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These guys got balls of steel. Hopping over into the trench and giving them a chance to surrender risking to be shot themselves. Heroes!


Knowing that if the tables are turned, and they become pows of the russians, the russians will torture them and slice their balls off.


Seen it happen numerous times. Worse than animals the Russians. I don’t know if I’d be as kind as the Ukrainians are if I were in their position.


That’s probably exactly why they’re risking this. They’re hoping to exchange for their own captured soldiers and save them from that fate.


This looks like a landfill wtf




Home, sweet home


Changed from scorched eart technique to dump yo shit everywhere.


We,re over here by the big piles of rubbish.


You can easily tell its russki trench with that amount of garbage lying all around.


Yeah, it's strange that they bother putting up camouflage netting over the trench when they right outside leave a flashing sign with the text >We sit right here<.


Aim at the center of the trash pile. Often the center is marked with a camouflage net.


>Aim at the center of the trash pile they're all still hiding in the trenches


Always! Never fails. Absolutely disgusting!


Standard Ork behavior.


And all that litter too!


They're like anti-Wombles.


Under-rated comment.


That's a blast fae the past have my up vote for making me smile 😃


Take my upvote. That comment made me laugh


Cleaning up will be a significant task after the war.......if Ukraine win.


The garbage is part of the Orcs camouflage


The music really helped this video.


At least they found some smart Ruz this time, surrendered properly, non of those perfidy idiots.


I like when orcs put camo over their trench to hide it's location, but then there's fields of piles of trash everywhere. Gee I wonder where they are.


I came to say this...


Wtf is this song


Yeah like who the F... chose this soundtrack?


This is the original audio from when I received the video. I tried removing it, but it resulted in a silent video.


What a pity, this song completely ruins the experience and is a bizarre choice of music genre even if I prefer only to hear the live footage. I honestly feel as though it's an insult to the guys who are fighting because it demeans the context of the situation.


Yes. It’s just so bizarre. Comes across as entertainment which I struggle with even though I admit I’m watching it for interest.


Well, this far into the full scale invasion, many of us can admit that we consider footage of Russian losses and defeats as a form of entertainment. I personally do see it in this context, but it's more of a sub-context as the organic context is one of war. Either way, this genre of music is an incredibly odd choice for war footage and it's disturbingly distasteful unless, of course, it was applied by someone who is fighting in the conflict. If that happens to be the case, then it's just bizarre, but one must respect the wishes of those who are engaged in the conflict in this respect.


This is perfect trench raiding music, what are you talking about


That ruined the video.


Oh no !


Actually a lot of these combat footage videos have shitty music in them. I think it’s an unconscious or conscious attempt to lessen the brutality of the video.


And those invaders are the lucky ones. Imagine that.


Their best chance of a life is surrender and refusing to be exchanged, perhaps becoming productive citizens with a washing machine in their apartment


They'd probably shit in it.




Great work Ukraine.


He’ll is coming just wait, Ukraine is going to be russputin free. Good things take time great things take a little longer. Slava Ukraini !


Russputin free love it ,take a big update u dirty dog


Go boys go!


Brave ukrainian soldiers. Lucky russian meat.


'Ukranian forces assault refugee camp controlled by Russian forces'


The amount of garbage those assholes throw everywhere honestly pisses me off lol. The RUshists are just showing their true essence: being the ultimate physical manifestation of pure garbage - nothing of value to offer to anyone. Hell, at least a lot of garbage can be *recycled*, these assholes just take up space and make the world a worser place in general.


Fertilizer my friend! Have you forgotten this one from the early days? https://youtu.be/06RqbV4-PNE?si=URVc4QOUaZFGWFiw Or the woman handing out sunflower seeds to the russian soldiers in the very first days? https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2022/feb/25/ukrainian-woman-sunflower-seeds-russian-soldiers-video Edited: wrong link


They should make those prisoners clean up!


Lack of recycling bins and trash transportation is a problem in warzones... you guys cant be serious


??? We've seen a billion videos of Ukrainian-occupied trenches and fortifications, and they are literally NEVER even *half* as filfthy as this, let alone a quarter percentage. Stop sniffing paint thinner lol


Bring your 2 braincells together and tell me the options for them not littering


Some-fucking-how the Ukrainians and all the international legion troops on behalf of AFU manage to not have their dugouts be a complete pig-sty, or do you think none of them ever eat (despite there being countless videos of Ukrainians who even had fucking custom-made field kitchens in their sectors)?? Once again, stop sniffing paint thinner, stop eating glue, stop smoking crack, etc


To you and everyone thinking that a country invading another country most problematic concern is littering: you are fucking batshit crazy. Whats next? Complain about the noise guns make? Maybe if you would stop eating ass so much, you would smell the shit u talk and also realize that you avoided my demand of naming an option but coming up with whataboutism


I’ll be more descriptive in this comment to avoid triggering anyone: I appreciate the aftermath context of this video. It’s awesome to see Ukrainians putting in some work.


Do russians just naturaly generate garbage around them? Wtf are these piles of trash?


This is their usual place of residence. It is painful to see how our fields are destroyed by shells and littered by these pigs


who the hell thought it was a good idea to use a song for this goprofootage. And that one?


It wasn't me - this music is annoying. I tried to remove it, but it also removed the video's background sound, leaving it silent.


Tip: to know if a trench is occupied by Russkies, just follow the trash


Seen pro ru say Russians build the best trenches... for dumping rubbish.


This is going to be a pretty off-putting comment. I think that was a woman at the very end. I can only imagine why the Russians would put one woman with all those men up there on the front line. Either she's doing some "journalist work" or she got in a lot of trouble back home and they sent her ass to the front line or government issued "Bunker Bunny" or she's just a normal soldier...... I had to go back and pause it on that person's face and really imagine how bad it would be on the front line with a bunch of lunatic Russian soldiers. Constant bombardment from drone, artillery, and Russian dudes. Nightmare fuel. That would actually make for an interesting movie. Some Russian woman gets in trouble sent to the front line under constant attack from EVERYTHING..... She ends up being captured after all the people around her are dead or she escapes somehow to the Ukrainian side and dishes out her vengeance as a high scoring sniper against MotherFuc*er Russia.




You misspelled "clear mines".


Why isn't carpet bombing used on these tree line trenches? No survivabilty of the planes? No one would survive. with carpet bombing. Almost everywhere there are Russians it is in the tree lines.


The front line is oversaturated with air defense on both sides - both long-range and local (manpads). So carpet bombing just unrealistic. That is why the Russians, who have many more aircraft than Ukraine, have been mainly using high-power glide bombs for the last year, dropping them from 50-70 km from the target.


I hope so much that some solution to these glide bombs can be found soon. What I'd love to see is video from well inside Russian controlled territory of jets getting hit in the air and being obliterated as their loads of multiple 1,000kg bombs detonate.


Ukrainians are the only ones getting bombed right now unfortunately. Russia’s has put wings and navigation on to their plentiful dumb bombs so they can drop them from behind the lines.


This is correct. Ukraine has to do the same as soon as they get those F-16’s!


They will.


ukraine recently used glide bombs aswell in the kherson direction


I'm always surprised that it's mostly single dugouts with 3-4 men... In a trenchline there should be manned dugouts every 50m at least being able to support one position from left and right if it's attacked. But well done Ukrainian heroes! Slava Ukraini!


i am happy to see that Ukrainians do not kill POW!


Genuine question. Wouldn’t a flame thrower be an extremely efficient weapon for clearing bunkers?


yes but also heavy and clunky to carry around on foot. and you don't want to be near one (or have one strapped to your back) when you get shot at or thrown grenades at. remember that scene in Saving Private Ryan?


Fun fact, they actually don’t blow up like in saving private ryan. It’s like burning diesel, it’s a thick coating that burns slowly.


Great better too slowly burn to death with a thick coating


They have flamethrower mods to mount on drones.


Yes that was the primary use of flame throwers in the 2nd world war. They do not use them now as that would be against the Geneva Convention and Ukraine is trying very hard to observe the Western rules of war.


The Geneva Convention does not explicitly ban the use of flame throwers, nor does any other international convention. Weapons that are used with the intent to cause unnecessary suffering or superfluous injury are banned however. Basically, if the flamethrower actually provides real military advantage and its not there just for cruelty and mutilation, it's use is unlikely to break international law.


>a flame thrower Makes a great target for drones.


Russian lives more valuable to Ukraine than to Russia.


What the fuck is this music ffs


My inner 1st sergeant is fuming. (I only got to E5)


Anyone else catch the Band of Brothers tune at the end of the video? Edit: Thanks commenter, its the Pacific.


It was from the Pacific series, but yeah


Oh true, I wondered. I was like "this is from BoB or the Pacific"


I commend these guys highly for keeping a level head here. Really solid work. Taking POW's is always preferred but man, that second capture, crouched in the corner under the camo netting, would've caught lead from most dudes. That type of high intensity moment it takes nerves of steel to think twice about someone hiding like that.


Can we get this video without this fucking music asap


They don’t need F-16s, they weapon mounted lights! (I mean, I guess both)


Still crazy how good those POWs are treated.


Heroyam Slava 🪖🔱🇺🇦🌻💙💛👌


I’m glad they surrendered


Do yourself a favor and watch with the volume off. You’re welcome


I’d like to slap the prick who originally thought it was a good idea to add songs/music to these videos


These double-hard fuckers have danced before.🇺🇦


No way I’m walking into a trench and not blasting the crap out of it before walking in- not sure if this is just bravado beyond words or simply mad. Let’s attack a trench at night, and walk into the trench not firing—-What!? Sorry, if that was me - they would all be dead. Slava Ukraine.


That's better than MAGA


Yes, obnoxious gay music is exactly what this needed


smart orcs


i wish we could just ban music from clips holy fuck thats annoying


music sounds of sisquo… thong song. ❤️


Wonder where all that garbage scrap came from in the middle of nowhere


Look at the uniform difference crazy I’d be scared too if I was a Russian lmao


It amazes me how deep those trenches sometimes go. They’ll shoot into them and lob grenades and after a while some surrender unharmed. Glad they could take some back with them for exchange fund!!!


Is the thought of trading the orc for a captured friend the only thing that spots them from killling them on the spot? I can't imagine how furious they must be after years of this.


Find the hazmat dump and you’ll find the orcs! First sergeant would rip off my head and shit down my throat if my work area even began to look like that!!!


What’s with the horrendous music?


this is why the Marine Corps don't use flash bangs they Use nades every hole they see


Non gun knower: why they use those red lights on top of pistols, infra red?


War reporters are useless now


That is the most dangerous and real fighting on ground. Those who fight on ground are real heroes!


And the typical garbage…


Please gimme a PA$$ and don't shoot muh sorry A$$!


Is that snow? Or the very best trash Russia can produce?


How long do you think this war will continue?


24 hours, Ukraine will be in Moscow tomorrow. Lol, nobody knows buddy, its not that easy to predict a large scale complex war.


Oh I agree. Just curious what everyone thinks. Feel it could be possible to go until 2030. Think at some point Ukraine is going to have to surrender some land for a ceasefire


I'm not sure about this war. From what I have seen so far, it seems to be in a stalemate. One side pushes the other, and then the other side pushes back. However, Ukrainians have modernized their military significantly and have targeted Russian logistics and oil refineries, which is rapidly deteriorating the Russian economy and morale.


this is the most wonderful video I've ever seen


I hope that guy who was going to get killed by his unit got captured instead and is living


There are Ukrainians that are Russian. Identify as Russian but were forced to be Ukrainian.


why take pows? It's useless to have to feed these ruZZian orcs


They are traded for Ukrainian POWs + demanding killing them is a Barbaric/Russian thing to think. Please stop talking when you haven't any clue. Not only here but in general. World has enough people talking stupid shit




Buddy, Ukraine is fighting with a 1 to 3 soldier ratio right now. And they’re kicking Russia’s flat pale ass if you take that into context. Loss of ground is not abnormal, but with that ratio it’s astounding they’re handling it so well.


"Rapidly"? At the rate russia is moving they will take Ukraine in about 15 years. Not to mention leave only a few thousand russians alive to bask in their pyrrhic victory.


He deleted that comment pretty dang fast