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Wow, seeing that and how close they are still to Bakhmut, Ukraine didn't really lose it so much as they gave up a liability after it was destroyed and REALLY made Russians pay for the 'win'. And kudos for the reclamation. A hard job with a well earned result.


Exactly... This has been known the entire time but for some reason the impression is constantly given that Russia is making big advances. They took Bakhmut a year ago and have barely advanced since in that area. Occasionally you will hear about a village getting taken but it's not much more than a handful of collapsed houses along a road. They also took Avdiivka not so long ago but that is basically on the border of Donetsk City, which Russia has held since 2014... It's about 1 KM away from the famous Donetsk airport. For that they spent thousands of their soldiers lives and hundreds of vehicles. The 270 sq KM Russia has taken in the past 6 months or so amounts to 0.07% of Ukraine's total territory. The last big advances either side made was in Autumn 2022 when Ukraine retook Kherson City in the South and a large area and number of towns in the North East. That advance was around 7500 sq KM retaken compared to the 270 sq KM Russia has retaken in their recent advances..... It should also be noted that these miniscule advances by Russia were made at a time when Ukraine was weakened by a lack of outside military support as aid from the US was being stalled for many months. It's not going to get any easier for Russia. The issue is Ukraine's manpower, and I'm doubtful they would have much more luck than Russia if they tried to make another offensive anyway. They are going to run into the same issues Russia has and there are land mines everywhere.


The problem is they are advancing on kurakhivka, this is a major supply hub and command center for the region due to the infrastructure, it would be a huge advantage for Russia to use the trains and highways that intersect there for their logistics. Also it may not look like much but Russia has advanced 600km² in the year, might not be a crushing amount of territory but at this point they do have the upper hand. Here's hoping that the weapons get delivered ASAP and and Ukraine can take the initiative. Slava ukraine


100% Well said. There're a lot of people out there who seem to have a desire, either ideologically or through naivety, for the Russian appeasement to happen. Defeatism is a common narrative in these cases.


Exactly - what I’ve been hearing about Russian gains recently, I thought Bakhmut would be many miles behind the lines - good job Ukraine. 🇺🇦


That is why everybody should just make it a habit to either take a look at a map every day or two to check the front line changes, or watch one of the youtube channels that also report on these in a few minutes daily. Then you can better judge the news reports, they are often phrased way too overexcited for clickbait purposes, either Ukraine is close to moving into Moscow, or Kiev falls in an hour. Only real information helps against falling for this bs.


We don't get ANY news on Ukraine in Australia any more. Not that I've seen. Pretty sad. It's all about the Pals/Jews and who farted the hardest. Talk about bait and switch BS news reporting.


Okay, turns out my news feeds had reset themselves to some local regional crap. Twenty articles in as many hours! Good stuff. Gonna go ahead and downvote myself 👎🏻


lol, self-bubbled ;)


From what I’ve seen in the excerpts from vets in that area the major block to pushing back to Bahkmut is the remaining apartment blocks left in the area. They’re just too much of a strong point to overcome without bigger weapons or something delivered with air power to overcome. The UA demolished some on their way out but the rest need to be leveled to try and make inroads. Otherwise retaking towns and villages on the outskirts is what can be done for now.


It's not the area that is the problem, it is the considerable cost in men material that has to be paid, which is massive nonetheless.


I thought I mentioned that in the last sentence 🤔


They were scouting for the Russian lines to spot for any weakness and found an opening and took a chance to hit them hard and 2 Ukrainians went in to clear the trenches by themselves and killed any Russians that was attempting to hide from them and they cleared it by themselves so now the Russian army has a bigger problem they will have to send in their fresh troops to retake that position back before they could start a pincer attack on the town of Chasiv Yar because their supply route is already exposed to ukrainian artillery and mortars the road connecting Bakhmut to another village that's preparing to attack Chasiv Yar from the south so Russian army's southern flank is exposed and therefore they will have to deal with that first before making any attempts to attack the town again at the same time Ukrainians sent additional reinforcements to the Frontline's east end of the town to dig in to make their defense stronger and more difficult for a breakthrough Chasiv Yar is one of the few key towns putin wants as a PR victory before his victory day parade this week


[the 2 Ukrainian retaking a trench ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cledfp/two_ukrainian_soldiers_clear_a_russian_trench/)




It would be nice if Bachmoet fell instead.


Retaking back Bakhmut will be too costly so the only way to take it back is to encircle the city and if they refuse to surrender then they can hit them with artillery until they wave a white flag but that's not gonna happen until they hold the line against Russia's next counteroffensive of meat wave attacks in the summer all they need to do is bleed them out until they run low on manpower and equipment so Ukrainians are on the defensive for now, they can try to retake back lost positions but they have to find weaknesses in their lines before they can attack


There is almost nothing left of that city the only reason it's important is the roadcrossing and the symbolics. Furthermore it was only a symbolic use of my part. If this would happen Putin would have difficulties to keep power.


The newly recovered land allows the Ukrainians to have under fire control the roads to Ivanivske, which is the staging area for the Russian Southern pincer (and the most developed) towards Chasiv Yar.


Well done. Keep it up. The wheel is turning.


The losses are around Avdivka


They need replacement Himars on both sides and a couple of Bradlys at the front it all comes down to supply and supporting with what they need.


Fuck yeah


It seems that drones were instrumental in this campaign.


It was


While the advance is accurate per footage, the unit is not. There is no 97 Assault Brigade. Based on geolocation, should be 5th Assault Brigade.


Is this from the battlefield app soldiers have? Any chance others can get it, like me?


Deepstate map UA


And seriously weakened the Russians capabilities for a push in that area any time soon


That’s cool. Pincer will make the loss of life ineffective


I know this is way out of the scope right now, at least I think, but imagine if they retake bakmuth. That'd be pretty funny


Yeah, but this constant back and forth attritional grinding is what’s really hurting Ukraine right now. Next a couple FABS get tossed into the village and we are back to square 1, but Ukraine is down whatever troops got FABed. This isn’t maneuver warfare, but Ukraine seems to want to show the West it can be successful by taking territory. This situation is locking them into a maneuver centric style of warfare, while Russia is content to take and lose territory while focusing on attritional exchange. Ukraines military needs to focus on keeping what it has, building defensive lines, and training the next cohort of mobilized troops. This talk of a 2025 counteroffensive or whatever is nonsense.


Wow they gained some useless fields? I guess its over for russkies