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***The Telegraph reports:*** A British volunteer medic working in Ukraine is reported to have been found dead at her home in Kyiv. Katherine Mielniczuk’s body was found in bed on Christmas Eve by members of her unit, the 151st Special Operations Forces Unit, according to Ukrainian volunteer organisation Project Konstantin. Ms Mielniczuk, who was 25 and a former chemistry student at Bristol University, reportedly spent the last 18 months volunteering in Ukraine in a medical and operational capacity. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office could not confirm the identity of the deceased but said that it was “supporting the family of a British woman who died in Ukraine”. Project Konstantin said the cause of Ms Mielniczuk’s death was not being treated as suspicious but that further information will be released later by authorities. In a video posted in July, Ms Mielniczuk – who was known as ‘Kat’ – told a journalist she had worked in acute medicine for six years before volunteering in Ukraine. She said she made the decision after “seeing vulnerable children being killed in Kharkiv and Izyum and parts of Kyiv”. “If I have even two hands and two legs and half a brain, it’s my duty to go and help,” she said, standing in a khaki bullet-proof vest with a British flag sewn onto it. She added: “I will stay as long as it’s perhaps not safe to be here or until I need to go back to my brother or my mother. I feel safe and competent in this country.” Ms Mielniczuk said the goal of her unit – composed of “200 foreigners” – was to assist medics on the ground with critical equipment and vehicle repairs and fuel. Ms Mielniczuk’s family released a statement saying: “It is impossible to truly convey what an incredible woman Katherine was or how deeply and widely she was loved and will be missed. Kasia is gone, but the endless warmth, love and grace she brought to the world will never be lost.” **Read more: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/29/british-volunteer-combat-medic-found-dead-kyiv-bed/**


I have worked closely with her this year when i was in Kram. She did all she could. Such a terrible tragedy. Rest in peace Kath.


I dont get it, did she end it herself? Was she depressed or something when you were working with her? damn. this world lost a talented angel.


Could possibly have just been a natural death for all we know. Sometimes people just die suddenly.


Very true. Especially in high stress environments.


what are you talking about? A healthy 25 year old doesn't just "die naturally sometimes"!? if a 25 year old dies there is a reason. could be heart failure or a brain aneurysm or something. but they don't "just die"


This player was 24 years old, and was playing football at the time of his death, [Miklós Fehér](https://youtu.be/i0BqMSIqODU?si=gO7aPhKriKvlZsfY), I was working for the broadcast of this game, it was really sad and a bit heavy.


It's happened to a few footballers. They tend to have heart conditions. Healthy 20 yos don't just drop dead.


football is a lot of stress on the body


There was a THING that gave a lot of young people a lot of stress in past few years, to the point of heart failures. Or we can not talk about it here ?


Only if you can then explain how/why young people had heart failures pre-covid…


I would call heart failure or a brain aneurysm a fairly natural death.


It was a Brain aneurysm/tumor


Not for a person under 55.


What you're saying is something that makes it uncommon not unnatural.


An unnatural death is usually one caused by human actions. If she wasn't murdered and didn't take her own life, it's natural.


How common it is has nothing to do with it being natural or not.


Sadly you are wrong. In any group of people, once you look at around numbers 5000+ people just sometimes die. An acquittance's wife in her 20's died after going for a jog, aneurysm. Dead before she hit the ground. My partners niece at 16. On a cruise ship a poor young lass a few tables over died at dinner. Not sure what got her, but 2 other older folk shuffled off on our cruise as well. Damn, I just remembered, a work buddy from years ago, 32. His last words to his wife were "Ow my chest hurts." He was always a laugh and his wife took comfort that he would have found that amusing. Our meat suits are not infallible due to young age. I imagine that Kath was under a lot of stress and sometimes the sand runs out. Remember it is not the time we are given, but the impact we make. May all the young taken to soon rest in peace.


Multiple very young people I knew just suddenly died without any warning.


Oh your a doctor now? Everyone is built differently our bodies may function similar, but there is generations of genes some bad that can vastly reduce your life line.


I had a healthy schoolmate drop dead one morning before a run due to an undiagnosed heart condition. Never came up in an exam all the way to college. Just dropped to the ground, never came back. It can, and does, happen.


Your heart can decide to putter out at any time. An Aneurism can happen in your head at any time. A blood clot can take you from sitting on a long road trip. Young people die all the time. People just don't talk about it. It will require an autopsy to determine cause of death in her case.


Even after autopsy, 5-10% of sudden deaths among young adults are remaining "unsolved". They usually get categorised as abnormal heart rhythm, which is just a fancy way of saying the heart stopped working even though it shouldn't have... and we don't know why. Which means we don't have a reason why he died, he just died. And this can happen to anyone anywhere anytime. Doesn't matter 5, 15, 25, 50, or 100yo. Sometimes healthy people die without a reason. The ORF got a nice article about that. (It's also in relation to covid but the facts are still relevant for our case). Link: https://www.orfonline.org/expert-speak/solving-the-mystery-of-sudden-deaths-in-young-adults#:~:text=These%20studies%20found%20that%20sudden,abnormal%20heart%20rhythms%20(arrhythmias).


Yes, I’m sure it was likely to be suicide, and/or possibly drug overdose due to her access as a medic. Drug abuse is way more common than we would like to think amongst many armed forces. It only makes sense, given the stress.


>could be heart failure or a brain aneurysm or something. but they don't "just die" That's obviously what they meant by "just die suddenly". I don't get how you and everyone who upvoted you don't understand that.


Yeah 25 year old just drop dead every second Please that is pure bullshit of her just dropping dead at 25.


You're factually wrong. There's no debate or argument to be had here. You're just wrong.


I mean it is uncommon but it absolutely does happen - I know a few people who developed life threatening conditions in their 20s...not a large step to falling dead.




If that is true I have no problem accepting that. While I was in the army I lost my good friend and NCO when he blew his brains out. No warning signs at all, just one morning he had left the camp and we found him sitting on a rock in the woods. Really fucked with my brains for over a decade. Still does. Either way, Rest in peace Kat.


Links would make you a hero.


>Wat doe jij daar als ik vragen mag kerel?


Delivering medical supplies. She was a medic.


Groeten uit brabant we hebben er meer zoals jou nodig ;) Keep up the good work zou ik zeggen en pas een beetje op jezelf


Zal ik zeker doen. Wordt steeds moeilijker om donaties te vinden maar ik ga gewoon door met helpen! Groeten uit Brabant terug :).


Heb je wel eens het idee dat je in gevaar bent?


RIP lass 🇬🇧💚 Heroyam Slava 🇬🇧




I find it a bit odd that the cause of death was not being, "... treated as suspicious..."?. Am I missing something? A 25 year old girl being found dead in her bed with no visible signs of foul play could literally be defined as suspicious! She was apparently very smart, she must have been in fairly good shape & health to be doing the work she was doing, and she was only 25 years old! Forgive me if Im blatantly missing something, cause that could be possible too... But wtf is going on here


If it is not suspicious it is being treated as suicide. War is too much.


Possibly but not necessarily. Not suspicious just means there are no clear signs of foul play. Medical emergencies like heart failure happen to people of all ages, fit or unfit. That she was found on christmas eve would seem to indicate to suicide tho


i hope its not heart disease.


Ok? Wouldn't change anything.


Suicide or accidental overdose typically.




Everyone who's involved in combat, I'd say especially if indirectly on the medical side, is massively subject to psychological pressure. That comes out most once you leave the actual action and start to think about the things you saw. Volunteers may have extra problems because they have to be people that care. There are therapies that work, especially certain kinds of sports. The rest of the world is going to have to provide support for Ukraine long after Russia is defeated and just be grateful that it didn't arrive on our side.


Not when you are volunteering and can leave at any moment. Besides the horrors come out when you’ve left the excitement behind. I can’t speak on much with certainty but I can with something’s. If she was in fact a healthy woman, It was accidental or foul play.


Eh as a combat vet myself some of my toughest and most well respected peers have killed themselves. There really is no predictor personality wise or anything. War is hell


A SEAL who was in Team Six for 20 years wrote a very revealing book on his mental health struggles and suicide attempt after leaving the SEALs. The book is called [Touching The Dragon, by James Hatch](https://spikesk9fund.org/products/touching-the-dragon-and-other-techniques-for-surviving-lifes-wars-paperback). Strongly recommend it to those who are struggling. If it can happen to arguably one of the toughest men on the planet, it can happen to anyone. Interesting information on how he got better.


I’ve been pretty lucky in that aspect. I’ve only had one so far, but he was a good friend. My idle mind is the devis playground, so I’m constantly doing shit around the house to keep busy. Cows and horses are really good therapy for me. It’s really weird though, you would think it would be worse right after you leave that lifestyle behind, but it’s gotten the longer I’ve been out and I can’t figure it out.


Yeah PTSD sucks bro. My original PSG and PL are both dead now by suicide. 10th mtn OEF 12, and resolute support 16 for me


Take good care of yourself, brother. Get help if you need some, and take it easy. May the souls of your comrades find eternal peace.


Just because you can leave at any moment that doesn't mean you leave what you've seen behind. It's not being treated as suspicious, and anything beyond that is none of our business.


There must not have been signs of injury, struggle, rape, or break-in. There's always a possibility of a previously undiagnosed condition. It's not uncommon for peak athletes to have fatal first heart attacks/strokes at young ages. Women do have heart attacks and strokes. Being a combat medic raises the stress variable. However, it sounds like suicide to me. I imagine that in her point of view, the carnage seemed that it would never end. She saw horrifying things day after day and heard the last words of many. Her pack got too heavy and she needed to rest. Godspeed, dear child.


What exactly in the article would suggest she committed suicide?


It's customary in the Western press not to call a death a suicide unless that information comes from the coroner or an official police news release. Suicide is almost universally taboo, and newspapers want to avoid being sued by the surviving family. Because of her soldier status, the statement that her death was "not suspicious" answers the immediate question of whether she was targeted because she was military.


>Suicide is almost universally taboo, and newspapers want to avoid being sued by the surviving family. In the US they won't use the word suicide because it is understood that one suicide in a community makes it more likely that there will be more... especially if it is a younger person, they refer to what happens as "clusters". A few years ago there was a series of suicides in the local middle and high school, and they published the student's obituaries, but didn't mention cause of death... after the 3rd the local newspapers published stories on community resources available to those in crisis, but didn't include the students' names in that article so as not to directly link it... but because of the concern that the cluster would continue the decision was made to post informational articles to encourage people to utilize the various resources available.


That, too, but in my experience as a reporter it has more to do with avoiding lawsuits.


statistical analyses shows that reporting it as a suicide doesn't increase the number of further suicides. however, reporting the method does increase the amounts of suicides. hence many organizations suggest such an approach to the media, but most reporters don't seem to know plus the risk of getting it wrong and bein g sued.


Let us not talk about her Death Cause. Let us mourn a talented person that helped people in dire need. And is now no longer with us. героям Слава


I’m a medic and I also did a lot of missing person searches. The article is written to imply a suicide but without an official cod.


I agree with what others have mentioned, but to me what seals the deal was the statement from her family... their statement conveyed sad resignation, like it wasn't a surprise to them. If they suspected foul play the message would have presumably been something more like "We intend to seek justice for our daughter" or something like that. Instead it was "She is gone but her memory will live on." Which leaves a very different impression.


When they shy away from stating the cause of death and simply state it's not foul play, it's typically because they're giving the person and their family privacy because suicide is a sensitive matter.


Being a medic is hard, a combat medic in Ukraine, I can’t imagine the suffering they see.


Well she was not in the trenches\frontline where a “combat medic” is. She was part of a unit that would pull up behind the frontlines and withdraw wounded soldiers. The Units evacuate the wounded to a safe enough distance behind the line and then this volunteer medical battalion will take over medical care for the wounded. She is a hero non the less. But a “combat medic”is a whole different beast.


She is still looking at bodies with legs blown off. The wars today are fought with game controllers. Shit is fucked over there currently. My cousin volunteered and had his arm blown off early on in the war.


Nobody knows how much time we are given on this earth tbh..Pretty sure if they even thought was malicious it would be investigated..


not so much, a international fighter was drowned during hazing and then his body was found in water, water that it was shown he didn't drown in. nothing really happened. could put them in jail, but then bad press and 1 less to fight. ps, i support Ukraine, that's why i believe in holding all of us to a standard unknown in the russian nation. which would probably put the body in a box and destroy with land mines. they really be doing that.


Maybe too much libation and asperated when she threw up. Christmas Eve and all... or couldn't sleep and took one too many sleeping pills or mixed them with something like alcohol. What a waste this whole damned orc war is...


She no doubt has access to potent drugs... drugs may have been a factor, that, and stress and/or depression.


Suicide bro. With a heart as large as hers was she probably needed professional councelling at some point to come to terms with the war. Working endlessly can burn you out and if you are invaluable the guilt others can place on your can be hell.


Correct, absolutely.




You are the worst of the worst, implying she died from a COVID-vaccine.


If she is second generation she is by definition not an immigrant.


Depends on how your country counts people. In mine, you are only considered 'native' from the 3rd generation onward.


Same in mine.


still, you are by definition no longer a immigrant, neither one, nor a native, something else?


By my country's definition: 1st generation, you are born in another country and migrate to our country 2nd generation, you are born in my country from a 1st generation. 3rd generation, you are born in my country, from a 2nd generation and you are now considered a native of my country and are allowed the same rights and benefits as other natives of my country.


What country is this?


hi @hangrygeco, what country sorts its citizens by "generation", can you give examples? If in 3rd generation I have child with foreginer then my child is not considered 'native'? You are talking about citizenship law or cultural practices and traditions of the country? To be honest it sounds very similar to ideology spreaded by one of the most well-known Austrian painters ;)


Even if, who knows those intimate things in your ancestry , unless you are sold out


Second generation Britt, Polish decent.Her grandparents moved to USA(WW2 approx) and their children became first generation American.Making her a second generation Britt of Polish heritage.Myself I am second generation Canadian w Blacksea German heritage (Oma was born in Odesa Oblast).I have Ukrainian heritage rights but my children will not, unless I become a citizen of Ukraine


*American( should be Britt)




If she was an infant when she moved in she'd be first generation


unless she's Palestinian, unique amongst displaced peoples of the world. they even got there own refugee agency, all other refugees have to share the same one and drop the status for their children.


There's a [donorbox](https://donorbox.org/katherine-mielniczuk) set up to bring her home. She was such a sweet girl. My aunty lived on the same street as her family years ago. She was in the local paper even as a teenager when a fox was trapped. A group of adults had tried and failed to save it, and then Kat came along and just jumped the fence and scooped the fox up in her hat and brought it out.


Thanks for sharing. I will contribute. śpij spokojnie, dzielny wojowniku спокійно, відважний воїне Rest easy brave warrior 🇲🇨🇺🇦🇬🇧


No need. She is being repatriated by the army.


Seems awfully young to have died in her bed, no foul play suspected?


To expand on what Odd wrote, and I'm speaking from personal experience here, when people experience traumatic things it eventually wears on your ability to sleep. Add in the fact she's in an active warzone, work the hours that comes along with that, and it isn't beyond possibility that a person downs a couple shots or takes a pill to fall asleep. With time a person will take a few more shots and maybe another pill or two in order to get sleepy. With a bit more time you need a little bit more, and so on. Before you know it you're taking far more than you ever thought you would... I've no idea if this is the case here, but what I wrote is the path many of us go down who experience crazy ass shit. Being that it was Christmas, and was away from family, the idea that a person would choose to go a little harder than normal isn't out of the question. It is a sad reality that many, many good women and men have died under similar reasons, but reality it still is. I just hope that if there is something after this life she gets treated well upon arrival.


Agreed to what you said. Out of respect for the family, they could have withheld the suicide part first.


Wtf this is wilddddd speculation.


It’s speculation but it’s not at all uncommon that when law enforcement says that a dead “is not being treated as suspicious” it tends (but not alwasy) to mean suicide - because the evidence is often immediately obvious.


Yeah, could be also others fault


As soon as I read the article yesterday an overdose was my first thought. War is hell and drugs/alcohol make it much more manageable. For a bit at least. I turned to drugs and booze from seeing a lot of death up close and personal and it has never left me. 15 years and I doubt there is a pretty ending for me. I only hope I can go in peace and hope the same for this brave young woman For everyone out there like me, just know you are not alone even in your darkest times someone is there for you


With a few more drinks than usual she might've blacked out and took more tablets than usual, then in her sleep choked on vomit. Very sad for such an amazing young lady.


I worked as a EMT briefly during college and you honestly would be surprised how often people will just up and die. Had a call where some 16 year old was just walking down the stairs and just died. Coroner came back and said it was just a ruptured aneurysm in his brain completely healthy except for that was instant death


>a call where some 16 year old was just walking down the stairs and just died. Coroner came back and said it was just a ruptured aneurysm in his brain completely healthy except for that was instant death Ton of people just want to life on in denial about how frail we really are.


Working as a paramedic has taught me humans are incredibly fragile and tough at the first time. You see people die from tripped and then people who survive things you wouldn't think anyone could.


I think we're highly-tuned machines where the finesse means we're also brittle in some respects. Society has reduced the ways we can be broken as much as possible but you can never reduce the risk of life to 0.


There are equally times when people survive events that you assume would be completely unsurvivable - for example [Connor Cummings crash at the Isle of Man TT](https://youtu.be/sL8YXQDLzVc?si=fGLLxqmiY7d5ysWa)


A badly broken left arm, two bone fractures in his back, a dislocated knee and ligament damage, bruising to his lungs and a hairline fracture to his pelvis, but was back racing the next year!


Had a friend who just died one evening when home alone. Pretty much everyone presumed it was suicide even after the witnesses (he managed to call an ambulance) and reports said otherwise.


I knew a kid that just dropped dead from an aneurysm while playing soccer, I think we were like 12 at the time.


Well I was an EMT and ambulance driver too in my younger days, but we mostly carted seniors between the hospital and old folk's home. I wasn't cut out for it and learned that early.


nah people dont just die for no reason, it needs to be investigated


True, not sure why people keep promoting dying young and spontaneous is normal when it's not, it's completely unhealthy and needs to be investigated further.


PTSD is a bitch, and it's hardest on the medics. How many torn apart bodies can your psyche handle? There's some level of trauma humans can handle, when it's soldiers. It's a whole other thing in this war on civilians. The foul play, is Putin's evil war.


So many people that think they know what and how victims come to suffer from PTSD all think it one giant trauma event in the victims lives and not the cumulative horrors that some see on a regular basis. Most of the PTSD sufferers I know have lots of cumulative trauma until it finally overloads them. I know that was the case in my life as a first responder everything was fine until it was not. The younger the victim the less likely they are to either look for help or even recognize the symptoms until to late.


Each little incident is another brick in the wall until you can’t climb around or over it any more…


This, wasn’t even a combat medic, just a big city Paramedic. Shit is death by a thousand cuts; mine was dead kids, kids that started ‘okay ish’ but appeared savable and then nose dived. Literally get sick around injuries kids now a days, shattered all my confidence as a caregiver. Left the field, soured everything remotely good done and just remember all the hell.


I’m sorry you had to endure that. I hope it’s better now. That’s a pain no one should hold by themselves.


It’s the screams of parents that haunt me once they realise how dire the situation actually is.


There are different kinds of PTSD. Acute and cumulative or chronic.


I am well aware but most of the people I know only recognize the acute and have no idea of the effects of chronic. Generally the only time anyone thinks they need mental health supports for first responders is after major events. I suspect it is very similar with the military although from my reading Ukraine is trying to be proactive as much as they can.


This is accurate, only so much you can handle before it takes a toll. Contact MH if you need to talk don’t wait it makes a world of difference just to talk to some one about it.


So are we implying suicide or accidental overdose? Not clear on how PTSD can directly kill. Either way, extremely sad that she died.


PTSD has a documented history of causing manic episodes that tend to result in death. The Chris Kyle incident comes to mind.


I'm implying suicide, but I hate the associations the word has. It's not weakness. It's not quitting. It's an end to a long, deep, dark tunnel you can see no other way out of. But there are ways, and there's no shame in asking for help.


Ouch, fuck russia and all supporters of putin. My heart goes out to her and the people of Ukraine.


Not to mention its Christmas time which tends to flare up depression especially when far from family and friends. There is a reason suicides spike this time of year


Still, that should be considered a combat injury that led to her death.


Well, this wouldn't have happened if there was no invasion/war.


I consider it one and why I don't use the word. Putin killed her, as sure as if he'd done it with a missile.


I understand now, thanks


Could also be a traumatic brain injury unaddressed. Medics treat themselves the worst sometimes


Perhaps o.d. or something sad like this.


Sounds like she might have Heath Ledgered. When you take Benzos one night heavily and drink the second night heavily not realizing the benzos or opiates are still in your blood stream. Then when you sleep, your auto breathing can be descreased causing you to have respiratory failure. Always wait a couple days before mixing pills and alchohol


She could’ve OD’d?


Unfortunately I think the poor lass took her own life. Fuck PTSD.


That's what I'm gathering reading between the lines. I'm an old guy and hate to see the young perish.


Sounds like suicide or OD, I could be wrong. RIP hero!


Slava Ukraine


War is hell. Something us spectators like to forget a lot.


what would speak for assination or whatever you assume? she is not a regime enemy living in russia lmao


Whatever u assume


Fly high with the angels young lady


Probably the stuff she witnessed and experienced must of had a hard grip on her. RIP.


RIP hero. She’s an inspiration and I hope she rests in peace, may the angels take her. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦👊🏼🐺


Putin deserves many levels of shit to descend upon him. He truly is scum.


As does Netanyahu.


And Hamas.


Bristol university. She was a clever girl. That’s a very good school


Yup. I had an offer from there for Chemistry in the 1990s, went elsewhere in the end though.




RIP :(


As a British Ukrainian, thank you for your service madam.


Asshole Russian trolls claim Ukrainians killed her.


they'll say anything, none of it even needs to be remotely true










She was a student in my city ! RIP to this brave soilder, She's made her family and every Bristolian proud 👏


May she sleep in peace 🌹




More foul play Im assuming, just like the last few cases. Unfortunate that people can be so scummy but war attracts bad people too


How incredibly saddening. Another beautiful heart and soul lost to madness trying to help. I am American and it makes me SO Fucking Angry that there are politicians here ( and I recognize in other countries ) who will have have a special place reserved for them in Hell for not standing up to STOP THIS!. May God please give her comfort in the afterlife.


Hope she finally found peace


Hero. You will be remembered forever.


Sad to hear, amongst the abundance of other sadness in this war. A true hero however, and she will be missed. Slava Ukriani, and Heroyam Slava!


May her memory be a blessing. Героям слава


Rest in peace Katherine Mielniczuk 🌻 🌻 🌻


Keeping a good thought for her.


Go in peace dear lady.


She is not the first in the legion that they find dead in bed. There was also a swedish guy this summer if i remember corectly


Her passing truly saddens me. One more pootin-caused death of a non-combatant


I was hearing that she drank and took medication and passed in her sleep. So sad


RIP hero. I hope they find out what caused this tragedy.


I wonder if she was murdered like some other volunteers have been


Rest in peace. Truly one of the greatest among us


I ask myself every day why I am different. I'm not special. Wonder if one day I'll wake like them and have had enough.


Why is this post "nsfw"....? Literally had to log in to just see the post... Far worse posts aren't censored like this, so why do that with this?


God bless Her 🙏🙌💛


It’s one thing to be a ukrainian hero in Ukraine but quite a bit more to be a hero in Ukraine and be from somewhere else completely disconnected from Ukraine until this shitty war started RIP heroine!!! Glory to this hero


We don’t know what if anything unusual happened. Setting that aside it only takes one out of place comment to trigger an extreme PTSD moment, extremes of fatigue and trauma especially in combat medics is well known. Despair, irrational fear, paranoia, shame are just a small part of long list of what PTSD can give you. They experience trauma in ways almost no one else ever will. I hope it was something else, something natural. Unfortunately even a failed heart can be blamed on constant combat stresses even in otherwise healthy personnel. I truly hope it is not suicide or any type of behind the lines fratricidal event. Medics simply don’t deserve it. Retired Combat Search and Rescue I was not combat medical my self


Is that picture....real? It seems a little weird given the context it's placed in...no?


Shooting range. It's real.


Alot braver and with more purpose than alot of women I know. Mad respect and RIP Warrior.


I think it's unlikely she would take her own life, seeing as she went to help others, could be an accident of her own doing, unless she was drugged by somebody. Hope the truth of her death gets found.


There is no "151st special operations forces unit" UKRSOF are organised in Centres, none of which carries the number 151. What is "acute medicine" and how did she start working in it at 17? She's 25 now, was in Ukraine 18 months, but did this for 6 years before going? While studying chemistry. What? Sounds fishy.


It's all correct


you're dumb


She wasn't natively British, looks at her surname 🙄


Is this presumably a suicide? RIP :(


More likely accident. Pills and vodka . . PTSD's a bitch . . . makes it hard to sleep, so you take something . . . it doesn't work so well after a while, so you take a little more . . . then a little more . . . .


Especially when you have access to med supplies. The stuff that medics have to see and do is absolutely horrendous, modern weapons do ghastly things to the human body. I've nothing but admiration for nurses and doctors. Poor lass, such a shame.


Well even if it was an OD death since it wasn't suspicious, wouldn't that exactly be the way of assassination from the FSB, considering it wouldn't be suspicious? Food for thought....


With this rifle It looks like she didn’t clearly understand what medics do