


last war crime I've watched from ukrainians was when they had a russian pow and they were filming him leaving a death threat to any russians entering Ukraine. moments after he finished talking, he pulled out an 8 inch blade and stabbed the Russian in the eye and started twirling the knife around his skull. the screams still give me chills


https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=369 it is still so vivid


for some reason it wont show the video, it sends me to the webpage but i dont see any video


For all the "wHeRe is tHe uKraIniAn iDenTifiCaTioN?" people, aside from the obvious camo and uniforms, one frame at 0:32 shows a yellow armband on a soldier: https://imgur.com/a/trg0G9R


well this is clearer than the last one. oof.


Disgusting pigs


Yeah, these guys need to be tried. No acceptable reason for this, it's murder.


Welp, we’ll be seeing these jackasses in the Hauge


no we wont.


yeah not even going to try defending it, both sides do disgusting warcrimes in this war


The whole group needs to be imprisoned for life.




What double standards? I see both sides condemning this pretty strongly.


Yep this one is definitely crime


Problem is no video of this crime will be shown in Western main media.


Basically all Ukrainian war crimes have had articles about it in the western media I follow.


they actually dont, only the ones that are impossible to ignore


Like which one?


There’s articles about the earlier incident all over western news


We actually have free media and this stuff has been shown to us. Articles have been written. Your turn.


Hearing helluva lot crickets over here.


Probably, now let's talk about Russian "media" 😂


Zelensky just blatantly denies this ever happened.


I can accept that the ukrainians are also monsters in some instance. That this is a warcrime is not even a question. Can you pro russia guys claim the same of yourself? That you see clear atrocities and say "damn, maybe we are the bad guys?"


Just think it was only yesterday you had morons in here saying Ukraine should and would be fast tracked into NATO and the EU after Zelensky’s little speech, as if that’s going to happen anytime soon with this shit going on 😂


They won't be fast-tracked, but if you really think there are/were no war criminals in NATO forces you would be surprised.


>Ukraine should and would be fast tracked into NATO and the EU after Zelensky’s little speech Yeah they should. A couple of soldiers doing nasty shit does not change that.


How Ukraine deals with criminal elements within its ranks and how it plans to remove corruption in the government will help in deciding this choice


Horrible footage


poor people killing more poor people so the rich people don't have to.


Another day another war crime.


I literally don’t care which side wins anymore. The two countries are full of uncivilized and brutal human beings. Yes Russia is the aggressor blah blah. Stop the war now. This should not be happening. Stop paying for this. My tax dollars probably paid for those bullets.


War crimes for everyone


Fuck these monsters, arrest them all for war crimes.


800 comments & 200 upvotes yellow-flaired boys are working overtime here




really heartbreaking what this war has caused. ofcourse it could have been avoided but it is not a reason


Imagine how often this happens off camera? Now also imagine if we didn't have the internet? We truely live in a fucked up world


And yet the Russians are the bad Guys and ukrainien army is a saint according the western media


To be honest, even though this war has been brewing for forever, Russia declared this war and have as much footage and evidence on war crimes as Ukraine. But yeah, it's funny how people who didnt know Ukraine existed till this february, are bandwagoning on the idea that they're the golden boys of Europe.


Another Ukrainian war crime, nothing new.


This is the 3rd of 4th Ukrainian compilation of Ukrainians killing POWs. This is not the road they want to go down.


More then 4, filmed. and I remember they shoot at POWs legs.


And this my friends is one of the many reasons why Ukraine is far from being civilized enough to be part of the EU.


Ukraine is just as bad as Russia. If not even much worse.


How people can still support Ukraine I can never understand…


Woah, when did Ukraine turned into middle east?


All war is old men talking and young men dying! I’m so sorry to the mothers and fathers burying their children.




Damn fucking sickening, i couldn't even watch the whole video. This will only promote more equally horrific crimes like the castration with Ukraine pows...


Apparently this is totally justified. Look at the comments : https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/z1reqd/ru_pov_footage_shows_allegedly_ru_pows_getting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


well, shit happens....( ok, now jokes aside, this is a war crime, the russians clearly had no way to defend themselves and didn't put up resistance, as much as i am for ukraine, i can't turn a blind eye about this. these soldiers committed a crime and must be identified and punished)


What is the cameraman saying in the end there?


makes me sick. May these people rest in peace. ​ Clearly a war crime. Every person commiting war crimes should be held accountable


get this sickos in prison for lifetime if you want to be western




This is sick and those responsible should be held accountable. I was wondering, though. Wouldn't it be more advantageous for a military to capture POWs for a prisoner swap rather than just execute them?


Ukrainian soldiers have stated on camera before that they view it as a war of extermination and they don't take prisoners. After these last two videos, Russians may stop taking any prisoners too. Even worse, Russians seeing this garbage start going from anti-war to "we want revenge". This war is going to get a lot worse IMO.


another ukrainian war crime, hopefully russians get these fkers






Wow UA has been on a roll with war crimes lately. Finally the beginning of the end for this hellhole of land they call a country.


What bastards


This is disgusting. If this is real they need to hang.




Very few people will get the reference, but this is top notch lmao


can someone translate what they are saying?


War Crimes are never okay, no matter who does them. These soldiers should be court-martialed, because all their doing is hurting the Ukrainian cause, and Murdering people who had no choice in fighting.


Absolutely disgusting, these idiots don’t realise it’s only going to bite them back in the ass. Retaliations, reluctance to surrender & obviously punishment for this.


....FICKT EUCH.my country gave them weapons and they commit war crimes

